837 research outputs found

    Automating control system design via a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm

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    This chapter presents a performance-prioritized computer aided control system design (CACSD) methodology using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The evolutionary CACSD approach unifies different control laws in both the time and frequency domains based upon performance satisfactions, without the need of aggregating different design criteria into a compromise function. It is shown that control engineers' expertise as well as settings on goal or priority for different preference on each performance requirement can be easily included and modified on-line according to the evolving trade-offs, which makes the controller design interactive, transparent and simple for real-time implementation. Advantages of the evolutionary CACSD methodology are illustrated upon a non-minimal phase plant control system, which offer a set of low-order Pareto optimal controllers satisfying all the conflicting performance requirements in the face of system constraints

    Performance-based control system design automation via evolutionary computing

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    This paper develops an evolutionary algorithm (EA) based methodology for computer-aided control system design (CACSD) automation in both the time and frequency domains under performance satisfactions. The approach is automated by efficient evolution from plant step response data, bypassing the system identification or linearization stage as required by conventional designs. Intelligently guided by the evolutionary optimization, control engineers are able to obtain a near-optimal ‘‘off-thecomputer’’ controller by feeding the developed CACSD system with plant I/O data and customer specifications without the need of a differentiable performance index. A speedup of near-linear pipelineability is also observed for the EA parallelism implemented on a network of transputers of Parsytec SuperCluster. Validation results against linear and nonlinear physical plants are convincing, with good closed-loop performance and robustness in the presence of practical constraints and perturbations

    Maladaptive Planning and the Pro-Innovation Bias: Considering the Case of Automated Vehicles

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    This article argues that a more critical approach to innovation policy within planning is needed and offers recommendations for achieving this. These recommendations entail rethinking the values, focus, speed, and legitimacy of innovations. It takes a critical perspective on how contemporary societies treat rapid innovation as having necessarily positive results in the achievement of objectives such as sustainability and justice. This critical perspective is needed because innovation can both contribute to and drive a form of maladaptive planning: a collective approach to reality that imposes constant and rapid changes to societal configurations due to an obsession with the new and with too little rapport with the problems in place or that it creates. A maladaptive direction for transport planning is used as a sectorial illustration of the broader conceptual ideas presented: for both sustainability and social justice reasons, it would be desirable to see peak car occurring. However, the car industry is presenting driving automation as an innovation with the potential to restore the vitality of the private vehicles market while creating effective means to dismiss alternatives to car dominance

    Grey-box model identification via evolutionary computing

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    This paper presents an evolutionary grey-box model identification methodology that makes the best use of a priori knowledge on a clear-box model with a global structural representation of the physical system under study, whilst incorporating accurate blackbox models for immeasurable and local nonlinearities of a practical system. The evolutionary technique is applied to building dominant structural identification with local parametric tuning without the need of a differentiable performance index in the presence of noisy data. It is shown that the evolutionary technique provides an excellent fitting performance and is capable of accommodating multiple objectives such as to examine the relationships between model complexity and fitting accuracy during the model building process. Validation results show that the proposed method offers robust, uncluttered and accurate models for two practical systems. It is expected that this type of grey-box models will accommodate many practical engineering systems for a better modelling accuracy

    Dual guidance in evolutionary multi-objective optimization by localization

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    In this paper, we propose a framework using local models for multi-objective optimization to guide the search heuristic in both the decision and objective spaces. The localization is built using a limited number of adaptive spheres in the decision space. These spheres are usually guided, using some direction information, in the decision space towards the areas with non-dominated solutions. We use a second mechanism to adjust the spheres to specialize on different parts of the Pareto front using the guided dominance technique in the objective space. With this dual guidance, we can easily guide spheres towards different parts of the Pareto front while also exploring the decision space efficiently

    Application of multilayer perceptron with backpropagation algorithm and regression analysis for long-term forecast of electricity demand: A comparison

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    Having an accurate forecast of future electricity usage is vital for utility companies to be able to provide adequate power supply to meet the demand. Two methods have been implemented to perform forecasting of electricity demand, namely, regression analysis (RA) and artificial neural networks (ANNs). We aim to compare these two methods in this paper using the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) to measure the forecasting performance. The results show that ANNs are more effective than RA in long-term forecast. In addition to that, from our investigation into the effects of the inclusion of economic and social factors, such as population and gross domestic product (GDP), into the forecast, we conclude that the inclusion of economic and social factors do not improve the accuracy of the forecast of the chosen ANN model for electricity demand

    Variability in an effector gene promoter of a necrotrophic fungal pathogen dictates epistasis and effector-triggered susceptibility in wheat

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    The fungus Parastagonospora nodorum uses proteinaceous necrotrophic effectors (NEs) to induce tissue necrosis on wheat leaves during infection, leading to the symptoms of septoria nodorum blotch (SNB). The NEs Tox1 and Tox3 induce necrosis on wheat possessing the dominant susceptibility genes Snn1 and Snn3B1/Snn3D1, respectively. We previously observed that Tox1 is epistatic to the expression of Tox3 and a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 2A that contributes to SNB resistance/susceptibility. The expression of Tox1 is significantly higher in the Australian strain SN15 compared to the American strain SN4. Inspection of the Tox1 promoter region revealed a 401 bp promoter genetic element in SN4 positioned 267 bp upstream of the start codon that is absent in SN15, called PE401. Analysis of the world-wide P. nodorum population revealed that a high proportion of Northern Hemisphere isolates possess PE401 whereas the opposite was observed in representative P. nodorum isolates from Australia and South Africa. The presence of PE401 removed the epistatic effect of Tox1 on the contribution of the SNB 2A QTL but not Tox3. PE401 was introduced into the Tox1 promoter regulatory region in SN15 to test for direct regulatory roles. Tox1 expression was markedly reduced in the presence of PE401. This suggests a repressor molecule(s) binds PE401 and inhibits Tox1 transcription. Infection assays also demonstrated that P. nodorum which lacks PE401 is more pathogenic on Snn1 wheat varieties than P. nodorum carrying PE401. An infection competition assay between P. nodorum isogenic strains with and without PE401 indicated that the higher Tox1-expressing strain rescued the reduced virulence of the lower Tox1-expressing strain on Snn1 wheat. Our study demonstrated that Tox1 exhibits both ‘selfish’ and ‘altruistic’ characteristics. This offers an insight into a complex NE-NE interaction that is occurring within the P. nodorum population. The importance of PE401 in breeding for SNB resistance in wheat is discussed