786 research outputs found

    The phenomenon of nationalism in nation-state

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    Following dissolution of empires, nation-states appeared on the stage of history in the 19th century when they were established as a result of nationalism that came into prominence based on unity of common language and history. it would not be wrong to say that the nationalist movements that started in the 19th century and the transition period to the nation-state structure took place simultaneously. Nationalism has an important role in the process of losing the legitimacy of traditional structures and the emergence of modern states. The nationalist movement and its studies, which gained momentum especially after the world wars, were gen-erally evaluated together with modernism. Even if nationalism is not an ideology, it is undeniable that the na-tion form has existed in social life since ancient times. In addition to the economic, social and cultural reasons and changes that helped the emergence of the nation-state, there is also the concept of "nationalism", which was of interest to sociology at the end of the 19th cen-tury and at the beginning of the 20th century. The nation-state differs from previous state structures with its nationalist nature. Reasons such as changing economic functions, their organization and social change have found reality in the nation-state structure on the political axis and have also formed the cultural essence. It would be appropriate to emphasize that nationalism is undoubtedly the dominant element in the structuring of the nation-state, whether it is based on blood ties, language or cultural unity. The nation-states, which we accept as the modern period state structure, have formed today's modern nation-state structure by adopting nationalism as an ideology in order to integrate their people.  This study seeks to answer certain questions such as whether the idea of nationalism influences the for-mation of nation-state and whether nation-states play an active role in the rise of nationalism. As a result of evaluations, it appears that the idea of nationalism, on one hand, has an active role in the formation of nation-state and nation-state, on the other hand, plays a role in the rise of nationalism as an ideology for keeping together the population living within its territory after its formation process

    The Marine Scientific Research Legislation and the Principles to Be Subject to Foreigners in the Subjects of Sea Creatures, Their Environment and Their Protection in Turkey Seas: Threats

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    There is a possibility of illegal scientific and strategic research in the Turkey Seas. The comprehensive determination of the principles of marine scientific research in the Turkish Seas will play an important role in terms of national security and national interests.Marine scientific research should be regulated by law in Turkey. With the law to be regulated, diplomatic channels or to which institution to apply depending on the subject of the research, application principles, the report principles after the research, how to follow the way about the sample and material taken, legal procedure principles to be applied in case of not obtaining permission or exiting the scope of the permission, etc. should be explained

    An experimental and numerical study of the strengthening of masonry brick vaults

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    Vaults are curvilinear cover systems that cover open spaces formed by the combination of arches. The vaults, built using materials such as stone and brick, are used in historical buildings such as mosques, madrasahs, inns, baths, churches, and monasteries. In this study, experimental studies were carried out to examine the reinforcement techniques with steel and different types of CFRP strip applications applied to masonry vaults. Within the scope of the research, one reference sample, one tie rod, four reinforced CFRP materials of different designs, and a total of six masonry vault samples were tested under axial compression. The test vault samples were also analyzed numerically in the LUSAS Analysis Program, and the test results obtained from the numerical analysis were compared. According to the results obtained, the load-bearing capacity of the reinforced samples increased by at least 45% compared to the non-reinforced sample that was named as the reference

    Monitoring and control of fishery products at sea, landing and sales places in Turkey and its conformity to the European Union common fisheries policy

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    406-412Monitoring and control tools were compared in Turkey and the European Union (EU). The fishing logbook, the origin, the transport, the distribution and sales documents were found to be almost compatible with the EU. It was determined that there were declarations of transfer and landing in the EU. However, they were not available in Turkey. The logbook was mandatory for fishing vessels of 12 meters' length and more in Turkey. Whereas, the logbook was compulsory for fishing vessels of 10 meters' length and more in the EU. The Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) was essential for catching vessels in Turkey. But, it was also obligatory to have for the auxiliary vessels together with catching vessels in the EU. It was found that when it was caught undersized fishery products and the endangered species in Turkey, the products were offered for sales. However, the endangered species could not be traded by buyers

    Performance evaluation in the drip irrigation system credited by agricultural credit cooperatives

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    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye Tarım Kredi Kooperatiflerinin kredilendirdiği İzmir Bölge Birliğine bağlı Aydın ilinde yer alan 18 işletmeye ait damla sulama sistemlerinin performans değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca bu 18 işletmenin de dahil olduğu, Tarım Kredi Kooperatifleri üyesi 52 işletmede de damla sulama sistemlerinin sorunları ile ilgili anket çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Performans değerlendirmesinde ASAE EP 458 (Amerika Ziraat Mühendisleri Topluluğu Mühendislik Uygulamaları) raporundaki kriterler kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bu verilerden damla sulama sistemlerinin istatistiksel eşdağılım (Us), hidrolik eşdağılım (Ush) ve damlatıcı performans değişim (Upf) parametreleri hesaplanarak sistem performansı değerlendirilmiştir. Us değerleri %47-95 arasında yer almış ve damla sulama sistemleri, “iyi”, “orta” ve “yetersiz” olarak kategorize edilmiştir. Ush değerleri %43-95 arasında olup, damla sulama sistemleri hidrolik performans bakımından, “iyi” ve “orta” olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Upf değerleri %51-97 arasında değişmekte olup, damla sulama sistemleri, damlatıcıların tıkanması, su kalitesi ve yapımcı değişim katsayısı açısından, “orta” ve “zayıf” sınıfta yer almıştır. Çalışmada yer alan tüm işletmeler, damla sulama sistemlerinin hidrolik planlaması açısından iyi durumda olmasına rağmen; damlatıcıların tıkanması, rutin bakım ve onarım yapılmaması, kemirgen zararı, test yapılmaması ve su kayıpları gibi nedenlerden dolayı, debi eşdağılımı ve damlatıcı performansı açısından “orta” düzeyde kategori edilmiştir.In this study, performance of drip irrigation systems of 18 companies credited by Turkey Agricultural Credit Cooperative which depends on the İzmir Region Union located in the province of Aydın was evaluated. In addition, including the 18 companies, surveys in regards to problems of drip irrigation systems in 52 enterprises that are members of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives were made. Criteria of ASAE EP458 (American Society of Agricultural Engineers Engineering Practice) were used in this performance evaluation. The acquired data were used to calculate statistically uniformity (Us), hydraulic uniformity (Ush), and parameters of dripper performance change (Upf) of the drip irrigation system and to evaluate the system performance. Us was place between 47-95% values and drip irrigation systems were categorized as "good", "medium" and "inadequate". Ush values were between 43-95%, and drip irrigation systems in terms of hydraulic performance were evaluated as "good" and "medium". Upf values ranged from 51-97%. Drip irrigation systems were placed in "medium" and "weak" classification in terms of the clogging of drippers, water quality, and coefficient of variation of producer. Although all enterprises involved in the study were in “good” condition in terms of hydraulic planning of drip irrigation systems, they were classified as “moderate” in terms of flow uniformity and dripper performance due to plugging of the drippers, lack of routine maintenance and repair, rodent damage, lack of testing and water losses

    Unpacking Turkey's security footprint in Africa: trends and implications for the EU

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    African states are aspiring to strengthen their defence capabilities against the back­drop of ongoing instability in the continent. Turkey has lately added security and defence cooperation to its existing soft power instruments and laid the foundations for long-term strategic cooperation with African countries. Increasing drone sales are an important part of this cooperation, but they are not its only component. A mutually reinforcing policy design of arms exports, military training, and defence diplomacy allows the Turkish administration to build long-term and institutional bonds with African countries. Today, Turkey is one among many security providers that African states can choose from. Also, the European Union (EU), in its February summit with the African Union, committed to strengthening its role in addressing shared peace and security challenges in the continent. To achieve this goal, the EU and its member states should revisit potential cooperation areas with partners that are active in the continent and consider the benefits of potential cooperation with Ankara. (author's abstract

    Organizational Networks, and Management of Disruptions in the Airline Ground Operation Process During Seasonal Crises

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    This study focuses on informal relationships between airlines and suppliers in managing disruptions in the airline ground operation process during peak times in the summer seasons. In this context, the study investigates the change between actors’ formal and informal networks after they face disruptions in the airline ground operation process and their informal exchanges in this process. Antalya Airport was chosen as the research area since it is a leader airport for especially non-scheduled flights during the summer seasons in Turkey. The study was carried out as network research and the network data were collected through face-to-face meetings with actors (17 airlines and 13 suppliers) directly involved in the airline ground operation process. The study reveals that although there are formal contracts between the actors, managers are able to prefer their informal relationships based on close friendships rather than formal networks for the immediate solution of problems in crisis times. In addition, the severity of the disruptions affects the level of the contacted position and there is a direct proportion between them. Moreover, although some actors do not have formal contracts with each other, they can informally and mutually exchange, and they do not bill these exchanges\u27 costs in these crisis periods

    Tekrarlayan pterjiyumlu olgularda konjonktival otogreft transplantasyonu ile kombine amniyotik membran transplantasyonu cerrahisi sonuçları

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    Aim: To evaluate the results of conjunctival autograft transplantation (CAT) combined with amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) surgery in recurrent pterygium cases.Methods: This is a retrospective interventional case series involving patients admitted to our clinic with recurrent pterygium. Patients' examination and postoperative findings were taken through standard slit-lamp examinations. Fourteen eyes of 14 patients were included in the study. All cases were treated with excision, followed by CAT combined with AMT. Corneal recurrence was evaluated as the main result. Fibrovascular proliferation greater than 1 mm on the cornea was accepted as recurrence after surgery.Results: The mean age of patients was 56.4 ± 7.5 (range: 40 – 65) years. During the mean follow-up period of 24.9 ± 10.7 (range: 12 – 50) months, pterygium and symblepharon recurred in only one eye (7.1%) after 4 months.Conclusion: In this study, it was seen that acceptable results were obtain and low recurrence rates could be achieved with the combination of CAT and AMT for the treatment of recurrent pterygium.Amaç: Tekrarlayan pterjiumlu olguların tedavisinde konjonktival otogreft transplantasyonu (KOT) ile kombine amniyotik membran transplantasyonu (AMT) sonuçlarını değerlendirmekMetot: Bu çalışma kliniğimize tekrarlayan pterjiyum ile başvuran hastaları içeren retrospektif girişimsel bir vaka serisidir. Hastaların muayeneleri ve postoperatif bulgular standart yarık lamba biomikroskopi ile yapıldı. Çalışmaya 14 hastanın 14 gözü alındı. Tüm olgularda pterjium eksizyonunu takiben KOT ile kombine AMT yapıldı. Ana sonuç olarak korneal nüks değerlendirildi. Kornea üzerinde 1 mm'den fazla fibrovasküler proliferasyon ameliyat sonrası rekürrens olarak kabul edildi.Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 56.4 ± 7.5 (aralık: 40- 65) yıldı. Ortalama 24.9 ± 10.7 (aralık: 12- 50) aylık takip süresi sonunda sadece bir gözde (% 7.1) 4 ay sonra pterjium ve symblepharon tekrarladı.Sonuç: Bu çalışmada, tekrarlayan pterjium tedavisi için KOT ve AMT kombinasyonu ile kabul edilebilir sonuçlar alındığı ve düşük nüks oranları sağlanabileceği görüldü

    Evaluation of tear film layer and meibomian gland morphology in glaucoma patients

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    Purpose: This study aims to investigate the changes in meibomian gland (MG) morphology and tear film layer in glaucoma patients. Materials and Methods: The study included 88 eyes of 44 glaucoma patients and 166 eyes of 83 healthy subjects. Noncontact meibography and noninvasive tear break-up time (TBUT) tests were performed with the Sirius Scheimpflug camera. Results: The total meiboscore, first and mean noninvasive TBUT, invasive TBUT, and OSDI scores were 3.57 ± 1.57, 9.24 ± 5.86, 10.76 ± 4.81, 7.62 ± 3.04, and 14.11 ± 10.48, respectively, for the glaucoma group and 2.43 ± 1.42, 11.17 ± 5.72, 12.30 ± 4.65, 9.56 ± 3.39, and 8.17 ± 7.17, respectively, for the control group. Conclusion: Morphological changes in the MG, decreases in TBUT tests and increases in OSDI scores were observed in glaucoma patients. The changes in the MG occurring in glaucoma patients may be associated with long-term use of topical antiglaucoma medication