69 research outputs found

    Comparison of harvester output with forest survey data

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    Bakalaureusetöö Metsanduse õppekavalAntud töö eesmärgiks on uurida, millised on harvesteri andmete ja metsakorraldusandmete erinevuste põhjused puidu mahu hindamisel. Algandmeid omavahel võrreldes on näha, et metsakorraldusandmed näitavad 6,3% suuremat mahtu kui harvesteri andmed. Antud andmeid aluseks võttes võiks väita, et metsakorraldajad hindavad mahtu tegelikust suuremaks. Andmeid lähemalt kõrvutades ja erinevaid põhjuseid vaadeldes võib aga järeldada, et metsakorraldajad hindavad keskmiselt mahtu 8% väiksemaks. Harvesteri mahu puhul pole arvestatud seemne- ja säilikpuudega, langile jäävate raiejäätmetega, samuti töötlemiseks vajaliku ülemõõduga. Metsakorraldusandmete puhul pole omakorda arvestatud iga-aastase juurdekasvuga. Erinevaid takseerimisel kasutatavaid tunnuseid omavahel võrreldes on näha, et teatud puhkudel hindavad metsakorraldajad mahtu suuremaks ja teatud puhkudel väiksemaks. Erinevate takseertunnuste üle või alla hindamine on kindlasti teema, mida tasuks edasi uurida ja mida saab väga erinevate tunnuste lõikes analüüsida.The aim of the thesis is to find out from where comes the difference between timber volumes at harvester data and a forest survey data. When comparing the primary data it shows that forest survey data gives 6,3% larger quantities than a harvester one. Basing the conclusions on the data at hand you could say that forest managers are over evaluating the numbers. Comparing the data more closely and reviewing different aspects, instead it can be concluded that forest managers are evaluating the numbers smaller by 8%. Concerning the harvester data there has not been taken into consideration the seed trees and old crop trees, felling waste that has been left on the area and also the fact that a harvester is programmed to collect the material with small reserve in measures. The same is with forest management data where the yearly increment has not been taken into a consideration. Comparing the different features that are used in forest survey it shows that in certain cases forest managers are either over or under evaluating the planed outcome. The over and under evalaution in forest survey is someting that should be researced further through different perspectives

    Elektrooniliste kanalite kasutamine turismisihtkoha turunduses Pärnumaa näitel

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    Algkooli laste vanemate ja õpetajate teadmised tervislikust toitumisest ja laste tegelik toitumine

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    Laste vale toitumine ja sellest tulenevad terviseprobleemid on viimasel ajal järjest aktuaalsemaks muutuv teema. Laste toitumise üle on kõige suurem kontroll lapsevanematel. See, mida ja kuidas lapsevanemad enda lastele toiduks pakuvad, sõltub aga suurel määral nende teadmistest selle kohta, mis on tervislik. Käesoleva uurimuse eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada, millised on lapsevanemate teadmised tervislikust toitumisest ja kas laste tegelik toitumine on vanemate teadmistega kooskõlas. Kuna algkooli lapsi võib mõjutada juba ka koolikeskkond, uurisin ka õpetajate teadmisi ja nende nägemust kooli rollist lapse toitumise mõjutamisel. Valimi moodustasid 233 1.-4 klassi lapse vanemat ja 39 õpetajat. Lapsevanematele ja õpetajatele mõeldud küsimustike koostamisel oli aluseks võetud IDEFICSi ja CFQ küsimustikud. Tulemustest selgus, et lapsevanemate ja õpetajate teadmised tervislikust toitumisest on paremad, kui lapse tegelik toitumine. Kusjuures paremini toituvad need lapsed, kelle vanemate teadmised on paremad. Vanemate käitumist analüüsides selgus, et paljud vanemad kasutavad ebasoovitavaid käitumismustreid nagu näiteks lapse sööma sundimine ja toiduga premeerimine ja karistamine. Õpetajate vastustest tuli välja, et koolil on oluline roll lapse toitumise suunamisel ja tervislike eluviiside edendamisel ning kooli personal peaks sellele tähelepanu pöörama. Edasiste uurimuste käigus oleks vaja välja selgitada, mis põhjustel vanemate käitumine ei vasta teadmistele ning kuidas vanematel aidata vastavalt teadmistele lapse toitmisel toimida.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4429202~S1*es

    A SUMO-Dependent Protein Network Regulates Chromosome Congression During Oocyte Meiosis

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    During Caenorhabditis elegans oocyte meiosis, a multi-protein ring complex (RC) localised between homologous chromosomes, promotes chromosome congression through the action of the chromokinesin KLP-19. While some RC components are known, the mechanism of RC assembly has remained obscure. We show that SUMO E3 ligase GEI-17/PIAS is required for KLP-19 recruitment to the RC and proteomic analysis identified KLP-19 as a SUMO substrate in vivo. In vitro analysis revealed that KLP-19 is efficiently sumoylated in a GEI-17-dependent manner, while GEI-17 undergoes extensive auto-sumoylation. GEI-17 and another RC component, the kinase BUB-1, contain functional SUMO Interaction Motifs (SIMs) allowing them to recruit SUMO modified proteins, including KLP-19, into the RC. Thus dynamic SUMO modification and the presence of SIMs in RC components generate a SUMO-SIM network that facilitates assembly of the RC. Our results highlight the importance of SUMO-SIM networks in regulating the assembly of dynamic protein complexes

    Characterisation of the biflavonoid hinokiflavone as a premRNA splicing modulator that inhibits SENP

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    We have identified the plant biflavonoid hinokiflavone as an inhibitor of splicing in vitro and modulator of alternative splicing in cells. Chemical synthesis confirms hinokiflavone is the active molecule. Hinokiflavone inhibits splicing in vitro by blocking spliceosome assembly, leading to accumulation of the A complex. Cells treated with hinokiflavone show altered subnuclear organization specifically of splicing factors required for A complex formation, which relocalize together with SUMO1 and SUMO2 into enlarged nuclear speckles. Hinokiflavone increases protein SUMOylation levels, both in in vitro splicing reactions and in cells. Hinokiflavone also inhibited a purified, E. coli expressed SUMO protease, SENP1, in vitro, indicating the increase in SUMOylated proteins results primarily from inhibition of de-SUMOylation. Using a quantitative proteomics assay we identified many SUMO2 sites whose levels increased in cells following hinokiflavone treatment, with the major targets including 6 proteins that are components of the U2 snRNP and required for A complex formation

    Micro-proteomics with iterative data analysis:proteome analysis in <i>C.elegans</i> at the single worm level

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    Proteomics studies typically analyze proteins at a population level, using extracts prepared from tens of thousands to millions of cells. The resulting measurements correspond to average values across the cell population and can mask considerable variation in protein expression and function between individual cells or organisms. Here, we report the development of micro-proteomics for the analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans, a eukaryote composed of 959 somatic cells and approximate to 1500 germ cells, measuring the worm proteome at a single organism level to a depth of approximate to 3000 proteins. This includes detection of proteins across a wide dynamic range of expression levels (&gt;6 orders of magnitude), including many chromatin-associated factors involved in chromosome structure and gene regulation. We apply the micro-proteomics workflow to measure the global proteome response to heat-shock in individual nematodes. This shows variation between individual animals in the magnitude of proteome response following heat-shock, including variable induction of heat-shock proteins. The micro-proteomics pipeline thus facilitates the investigation of stochastic variation in protein expression between individuals within an isogenic population of C. elegans. All data described in this study are available online via the Encyclopedia of Proteome Dynamics (), an open access, searchable database resource

    Targeting of SUMO substrates to a Cdc48-Ufd1-Npl4 segregase and STUbL pathway in fission yeast

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    In eukaryotes, the conjugation of proteins to the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) regulates numerous cellular functions. A proportion of SUMO conjugates are targeted for degradation by SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases (STUbLs) and it has been proposed that the ubiquitin-selective chaperone Cdc48/p97-Ufd1-Npl4 facilitates this process. However, the extent to which the two pathways overlap, and how substrates are selected, remains unknown. Here we address these questions in fission yeast through proteome-wide analyses of SUMO modification sites. We identify over a thousand sumoylated lysines in a total of 468 proteins and quantify changes occurring in the SUMO modification status when the STUbL or Ufd1 pathways are compromised by mutations. The data suggest the coordinated processing of several classes of SUMO conjugates, many dynamically associated with centromeres or telomeres. They provide new insights into subnuclear organization and chromosome biology, and, altogether, constitute an extensive resource for the molecular characterization of SUMO function and dynamics