141 research outputs found

    Bottom-quark effects in Higgs production at intermediate transverse momentum

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    We provide a precise description of the Higgs boson transverse momentum distribution including top and bottom quark contributions, that is valid for transverse momenta in the range mb ≲ p⊥ ≲ mt, where mb and mt are the bottom and top quark masses. This description is based on a combination of fixed next-to-leading order (NLO) results with next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) transverse momentum resummation. We show that ambiguities in the resummation procedure for the b-quark loops are of the same order as the related fixed-order uncertainties. We conclude that the current uncertainty in the top-bottom interference contribution to the Higgs transverse momentum spectrum is O(20%)

    Wearable and interactive mixed reality solutions for fault diagnosis and assistance in manufacturing systems: Implementation and testing in an aseptic bottling line

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    Abstract Thanks to the spread of technologies stemming from the fourth industrial revolution, also the topic of fault diagnosis and assistance in industrial contexts has benefited. Indeed, several smart tools were developed for assisting with maintenance and troubleshooting, without interfering with operations and facilitating tasks. In line with that, the present manuscript aims at presenting a web smart solution with two possible applications installed on an Android smartphone and Microsoft HoloLens. The solution aims at alerting the operators when an alarm occurs on a machine through notifications, and then at providing the instructions needed for solving the alarm detected. The two devices were tested by the operators of an industrial aseptic bottling line consisting of five machines in real working conditions. The usability of both devices was positively rated by these users based on the System Usability Scale (SUS) and additional appropriate statements. Moreover, the in situ application brought out the main difficulties and interesting issues for the practical implementation of the solutions tested

    VEGF-induced intracellular Ca2+ oscillations are down-regulated and do not stimulate angiogenesis in breast cancer-derived endothelial colony forming cells.

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    Endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs) represent a population of truly endothelial precursors that promote the angiogenic switch in solid tumors, such as breast cancer (BC). The intracellular Ca2+ toolkit, which drives the pro-angiogenic response to VEGF, is remodelled in tumor-associated ECFCs such that they are seemingly insensitive to this growth factor. This feature could underlie the relative failure of anti-VEGF therapies in cancer patients. Herein, we investigated whether and how VEGF uses Ca2+ signalling to control angiogenesis in BC-derived ECFCs (BCECFCs). Although VEGFR-2 was normally expressed, VEGF failed to induce proliferation and in vitro tubulogenesis in BC-ECFCs. Likewise, VEGF did not trigger robust Ca2+ oscillations in these cells. Similar to normal cells, VEGF-induced intracellular Ca2+ oscillations were triggered by inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and maintained by store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). However, InsP3-dependent Ca2+ release was significantly lower in BC-ECFCs due to the down-regulation of ER Ca2+ levels, while there was no remarkable difference in the amplitude, pharmacological profile and molecular composition of SOCE. Thus, the attenuation of the pro-angiogenic Ca2+ response to VEGF was seemingly due to the reduction in ER Ca2+ concentration, which prevents VEGF from triggering robust intracellular Ca2+ oscillations. However, the pharmacological inhibition of SOCE prevented BC-ECFC proliferation and in vitro tubulogenesis. These findings demonstrate for the first time that BC-ECFCs are insensitive to VEGF, which might explain at cellular and molecular levels the failure of anti-VEGF therapies in BC patients, and hint at SOCE as a novel molecular target for this disease

    Impact of sleep disorders on behavioral issues in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder

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    BackgroundSleep disorders are one of the most common problems in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, they often tend to be underdiagnosed and incorrectly treated in clinical practice. This study aims to identify sleep disorders in preschool children with ASD and to explore their relationship with the core symptoms of autism, the child's developmental and cognitive level as well as the psychiatric comorbidities. MethodsWe recruited 163 preschool children with a diagnosis of ASD. The Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) assessed sleep conditions. Multiple standardized tests were used to evaluate intellectual abilities, the presence of repetitive behaviors (through the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised), as well as the emotional-behavioral problems and the psychiatric comorbidities (through the Child Behavior Checklist -CBCL 1(1/2)-5). ResultsThe results showed that poor disorders had consistently higher scores in all areas assessed by the CSHQ and on the CBCL across all domains. The correlational analysis showed that severe sleep disorders were associated with higher scores in internalizing, externalizing, and total problems at the CBCL syndromic scales, and in all DSM-oriented CBCL subscales. Moreover, we found that the association between sleep disorders and restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRBs) is explained by the anxiety-related symptoms. ConclusionBased on these findings, the study recommends that screening for sleep problems followed by early intervention should constitute a routine part of clinical practice for children with ASD

    Histopathology and ex vivo insulin secretion of pancreatic islets in gestational diabetes: A case report

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    Gestational diabetes (GD) results from insufficient endogenous insulin supply. No information is available on features of islet cells in human GD. Herein, we describe several properties of islets from a woman with GD. Immunohistochemical stainings and EM analyses were performed on pancreatic samples. Islet isolation was achieved by enzymatic dissociation and density gradient centrifugation. Ex vivo insulin secretion was studied in response to fuel secretagogues. Control islets were obtained from matched non-pregnant, non-diabetic women. Total insulin positive area was lower in GD, mainly due to the presence of smaller islets. β-cell apoptosis and the presence of Ki67 positive islet cells were similar in GD and controls, whereas the amount of insulin positive cells in or close to the ducts was decreased in GD. Ex vivo insulin secretion did not differ between GD and non-pregnant, non-diabetic islets. These findings suggest that in this case of human GD there might mainly be a defect of β-cell amount, not due to increased apoptosis, but possibly to insufficient regeneration

    Rapporto finale sull'impatto del sistema ISWEC nell'area marina interessata (isola di Pantelleria) dal punto di vista idrologico, dei nutrienti e metalli pesanti.

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    Il presente report tecnico riporta i risultati di un monitoraggio dei parametri fisici e biogeochimici della colonna d'acqua finalizzati a valutare l'eventuale impatto ambientale del sistema ISWEC (Inertial Sea Wave Energy Converter). Il sistema è un convertitore di tipo galleggiante che utilizza l'inclinazione del fianco dell'onda per produrre energia elettrica ubicato all’interno della zona ZPS (Zona a Protezione Speciale) in prossimità dell’isola di Pantelleria (Stretto di Sicilia). I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato una variabilità ipotizzabile interna al sistema marino sia per quanto riguarda le principali caratteristiche chimico-fisiche delle acque che per quanto riguarda la componente biogeochimica intesa come nutrienti disciolti e metalli sia disciolti che in fase particolato

    Rapporto tecnico sulle attività di campionamento della “Campagna Oceanografica CISAS_2” Crotone 07-12 dicembre 2017

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    Le attività di campionamento ed acquisizione dati svolte durante la campagna CISAS_2 si inseriscono in seno al progetto “Centro internazionale di studi avanzati su ambiente ed impatti su ecosistema e salute umana (CISAS)” del CNR. L’obiettivo principale del progetto CISAS è la comprensione dei processi e dei meccanismi di trasferimento di alcuni contaminanti convenzionali (metalli pesanti, POPs, radionuclidi, ecc.) e di alcuni contaminanti emergenti (PDBE, composti farmaceutici di nuova generazione, ecc.) dall’ambiente inteso come l’insieme di atmosfera-suoli-acque sotterranee-matrici marine (acque e sedimento) all’ecosistema e all’uomo. Le aree di indagine del progetto sono i Siti di Interesse Nazionale (SIN) di Priolo, Milazzo-Pace del Mela e Crotone che, per specificità e modalità di impatto antropogenico sull’ambiente, l’ecosistema e la salute umana, coprono un ampio spettro di tipologie di interesse. La campagna oceanografica CISAS_ 2 è stata dedicata alla caratterizzazione ambientale del SIN di Crotone, nonché all’identificazione delle sorgenti dei contaminanti la cui distribuzione si ritiene di interesse (per i valori di concentrazione riscontrati nelle diverse matrici ambientali e per livello di tossicità associata agli effetti degli stessi sulla salute dell’ecosistema e dell’uomo) e i pathways di deposizione nelle aree di interesse

    SOS - Piattaforme e Impatti Offshore Report tecnico. I Campagna oceanografica 13-19 maggio 2018

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    Nell’ambito della convenzione stipulata tra il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare (MATTM) e il Dipartimento Scienze del Sistema Terra e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente del CNR (DTA), “SOS-Piattaforme & Impatti Off-Shore” è stata prevista un’indagine ambientale nell’area di interesse di 10 piattaforme off-shore ENI presenti nella zona costiera compresa tra Ravenna e Pescara. In particolare, le attività previste fanno riferimento alla sezione Macro-Attività D della convenzione. Obiettivo principale delle attività di indagine è lo studio della modalità di dispersione in mare delle acque di produzione e una caratterizzazione chimico-fisica ed ecotossicologica delle stesse e delle matrici ambientali (acqua, sedimenti, biota) che ricevono lo scarico. L’attività di ricerca prevede un approccio di analisi ‘integrato’ di tipo chimico, e fisico per lo studio degli effetti della dispersione in mare delle acque di produzione ed ecotossicologico per la valutazione di eventuali danni a organismi selezionati dopo la loro esposizione all’acqua di produzione e all’acqua di mare prelevata a diverse distanze dal punto di scarico. Inoltre, l’azione di ricerca è volta alla definizione di un approccio metodologico innovativo per le future attività di monitoraggio da effettuare attorno alle piattaforme off-shore per la verifica di processi e meccanismi di impatto sull’ambiente e l’ecosistema principalmente da parte dello scarico di acque di produzione. Questa relazione descrive le attività di campionamento e acquisizione dati effettuate durante la I Campagna Oceanografica nell’ambito della convenzione “SOS-Piattaforme & Impatti Off-Shore”. La campagna di campionamento si è svolta nel periodo 13-19 maggio 2018 a bordo del mezzo navale ROCCO UNO della Marine Consulting International e dei mezzi navali ENI KING DAVID e MARE GRIGIO
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