6 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Telah dilakukan perhitungan dan pemetaan nilai koefisien seismik pada 335 titik grid di daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa data historis gempabumi yang memiliki magnitudo ≥5 SR dan kedalaman ≤80 km periode 1977-2007, dengan batasan 60LS-130LS dan 1180BT-1290BT yang bersumber dari BMKG dan USGS. Dengan diketahuinya nilai percepatan tanah maksimum dan nilai percepatan gravitasi bumi yang telah dikoreksi dengan menggunakan koreksi lintang gravitasi untuk tiap titik grid, maka nilai koefisien seismik maksimum dapat dihitung dengan membandingkan nilai percepatan tanah maksimum terhadap nilai percepatan gravitasi bumi untuk tiap titik grid. Setelah dilakukan analisis perhitungan diperoleh nilai koefisien seismik di daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur. Data input berupa nilai percepatan tanah maksimum untuk formulasi Katayama  diperoleh nilai koefisien seismik maksimum sebesar 0.30236. Data input berupa nilai percepatan tanah maksimum untuk formulasi Donovan diperoleh nilai koefisien seismik maksimum sebesar 0.2335 sedangkan data input berupa nilai percepatan tanah maksimum untuk formulasi Murphy-O’Brein diperoleh nilai koefisien seismik maksimum sebesar 0.107720. Kata kunci: koefisien seismik maksimum; percepatan tanah maksimum; formulasi Donovan; formulasi Katayama; formulasi Murphy-O’Brein Abstract  Conducted research on determined and mapping of the value seismic coefficient by using 335 grid points in East Nusa Tenggara. The data which used are earthquake historic data with have condition of magnitude certainty ≥5 SR and deep ≤80 km in periodic 1977-2007, with the limitation region 60S-130S and 1180E-1290E. These data were taken from BMKG and USGS. By using the results of maximum peak ground acceleration and gravity acceleration value which using gravity latitude correction for every grid points, therefor the value of maximum seismic coefficient can be determined by comparing the value of maximum peak ground acceleration with gravity acceleration for ecah grid points. After the analysis, so that maximum seismic coefficient value in East Nusa Tenggara is determined.  Data input from maximum peak ground acceleration Katayama’s formulation yield the value of maximum seismic coefficient is 0.30236. Data input from maximum peak ground acceleration Donovan’s formulation yield the value of maximum seismic coefficient is 0.2335 and data input from maximum peak ground acceleration Murphy-O’Brein’s formulation yield the value of maximum seismic coefficient is 0.107720. Keywords: maximum seismic coefficient; maximum peak ground acceleration; Donovan’s formulation; Katayama’s formulation; Murphy-O’Brein’s formulatio


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    The research aimed at determining the Germination Rate Index (ILG) and Coefficient Velocity of Germination (KLG) of Soybean treated with liquid smoke derived from different plant materials. The seeds were soaked with liquid smoke from 3 different plant sources: Kesambi wood, coconut shell, and rice husk with each source were then divided into six variety of concentration: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 100%. Analysis was conducted by calculating the GRI and CVG based on the parameters observed which were : Germination Time (GT) and Mean Germination Time (MGT). Results showed that liquid smoke derived from Kesambi wood gave the best result in promoting Soybean germination. Based on its ILG and KLG value . Results showed that liquid smoke derived from Kesambi wood gave the best result in promoting Soybean germination. Based on its ILG and KLG value, Kesambi wood-derived liquid smoke with 10% concentration gave the best value which were 50,00 and 2,00 respectively. On the other hand, liquid smoke derived from coconut shell and rice husk inhibited Soybean germination starting from 10% concentration. It is suggested to use liquid smoke derived from Kesambi wood to promote seed germination with lower concentration.The research aimed at determining the Germination Rate Index (ILG) and Coefficient Velocity of Germination (KLG) of Soybean treated with liquid smoke derived from different plant materials. The seeds were soaked with liquid smoke from 3 different plant sources: Kesambi wood, coconut shell, and rice husk with each source were then divided into six variety of concentration: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 100%. Analysis was conducted by calculating the GRI and CVG based on the parameters observed which were : Germination Time (GT) and Mean Germination Time (MGT). Results showed that liquid smoke derived from Kesambi wood gave the best result in promoting Soybean germination. Based on its ILG and KLG value . Results showed that liquid smoke derived from Kesambi wood gave the best result in promoting Soybean germination. Based on its ILG and KLG value, Kesambi wood-derived liquid smoke with 10% concentration gave the best value which were 50,00 and 2,00 respectively. On the other hand, liquid smoke derived from coconut shell and rice husk inhibited Soybean germination starting from 10% concentration. It is suggested to use liquid smoke derived from Kesambi wood to promote seed germination with lower concentration


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian pada lahan kebun contoh Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang. Lahan inimemiliki luas 50 km2 dan didesain sebagai lahan contoh yang disediakan oleh pihak kampus, sebagai tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan praktikum oleh Dosen dan Mahasiswadalam menunjang perkembangan teknologi yang kreatif dan inovatif untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengindentifikasi tipe sedimen tanah di permukaan dan bawah permukaan berdasarkan interpretasi data georadar. Akuisisi datapada penelitian ini dilakukan pada dua lintasan pengukuran yaitu lintasan G1 dengan panjang lintasan 390 meter dan lintasan G2 dengan panjang lintasan 400 meter dengan arah lintasan Timur-Barat. Pengumpulan data georadar dilakukan dengan konfigurasi radar reflection profiling menggunakan transducer 200 MHz yang dilengkapi dengan receiver serta dilakukan pengambilan empat titik sampel tanah secara diagonal pada lokasi penelitian. Pada metode ini, pulsa elektromagnetik (radar) dipancarkan ke dalam tanah sehingga pulsa tersebut dapat diteruskan, dipantulkan dan dihamburkan oleh struktur lapisan tanah di bawah permukaan. Pulsa radar yang dipantulkan akan kembali ke permukaan tanah dan diterima oleh receiver yang telah dipasang di permukaan tanah. Pulsa yang terekam pada receiver inilah yang dapat diolah (prosessing) dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk rekaman pencitraan dua dimensi (2D) berupa penampang radargram. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan interpretasi penampang radargram pada lintasan G1 dan G2 menunjukkan bahwa tipe sedimen tanah pada kebun contoh Politani Kupang dari permukaan tanah sampai pada kedalaman kurang dari dua meter di bawah permukaan tanah merupakan lapisan sedimen tanah grumusol dan mediteran yang berbutir halus sampai kasar. Hasil analisis sifat fisika tanah pada lapisanpermukaan dan bawah permukaan pada kebun contoh Politani Kupang memenuhi tingkat kesuburan tanah

    The nutrional content of flamboyan leaves processed with different processing methods

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    Flamboyant (Delonix regia) is a plant that thrives all year round. This study aims to evaluate the nutritional content of flamboyant leaves processed with different processing methods. The study took in the Animal Feed Nutrition Laboratory of State Agricultural Polytechnic of Kupang from June to August 2022. The experimental design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments tested were F1: flamboyant was dried in the shade for 5 days, F2: flamboyant was soaked in water for 4 hours, F3: flamboyant was soaked in a solution of rubbing ash for 4 hours, F4: flamboyant was ammoniated for 3 weeks, F5: flamboyant was fermented for 3 weeks. The results showed that the treatment tested had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on the content of organic matter, crude protein and crude fiber but had no effect (P>0.05) on the content of dry matter and crude fat. It can be concluded that the water immersion can increase the organic matter content, ammonia treatment increases the crude protein content and reduces the crude fiber content of flamboyant leaves

    Analisis Laju Perkecambahan Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea (L.) Merr.) yang Diberikan Kombinasi Perlakuan Suhu dan Lama Perendaman Asap Cair (Liquid Smoke)

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    The research aims to get to analyze the effect of temperature and liquid smoke soaking combination on the velocity of peanut germination. Parameters measure were; Mean Germinatin Time (MGT), Mean Germinatin Rate (MGR), Final Germintaion Percentage (GT), Coefficient Velocity Of Germination (CVG), Germination Rate Index (GRI). The treatment combinations used were temperature 250C (1), 300C (2), 350C (3) dan 400C (4) and liquid smoke in which the seeds were soaked for 1 hour (a), 2 hours (b) and 3 hours (c). This resulted in 12 treatment combinations. Results showed that the best treatments were control 1 (K0 250C), control 4 (K0 400C) and 4a (K1 400C), with germination velocity as folows: 1.67 cm.day-1, 1.50 cm.day-1 and 2.00 cm.day-1 respectively . However, it is recommended to use soaking in liquid smoke for an hour (1a) in order to further initiate germination development that could hopefully lead to a much higher peanut crop yield during cultivation


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    Conducted research on the identification of active fault pathways in Semangko segment, subsegment Suoh-Kotaagung, Lampung region, Sumatera. Georadar method with radar reflection profiling configuration and geoelectrical method with dipole-dipole configuration have been used in this research to determine the existence of fault pathways and the outlook subsurface structure which potentially indicate earthquake in this area. This research was conducted in 17 lines measurement divided to 4 subsegment of 10 subsegment in Kotaagung area, such as Asahan subsegment (2 lines), Sedayu subsegment (7 lines), Semangka subsegment (3 lines) and Kotaagung subsegment (5 lines). Reflexwave software has been used in georadar data processing obtained from the result of GSSI surveyor 20 measurement. There are five steps to process the data measurement, automatic gain control, static correction, bandpass filter, background removal, and migration to eliminate noise from the data in order to obtain radargram section. In addition, Earthimager 2DINV software has been used in geoelectrical processing data from the measurement of multichannel supersting R8. Inversion from apparent resistivity to actual resistivity has been conducted in this software used to interpret subsurface section in the research area. Identified fault pathways in this research have been indicated by line 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the sedayu subsegment, line 7 and 15 in Asahan subsegment, line 8, 9, and 14 in Kotaagung subsegment. The existence of fault subsegment were detected at shallow depth about 5-58 meter below surface area potentially indicate destructive earthquakes in the research area. Kotaagung subsurface structure is arranged by quartenary sediment, Sandy clay (0.1-80 �m), and sand (100-500 �m) that is separated by granite intrusion (600-100.000 �m) indicating fault pathway