127 research outputs found

    The search for happiness in the eighteenth century and today

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    The changing world of the eighteenth century and the preceding centuries challenged the traditional view of happiness and good life. Thinkers of the eighteenth century pursued happiness through their texts in various ways. By reading these texts we can notice that most of the key elements in our thinking today derive from the eighteenth century.A parallel can be seen between Rousseau's idea of the good life and today’s view of happiness. Rousseau didn’t think that progress was always leading towards a better life. Today the currently rising trend is to revert to natural ways of living and to criticise the negative progress that has led to pollution, isolation and depression. This connection between Rousseau’s and today’s thinking shows that people deliberate over the same questions regardless of the period of time. We can see that the eighteenth century includes those roots of thought and those questions which have been developing and have been a part of the general discussion all the way to the present moment

    Jesus and religion

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    SÀpinÀÀ! : musiikkiteatteriesityksen luominen

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyömme kĂ€sittelee SĂ€pinÀÀ! -musiikkiteatteriesityksen luomisprosessia ja esittĂ€mistĂ€. SĂ€pinÀÀ! esitettiin Pyynikkisalissa Tampereella maanantaina 23.4 klo 14. Esityksemme oli konserttimuotoinen musiikkiteatteriesitys, jonka teemat liittyivĂ€t suo-rittamiseen, paineisiin ja odotuksiin naisten elĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€. Konsertin draamankaari koostui erillisistĂ€ kohtauksista eikĂ€ siinĂ€ ollut kronologista juonta. Kirjallisessa osiossa kĂ€sittelelemme musiikkiteatterin historiaa keskittyen oman esityksemme kannalta oleellisiin musiikkiteatterin historian osa-alueisiin. Perehdymme myös roolin hakemiseen nĂ€yttelijĂ€ntyön nĂ€kökulmasta. Avaamme myös teemoja, musiikkikappaleiden valintaa ja reflektoimme roolityöskentelyĂ€mme ja roolin hakemista.In this thesis, we examine the creative process and performing of the musical theatre performance SĂ€pinÀÀ! The performance took place in Pyynikkisali, Tampere on April 23, 2018 at 2 P.M. and it was done in the form of a musical theatre concert. The thematic focus of SĂ€pinÀÀ! was on the pressures and expectations in a woman’s life. The dramatic arc of the performance was comprised of separate scenes with no chronological plot. In the written section, we discuss the history of musical theatre focusing on the sections relevant to the SĂ€pinÀÀ! performance. The work an actor puts in a role is discussed from the actor’s perspective. In this section, we also explore the themes and the song choices of the performance and reflect our ways of working on a rol

    Does IL Education Have an Impact on Undergraduate Engineering Students\u27 Research Skills

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    This paper presents the first results of testing a model of studying the change in undergraduate students’ research skills after receiving information literacy (IL) instruction. The model is tested with a group of Master’s level engineering students attending a construction materials’ seminar. The IL instruction consists of presenting the basics of information searching in general, the basics of bibliometrics, and searching guidelines of the most important databases in the field of mechanical engineering and material science. After the lecture, the students attend an instructed hands-on information retrieval training session. In order to enable information retrieval from the most important non-English sources, the students attend tailored French or German language education according to their choice. To determine whether information literacy education can be used as a means of improving the technological university undergraduate students’ research skills, special attention is paid on the students’ ability to describe their research problems and to formulate the research questions in their final papers. Moreover, the scientific value and versatility of the source literature are observed. The research methodology for evaluating the model is based on classical qualitative analysis

    Satuhieronta Costa Blancan Skandinaavisessa koulussa

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    Talikka, Reija. Satuhieronta Costa Blancan Skandinaavisessa koulussa. Syksy 2016. 63 s., 9 liitettĂ€. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, sosionomi (AMK)+ lastentarhanopettajan kelpoisuus. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli opettaa Costa Blancan Skandinaavisen koulun suomenkielisille opettajille ja oppilaille satuhierontaa kansainvĂ€lisen vaihtoni aikana. Tavoitteena oli tukea lasten arkea koulussa uudella menetelmĂ€llĂ€ ja kannustaa lapsia tutustumaan innokkaasti erilaisiin satuhierontatapoihin. Tavoitteena oli tarjota heille uusia kokemuksia satuhieronnan avulla. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tuotoksena olivat erilaiset satuhierontatuokiot, joita sovellettiin ryhmien tarpeiden mukaan. Teoriaosuudessa perehdytÀÀn satuhierontaan, sen monipuolisiin vaikutuksiin, sadutukseen sekĂ€ myönteiseen koskettamiseen. Satuhieronta perustuu lapsilĂ€htöisyyteen ja kosketukseen. Se on vuorovaikutusta ilon ja leikin kautta. OpinnĂ€ytetyö on toiminnallinen. Toiminnallinen osuus toteutettiin maalis-toukokuussa 2016 Costa Blancan Skandinaavisessa koulussa erikokoisissa oppilasryhmissĂ€. Tuokioiden sisĂ€ltö valikoitiin kunkin ryhmĂ€n tarpeen mukaan. LisĂ€ksi kuunneltiin oppilaiden ja opettajien toiveita tuokioiden sisĂ€llöistĂ€. Palautetta kerĂ€ttiin aina suullisesti heti tuokioiden jĂ€lkeen. Satuhierontatuokioista ja niiden sisĂ€llöistĂ€ keskusteltiin suurimman osan lasten vanhempien kanssa. Toiminta oli oppilaille mieluisaa ja he kokivat satuhierontatuokion odotetuksi hetkeksi. Opettajat voivat itse jatkaa toimintaa sellaisenaan jatkossakin tai muuttaa sitĂ€ oppilaiden tarpeiden mukaan. JohtopÀÀtöksenĂ€ koettiin, ettĂ€ satuhieronta lisĂ€si yhteishenkeĂ€ ja myönteistĂ€ kosketusta luokassa. Satuhieronta rauhoitti varsinkin levottomia oppilaita. Asiasanat: satuhieronta, myönteinen kosketus, sadutus, toiminnallinen opinnĂ€ytetyöTalikka, Reija. The fairytale massage in Costa Blanca Scandinavian School. 63 p., 9 appendices. Language; Finnish. Autumn 2016. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Social Services, Option in Social Services and Education. Degree: Bachelor of Social Services. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to create lessons and teach fairytale massage at Costa Blanca Scandinavian School to Finnish-speaking pupils and teachers during my international exchange weeks. The aim was to support the children's daily life with a new method in the school and to encourage children to explore the fairytale massage different ways. The theoretical part consisted of fairytale massage, the basic information and affects, story crafting both oxytocin and positive touching. Fairytale massage is based on a child-oriented approach and contact. It is through the interaction of joy and play. This study was functional and the result of the study was various fairytale massage lessons which were fixed to the groups. The group sizes varied. The functional part was accomplished between March and May 2016 in Costa Blanca Scandinavian School. Fairytale massage moments were various, depending on what group needed and wanted. The teachers' and pupils' wishes were listened to. Feedback was always collected orally immediately after the lessons. In addition, there were discussions with most of the children’s parents. Lessons were pleasing to the pupils. Teachers can have the fairytale massage lessons according to the planned or to change when the group sizes vary. Fairytale massage increases team spirit and a positive contact with the class. Fairy tale massage reassured especially restless children. Keywords: Fairytale massage, story crafting, positive touching, thesis of functiona

    Developing Network-Based Systems Toxicology by Combining Transcriptomics Data with Literature Mining and Multiscale Quantitative Modeling

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    We describe how the genome-wide transcriptional profiling can be used in network-based systems toxicology, an approach leveraging biological networks for assessing the health risks of exposure to chemical compounds. Driven by the technological advances changing the ways in which data are generated, systems toxicology has allowed traditional toxicity endpoints to be enhanced with far deeper levels of analysis. In combination, new experimental and computational methods have offered the potential for more effective, efficient, and reliable toxicological testing strategies. We illustrate these advances by the “network perturbation amplitude” methodology that quantifies the effects of exposure treatments on biological mechanisms represented by causal networks. We also describe recent developments in the assembly of high-quality causal biological networks using crowdsourcing and text-mining approaches. We further show how network-based approaches can be integrated into the multiscale modeling framework of response to toxicological exposure. Finally, we combine biological knowledge assembly and multiscale modeling to report on the promising developments of the “quantitative adverse outcome pathway” concept, which spans multiple levels of biological organization, from molecules to population, and has direct relevance in the context of the “Toxicity Testing in the 21st century” vision of the US National Research Council

    PedaForum 2016 -verkostoitumista ja ideoita opetustyöhön

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    Vuosittain järjestettävä PedaForum pidettiin elokuisessa Jyväskylässä. Kehittämispäivien teemana oli hyvinvoiva kampus. Minkälaisia esityksiä kuulimme? Minkälaisia esityksiä oli kirjastoista? PedaForum päivät tarjoavat myös mahdollisuuden verkostotapaamisten järjestämiseen. Artikkelissa kerromme SYN:in oppimisen tuen verkoston tapaamisesta

    A Meta-Analysis of the Performance of a Blood-Based Exposure Response Gene Signature Across Clinical Studies on the Tobacco Heating System 2.2 (THS 2.2)

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    As part of emerging tobacco harm reduction strategies, modified risk tobacco products (MRTP) are being developed to offer alternatives that have the potential to reduce the individual risk and population harm compared with smoking cigarettes for adult smokers who want to continue using tobacco and nicotine products. MRTPs are defined as any tobacco products that are distributed for use to reduce harm or the risk of tobacco-related disease associated with commercially marketed tobacco products. One such candidate MRTP is the Tobacco Heating System (THS) 2.2, which does not burn tobacco but instead heats it, thus producing significantly reduced levels of harmful and potentially harmful constituents compared with cigarettes. The clinical assessment of candidate MRTPs requires the development of exposure-response markers to distinguish current smokers from either nonsmokers or former smokers with high specificity and sensitivity. Toward this end, a whole blood-derived gene signature was previously developed and reported. Four randomized, controlled, open-label, three-arm parallel group reduced exposure clinical studies have been conducted with subjects randomized to three arms: switching from cigarettes to THS 2.2, continuous use of cigarettes, or smoking abstinence. These clinical studies had an investigational period of 5 days in confinement, which was followed by an 85-day ambulatory period in two studies. Here we tested the previously developed blood-derived signature on the samples derived from those clinical studies. We showed that in all four studies, the signature scores were reduced consistently in subjects who either stopped smoking or switched to THS 2.2 compared with subjects who continued smoking cigarettes

    Construction of a Suite of Computable Biological Network Models Focused on Mucociliary Clearance in the Respiratory Tract

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    Mucociliary clearance (MCC), considered as a collaboration of mucus secreted from goblet cells, the airway surface liquid layer, and the beating of cilia of ciliated cells, is the airways’ defense system against airborne contaminants. Because the process is well described at the molecular level, we gathered the available information into a suite of comprehensive causal biological network (CBN) models. The suite consists of three independent models that represent (1) cilium assembly, (2) ciliary beating, and (3) goblet cell hyperplasia/metaplasia and that were built in the Biological Expression Language, which is both human-readable and computable. The network analysis of highly connected nodes and pathways demonstrated that the relevant biology was captured in the MCC models. We also show the scoring of transcriptomic data onto these network models and demonstrate that the models capture the perturbation in each dataset accurately. This work is a continuation of our approach to use computational biological network models and mathematical algorithms that allow for the interpretation of high-throughput molecular datasets in the context of known biology. The MCC network model suite can be a valuable tool in personalized medicine to further understand heterogeneity and individual drug responses in complex respiratory diseases
