444 research outputs found

    Geometric Morphometrics sheds light on the systematics affinities of two enigmatic dwarf Neotropical sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae)

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    Geometric morphometrics (GM) is a powerful analytical tool that enables complete quantification of shapes. Its use in Botany has a great potential for complementing plant evolutionary and ecological studies. Taxonomic delimitation in Carex has been complicated due to reduction of characters and frequent homoplasy. This problem is more marked in cases where the species exhibit dwarfism. South America is the continent with the least understood Carex flora. The systematic relationships of some bizarre-looking groups were not unraveled until molecular phylogenetic studies resolved their relationships. In particular, there are two species only known from their type material whose affinities remain uncertain: Carex herteri and C. hypsipedos. These two taxa are acaulescent plants that respectively grow in the Uruguayan pampa and Peruvian high-altitude meadows. Recently, both species were ascribed to the Carex phalaroides group (subgen. Psyllophorae, sect. Junciformes) due to superficial morphological similarities, such as the androgynous peduncled spikes. However, their character combination is also coincident for its circumscription to sect. Abditispicae species. Nevertheless, in the absence of confirmation from molecular analyses, their placement must be considered preliminary until additional data can be provided. In this work we employ for the first time geometric morphometrics (GM) tools to assess the systematic affinities of two taxonomically problematic sedge species based on fruit shape. We compared utricle morphology of C. herteri and C. hypsipedos with that of C. phalaroides group and species in sect. Abditispicae. To this end we used GM and traditional morphometric approaches. Utricle shape variation along with other morphological features support the exclusion of these two species from the C. phalaroides gr. and, at the same time, show clear affinities of C. herteri to sect. Abditispicae. Carex hypsipedos remains as an incertae sedis species. Our work shows the potential utility of GM for the exploration of systematic affinities in sedges and in other graminoids

    Los municipios felices: validación de una encuesta para el caso de Lebrija

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    La búsqueda de la felicidad ha sido siempre el fin último de los seres humanos, y hoy en día se ha convertido en un factor muy importante, no solo a nivel personal, sino de toda la economía. Tanto instituciones como gobiernos tratan de establecer medidas para conocer e implementar la felicidad de sus ciudadanos. En base al interés de la economía sobre la felicidad, en este trabajo se va a realizar un recorrido por los conceptos de felicidad, satisfacción con la vida y bienestar subjetivo para posteriormente analizar cuáles son los factores que influyen en la misma, para así poder medir la felicidad del municipio de Lebrija a través de una encuesta socioeconómica.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Finanzas y Contabilida

    CABINA DE EMERGENCIA COVID: Autogestión, Arquitectura y Pandemia

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    La rápida proliferación del Coronavirus en el mundo entero, no solo trajo consigo una gripe desconocida para el cuerpo humano, sino también evidenció lo frágil que es nuestro sistema en general, tanto en el manejo y cobertura de la salud, como también de la planificación urbana (entre muchos otros), influyendo directamente en la calidad de vida de las personas. En el presente artículo, se expondrá el caso de una ampliación realizada a una vivienda social de 60 m2 bajo este contexto, la cual presenta problemas de hacinamiento provocado por otro fenómeno característico de nuestra realidad social: el allegamiento. La vivienda, ubicada en la comuna de Pudahuel, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, alberga a dos núcleos familiares con un total de seis personas. La intervención de 42 m2 está enfocada en generar una línea de corte sanitario directa para los protocolos de desinfección, utilizando materiales que alberguen y garanticen un ambiente aséptico, con un método constructivo eficiente y rápido de montar

    Propuesta de actividades adaptadas

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    En la sociedad actual del siglo XXI, todos los maestros somos conscientes de la gran diversidad de alumnado que está presente en nuestras aulas. Es necesario que estos maestros sepan cumplir las necesidades de todos los alumnos, pero con especial mención aquellos que tienen necesidades educativas especiales. El presente trabajo se fundamenta en el conocimiento de todas aquellas necesidades educativas especiales que podemos encontrarnos en el aula, pero fundamentalmente en las necesidades educativas que tiene que recibir un niño con una discapacidad visual. Por ello, a pesar de tratar todos los tipos de necesidades educativas especiales que podemos encontrarnos en un aula, este trabajo se centra en los niños con cegueras. Se empezará con una breve descripción de la terminología propia de la discapacidad, para pasar a las características que poseen estos niños, ya que es ahí donde nuestra labor como docentes tiene gran importancia. Después, podremos ver un apartado de detección e intervención, para finalizar el análisis con la integración del niño con deficiencia visual en un aula normal.Para concluir con el trabajo, podremos observar una adaptación de actividades enfocadas a mejorar la creatividad del alumnado a través de su expresión plástica. Estas actividades, como más adelante veremos, solo poseen adaptación de metodología y evaluación, ya que considero que los objetivos y contenidos propuestos para cada actividad, pueden cumplirse aun teniendo una barrera visual.Grado en Educación Infanti

    El auge del turismo chino en España: estudio del certificado de calidad Chinese Friendly en la ciudad de Sevilla

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    La importancia del turismo chino en España es un factor relevante para las empresas, ya sean estas pertenecientes al sector turístico o a otros sectores de actividad. Debido a esto, el presente trabajo de investigación desarrolla los aspectos esenciales del turismo chino y, a partir de estos, se destacarán certificados de calidad con los que se hará que este tipo de turismo acuda a un establecimiento de confianza y calidad. Estos certificados son el China Outbound Tourism Quality Service Certification Program (QSC) y, principalmente, el Chinese Friendly sobre el que versa gran parte del presente trabajo. Se pretende que las empresas conozcan este segmento del turismo y, además, las diferentes formas de consolidarlo. ABSTRACT: The significance of Chinese tourism in Spain has become a relevant factor for all companies, both from the tourism industry and others. On this basis, the present research work covers the essential aspects of Chinese tourism, focusing on the quality certificates that attract these tourists to one or another establishment, based on reliance and service quality. These include the China Outbound Tourism Quality Service Certification Program (QSC) and specially the Chinese Friendly seal, which makes up the most important part of this work. The main purpose is to present this new client segment to the companies and the different ways to consolidate it.Universidad de Sevilla. Master Universitario en Dirección y Planificación del Turism

    Is the acute NMDA receptor hypofunction a valid model of schizophrenia?

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    El pdf del artículo es la versión post-print.Several genetic, neurodevelopmental, and pharmacological animal models of schizophrenia have been established. This short review examines the validity of one of the most used pharmacological model of the illness, ie, the acute administration of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists in rodents. In some cases, data on chronic or prenatal NMDA receptor antagonist exposure have been introduced for comparison. The face validity of acute NMDA receptor blockade is granted inasmuch as hyperlocomotion and stereotypies induced by phencyclidine, ketamine, and MK-801 are regarded as a surrogate for the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. In addition, the loss of parvalbumin-containing cells (which is one of the most compelling finding in postmortem schizophrenia brain) following NMDA receptor blockade adds construct validity to this model. However, the lack of changes in glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD67) is at variance with human studies. It is possible that changes in GAD67 are more reflective of the neurodevelopmental condition of schizophrenia. Finally, the model also has predictive validity, in that its behavioral and transmitter activation in rodents are responsive to antipsychotic treatment. Overall, although not devoid of drawbacks, the acute administration of NMDA receptor antagonists can be considered as a good model of schizophrenia bearing a satisfactory degree of validity. © 2011 The Author.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health (Grant FIS PI070111), by the grant Proyecto Intramural Especial CSIC 201020E046, and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental, CIBERSAM. XL-G and LJ-S are recipients of a postdoctoral fellowship from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and a predoctoral fellowship from the Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), respectively.Peer Reviewe

    Megaphylogenetic Specimen-Level Approaches to the Carex (Cyperaceae) Phylogeny Using ITS, ETS, and matK Sequences: Implications for Classification

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    We present the first large-scale phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus Carex based on 996 of the 1983 accepted species (50.23%). We used a supermatrix approach using three DNA regions: ETS, ITS and matK. Every concatenated sequence was derived from a single specimen. The topology of our phylogenetic reconstruction largely agreed with previous studies. We also gained new insights into the early divergence structure of the two largest clades, core Carex and Vignea clades, challenging some previous evolutionary hypotheses about inflorescence structure. Most sections were recovered as non-monophyletic. Homoplasy of characters traditionally selected as relevant for classification, historical misunderstanding of how morphology varies across Carex, and regional rather than global views of Carex diversity seem to be the main reasons for the high levels of polyphyly and paraphyly in the current infrageneric classification

    Redes sociales en prevención y promoción de la salud. Una revisión de la actualidad = Social networks in prevention and health promotion. A review of the current

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    Resumen: Estamos presenciando la revolución de las redes sociales en Internet. La facilidad que las redes sociales nos ofrecen para comunicarnos y encontrar información es infinita. El ámbito de la salud no iba a ser menos y se engancha a esta revolución. En las principales redes sociales de la actualidad como son Facebook y Twitter podemos encontrar desde páginas Facebook de salud, a grupos de profesionales y/o usuarios, donde comparten información, conocimientos, experiencias, técnicas, etc., sin olvidar Twitter, ese microblogging que en apenas 140 caracteres te permite difundir gran cantidad de información, permitiendo que cualquier persona pueda opinar. Las redes sociales nos llevan a interaccionar y abrir debates sobre infinidad de temas. Y la presencia de revista científicas en estas redes sociales, abre y permite el acceso a la información a un público más elevado y más exigente en lo que se publica: exigencia de veracidad. La creación de redes sociales específicas por grupos de trabajo o de investigación, o por universidades, provoca una revolución en la enseñanza actual y la creación de conocimiento facilitándonos enormemente la facilidad la recogida de datos e información que estas redes sociales nos ofrecen.Palabras clave: Redes sociales, salud, Internet, promoción de la salud Abstract: We are witnessing a revolution in social networking. The ease that social networks offer us to communicate and find information is infinite. It is no surprise that this revolution has also had an effect on the health field. On the main current social networks as Facebook and Twitter numerous resources can be found, from Facebook health-related pages professional to groups and /or users, where they share information, knowledge, experience, skills, etc...,without forgetting Twitter, the microblogging by means of which in just 140 characters you can disseminate large amounts of information, allowing anyone give their opinion. Social networks lead us to interact and open discussions on numerous topics. And the presence of scientific journals on these social networks opens and allows access to public information to a public more educated and more demanding about what is published: demand of veracity. The creation of social specific networks for groups of work or investigation, or for universities, provokes a revolution in current education and creation of knowledge making it easier to collect data and information that these social networks offer us.Keywords: Social Networks, health, Internet, health promotio

    Five undervalued edible species inherent to autumn-winter season: nutritional composition, ioactive constituents and volatiles profile

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    [EN] Background: Wild edible herbs have historically been used as local nutritional and medicinal sources. These plants grow spontaneously, depending on the season.They adapt well to different edaphoclimatic conditions, generating a diversity constituent beneficial to health. They impart compounds needed in the human diet in regard to macro and micronutrients. When consumed raw, they keep their properties intact and provide health benefits. Five undervalued edible plants: Stellaria media (L.) Vill, Tropaeolum majus L., Sonchus oleraceus L., henopodium album L. and Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC are characteristic of the autumn-winter season in the Valencian coastal region and could have new sustainable agro-ecological potential for the local commercial sector. However, little information is available from the nutritional quality and bioactive composition viewpoint for these species. Concurrently, the volatiles compounds profiles describing the characteristic flavors are unknown. Methods: Nutritional characteristics, bioactive compounds, and other chemical components of the fresh leaves were analyzed. In addition, the volatiles composite profile was performed. The analyzed species come from the soil reservoir; their wild growth is adjusted to the autumn season. The proximate analysis was carried out by Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods. Total antioxidants were measured as 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrzyl hydrate (DPPH) and total polyphenols content via the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure. Volatiles profile was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The vegetative part analyzed was the tender leaves with edible potential. Results: A high variability has been obtained in the composition of the species studied. The proximate analysis found a considerable content of fiber (1.22¿5.4 g·100 g¿1), potassium (157.7¿1,250.6 mg·100 g¿1), iron (0.6¿2.0 mg·100 g¿1), and a low caloric value (16.1¿43.02 kcal·mg·100 g¿1). In bioactive compounds analysis, a high level of antioxidants was highlighted (1,604.3¿4,874.6 mmol·100 g¿1), followed by chlorophylls. Volatiles profile revealed that the species were rich in benzenoids (33.8¿89.9%) as the majority family. The pyrazines class was characteristic only in D. erucoides L. Discussion: Fresh edible leaves of the undervalued plants show considerable nutritional potential and a high bioactive components level, which highlight the antioxidant capacity. Leaves of C. album L. stand out due to their higher concentration of nutritional compounds, while D. erucoides L. is noted for its higher antioxidant capacity. Aromatic descriptor of pyrazines detected in the leaves of D. erucoides L. is associated with the slightly spicy flavors that characterize this species. Results suggest that studied species could be of great relevance in introducing these five edible herbs as a source of new grown material, postulating them as healthy food ingredients with attractive flavors for the gourmet cuisine industry.Fukalova Fukalova, T.; García-Martínez, MD.; Raigón Jiménez, MD. (2021). Five undervalued edible species inherent to autumn-winter season: nutritional composition, ioactive constituents and volatiles profile. PeerJ. 9:1-23. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.12488123

    Nutritional Composition, Bioactive Compounds, and Volatiles Profile Characterization of Two Edible Undervalued Plants: Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass

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    [EN] Wild edible plants are an important source of healthy food and have played an important role in traditional Mediterranean diets. In this paper, quality characteristics were typified in Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass, undervalued plants inherent to the spring-summer season in the Valencian coastal region. Nutritional composition and bioactive compounds were analyzed and compared between plants in wild and organic cultivation conditions. Proximate analysis was carried out according to Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods. Total antioxidants were measured as 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl hydrate and total polyphenols content via the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure. The HS-SPME technique was used to characterize the volatiles profile, and the polyphenol profile was evaluated by HPLC. The most important microelement was iron. Total antioxidants ranged from 4392.16 to 7315.00 mu mol Trolox center dot equivalents 100 g(-1) fw, and total phenolic content ranged from 99.09 to 391.18 mg gallic acid equivalents center dot 100 g(-1) fw. Results show that the content of antioxidants and phenols was higher in wild species than in cultivated ones. The volatiles profile revealed that P. ruderale was rich in monoterpenoids (48.65-55.82%), and fatty alcohols were characteristic in P. oleracea species (16.21-54.18%). The results suggest that both plants could be healthy foods and could have new sustainable agro-ecological potential for the local commercial sector.Fukalova Fukalova, T.; García-Martínez, MD.; Raigón Jiménez, MD. (2022). Nutritional Composition, Bioactive Compounds, and Volatiles Profile Characterization of Two Edible Undervalued Plants: Portulaca oleracea L. and Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. Plants. 11(3):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants1103037712111