22 research outputs found

    Effects of mineral amendments on trace elements leaching from pre-treated marine sediment after simulated rainfall events

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    Bauxite extraction by-products (red mud) were used to evaluate their potential ability to stabilize trace elements from dredged and aerated/humidified marine sediment. The investigated by-products were: bauxaline®(BX) that is a press-filtered red mud; bauxsol™(BS) that is a press-filtered red mud previously washed with excess of seawater, and gypsum neutralized bauxaline® (GBX). These materials were separately mixed to dredged composted sediment sample considering 5% and 20% sediment: stabilizer ratios. For pilot experiments, rainfall events were regularly simulated for 3 months. Concentrations of As, Mo, Cd, Cr, Zn, Cu, and Ni were analyzed in collected leachates as well as toxicity. Results showed that Cd, Mo, Zn, and Cu were efficiently stabilized in the solid matrix when 20% of BX, BS, and GBX was applied. Consequently, toxicity of leachates was lower than for the untreated sediment, meaning that contaminants mobility was reduced. A 5% GBX was also efficient for Mo, Zn and Cu stabilization. In all scenarios, As stabilization was not improved. Compared to all other monitored elements, Mo mobility seemed to depend upon temperature-humidity conditions during pilot experiments suggesting the need of further investigations

    Stabilization of contaminated marine sediment by addition of bauxite residues : evaluation of potential mobility of trace elements

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    Dans les zones portuaires un dragage régulier des sédiments est indispensable afin de maintenir une profondeur satisfaisante des voies de navigation. Dans ce travail, nous avons cherché à étudier la faisabilité d'un traitement de stabilisation en mélangeant 5% et 20% les résidus de bauxite (Bauxaline®, Bauxsol et Bauxaline® neutralisé) avec les sédiments marins de dragage pollués. L'efficacité de cette méthode de traitement a été évaluée en mesurant la concentration en éléments traces lixiviés et la toxicité des lixiviats des sédiments. L’application d’amendements de 20% résidus de bauxite a permis une réduction significative la concentration des éléments traces cationiques de 40 à 80%, et la toxicité des lixiviats. Quel que soit l’amendement, une faible efficacité de la stabilisation a été observée pour les éléments anioniques (As, Mo)Marine sediments concentrate various pollutants and subsequent sedimentation of harbors and ports require periodic dredging to maintain satisfactory depth of waterways. Direct land deposition of contaminated marine dredged sediments pose risk to the environment due to possible leaching of trace elements. In this context, we aimed to study the feasibility of trace elements stabilization by mixing 5% and 20% of bauxite residues (bauxaline®, bauxsol and neutralized bauxaline®) with composted dredged marine sediment. The treatment efficiency was evaluated by monitoring the leached trace elements concentration and toxicity of sediment leachates. 20% amendment application successfully stabilized cationic pollutants (Cu, Cd, Zn) up to 40-80%, and decreased the toxicity of sediment leachates. Whereas, anionic pollutants (As, Mo) were less immobilized require further investigatio

    Stabilisation d’un sédiment marin pollué en utilisant des résidus de bauxite : évaluation de la mobilité d’éléments trace

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    Marine sediments concentrate various pollutants and subsequent sedimentation of harbors and ports require periodic dredging to maintain satisfactory depth of waterways. Direct land deposition of contaminated marine dredged sediments pose risk to the environment due to possible leaching of trace elements. In this context, we aimed to study the feasibility of trace elements stabilization by mixing 5% and 20% of bauxite residues (bauxaline®, bauxsol and neutralized bauxaline®) with composted dredged marine sediment. The treatment efficiency was evaluated by monitoring the leached trace elements concentration and toxicity of sediment leachates. 20% amendment application successfully stabilized cationic pollutants (Cu, Cd, Zn) up to 40-80%, and decreased the toxicity of sediment leachates. Whereas, anionic pollutants (As, Mo) were less immobilized require further investigationDans les zones portuaires un dragage régulier des sédiments est indispensable afin de maintenir une profondeur satisfaisante des voies de navigation. Dans ce travail, nous avons cherché à étudier la faisabilité d'un traitement de stabilisation en mélangeant 5% et 20% les résidus de bauxite (Bauxaline®, Bauxsol et Bauxaline® neutralisé) avec les sédiments marins de dragage pollués. L'efficacité de cette méthode de traitement a été évaluée en mesurant la concentration en éléments traces lixiviés et la toxicité des lixiviats des sédiments. L’application d’amendements de 20% résidus de bauxite a permis une réduction significative la concentration des éléments traces cationiques de 40 à 80%, et la toxicité des lixiviats. Quel que soit l’amendement, une faible efficacité de la stabilisation a été observée pour les éléments anioniques (As, Mo

    A review on the potential uses of red mud as amendment for pollution control in environmental media

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    Impacts of stormwater pipe materials and pipe repairs on stormwater quality: a review

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    The water quality implications of transferring stormwater through pipes composed of concrete (new and used), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), galvanized corrugated steel (GCS), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and pipes subjected to cured in place pipe (CIPP) and spray in place pipe (SIPP) trenchless repair technologies on stormwater quality are reviewed. Studies involve either the use of flowing water or an immersion experimental design, with data showing contact with pipe materials can affect stormwater quality parameters including pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and concentrations of minerals, metals, and organic constituents, e.g. styrene. ‘In-transport’ changes in pH (1–3 units), EC (2–3-fold), bicarbonate (3–44-fold), and calcium (2–17-fold) in stormwaters were reported following exposure to concrete pipes. Differences between the use of synthetic and field-collected stormwater were identified, e.g. turbidity levels in field-collected stormwater reduced on passage through all pipe types, compared to synthetic water where levels of turbidity on exposure to concrete and cement-based SIPP increased slightly. Transfer through PVC and HDPE pipes had minimal effects on physicochemical parameters, whereas exposure to galvanized corrugated steel pipes led to increases in EC, Zn, and Pb. Though limited data was available, the use of CIPP repairs and associated waste condensate generated during thermal curing and/or incomplete curing of resins was identified to release organic contaminants of concerns (e.g. styrene, vinylic monomers, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), and benzaldehyde). The implications of findings for both future research and stakeholders with responsibility for reducing diffuse pollution loads to receiving waters are considered.CC BY 4.0 License</p

    Quantifying the Present Challenges and Future Perspectives of Energy Crisis in Pakistan

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    ABSTRACT Long-term forecasting of energy demand and supply is extremely important for sustainable development. This study provides a general overview of energy consumption in different sectors because domestic, transportation and industrial sectors are the major contributors of GHG emission. Future energy forecasting helps in the development of sustainable energy scenarios and energy policies. Taking base year 2007, Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) model is used for the projections of future energy demand, supply as well as for greenhouse gas emissions in different sectors for coming decades. Three scenarios Business-asusual (BAU), Biomass conversion (BC) and Cleaner technology were constructed. The results showed rapid increases in energy demand and GHG emissions until 2030. In 2030 increase in energy demand and GHG emission predicted upto 41.3% and 315.4% respectively. In order to sustain this energy demand biomass conversion (BC) scenario proved to be better as Pakistan has a huge potential of renewable resources. INTRODUCTION Energy is the most important tool for development as well as for industrialized economy. For continued human development supply of adequate, secure and inexpensive energy is necessary. Pakistan is facing serious energy shortage problems over the last few decades. The energy system which is composed of demand and supply system is highly interdependent and complex. With the growing energy demands the energy supply is not increasing and as a result every year, the gaps between the energy demand and supply increases. This Gap results in an increase in oil price, ultimately leading to a global recessio

    Comparative Study of Protective Effect of Cimetidine and Verapamil on Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Mice

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    Paracetamol, chemically known as acetaminophen, if taken in higher doses has hepatotoxic potential. Cimetidine by inhibiting the cytochromal enzymes and reducing the production of the toxic metabolite can reduce the hepatotoxic potential while Verapamil can act as a hepatoprotective by maintaining calcium homeostasis. The present study was conducted to study the hepatoprotective activity of Cimetidine and Verapamil against the toxicity induced by paracetamol. In addition to the group receiving only distilled water or 300 mg/kg paracetamol additional groups were added treated with 150 mg/kg Cimetidine and Verapamil alone or both. The Liver function tests and histopathology revealed hepatotoxicity in the group receiving paracetamol (PCM) while normal parameters were observed in the groups receiving Cimetidine and Verapamil. Our results strongly suggested that Cimetidine and Verapamil possess hepatoprotective potential against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity