67 research outputs found

    Avaliação de automonitoria em pré-escolares com diferentes repertórios sociais

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    Las dificultades de automonitoreo están relacionadas con las conductas problemáticas y déficits en las habilidades sociales. Aclarar estas relaciones, poco investigadas en la primera infancia, puede aportar contribuciones teóricas y prácticas al desarrollo infantil. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar los indicadores de automonitoreo (autodescripción, descripción y elección de consecuencias) en preescolares, con diferentes repertorios de habilidades sociales y conducta problemática. Cincuenta y tres preescolares (5-6 años), de ambos sexos y que estudiaban en escuelas públicas fueron evaluados por sus padres y maestros respecto a las habilidades sociales y conductas problemáticas, y, además, completaron tareas del Recurso Ilustrativo de Automonitoreo. Los resultados indicaron: (a) mejores puntajes para niños con habilidades sociales en todos los indicadores; (b) correlaciones positivas de indicadores con habilidades sociales y correlaciones negativas con conductas problemáticas internas. Se discute la posible influencia del desarrollo cognitivo y verbal en los resultados, la utilidad del recurso ilustrativo para identificar contingencias existentes y la importancia de promover automonitoreo en la primera infancia.Difficulties in self-monitoring are potentially related to behavior problems and deficits in social skills. Clarifying these relationships—still little investigated in early childhood—can bring theoretical and practical contributions to child development. This study sought to characterize self-monitoring indicators (self-description, description, and choice of consequences) in preschool children, with different repertoires of social skills and problem behaviors. A total of 53 preschool children (5–6 years-old), of both sexes and from public schools were assessed by their parents and teachers on social skills and problem behaviors and completed tasks from an Illustrative Self-Monitoring resource. The results indicated: (a) better scores for children with social skills in all self-monitoring indicators; (b) positive correlations of indicators with social skills and negative correlations with internalizing problem behaviors. The possible influence of cognitive and verbal development on outcomes, the usefulness of the Illustrative Self-Monitoring resource to identify existing contingencies, and the importance of promoting self-monitoring in early childhood are discussed.Dificuldades em automonitoria estão potencialmente relacionadas a problemas de comportamento e déficits em habilidades sociais. Esclarecer essas relações, pouco investigadas na primeira infância, pode trazer contribuições teóricas e práticas para o desenvolvimento infantil. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar indicadores de automonitoria (autodescrição, descrição e escolha de consequências) em pré-escolares com diferentes repertórios de habilidades sociais e comportamentos-problema. 53 pré-escolares (5-6 anos), de ambos os sexos e de escolas públicas foram avaliados por seus pais e professores em habilidades sociais e comportamentos-problema e completaram tarefas do Recurso Ilustrativo de Automonitoria. Os resultados indicaram: (a) melhores escores para crianças com habilidades sociais em todos indicadores de automonitoria; (b) correlações positivas dos indicadores com habilidades sociais e negativas com comportamentos-problema internalizantes. Discute-se a possível influência do desenvolvimento cognitivo e verbal sobre os resultados, a utilidade do recurso ilustrativo para identificar contingências em vigor e a importância de promover automonitoria na primeira infância

    Social skills and social competence: Analyzing concepts over the works of Del Prette and Del Prette

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    Considerando a diversidade conceitual do campo das Habilidades Sociais, tanto entre diferentes autores, como para um mesmo autor ao longo de suas obras, este estudo objetivou analisar as definições de habilidades sociais e competência social, a partir das obras de Del Prette e Del Prette. As definições dos conceitos foram selecionadas de livros e artigos teóricos desses autores, desde 1996 até 2012, e comparadas, em ordem cronológica. Com base nessas análises, observaram-se diferenças importantes em ambos os conceitos, ao longo das obras dos autores, produto de revisões, complementações e aprimoramentos de conhecimentos conceituais, empíricos e metodológicos que ocorreram ao longo do tempo.Considering the conceptual diversity of the field of Social Skills observed among different authors and in different works of the same author, this paper analyzed the definitions of social skills and social competence, based on the different works of Del Prette and Del Prette. Definitions of the concepts were selected from books and theoretical articles of those authors from 1996 to 2012, and comparisons were made in chronological order. Based on these analyses, important differences were observed in the definitions of social skills and social competence all over the works of the authors, which are product of revisions, additions, and improvements of conceptual, empirical and methodological knowledge that occurred over the tim

    El dibujo como mediador de interacciones sociales entre niños

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    This study aimed to analyze the occurrence of social interactions among children of different ages during four drawing situations (with crayons or gouache, individually and in group). Twenty-eight boys and girls from a daycare in São Carlos-SP, Brazil, between two to five years of age, participated in the study and were divided in four groups according to age. A total of four hours of video recording were transcribed. Identified interactions were classified according to a system of categories. The main results indicate the occurrence of 728 interactions, with higher frequency among 4-year-old children and lower frequency among 2-year-old; more interactions occurred in the majority of groups in the gouache/group condition and a lower frequency of interaction occurred in the crayons/individually condition; the interactive categories that stood out the most were Description and Imitation and Plot was the least frequent category. This study evidenced that drawing promotes a variety of social interactions among children.El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo analizar la ocurrencia de tipos de interacciones sociales que emergen entre niños de diferentes edades en cuatro situaciones de dibujo (con crayón de cera o con témpera, individualmente o en grupo). Participaron 28 niños y niñas, de guardería infantil en la ciudad de São Carlos-SP, Brasil entre dos y cinco años, divididos en cuatro grupos etáreos. Cuatro horas de filmación fueron transcritas e interacciones fueron identificadas y clasificadas por un sistema de categorías. Los principales resultados indicaron: ocurrencia de 728 interacciones, con mayor frecuencia con niños de cuatro años y menor con niños de dos años; en la situación tempera/juntos ocurrió mayor por ciento de interacciones para la mayoría de los grupos, en condición crayón de cera/individual hubo menor frecuencia; categorías interactivas con mayor relevancia fueron Descripción e Imitación y con menor, Desarrollo de un tema. El estudio evidenció que las actividades de dibujo promueven una variedad de interacciones sociales entre niños.O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a ocorrência de tipos de interações sociais que emergem entre crianças de diferentes idades, durante quatro situações de desenho (com giz de cera ou com guache; individualmente ou em conjunto). Participaram 28 crianças, de uma creche da cidade de São Carlos-SP, entre dois e cinco anos de ambos os sexos, divididas em quatro grupos etários. Foram transcritas quatro horas de videogravações. As interações identificadas foram classificadas a partir de um sistema de categorias. Os principais resultados indicaram: ocorrência de 728 interações, com maior frequência em crianças de quatro anos e menor com as de dois anos; na condição guache/juntos, ocorreu maior porcentagem de interações para a maioria dos grupos; na condição giz de cera/individual, houve menor porcentagem; categorias interativas com maior destaque foram Descrição e Imitação e com menor, Enredo. O estudo evidenciou que a atividade de desenho promove diversidade de interações sociais entre crianças

    Desempenho social de pré-escolares em situações estruturadas: Estimativas de mães e professoras

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    Identifying variables that may influence the evaluation of behaviors in children has implication to diagnostic and psychological intervention. This study focused the mothers’ and teachers’ estimative about the social performance displayed by children with, and without behavior problems in five structured social situations, analyzing convergences anddivergences (underestimation and overestimation) between informants and between estimative of informants and recorded performance, besides differences among situations in relation to indicators. Twenty-six children were divided into four groups: internalizing behavior problems (CPI), externalizing (CPE), mixed (CPM), and with social skills (CHS). The results indicated: more convergence to CHS group; more divergence associated with underestimation to CPI and to situation of defending one’s own rights, as also overestimation to CPM group. Implications to research, clinical, and educational practices were discussed.Identifcar variáveis que influenciam a avaliação de comportamento infantil tem implicações para diagnóstico e intervenção psicológica. Buscou-se avaliar a estimativa de mães e professoras sobre desempenho social de crianças com e sem comportamentos-problema em cinco situações sociais estruturadas, analisando convergências e divergências (subestimações e superestimações) entre informantes e entre estimativa dos informantes e desempenho apresentado, além de diferenças entre situações nesses indicadores. Participaram 26 crianças de quatro grupos: com comportamentos-problema internalizantes (CPI), externalizantes (CPE), mistos (CPM) e com habilidades sociais (CHS). Os resultados indicaram: maior convergência para o grupo CHS; maior divergência tipo subestimação para o CPI e para situação Defende seus próprios direitos, bem como superestimação no CPM. São discutidas implicações para pesquisa, prática clínica e educacional na Psicologia


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    Non-symbiotic diazotrophic bacteria (NSDB) influence plant growth mainly through biological nitrogen fixation and production and release of plant growth-regulating substances. The effect of these bacteria on rooting of olive is not described in the international literature, which has been provided by the use of hormonal treatment based on indole butyric acid (IBA). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physiological diversity of isolates obtained from soil samples of the Biological Reserve Serra dos Toledos, Itajubá, MG state, and of reference strains of NSDB, and their potential of substitution of IBA on rooting of olive semi-hardwood cuttings from the experimental farm ‘Maria da Fé’ (FEMF-EPAMIG). The isolates were divided into five groups (G1 to G5) according with cultural phenotypic characteristics based on color, diameter and consistence of colonies, and reference strains used were Azospirillum brasilense (BR11001), Azospirillum amazonense (BR11040), Herbaspirillum seropedicae (BR11175) and Burkholderia brasilensis (BR11340). The diversity of physiological was performed using phosphate solubilization, tolerance to different conditions of temperature and pH and production of indole acetic acid (IAA). To evaluate the potential of semi-hardwood cuttings rooting in olive cultivars were used the cultivars Ascolano 315, Arbequina and Grappolo 541, from the germoplasm blank of the FEMF-EPAMIG. There were 33 treatments, and the cuttings were inoculated with the bacterial isolate groups, with the reference strains, without inoculation (control) and only IBA, commercially used in rooting. Only two isolates showed ability to solubilize phosphate. Groups of isolates and of reference strains showed very similar environmental requirements, with wide ranges of optimum conditions of pH (5,0-9,0) and temperature (15-35ºC) for maximum growth. The isolates and reference strains showed a production IAA ranging from 110.53 to 383.58 µg mL-1, and the groups of isolates generally did not differ significantly from the values obtained by reference strains. All the groups of isolates present potential of rooting of olive cuttings, and those of groups 1 and 4 are more indicated to Arbequina, group 2 to Grappolo 541 and groups 1 and 5 to Ascolano 315, with performances similar to those obtained from IBA. Bactérias diazotróficas não simbióticas (BDNS) atuam no desenvolvimento das plantas principalmente por meio da fixação biológica de nitrogênio e pela produção e liberação de substâncias reguladoras do crescimento vegetal. Não há descrito na literatura internacional o efeito dessas bactérias no enraizamento de estacas de oliveira, o qual tem sido proporcionado pelo uso de tratamento hormonal à base de ácido indolbutírico (AIB).Em vista disso, este trabalho objetivou avaliar a diversidade fisiológica de isolados obtidos em amostras de solo da Reserva Biológica Serra dos Toledos (Itajubá - MG) e de estirpes-tipo de BDNS, e o potencial de substituição do hormônio AIB no enraizamento de estacas semilenhosas de oliveira na Fazenda Experimental de Maria da Fé (FEMF-EPAMIG). Os isolados foram distribuídos em 5 grupos (G1 a G5) de acordo com suas características fenotípicas culturais baseadas em cor, diâmetro e consistência das colônias, e as estirpes-tipo utilizadas foram Azospirillum brasilense (BR11001), Azospirillum amazonense (BR11040), Herbaspirillum seropedicae (BR11175) e Burkholderia brasilensis (BR11340). A diversidade fisiológica foi avaliada através de experimentos de solubilização de fosfato, tolerância a diferentes condições de pH,  temperatura e produção de ácido indolacético (AIA). Para avaliação do potencial de enraizamento nas estacas semilenhosas de oliveira foram utilizados os cultivares Ascolano 315, Arbequina e Grappolo 541, oriundas do banco de germoplasma da FEMF-EPAMIG. Aplicaram-se 33 tratamentos, nos quais as estacas foram inoculadas com os grupos de isolados bacterianos, com as estirpes-tipo, sem inoculação (controle) e apenas com AIB, comercialmente utilizado na FEMF-EPAMIG. Apenas dois isolados mostraram capacidade de solubilização de fosfato. Os grupos de isolados e das estirpes-tipo apresentaram exigências ambientais muito similares com amplas faixas de condições ótimas de pH (5,0 a 9,0) e temperatura (15-35ºC) para máximo crescimento. Os isolados e estirpes-tipo apresentaram uma produção de AIA variando de 110,53 a 383,58 µg mL-1, sendo que os grupos dos isolados, em geral, não diferiram significativamente dos valores obtidos pelas estirpes-tipo. Todos os grupos de isolados apresentam potencial de enraizamento de estacas de oliveira, sendo aqueles dos grupos 1 e 4 mais indicados para o cultivar Arbequina, grupo 2 para o Grappolo 541 e grupos 1 e 5 para o Ascolano 315, com desempenhos semelhantes àquele proporcionado pelo AIB

    Recovery of post-consumer textile waste garments from a new and environmentally-friendly approach: method and properties

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    This research was funded by FEDER funds through POCI under the “Portugal 2020” program, under the project FATORST+ POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047124, and by National Funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Talita Nicolau and Cátia Alves acknowledge FCT, MCTES, FSE, and UE PhD grants 2022.15386.BD and 2022.10454.BD, respectivel

    Development of sustainable techniques for cellulose recovery from leftovers and cellulose-containing garments

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    [Excerpt] Introduction Textile and clothing industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, with high impact on water and land consumption. Approximately 5.8 million tons of textiles are discarded in Europe, and only 1% is fiber-to-fiber recycled.This research was funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Competitiveness Program–COMPETE, under the project POCI-01-0247-FEDER047124, and by National Funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), under the project UID/CTM/00264/2020. Talita Nicolau and Cátia Alves acknowledge FCT, MCTES, FSE and UE PhD grants 2022.15386.BD and 2022.10454.BD, respectively

    Botanical fungicides in the control of soybean leaf diseases / Fungicidas botânicos no controle de doenças foliares na soja

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    The soybean cultivation (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is responsible for the highest pesticides use in agriculture in Brazil. There is an environmental and social need to reduce the use of these substances in crops. The alternative products applied in agriculture such as plant extracts and essential oils, becomes necessary and indispensable, mainly in disease control. Among the plants studied, the Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.), has stood out in some studies, where relevant fungitoxic results have been demonstrated, however, there are still few works that prove its viability in the diseases management in field. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the soybean diseases alternative control through the aqueous extracts and noni essential oil application, in plantings high and low disease pressure. Two field experiments were implemented, with soybean culture, evaluating leaf, fruit aqueous extract and noni essential oil as a fungicidal action. Foliar application of noni extracts and essential oil did not differ from fungicide in Asian Rust and Anthracnose control, in the 2016/17 crop, in both experiments. Soybean productivity was similar in treatments that received leaf extract (1748,8 Kg ha-1), essential oil (1762,5 Kg ha-1) and fungicides (2031,7 Kg ha-1). Where there was no large disease pressure all agronomic characteristics were equivalent, regardless of treatment. 


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    Bact\ue9rias diazotr\uf3ficas n\ue3o simbi\uf3ticas (BDNS) atuam no desenvolvimento das plantas principalmente por meio da fixa\ue7\ue3o biol\uf3gica de nitrog\ueanio e pela produ\ue7\ue3o e libera\ue7\ue3o de subst\ue2ncias reguladoras do crescimento vegetal. N\ue3o h\ue1 descrito na literatura internacional o efeito dessas bact\ue9rias no enraizamento de estacas de oliveira, o qual tem sido proporcionado pelo uso de tratamento hormonal \ue0 base de \ue1cido indolbut\uedrico (AIB). Em vista disso, este trabalho objetivou avaliar a diversidade fisiol\uf3gica de isolados obtidos em amostras de solo da Reserva Biol\uf3gica Serra dos Toledos (Itajub\ue1 - MG) e de estirpes-tipo de BDNS, e o potencial de substitui\ue7\ue3o do horm\uf4nio AIB no enraizamento de estacas semilenhosas de oliveira na Fazenda Experimental de Maria da F\ue9 (FEMF-EPAMIG). Os isolados foram distribu\ueddos em 5 grupos (G1 a G5) de acordo com suas caracter\uedsticas fenot\uedpicas culturais baseadas em cor, di\ue2metro e consist\ueancia das col\uf4nias, e as estirpes-tipo utilizadas foram Azospirillum brasilense (BR11001t), Azospirillum amazonense (BR11040t), Herbaspirillum seropedicae (BR11175t) e Burkholderia brasilensis (BR11340t). A diversidade fisiol\uf3gica foi avaliada atrav\ue9s de experimentos de solubiliza\ue7\ue3o de fosfato, toler\ue2ncia a diferentes condi\ue7\uf5es de pH, temperatura e produ\ue7\ue3o de \ue1cido indolac\ue9tico (AIA). Para avalia\ue7\ue3o do potencial de enraizamento nas estacas semilenhosas de oliveira foram utilizados as cultivares Ascolano 315, Arbequina e Grappolo 541, oriundas do banco de germoplasma da FEMF-EPAMIG. Aplicaram-se 33 tratamentos, nos quais as estacas foram inoculadas com os grupos de isolados bacterianos, com as estirpestipo, sem inocula\ue7\ue3o (controle) e apenas com AIB, comercialmente utilizado na FEMF-EPAMIG. Apenas dois isolados mostraram capacidade de solubiliza\ue7\ue3o de fosfato. Os grupos de isolados e das estirpes-tipo apresentaram exig\ueancias ambientais muito similares com amplas faixas de condi\ue7\uf5es \uf3timas de pH (5,0 a 9,0) e temperatura (15-35\ubaC) para m\ue1ximo crescimento. Os isolados e estirpes-tipo apresentaram uma produ\ue7\ue3o de AIA variando de 110,53 a 383,58 \u3bcg mL-1, sendo que os grupos dos isolados, em geral, n\ue3o diferiram significativamente dos valores obtidos pelas estirpes-tipo. Todos os grupos de isolados apresentam potencial de enraizamento de estacas de oliveira, sendo aqueles dos grupos 1 e 4 mais indicados para a cultivar Arbequina, grupo 2 para a Grappolo 541 e grupos 1 e 5 para a Ascolano 315, com desempenhos semelhantes \ue0quele proporcionado pelo AIB.Non-symbiotic diazotrophic bacteria (NSDB) influence plant growth mainly through biological nitrogen fixation and production and release of plant growth-regulating substances. The effect of these bacteria on rooting of olive is not described in the international literature, which has been provided by the use of hormonal treatment based on indole butyric acid (IBA). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physiological diversity of isolates obtained from soil samples of the Biological Reserve Serra dos Toledos, Itajub\ue1, MG state, and of reference strains of NSDB, and their potential of substitution of IBA on rooting of olive semi-hardwood cuttings from the experimental farm \u2018Maria da F\ue9\u2019 (FEMF-EPAMIG). The isolates were divided into five groups (G1 to G5) according with cultural phenotypic characteristics based on color, diameter and consistence of colonies, and reference strains used were Azospirillum brasilense (BR11001t), Azospirillum amazonense (BR11040t), Herbaspirillum seropedicae (BR11175t) and Burkholderia brasilensis (BR11340t). The diversity of physiological was performed using phosphate solubilization, tolerance to different conditions of temperature and pH and production of indole acetic acid (IAA). To evaluate the potential of semi-hardwood cuttings rooting in olive cultivars were used the cultivars Ascolano 315, Arbequina and Grappolo 541, from the germoplasm blank of the FEMF-EPAMIG. There were 33 treatments, and the cuttings were inoculated with the bacterial isolate groups, with the reference strains, without inoculation (control) and only IBA, commercially used in rooting. Only two isolates showed ability to solubilize phosphate. Groups of isolates and of reference strains showed very similar environmental requirements, with wide ranges of optimum conditions of pH (5,0-9,0) and temperature (15-35\ubaC) for maximum growth. The isolates and reference strains showed a production IAA ranging from 110.53 to 383.58 \u3bcg mL-1, and the groups of isolates generally did not differ significantly from the values obtained by reference strains. All the groups of isolates present potential of rooting of olive cuttings, and those of groups 1 and 4 are more indicated to Arbequina, group 2 to Grappolo 541 and groups 1 and 5 to Ascolano 315, with performances similar to those obtained from IBA


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    Introduction: the eating habits of young people have changed significantly over the last few decades. Teenagers tend to have less than desirable intake of fruits, vegetables, dairy products and wholegrain products, and higher intake of foods high in saturated and trans fats, leading to increased waist circumference and consequent increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Objective: to analyse the relationship between dietary intake as predictor of and increased abdominal circumference in teenagers. Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 818 teenagers aged between 10 and 14 years, of both genders, enrolled in state public schools in the metropolitan region of Vitória, Espirito Santo, Brazil, from August 2012 to October 2013. Waist circumference (WC) measurements were carried out in duplicate and the arithmetic mean was calculated. The dietary intake was identified from a simplified food questionnaire containing foods whose consumption is high or that present excessive risk of coronary heart disease in teenagers. The statistical analysis was done through Pearson’s chi-squared test. Results: a proportion of 55.9% of the sample had an adequate food intake, 15.6% a high intake and 28.5% an excessive intake. Among teenagers who had an adequate, high and excessive dietary intake, 5.6% (N = 46), 1.1% (N = 9) and 2.6% (N = 21) had increased WC, respectively. The result of the chi-squared test indicated no association between dietary intake as predictor of cardiovascular risk and WC, p-value = 0.576. Conclusion: there was no association between dietary intake presenting cardiovascular risk and increased waist circumference