35 research outputs found

    Photocatalytic decomposition of methyl formate over TiO2-supported Pt metals

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    Wehave developed a fully three-dimensional model based on the solutionof the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for studies of polaron mobilityin twisted polymer chains. Variations in ring torsion angles alonga conjugated polymer chain are shown to have a strongeffect on the intrachain charge carrier mobility. An increase inring torsion between two neighboring monomers can cause electron localizationand then result in a transition of the type oftransport from adiabatic polaron drift to nonadiabatic polaron hopping. Inparticular, we show the sensitivity for such a transition inthe case of random variations in the ring torsion anglesalong a poly(phenylene vinylene) chain. The effective energy barrier associatedwith the change in torsion angle also depends on theapplied electric-field strength, and by increasing the field strength atransition back to adiabatic transport can be obtained.Original Publication: Magnus Hultell and Sven Stafström, Impact of ring torsion on the intrachain mobility in conjugated polymers, 2008, Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, (75), 10, 104304. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.75.104304 Copyright: American Physical Society http://www.aps.org/Center of Organic Electronics (COE

    Arany katalizátorokon lejátszódó heterogén katalitikus folyamatok IR és XPS vizsgálata = IR and XPS studies of heterogeneous catalytic reactions on gold catalysts

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    Részletes vizsgálatokat végeztünk az NO + CO kölcsönhatás bemutatására Pd/SiO2 katalizátoron. Ezt a programot az indokolta, hogy Goodman és munkatársai (J. Phys. Chem. B 2003, 107, 2759) Pd egykristályon új elnyelési sávot észleltek az NO + CO reakcióban 2258 cm-1-nél , amelyet a Pd-NCO rezgéshez rendeltek. Ez a feltételezés teljesen ellentétben áll korábbi kutatásaink eredményeivel, amely sze- rint a Pd-NCO komplex ilyen magas hőmérsékleten már egyáltalán nem stabilis. 2250-2260 cm-1-nél megjelent elnyelési sávokat csak a HNCO adszorpciójakor észleltük. Mindebből arra következtettünk, hogy a Goodmanék által talált elnyelési sáv semmikép- pen sem tartozhat a Pd-NCO-hoz. Eredményeinket a J. Phys. Chem.B 2004,108 14178- 14180 folyóiratban közöltük. Goodman és munkatársai válaszukban ( Reply to " Com- ment on Combined in situ and infrared kinetic study of the catalytic CO + NO reaction on Pd(III) at pressures up to 240 mbar " Christian Hess, Emrah Ozensoy, and D. Wayne Go- odman ) módosították korábbi elképzelésüket és a 2258 cm-1es sávot a palládiumból ki- diffundáló hidrogén és az NCO közötti kapcsolatból keletkező HNCO képződésének tulajdonították. | It was stated long ago that gold is a catalitically inactive metal because of its 5 d10 configu- ration. Recent publications have, however revealed that gold has a surprisingly high cata- litic activity when it is dispersed over metal oxides, particularly in the oxidation of CO at low temperatures and in the NO + CO reaction. In this project the adsorption, dissociation and reaction of NO with CO has been investigated on supported Au catalysts. The main method was FT IR spectroscopy. Although very limited dissociation of NO was observed on reduced Au catalyst, catalytic tests showed that all the samples used effectively catalyse the NO+CO reaction above 573 K. By means of FTIR spectroscopy several new absorption bands have been detected on the Au samples, the positions of new bands depended on the nature of the support. It was 2212 cm-1 for Au/TiO2 2220-2230 cm-1 for Au/MgO 2256 cm-1 for Au/Al2O3 and 2305 cm-1 for Au/SiO2. These bands were attributed to the asymmetric stretch of NCO attached to the oxides. This idea was strengthened by the results obtained following HNCO adsorption on supports alone which gave the same absorption bands. It was demonstrated and assumed that NCO species is formed on Au crystallites, and then migrates from the Au onto the acceptor sites of support where it is accumulated and stabilized. The Au-NCO species was characterized by an absorption band at 2185-2195 cm-1 produced by the low temperature adsorption of HNCO on Au/SiO2

    Szénhidrogének és alkoholok reakciójának katalitikus és felületkémiai vizsgálata = Catalytic and surface science studies related to the reactions of hydrocarbons and alcohols

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    Tanulmányoztuk a benzol, metanol, dimetil és dietil éter aromatizációját és a metilezését a ZSM-5 zeolitra rávitt Mo2C, Ga2O3 és ZnO-on. Mindhárom anyag hatásosan katalizálta a metanol aromatizációját, és a Mo2C/ZSM-5 elősegítette a benzol metilezését is. Spektroszkópiai módszerekkel feltártuk a zeolit és a Mo2C szerepét. Kísérleteink másik részében a hidrogén előállítására koncentráltunk. Elsődleges célunk a drága platina fémeket helyettesítő olcsó és stabilis katalizátor szintézise volt. Erre a célra legmegfelelőbbnek ismét a Mo2C bizonyult. Amennyiben a Mo2C-t nagy felületű többfalú szén nanocsőre vagy Norit szénre vittük rá, az alkoholok átalakításának iránya megváltozott: az etanol és metanol aromatizációja helyett a hidrogén képződése került előtérbe. A hidrogén előállításával kapcsolatos kutatási programunk talán egyik legfontosabb eredménye, hogy a Mo2C/carbon katalizátoron a HCOOH bomlásának katalízisével sikerült tiszta, CO mentes hidrogént előállítanunk alacsony hőmérsékleten. Párhuzamosan folyó elektron-spektroszkópiai módszerekkel feltártuk a reakciók primér lépéseit és a felületen képződő gyökök átalakulásának irányát. Elektron- foton- és ion spektroszkópiával (AES, XPS, LEIS, RAIRS), valamint STM-el tanulmányoztuk a kétfémes nanoszerkezetek képződését és fizikai-kémiai sajátságait egykristály titán-dioxid felületen. Eredményeinket 20 nemzetközi folyóiratban megjelent dolgozatban közöltük és azokról különböző nemzetközi konferenciákon 35 előadást tartottunk. | The adsorption and reaction pathways of methanol, dimethyl and diethyl ethers have been investigated on pure and Mo2C containing ZSM-5. ZSM-5 effectively catalyzed the reaction of all the three compounds above 473 K to yield various olefins and aromatics. Adding Mo2C to the zeolites greatly promoted the formation of aromatics very likely by catalyzing the aromatization of olefins formed in the reaction. Addition of benzene to dimethyl ether markedly increased the formation of toluene, xylene and C9 aromatics on ZSM-5. The enhancement was further increased by ZnO and Mo2C promoters. Extensive research has been carried out recently to develop a procedure for the production of clean hydrogen for fuel cells. Efforts were also made to replace the expensive Pt metals with more effective, stable, and less expensive catalysts. We found that Mo2C when it is prepared on different carbon supports is an effective catalyst for the decomposition of alcohols and ether to give hydrogen. In the case of reforming of HCOOH we achieved to produce H2 free of CO. The adsorption and reaction pathways of above compounds on Mo2C/Mo(100) have been studied by several electron spectroscopic methods. The results helped to establish the mechanism of the catalytic reactions. Detailed spectroscopic experiments were performed concerning the interaction of Au with Rh on TiO2(100). We gave account on our results in 20 papers published in international journals, and presented 35 lectures at various Conferences

    Ester hydrolysis: Conditions for acid autocatalysis and a kinetic switch

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    Autocatalysis can be used to obtain a sharp switch in state after a programmable time lag. Here, autocatalysis driven by acid concentration during the dissolution and hydrolysis of solid esters was investigated. In a generic model of the process, conditions were identified for observation of a kinetic switch with the introduction of an inhibitor species, bicarbonate, to delay the onset of autocatalysis. The kinetic profiles from the hydrolysis of two esters, d-gluconic acid δ-lactone and dl-lactide, were examined and evidence for dissolution-limited acid autocatalysis was obtained with lactide

    PH wave-front propagation in the urea-urease reaction

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    The urease-catalyzed hydrolysis of urea displays feedback that results in a switch from acid (pH ∼3) to base (pH ∼9) after a controllable period of time (from 10 to \u3e5000 s). Here we show that the spatially distributed reaction can support pH wave fronts propagating with a speed of the order of 0.1-1 mm min-1. The experimental results were reproduced qualitatively in reaction-diffusion simulations including a Michaelis-Menten expression for the urease reaction with a bell-shaped rate-pH dependence. However, this model fails to predict that at lower enzyme concentrations, the unstirred reaction does not always support fronts when the well-stirred reaction still rapidly switches to high pH. © 2012 by the Biophysical Society

    Virtual start-up of a flexible manufacturing cell

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    Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersDie vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Auslegung, Modellierung und virtuelle Inbetriebnahme einer flexiblen Fertigungszelle. Dabei wird bei der Auslegung darauf geachtet ein modernes System zu konzipieren, welches die geforderte Flexibilität einer zukünftigen Fertigung erfüllen kann. Um auch eine zukunftsorientierte Technik im Bereich der Planung einzubringen, wird die Zelle mit mehreren Arten für Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen modelliert. Mit Hilfe dieser Zelle sollen im Rahmen der Pilotfabrik der TU Wien zukünftige Trends in der Fertigungstechnik präsentiert werden. Ziel ist es durch die verwendeten neuartigen Technologiekonzepte eine effizientere und kostengünstigere Realisierung im Bereich der flexiblen Fertigung aufzuzeigen. Die Pilotfabrik soll StudentInnen außerdem die Möglichkeit bieten, ihr gelerntes Wissen an realen Maschinen zu erproben. Am Ende der Arbeit ergibt sich ein Gesamtentwurf, der die flexible Fertigungszelle repräsentiert. Dieser kann dann für eine weitere, genauere Planung verwendet werden. Durch die Simulation der Roboterwege wird eine erste virtuelle Inbetriebnahme durchgeführt. Gleichzeitig kann dieser Entwurf der Zelle dann auch mit Hilfe von Virtual Reality vorgeführt werden, um Außenstehenden die Pläne und Ideen von der Realisierung der Fertigungszelle besser näherbringen zu können.This thesis describes the designing process, modelling and the virtual commissioning of a flexible manufacturing cell. Particular attention during the design process was paid to planning the cell as a modern system, which can comply with the needed flexibility of the future demands. To show some technical possibilities during the planning stage of a modern project, the manufacturing cell is also modelled in virtual reality. With the aid of this manufacturing cell, in the framework of the 'Pilotfabrik' of the TU of Vienna, futuristic trends in the field of production technology should be demonstrated. The aim is to show a way, how a flexible manufacturing cell can be realized cost effectively and more efficiently with the implementation of new, innovative technologies. Furthermore the 'Pilotfabrik' will offer students the possibility to apply their gained theoretical skills on real machines. At the end of this thesis an overall design of the manufacturing cell is presented. This will be used at a later stage of the planning process, for finishing the last details of the cell. The simulation of the handling-robot gives a first idea, how the cell will function and it is also used to check if the cell configuration has been planned correctly. In addition the manufacturing cell can be shown in virtual reality to outstanders, who are not engaged with the project. Thus the ideas and plans behind the realization of the flexible cell can be shown in a futuristic and immersive way.8