41 research outputs found

    Flexible-Robotic Reflector for Aerospace Applications

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    Existing dish based antennas tend to have geometric morphologic distortion in the surface due to drastic thermal changes common in the space environment. In this paper we present a new concept for a dynamic antenna specially designed for communication satellites. The suggested flexible-robotic antenna is based on a dual-reflector structure, where the subreflector has a complex surface shaping robotic mechanism allowing it to fix most of the morphologic errors in the main reflector. We have implemented a set of searching algorithms allowing the hyper redundant robotic subreflector to adapt its surface to the morphologic distortions in the main reflector. The suggested new antenna was constructed and tested in an RF room in which it was able to fix the loss caused by distortion in the main reflector to the original gain in less than an hour

    Altered somatic hypermutation patterns in COVID-19 patients classifies disease severity

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    IntroductionThe success of the human body in fighting SARS-CoV2 infection relies on lymphocytes and their antigen receptors. Identifying and characterizing clinically relevant receptors is of utmost importance.MethodsWe report here the application of a machine learning approach, utilizing B cell receptor repertoire sequencing data from severely and mildly infected individuals with SARS-CoV2 compared with uninfected controls.ResultsIn contrast to previous studies, our approach successfully stratifies non-infected from infected individuals, as well as disease level of severity. The features that drive this classification are based on somatic hypermutation patterns, and point to alterations in the somatic hypermutation process in COVID-19 patients.DiscussionThese features may be used to build and adapt therapeutic strategies to COVID-19, in particular to quantitatively assess potential diagnostic and therapeutic antibodies. These results constitute a proof of concept for future epidemiological challenges

    Possible Pharmacological Interventions in Infertility

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    Review of the physiology of the menstrual cycle, infertility data and definition, factors which contribute to infertlity, different mechanisms of infertility (Female and Male), along with possible pharmacological interventions for infertility treatment.egységes, osztatlanáltalános orvosango

    Psychological Forest: Predicting Human Behavior

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    We introduce a synergetic approach incorporating psychological theories and data science in service of predicting human behavior. Our method harnesses psychological theories to extract rigorous features to a data science algorithm. We demonstrate that this approach can be extremely powerful in a fundamental human choice setting. In particular, a random forest algorithm that makes use of psychological features that we derive, dubbed psychological forest, leads to prediction that significantly outperforms best practices in a choice prediction competition. Our results also suggest that this integrative approach is vital for data science tools to perform reasonably well on the data. Finally, we discuss how social scientists can learn from using this approach and conclude that integrating social and data science practices is a highly fruitful path for future research of human behavior

    Efficient algorithms for center problems in cactus networks

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    Efficient algorithms for solving the center problems in weighted cactus networks are presented. In particular, we have proposed the following algorithms for the weighted cactus networks of size n: an O(n log n) time algorithm to solve the 1center problem, an O(n log 3 n) time algorithm to solve the weighted continuous 2-center problem. We have also provided improved solutions to the general p-center problems in cactus networks. The developed ideas are then applied to solve the obnoxious 1-center problem in weighted cactus networks


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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue “Determinar la relación que existe entre el empleo táctico de helicópteros como medio de reconocimiento y la Instrucción militar a los cadetes de cuarto año del arma de caballería de la Escuela Militar de Chorrillos, 2017”, con el propósito de optar el título de Licenciado en Ciencias Militares. Se desarrolló una investigación de tipo correlacional, con un diseño no experimental transversal. Constituyó una población de 51 cadetes del personal militar, se obtuvo una muestra probabilística de 46 del personal. A la luz de los resultados en los diversos aspectos y tipos de estudio investigados, sobre las variables: Empleo táctico de helicópteros como medio de reconocimiento y la Instrucción militar, se ha comprobado; mediante la encuesta realizada a los oficiales y a los cadetes del Arma de Caballería, se obtuvo un resultado de 74.57% y 67.17% respectivamente de las variables, se encontró así el valor calculado para la validación Rho de Spearman de un Coeficiente de correlación de ρ = 0.036 es menor que el valor que aparece en la tabla de “Valores críticos r(α;η) de la distribución ρs de Spearman” se obtiene 0.425 con un nivel de significancia (0.05), dando como una correlación positiva débil, entre las variables; dando a la hipótesis general, la validez necesaria, ratificando una relación significativa en las variables de estudio, con los resultados de la hipótesis general y las específicas. Palabras Claves: Helicópteros medios reconocimiento, Características técnicas, Misiones de reconocimiento, Instrucción Militar, instrucción teórica y práctica

    Conditions of Political Choreography

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    "Conditions of Political Choreography” was a joint project that took place in 2016 and 2017 at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) in Berlin and the Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv. This project pushed both formal and political boundaries through experimental works by internationally renowned artists, performers, theatre-makers, and dancers, who were invited to respond to each institution and its social-political context

    Elevated CO2 compensates for drought effects in lemon saplings via stomatal downregulation, increased soil moisture, and increased wood carbon storage

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    Tree growth enhancement under elevated [CO2] is much smaller than originally anticipated; yet carbon overabundance can lead to increased wood carbon storage and to stomata] downregulation and hence reduced water use. Notably, all three outcomes increase tree drought resistance. Here we studied growth, water relations, and nonstructural carbohydrates of 60 lemon saplings growing in CO2-controlled rooms at the same greenhouse, under 400, 650, and 850 ppm (CO2]. At each [CO2] level, 10 saplings were exposed to 1-month dry-down after 2 months of standard irrigation, followed by re-watering for another month. The other 10 saplings served as controls. Under drought, tree growth was maintained at elevated, but not ambient, CO2, linked with mild vs. severe tree water stress (leaf water potential of 3.5 at elevated and 5.5 MPa at ambient [CO2]). Stomatal downregulation with increasing [CO2] meant that leaf transpiration and diurnal plant water-use were 13-46% lower at elevated vs. ambient [CO2] but photosynthesis was still 15-25% higher. CO2-induced increases in root and shoot starch were transient but significant. Our results suggest that when predicting tree growth in a warmer and drier future, concomitant atmospheric CO2 concentration must be considered. In young lemon trees, elevated CO2 partially compensated for drought effects on tree growth and water status, and might delay some of the effects of the anthropogenic climate change