16 research outputs found

    Parallel algorithm for dominant points correspondences in robot binocular stereo vision

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    This paper presents an algorithm to find the correspondences of points representing dominant feature in robot stereo vision. The algorithm consists of two main steps: dominant point extraction and dominant point matching. In the feature extraction phase, the algorithm utilizes the widely used Moravec Interest Operator and two other operators: the Prewitt Operator and a new operator called Gradient Angle Variance Operator. The Interest Operator in the Moravec algorithm was used to exclude featureless areas and simple edges which are oriented in the vertical, horizontal, and two diagonals. It was incorrectly detecting points on edges which are not on the four main directions (vertical, horizontal, and two diagonals). The new algorithm uses the Prewitt operator to exclude featureless areas, so that the Interest Operator is applied only on the edges to exclude simple edges and to leave interesting points. This modification speeds-up the extraction process by approximately 5 times. The Gradient Angle Variance (GAV), an operator which calculates the variance of the gradient angle in a window around the point under concern, is then applied on the interesting points to exclude the redundant ones and leave the actual dominant ones. The matching phase is performed after the extraction of the dominant points in both stereo images. The matching starts with dominant points in the left image and does a local search, looking for corresponding dominant points in the right image. The search is geometrically constrained the epipolar line of the parallel-axes stereo geometry and the maximum disparity of the application environment. If one dominant point in the right image lies in the search areas, then it is the corresponding point of the reference dominant point in the left image. A parameter provided by the GAV is thresholded and used as a rough similarity measure to select the corresponding dominant point if there is more than one point the search area. The correlation is used as a final decision tool when there is still more than one point in the search area. If there is no dominant point in the search area of if the points in the search area are below a correlation threshold, then the dominant point in the reference image is occluded and can not be corresponded. The algorithm has been modeled, implemented and shown to be fast, robust and parallel. The parallelism is created from three main features: locality of the operators; a memory optimization scheme; and the ability to fully parallelize the extraction phase which is the most computational intensive task in the algorithm. The last feature is achieved by performing the extraction phase on the two images simultaneously

    An Analysis Of English-Indonesian Translation Procedures Of Kingsman 2 Movie Script

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    This research aims at 1) identifying of translations procedure applied in Kingsman 2 movie and its subtitling 2) describing the translation accuracy found in Kingsman 2 movie and its subtitling.The data from this study were taken from minute 00:01-00:20 and collecting of 205 sentence or data and the data source from this study was an English-language film. The data from this study analyzed in four steps are; reading and understanding the full movie, identifying the types, revealing the following table and the last is analyzing the data. The result from this study divided into two parts, the first part about the translation procedures and the second part is about the translation accuracy. Firstly, the researcher found 15 translations procedure in Kingsman 2 movie and its subtitling. The highest percentage of the data is transposition which has 41,63% with 85 data. And the low percentages are Descriptive Equivalent, Recognized Translation, Compensation, Couplets. Those techniques have a percentage of 0,4% or 1 of the data.Secondly, From the analysis of the translation accuracy in Kingsman 2 movie and its subtitling, the researcher found out that most of the translations are accurate.Total 179 (87,32%) data were in the accurate category, then 24 (11,71%) data were in the less accurate category, and 2 (0,98%) data were included in the inaccurate category


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    Perkembangan teknologi pada zaman sekarang membuat hampir setiap orang menjadikan teknologi sebagai kebutuhan. Berbagai macam pekerjaan pun sudah dapat terkoneksi melalui teknologi yang dinamakan jaringan internet. Beberapa badan usaha bahkan instansi sudah lebih memilih menggunakan teknologi Wireless Local Area Network dikarenakan pemakaiannya yang sangat mudah, akan tetapi masih sangat sedikit yang memperhatikan keamanan komunikasi data pada jaringan wireless. Address Resolution Protocol Poisoning merupakan salah satu jenis serangan pada jaringan Wireless Local Area Network dengan akses terbuka. Dari cara tersebut penyerang mampu mengendus data frame dan melakukan modifikasi traffic atau bahkan menghentikan traffic internet. Pada kasus ini serangan dapat dianalisis menggunakan metode live forensics karena data yang diteliti berupa volatile data yang hanya dapat ditemukan pada penyimpanan Random Access Memory atau pada traffic jaringan. Volatile data bersifat sementara dan hanya akan ada pada saat system masih menyala, sehingga informasi bukti digital serta perilaku dari attacker yang melakukan serangan dapat diketahui menggunakan metode live forensics. Terdapat pendeteksian pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan aplikasi Intrusion detection system Snort yang akan mengirimkan alert ketika sistem diserang


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    Nowdays, the development of technology makes technology a necessity for almost everyone.Various kinds of jobs can also be connected through a technology called the internet network.because it’s easy to use, some businesses and agencies are already using wireless local areanetwork technology, but most of them pay less attention to data communication security onwireless networks. One type of attack on on Wireless Local Area Network with open access is theaddress resolution protocol poisoning. By using it, attackers can find the data frames and modifyor even stop the internet traffic, because the data studied is in the form of volatile data that canbe found only in RAM storage or on network traffic, so the attack in this case can be analyzed byusing the live forensics method. Volatile data is temporary and will only exist when the system isstill on, so that digital evidence information and the behavior of the attacker who carried out theattack can be identified by using live forensics method. There is detection in this study using theIntrusion detection system Snort application which will send alerts when the system attackedPerkembangan teknologi pada zaman sekarang membuat hampir setiap orang menjadikanteknologi sebagai kebutuhan. Berbagai macam pekerjaan pun sudah dapat terkoneksi melaluiteknologi yang dinamakan jaringan internet. Beberapa badan usaha bahkan instansi sudah lebihmemilih menggunakan teknologi Wireless Local Area Network dikarenakan pemakaiannya yangsangat mudah, akan tetapi masih sangat sedikit yang memperhatikan keamanan komunikasi datapada jaringan wireless. Address Resolution Protocol Poisoning merupakan salah satu jenisserangan pada jaringan Wireless Local Area Network dengan akses terbuka. Dari cara tersebutpenyerang mampu mengendus data frame dan melakukan modifikasi traffic atau bahkanmenghentikan traffic internet. Pada kasus ini serangan dapat dianalisis menggunakan metodelive forensics karena data yang diteliti berupa volatile data yang hanya dapat ditemukan padapenyimpanan Random Access Memory atau pada traffic jaringan. Volatile data bersifatsementara dan hanya akan ada pada saat system masih menyala, sehingga informasi bukti digitalserta perilaku dari attacker yang melakukan serangan dapat diketahui menggunakan metode liveforensics. Terdapat pendeteksian pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan aplikasi Intrusiondetection system Snort yang akan mengirimkan alert ketika sistem diserang


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    ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas tentang tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Kholidyah dalam Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum, yang difokuskan pada konsep suluk-nya. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini dirincikan menjadi tiga sub masalah. Pertama, mengenai sejarah dan perkembangan tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah berdasarkan versi Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum. Kedua, makna hakikat Mursyid, Murid, serta amaliah dalam tarekat tersebut secara menyeluruh. Ketiga, konsep suluk dalam karakteristik serta substansinya berdasarkan ajaran tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah dalam Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode historistas dan deskriptif interpretatif. Penggunaan metode historistas ini berkaitan dengan analisa perkembangan serta penyebaran-nya di dunia, terkhusus di nusantara. Perkumpulan-perkumpulan tarekat yang berhaluan Naqsyabandy sangatlah banyak, sehingga perlu adanya penarikan garis batas dari segi-segi silsilah ke-mursyidan. Kesejarahan suatu tarekat tidak pernah lepas dari unsur pewaris silsilah, yakni dari ke-guruan sekaligus penerus ke-mursyidan. Sedangkan metode deskriptif dan interpretatif adalah untuk memaparkan hasil wawancara dari narasumber terkait, dan memberikan beberapa argumen sebagai fariabel pendukung untuk mencermati suluk secara ilmiah. Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan beberapa temuan, yakni mengenai kejelasan historitas tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah menurut Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum, dan isi daripada substansi suluk. Sejarah tarekat Naqsyabandyah Kholidiyah dalam Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum memiliki keperbedaan yang signifikan dengan tarekat yang lain, yakni ditemukanya garis silsilah dalam kepenerusan mursyid yang berbeda. Temuan tersebut didapat dari urutan yang ke-30, dari silsilah tersebut memberikan ciri khas tersendiri bagi Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum tersebut. Temuan yang kedua adalah pada lima kurikulum atau amalan wajib bagi pengamalnya, yakni wirid sendiri, wirid berjamaah (tawajuh), ubudiyah, suluk, dan ziarah. Dari kelima kurikulum tersebut tidak dapat dipilih atau ditinggalkan salah satunya, kelima-nya saling terkait dalam proses pengamalan tasawuf menurut ajaran tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah berdasarkan Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum. Namun diantara kelima-nya terdapat satu amalan yang sangat sarat makna, dikarenakan kompleksitas hakikatnya, yakni suluk, bahwa suluk memiliki suatu keutamaan proses tersendiri bagi pelakunya, suluk sangat erat sekali dengan proses spiritual secara dimensional

    Analisis Address Resolution Protocol Poisoning Attack Pada Router Wlan Menggunakan Metode Live Forensics

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    Nowdays, the development of technology makes technology a necessity for almost everyone.Various kinds of jobs can also be connected through a technology called the internet network.because it's easy to use, some businesses and agencies are already using wireless local areanetwork technology, but most of them pay less attention to data communication security onwireless networks. One type of attack on on Wireless Local Area Network with open access is theaddress resolution protocol poisoning. By using it, attackers can find the data frames and modifyor even stop the internet traffic, because the data studied is in the form of volatile data that canbe found only in RAM storage or on network traffic, so the attack in this case can be analyzed byusing the live forensics method. Volatile data is temporary and will only exist when the system isstill on, so that digital evidence information and the behavior of the attacker who carried out theattack can be identified by using live forensics method. There is detection in this study using theIntrusion detection system Snort application which will send alerts when the system attacke