341 research outputs found

    Argumentation for conflicting viewpoint relational database querying

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    Within the framework of the European project EcoBioCap, we model a real world use case aiming at conceiving the next generation of food packagings. The objective is to select packaging materials according to possibly con icting requirements expressed by the involved parties (food and packaging industries, health authorities, consumers, waste management authority, etc.). The requirements and user preferences are modeled by several ontological rules provided by the stake- holders expressing their viewpoints and expertise. Since several aspects need to be considered (CO2 and O2 permeance, interaction with the product, sanitary, cost, end of life, etc.) in order to select objects, an argumentation process can be used to express/reason about different aspects or criteria describing the packagings. We define then in this report an argumentation approach which combines a description logic (DLR-Lite) within ASPIC framework for relational database querying. The argumentation step is nally used to express and/or enrich a bipolar query employed for packaging selection

    Non-muscle-invasive clear cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder: Is cystectomy necessary?

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    We report the clinical presentation, histological findings and management of a 49-year-old female patient with non-muscle-invasive clear cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. In the literature, there are only seven such case reports. We feel that transurethral resection of the bladder tumour followed by close cystoscopy surveillance is a suitable management for non-muscle-invasive clear cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder

    Hierarchical Control of Production Flow based on Capacity Allocation for Real-Time Scheduling of Manufacturing System

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    8International audienceThis paper considers the modelling and simulation of a hierarchical production-flow control system. It uses a continuous control approach for machine capacity allocation at the design level and real time scheduling at the shop-floor level. Particularly, at the design level, the control of machine throughput has been addressed by a set of distributed and supervised fuzzy controllers. The objective is to adjust the machine's production rates in such a way that satisfies the demand while maintaining the overall performances within acceptable limits. At the shop-floor level, the problem of scheduling of jobs is considered. In this case, the priority of jobs (actual dispatching times) is determined from the continuous production rates through a discretization procedure. A case study demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed methodology through a simulation case study

    Conflicting viewpoint relational database querying: an argumentation approach

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    International audienceWithin the framework of the European project EcoBioCap, we model a real world use case aiming at conceiving the next generation of food packagings. The objective is to select packaging materials according to possibly conflicting requirements expressed by the involved parties (food and packaging industries, health authorities, consumers, waste management authority, etc.). The requirements and user preferences are modeled by several ontological rules provided by the stakeholders expressing their viewpoints and expertise. Since several aspects need to be considered (CO2 and O2 permeance, interaction with the product, sanitary, cost, end of life, etc.) in order to select objects, an argumentation process can be used to express/reason about different aspects or criteria describing the packagings. We define then in this paper an argumentation approach which combines a description logic (DLR-Lite) within ASPIC framework for relational database querying. The argumentation step is finally used to express and/or enrich a bipolar query employed for packaging selection

    Pilotage Flou Distribué et Supervisé pour la Régulation des Flux de Production

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    National audienceDans cet article, une structure de pilotage distribuée et supervisée pour la régulation des flux de production est proposée. Partant de la décomposition d'un système de production en un ensemble de modules élémentaires, une structure de pilotage distribuée de type multi-contrôleurs est déployée au niveau " local ". A ce niveau, chaque module de production est piloté par un contrôleur flou afin de satisfaire la demande et d'éviter les phénomènes de rupture et de blocage. Afin d'améliorer les performances de cette structure, un niveau de supervision est intégré. Ce dernier a pour rôle de coordonner les actions locales et de réaliser des compromis entre les objectifs globaux. La conception du superviseur s'appuie sur l'exploitation des opérateurs d'agrégation et la quantification des objectifs par des intervalles flous. Un exemple de simulation est considéré pour illustrer les performances de la méthodologie proposée


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    International audienceA particular characteristic of a manufacturing system concerns the complexity and the presence of uncertainties along with the difficulties in building analytical models that capture the system in all its important aspects. Hence, simulation remains one of the most widely used tools to fill this need. The objective of this article is related to the potential improvement of computer simulation as applied to the control of manufacturing system by introducing a two-level fuzzy-logic based control structure. On the lower level of the hierarchy, there is an adaptive fuzzy controller for each specific production module which can automatically sythesize itself to regulate the flow of the material into a system, and in the upper level, a supervisor has the task of coordinating and tuning the local controllers by using the performance measurements characterizing the overall system's current behavior to achieve better performance and restrict the system in admissible domain

    Decision Support for Agri-Food Chains: A Reverse Engineering Argumentation-Based Approach

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    UMR IATE Axe 5 : Application intégrée de la connaissance, de l’information et des technologies permettant d’accroître la qualité et la sécurité des alimentsInternational audienceEvaluating food quality is a complex process since it relies on numerous criteria historically grouped into four main types: nutritional, sensorial, practical and hygienic qualities. They may be completed by other emerging preoccupations such as the environmental impact, economic phenomena, etc. However, all these aspects of quality and their various components are not always compatible and their simultaneous improvement is a problem that sometimes has no obvious solution, which corresponds to a real issue for decision making. This paper proposes a decision support method guided by the objectives defined for the end products of an agrifood chain. It is materialised by a backward chaining approach based on argumentation

    Application of a continuous supervisory fuzzy control on a discrete scheduling of manufacturing systems.

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    10 pagesInternational audienceThis paper considers the modelling and simulation of a hierarchical production-flow control system. Particularly, the system capacity allocation has been addressed by a set of distributed and supervised fuzzy controllers. The objective is to adjust the machine's production rates in such a way that satisfies the demand while maintaining the overall performances within acceptable limits. Given the adjusted production rates, the problem of scheduling of jobs is considered at the shop-floor level. In this case, the actual dispatching times are determined from the continuous production rates through a sampling procedure. To deal with conflicts between jobs at a shared machine, a decision for the actual part to be processed is taken using some criteria which represent a measure of the job's priority. A case study demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed control approach

    Using Argumentation in a French Agrifood Chain Application: Technical Report

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    Evaluating food quality is a complex process since it relies on nu- merous criteria historically grouped into four main types: nutritional, sensorial, practical and hygienic qualities. They may be completed by other emerging preoccupations such as the environmental impact, eco- nomic phenomena, etc. However, all these aspects of quality and their various components are not always compatible and their simultaneous improvement is a problem that sometimes has no obvious solution, which corresponds to a real issue for decision making. This paper proposes a decision support method guided by the objectives de ned for the end products of an agrifood chain. It is materialized by a backward chaining approach based on argumentation

    Bipolar SQLf: a Flexible Querying Language for Relational Databases

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    International audienceFlexible querying of information systems allows expressing complex preferences in user queries. Such preferences can be modeled by fuzzy bipolar conditions which are made of constraints c and wishes w and interpreted as "to satisfy c and if possible to satisfy w".We de ne in this article the main elements of the Bipolar SQLf language, which is an SQL-like querying language based on a bipolar relational algebra. This language is an extension of the SQLf language. Basic statements (projection, selection, etc.) are firstly defined in terms of syntax, evaluation and calibration. Then, complex statements, such as bipolar queries based on nesting operators are studied in terms of expression, evaluation, query equivalence and backward compatibility with the SQLf language
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