456 research outputs found

    A cubic C\u3csup\u3e0\u3c/sup\u3e interior penalty method for elliptic distributed optimal control problems with pointwise state and control constraints

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    We design and analyze a cubic C interior penalty method for linear–quadratic elliptic distributed optimal control problems with pointwise state and control constraints. Numerical results that corroborate the theoretical error estimates are also presented.

    Effect of carbonation on bacteria-based self-healing of cementitious composites

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    Self-healing cementitious composites are being developed to respond to the high cost of repair and maintenance of infrastructure. A promising solution is the use of bacteria to induce calcium carbonate precipitation within cracks when they occur and prevent further deterioration. Previous work has shown successful bacteria-mediated self-healing of cementitious composites at early-ages, in conditions where the material was uncarbonated prior to cracking. However, as cementitious composites often crack when they have reached a more aged state and are likely carbonated at the time of crack formation, these previous experiments did not fully reflect the real-world situation. In the present study, we show that for cementitious composites that do not carbonate prior to cracking the calcium hydroxide created as a hydration product is a sufficient source of Ca2+ ions to provide effective bacteria-induced healing. We note that supplying an extra source of Ca2+ ions at the moment of cracking, delivered via encapsulation, further enhances the degree of healing. Importantly however, in carbonated mortars calcium hydroxide is not available as a source of Ca2+ ions. Consequently, we show for the first time that bacteria-based self-healing in mortars that have carbonated prior to cracking is almost totally dependent on the availability of Ca2+ ions released from an encapsulated source. Our study therefore provides important insights for the rational design of self-healing concrete, where the conditions of the concrete during service life need to be taken into consideration when choosing between direct addition or encapsulation of calcium sources to ensure optimal performance.<br/

    Effect of carbonation on bacteria-based self-healing of cementitious composites

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    Self-healing cementitious composites are being developed to respond to the high cost of repair and maintenance of infrastructure. A promising solution is the use of bacteria to induce calcium carbonate precipitation within cracks when they occur and prevent further deterioration. Previous work has shown successful bacteria-mediated self-healing of cementitious composites at early-ages, in conditions where the material was uncarbonated prior to cracking. However, as cementitious composites often crack when they have reached a more aged state and are likely carbonated at the time of crack formation, these previous experiments did not fully reflect the real-world situation. In the present study, we show that for cementitious composites that do not carbonate prior to cracking the calcium hydroxide created as a hydration product is a sufficient source of Ca2+ ions to provide effective bacteria-induced healing. We note that supplying an extra source of Ca2+ ions at the moment of cracking, delivered via encapsulation, further enhances the degree of healing. Importantly however, in carbonated mortars calcium hydroxide is not available as a source of Ca2+ ions. Consequently, we show for the first time that bacteria-based self-healing in mortars that have carbonated prior to cracking is almost totally dependent on the availability of Ca2+ ions released from an encapsulated source. Our study therefore provides important insights for the rational design of self-healing concrete, where the conditions of the concrete during service life need to be taken into consideration when choosing between direct addition or encapsulation of calcium sources to ensure optimal performance.<br/

    The effects of biomineralization on the localised phase and microstructure evolutions of bacteria-based self-healing cementitious composites

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    Microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) is one of the most effectivemechanisms to achieving self-healing abilities in cementitious composites. However, there has only been limited understanding of the effect of the MICP process on the mineralogy and microstructure of the cementitious matrix closely mixed with the healing products. This study systematically assessed the effect of biomineralization on the localised cementitious binders at micro and atomic level combining different characterisation techniques (i.e. XRD, FTIR and μCT). The results show that, in addition to the formation of CaCO3 polymorphs that close the crack space, the MICP process will also modify the phase assemblages near the healed cracks. For the first time we observed that when the most common source of calcium for the MICP process (calcium hydroxide) is limited, ettringite and C-S-H can also act as the providers of the calcium for the biomineralization process to take place. The detailed microstructure characterisations support that, apart from the dense thin layer (around 0.5 mm) of healing products formed on the surface of the cracks, loose particle-like calcium carbonate crystals can also form in pores and voids, suggesting that healing can also be generated in deeper sections of the crack. The outcomes of this study advance the fundamental understanding of the MICP process in Portland cement binders, and will also assist the further evaluation of the durability performances of these self-healed cementitious composites

    Expressing the human proteome for affinity proteomics: optimising expression of soluble protein domains and in vivo biotinylation

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    The generation of affinity reagents to large numbers of human proteins depends on the ability to express the target proteins as high-quality antigens. The Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) focuses on the production and structure determination of human proteins. In a 7-year period, the SGC has deposited crystal structures of >800 human protein domains, and has additionally expressed and purified a similar number of protein domains that have not yet been crystallised. The targets include a diversity of protein domains, with an attempt to provide high coverage of protein families. The family approach provides an excellent basis for characterising the selectivity of affinity reagents. We present a summary of the approaches used to generate purified human proteins or protein domains, a test case demonstrating the ability to rapidly generate new proteins, and an optimisation study on the modification of >70 proteins by biotinylation in vivo. These results provide a unique synergy between large-scale structural projects and the recent efforts to produce a wide coverage of affinity reagents to the human proteome

    Contact-controlled amoeboid motility induces dynamic cell trapping in 3D-microstructured surfaces.

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    On flat substrates, several cell types exhibit amoeboid migration, which is characterized by restless stochastic successions of pseudopod protrusions. The orientation and frequency of new membrane protrusions characterize efficient search modes, which can respond to external chemical stimuli as observed during chemotaxis in amoebae. To quantify the influence of mechanical stimuli induced by surface topography on the migration modes of the amoeboid model organism Dictyostelium discoideum, we apply high resolution motion analysis in microfabricated pillar arrays of defined density and geometry. Cell motion is analyzed by a two-state motility-model, distinguishing directed cellular runs from phases of isotropic migration that are characterized by randomly oriented cellular protrusions. Cells lacking myosin II or cells deprived of microtubules show significantly different behavior concerning migration velocities and migrational angle distribution, without pronounced attraction to pillars. We conclude that microtubules enhance cellular ability to react with external 3D structures. Our experiments on wild-type cells show that the switching from randomly formed pseudopods to a stabilized leading pseudopod is triggered by contact with surface structures. These alternating processes guide cells according to the available surface in their 3D environment, which we observed dynamically and in steady-state situations. As a consequence, cells perform "home-runs" in low-density pillar arrays, crawling from pillar to pillar, with a characteristic dwell time of 75 s. At the boundary between a flat surface and a 3D structured substrate, cells preferentially localize in contact with micropillars, due to the additionally available surface in the microstructured arrays. Such responses of cell motility to microstructures might open new possibilities for cell sorting in surface structured arrays

    Evaluation of the SpeeDx ResistancePlus® GC and SpeeDx GC 23S 2611 (beta) molecular assays for prediction of antimicrobial resistance/susceptibility to ciprofloxacin and azithromycin in Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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    European collaborative group: Raquel Abad Torreblanca, Lena Rós Ásmundsdóttir, Eszter Balla, Irith De Baetselier, Beatrice Bercot, Thea Bergheim, Maria José Borrego, Susanne Buder, Robert Cassar, Michelle Cole, Alje van Dam, Claudia Eder, Steen Hoffmann, Blazenka Hunjak, Samo Jeverica, Vesa Kirjavainen, Panayiota Maikanti-Charalambous, Vivi Miriagou, Beata Młynarczyk-Bonikowska, Gatis Pakarna, Peter Pavlik, Monique Perrin, Joseph Pett, Paola Stefanelli, Kate Templeton, Magnus Unemo, Jelena Viktorova, Hana ZákouckáPortugal: Maria-José Borrego (INSA)Background: Accurate molecular assays for prediction of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)/susceptibility in Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng) can offer individualized treatment of gonorrhoea and enhanced AMR surveillance. Objectives: We evaluated the new ResistancePlus® GC assay and the GC 23S 2611 (beta) assay (SpeeDx), for prediction of resistance/susceptibility to ciprofloxacin and azithromycin, respectively. Methods: Nine hundred and sixty-seven whole-genome-sequenced Ng isolates from 20 European countries, 143 Ng-positive (37 with paired Ng isolates) and 167 Ng-negative clinical Aptima Combo 2 (AC2) samples, and 143 non-gonococcal Neisseria isolates and closely related species were examined with both SpeeDx assays. Results: The sensitivity and specificity of the ResistancePlus® GC assay to detect Ng in AC2 samples were 98.6% and 100%, respectively. ResistancePlus® GC showed 100% sensitivity and specificity for GyrA S91 WT/S91F detection and 99.8% sensitivity and specificity in predicting phenotypic ciprofloxacin resistance. The sensitivity and specificity of the GC 23S 2611 (beta) assay for Ng detection in AC2 samples were 95.8% and 100%, respectively. GC 23S 2611 (beta) showed 100% sensitivity and 99.9% specificity for 23S rRNA C2611 WT/C2611T detection and 64.3% sensitivity and 99.9% specificity for predicting phenotypic azithromycin resistance. Cross-reactions with non-gonococcal Neisseria species were observed with both assays, but the analysis software solved most cross-reactions. Conclusions: The new SpeeDx ResistancePlus® GC assay performed well in the detection of Ng and AMR determinants, especially in urogenital samples. The GC 23S 2611 (beta) assay performed relatively well, but its sensitivity, especially for predicting phenotypic azithromycin resistance, was suboptimal and further optimizations are required, including detection of additional macrolide resistance determinant(s).This work was supported by the O¨rebro County Council Research Committee and the Foundation for Medical Research at O¨rebro University Hospital, O¨rebro, Sweden.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio