156 research outputs found

    El juego como una estrategia para favorecer el desarrollo de la autorregulación emocional en los niños de 4 años a través de la educación virtual en una I.E. particular de Santiago de Surco

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    La presente investigación surge de la problemática que presentan muchas escuelas ya que tienden a subestimar el juego y, el rol que tiene en el aprendizaje y desarrollo integral del niño. Además, a partir de la crisis sanitaria ocasionada por el COVID-19, las escuelas priorizan los objetivos de aprendizaje y sesiones académicas sobre el juego y disfrute del niño, lo cual representa una problemática. Por esta razón se implementará la investigación-acción para el presente estudio. El cual tiene como propósito confirmar si los juegos son una estrategia pertinente para favorecer el desarrollo de la autorregulación emocional en niños de 4 años en una I.E. particular de Santiago de Surco, a través de la educación virtual. El trabajo de investigaciónacción, consiste en presentar la definición del juego y autorregulación emocional, su importancia y cómo éstos pueden ser desarrollados efectivamente por medio de la educación virtual. A partir de ello, es elemental brindarle mayor importancia al juego durante la educación virtual, visto que el juego le permite al niño desarrollar la autonomía, apropiarse de diversos espacios y aprender a interactuar con otros de forma asertiva. Del mismo modo, provee variedad de experiencias que le permiten al niño descubrir el mundo de manera significativa para él.The following research aims to confirm the role of play and if it is a relevant strategy to promote the development of emotional self-regulation in 4-year-old children in an Educational Institution of Santiago de Surco, during virtual education. Throughout the following research paper, we will discover the definition of play and self-regulation, their importance and social impact, and how they can be effectively developed during virtual education. This is an issue of great importance because schools tend to underestimate the role and impact of play during the development and learning process of a child. Furthermore, schools have prioritized the annual learning objectives and academic achievements over play and joy, which represents a problem during the health crisis caused by COVID-19. Therefore, it is a pressing issue to incorporate play during virtual education, since play allows the child to develop autonomy, discover different learning contexts and learn to interact with others, following social norms. In addition, it provides a wide variety of experiences that allows the child to discover the world in a meaningful way

    Repression of nodal expression by maternal B1-type SOXs regulates germ layer formation in Xenopus and zebrafish

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    AbstractB1-type SOXs (SOXs 1, 2, and 3) are the most evolutionarily conserved subgroup of the SOX transcription factor family. To study their maternal functions, we used the affinity-purified antibody antiSOX3c, which inhibits the binding of Xenopus SOX3 to target DNA sequences [Development. 130(2003)5609]. The antibody also cross-reacts with zebrafish embryos. When injected into fertilized Xenopus or zebrafish eggs, antiSOX3c caused a profound gastrulation defect; this defect could be rescued by the injection of RNA encoding SOX3ΔC-EnR, a SOX3-engrailed repression domain chimera. In antiSOX3c-injected Xenopus embryos, normal animal–vegetal patterning of mesodermal and endodermal markers was disrupted, expression domains were shifted toward the animal pole, and the levels of the endodermal markers SOX17 and endodermin increased. In Xenopus, SOX3 acts as a negative regulator of Xnr5, which encodes a nodal-related TGFβ-family protein. Two nodal-related proteins are expressed in the early zebrafish embryo, squint and cyclops; antiSOX3c-injection leads to an increase in the level of cyclops expression. In both Xenopus and zebrafish, the antiSOX3c phenotype was rescued by the injection of RNA encoding the nodal inhibitor Cerberus-short (CerS). In Xenopus, antiSOX3c's effects on endodermin expression were suppressed by injection of RNA encoding a dominant negative version of Mixer or a morpholino against SOX17α2, both of which act downstream of nodal signaling in the endoderm specification pathway. Based on these data, it appears that maternal B1-type SOX functions together with the VegT/β-catenin system to regulate nodal expression and to establish the normal pattern of germ layer formation in Xenopus. A mechanistically conserved system appears to act in a similar manner in the zebrafish

    La escuela como promotora de prácticas inclusivas en el nivel de inicial

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    En la presente investigación nos interesamos en estudiar las prácticas pedagógicas favorecedoras de la inclusión educativa para niños con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE). Consideramos que es un tema de gran importancia, debido que la gran mayoría de escuelas no tienen los recursos necesarios y/o no están preparadas para atender la diversidad, así como las necesidades e intereses propios de estos niños. El objetivo general de la investigación fue describir el rol de la escuela en la promoción de prácticas inclusivas en beneficio de niños y niñas con NEE. El primer objetivo específico fue identificar definiciones asociadas a las prácticas inclusivas de niños y niñas con NEE. El segundo objetivo específico fue identificar el rol de la escuela y sus funciones en relación a las prácticas inclusivas de niños y niñas con NEE. La pregunta que guía esta investigación es: ¿cuál es el rol de la escuela como promotora de prácticas inclusivas de niños con NEE en educación inicial? El capítulo I presenta los conceptos necesarios para comprender la importancia de la educación inclusiva. Asimismo, se identifican las políticas de la educación inclusiva nacionales e internacionales. El capítulo II expone las implicancias para ser una escuela inclusiva, los agentes participativos dentro de la I.E., el rol que cumple la escuela para lograr la inclusión, las prácticas pedagógicas inclusivas y el perfil de un docente inclusivo. La investigación muestra que la escuela cumple con un rol fundamental en la promoción de prácticas inclusivas, ya que favorece tanto la entrada como la permanencia de niños y niñas con NEE. Asimismo, contribuye al desarrollo integral garantizando los derechos de educación de todos los niños por igual, así como promueve la diversificación de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de todos los estudiantes. El impacto que esperamos que esta investigación genere es concientizar e informar a la comunidad educativa acerca de la situación y que las escuelas replanteen sus programas educativos inclusivos en el Perú

    Increased posterior cingulate functional connectivity following 6-month high-dose B-vitamin multivitamin supplementation : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    B vitamins are essential for optimal brain and body function, and are particularly important for cortical metabolic processes that have downstream effects on mitigating oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been linked to poor psychological outcomes including psychological distress, which has wide-reaching implications for the community and the workplace. Given work-related stress has been associated with poor mental health outcomes, high-dose B vitamin supplementation may be effective in improving brain function and psychological outcomes via attenuation of oxidative stress. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigated psychological outcomes following 6-month supplementation of a high-B-vitamin multivitamin in a large sample of healthy adults (n = 108, aged 30–70 years), as well as changes in default mode network functional connectivity in a subset of the original sample (n = 28). Improvements in occupational stress, general health, perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and mood profiles were identified for both active and placebo groups over time (p < 0.05 corrected). Seed-based functional connectivity analysis centered on the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) showed that connectivity between the PCC and the caudate increased for the active treatment group, but decreased for the placebo group (p < 0.05 corrected). These findings reveal a substantial intervention effect for both active and placebo treatments, which could in part be associated with a placebo effect in subjective measures. There was, however, a significant treatment effect in the objective measure of functional connectivity, suggesting that reduced psychological stress and high-B-vitamin multivitamin supplementation may lead to an increase in DMN and caudate functional connectivity, which might reflect a strengthening of neurocircuitry within areas associated with reward and emotion at rest. Future studies should consider a placebo run-in methodology to reduce the placebo effect on the subjective measures of stress

    Increased posterior cingulate functional connectivity following 6-month high-dose B-vitamin multivitamin supplementation : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    B vitamins are essential for optimal brain and body function, and are particularly important for cortical metabolic processes that have downstream effects on mitigating oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been linked to poor psychological outcomes including psychological distress, which has wide-reaching implications for the community and the workplace. Given work-related stress has been associated with poor mental health outcomes, high-dose B vitamin supplementation may be effective in improving brain function and psychological outcomes via attenuation of oxidative stress. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigated psychological outcomes following 6-month supplementation of a high-B-vitamin multivitamin in a large sample of healthy adults (n = 108, aged 30–70 years), as well as changes in default mode network functional connectivity in a subset of the original sample (n = 28). Improvements in occupational stress, general health, perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and mood profiles were identified for both active and placebo groups over time (p < 0.05 corrected). Seed-based functional connectivity analysis centered on the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) showed that connectivity between the PCC and the caudate increased for the active treatment group, but decreased for the placebo group (p < 0.05 corrected). These findings reveal a substantial intervention effect for both active and placebo treatments, which could in part be associated with a placebo effect in subjective measures. There was, however, a significant treatment effect in the objective measure of functional connectivity, suggesting that reduced psychological stress and high-B-vitamin multivitamin supplementation may lead to an increase in DMN and caudate functional connectivity, which might reflect a strengthening of neurocircuitry within areas associated with reward and emotion at rest. Future studies should consider a placebo run-in methodology to reduce the placebo effect on the subjective measures of stress

    Fast and flexible selection with a single switch

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    Selection methods that require only a single-switch input, such as a button click or blink, are potentially useful for individuals with motor impairments, mobile technology users, and individuals wishing to transmit information securely. We present a single-switch selection method, "Nomon," that is general and efficient. Existing single-switch selection methods require selectable options to be arranged in ways that limit potential applications. By contrast, traditional operating systems, web browsers, and free-form applications (such as drawing) place options at arbitrary points on the screen. Nomon, however, has the flexibility to select any point on a screen. Nomon adapts automatically to an individual's clicking ability; it allows a person who clicks precisely to make a selection quickly and allows a person who clicks imprecisely more time to make a selection without error. Nomon reaps gains in information rate by allowing the specification of beliefs (priors) about option selection probabilities and by avoiding tree-based selection schemes in favor of direct (posterior) inference. We have developed both a Nomon-based writing application and a drawing application. To evaluate Nomon's performance, we compared the writing application with a popular existing method for single-switch writing (row-column scanning). Novice users wrote 35% faster with the Nomon interface than with the scanning interface. An experienced user (author TB, with > 10 hours practice) wrote at speeds of 9.3 words per minute with Nomon, using 1.2 clicks per character and making no errors in the final text.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, presented at NIPS 2009 Mini-symposi

    Sucrose and starch intake contribute to reduced alveolar bone height in a rodent model of naturally occurring periodontitis

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    Funding: This research project was funded in part by the Strategic Research Excellence Initiative 2020 (SREI2020), University of Sydney to JE and the University of Sydney HMR + Implementation Funding Grant to VC, DLC and SS.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    An Interactive Web-Based Lethal Means Safety Decision Aid for Suicidal Adults (Lock to Live): Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Counseling to reduce access to lethal means such as firearms and medications is recommended for suicidal adults but does not routinely occur. We developed the Web-based Lock to Live (L2L) decision aid to help suicidal adults and their families choose options for safer home storage. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to test the feasibility and acceptability of L2L among suicidal adults in emergency departments (EDs). METHODS: At 4 EDs, we enrolled participants (English-speaking, community-dwelling, suicidal adults) in a pilot randomized controlled trial. Participants were randomized in a 13:7 ratio to L2L or control (website with general suicide prevention information) groups and received a 1-week follow-up telephone call. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics were similar between the intervention (n=33) and control (n=16) groups. At baseline, many participants reported having access to firearms (33/49, 67%), medications (46/49, 94%), or both (29/49, 59%). Participants viewed L2L for a median of 6 min (IQR 4-10 min). L2L also had very high acceptability; almost all participants reported that they would recommend it to someone in the same situation, that the options felt realistic, and that L2L was respectful of values about firearms. In an exploratory analysis of this pilot trial, more participants in the L2L group reported reduced firearm access at follow-up, although the differences were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The L2L decision aid appears feasible and acceptable for use among adults with suicide risk and may be a useful adjunct to lethal means counseling and other suicide prevention interventions. Future large-scale studies are needed to determine the effect on home access to lethal means. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03478501; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03478501

    The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: measuring the cosmic expansion history using the Alcock-Paczynski test and distant supernovae

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    Astronomical observations suggest that today's Universe is dominated by a dark energy of unknown physical origin. One of the most notable consequences in many models is that dark energy should cause the expansion of the Universe to accelerate: but the expansion rate as a function of time has proven very difficult to measure directly. We present a new determination of the cosmic expansion history by combining distant supernovae observations with a geometrical analysis of large-scale galaxy clustering within the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey, using the Alcock-Paczynski test to measure the distortion of standard spheres. Our result constitutes a robust and non-parametric measurement of the Hubble expansion rate as a function of time, which we measure with 10-15% precision in four bins within the redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.9. We demonstrate that the cosmic expansion is accelerating, in a manner independent of the parameterization of the cosmological model (although assuming cosmic homogeneity in our data analysis). Furthermore, we find that this expansion history is consistent with a cosmological-constant dark energy.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    A phase Ib/IIa clinical trial of dantrolene sodium in patients with Wolfram syndrome

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    BACKGROUNDWolfram syndrome is a rare ER disorder characterized by insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, optic nerve atrophy, and progressive neurodegeneration. Although there is no treatment for Wolfram syndrome, preclinical studies in cell and rodent models suggest that therapeutic strategies targeting ER calcium homeostasis, including dantrolene sodium, may be beneficial.METHODSBased on results from preclinical studies on dantrolene sodium and ongoing longitudinal studies, we assembled what we believe is the first-ever clinical trial in pediatric and adult Wolfram syndrome patients with an open-label phase Ib/IIa trial design. The primary objective was to assess the safety and tolerability of dantrolene sodium in adult and pediatric Wolfram syndrome patients. Secondary objectives were to evaluate the efficacy of dantrolene sodium on residual pancreatic β cell functions, visual acuity, quality-of-life measures related to vision, and neurological functions.RESULTSDantrolene sodium was well tolerated by Wolfram syndrome patients. Overall, β cell functions were not significantly improved, but there was a significant correlation between baseline β cell functions and change in β cell responsiveness (R2, P = 0.004) after 6-month dantrolene therapy. Visual acuity and neurological functions were not improved by 6-month dantrolene sodium. Markers of inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress, such as IFN-γ, IL-1β, TNF-α, and isoprostane, were elevated in subjects.CONCLUSIONThis study justifies further investigation into using dantrolene sodium and other small molecules targeting the ER for treatment of Wolfram syndrome.TRIAL REGISTRATIONClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02829268FUNDINGNIH/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) (DK112921, DK113487, DK020579), NIH/National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) (TR002065, TR000448), NIH training grant (F30DK111070), Silberman Fund, Ellie White Foundation, Snow Foundation, Unravel Wolfram Syndrome Fund, Stowe Fund, Eye Hope Foundation, Feiock Fund, Washington University Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences grant UL1TR002345 from NIH/NCATS, Bursky Center for Human Immunology & Immunotherapy Programs