466 research outputs found

    The Aerodynamic Effects on Flight Patterns and the Evolutionary Changes in Pterosaurs

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    Early pterosaurs were the first vertebrates to achieve powered flight, and remained small-to-medium sized from the Triassic Period to the end of the Jurassic Period. During that interval, lasting from 210 million years ago to 66 million years ago, pterosaurs underwent a notable changes at the end of the Jurassic Period and through the Cretaceous Period. They were abruptly replaced by much larger forms, characterized by great size and peculiar head ornamentation, among other unique and notable morphological features. While many different explanations theorize why and how the features of the pterosaurs changed over the Cretaceous Period, the aerodynamic influences are neglected and poorly documented. The motivation of this study is the sudden, rapid transition towards the end of the Jurassic Period from small forms to large forms and the appearance of large pterosaurs coincided with the appearance of birds. This work investigates the potential aerodynamic value of specific pterosaur features and the adaptive role they may have played in the diversity and success of the group. This work will move forward with the hope of discovering new insights to this great, ancient mystery

    Czochralski method for crystal growth of reactive intermetallics

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    Czochralski method of crystallization allows obtaining single crystals of many intermetallic compounds. New series Gd7NixPd3x (x = 2, 3) intermetallics was grown by the modi ed Czochralski method using a levitated melt in protective argon atmosphere. Preliminary studies of magnetic properties have shown that all crystals of the series order ferromagnetically. It was found that Gd7Ni2Pd shows magnetic transition to the ferromagnetic state at 225 K while Gd7Ni3 orders at 145 K

    Surface properties of particles emitted from selected coal-fired heating plants and electric power stations in Poland : preliminary results

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    The surface properties of particles emitted from six selected coal-fi red power and heating plants in Poland have been studied in this work for the fi rst time. Samples were collected beyond the control systems. Surface composition of the size-distributed particles was obtained by photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The refl ection of the smallest, submicron particles was also measured to calculate their specifi c/mass absorption. The surface layer of the emitted particles was clearly dominated by oxygen, followed by silicon and carbon. The sum of the relative concentration of these elements was between 85.1% and 91.1% for coarse particles and 71.8–93.4% for fi ne/submicron particles. Aluminum was typically the fourth or fi fth, or at least the sixth most common element. The mass absorption of the submicron particles emitted from the studied plants ranged from 0.02 m2g-1 to 0.03 m2g-1. Only specifi c absorption obtained for the “Nowy Wirek” heating plant was signifi cantly higher than in other studied plants probably because the obsolete fi re grate is used in this heating plant. The obtained results suggest that the power/heating-plant-emitted fi ne particles contain less carbonaceous material/elemental carbon on their surfaces than those that are typical in urban air

    In-vivo toxicity of Prophet's medicinal plant, lawsonia inermis (henna) leaves

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    Lawsonia inermis (henna) is always being explored solely for its scientific components, not for its usage as the Prophetic medicine. Although henna is a popular medicinal plant around the world, only scant toxicity studies have been reported about Malaysia henna and hardly any study that investigated histopathological changes of liver and kidneys of mice due to administration of henna leaves extracts. Antiurolithiatic effect of Malaysian henna in-vitro had been proven and in order to continue study the effect in-vivo, toxicity of the henna towards kidneys should be determined first. The objectives of this study are to observe acute oral toxicity effect of the hydroethanolic (75 % ethanol) extract of henna leaves on behavioural and clinical patterns of the mice and to compare the histopathological changes between control and treatment groups of the mice. Leaves were extracted using soxhlet with hydroethanolic solvent. Single oral dose of 2000 mg/kg henna leaves extracts diluted with distilled water were assigned to treatment group of mice while control group was given distilled water only. Observations were done for 14 days and the mice were sacrificed. Selected organs were taken and weighed but only livers and kidneys were taken for histological assessments. Overall, the behavioral and clinical patterns of the mice were observed to be normal. Biostatistically, all selected organs’ means weight between control and treatment groups are not statistically significant (p>0.05). Furthermore, the irregularities found were not very apparent when histopathological examinations were done. Even though there was not death occurred during the experimental period and no gross changes were observed, there were degeneration of connective tissues between the tubules of the kidneys and pyknotic nuclei within hepatocytes. In conclusion, it is scientifically proven that single dose of hydroethanolic extract of L. inermis (henna) leaves can cause toxicity towards liver and kidneys of the mice

    Influence of Yttrium Substitution on the Electronic Structure and Magnetic Moment of Gd7-xYxPd3 (x=0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

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    The electronic structure and magnetic properties of Gd7¡xYxPd3 (x = 0, 1, 2, 4) single crystals were examined. These compounds crystallized in the same crystal structure type (Th7Fe3) with the same c=a ratio of 0.63. A strongly anisotropic behavior of the magnetic and transport properties was found. Magnetic frustration and spin °uctuations on the palladium atoms are responsible for the complex magnetic properties of this ternary compound. As a part of current research we presented further characteristic of the Gd7¡xYxPd3 (x = 0, 1, 2, 4) single crystal

    Preferencje wartości a zainteresowania czytelnicze nastolatek

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    Preferences of values and readers’ interests among adolescent girlsThe aim of this article is to show correlations between readers’ interests and values among adolescent girls. The theoretical assumptions are based on the Scheler’s conception of values and issues of the valuation crisis. The following problems were stated: 1) are the readers’ interests and the preference of values correlated? 2) do persons with various readers’ interests differ between each other according to values hierarchy? 3) are the readers’ interests and the valuation crisis correlated? Three types of magazines were distinguished by judges according to the content referring to the readers’ interests: “Bravo” type magazines (hedonic orientation); “Focus” type magazines (intellectual orientation) and “Droga” type magazines (spiritual – religious orientation). N = 72 persons (girls from secondary school) were examined using following methods: The Scheler’s Values Scale by Brzozowski, The Valuation Crisis Questionnaire by Oleś and the inquiry. According to the empirical data it can be stated that persons examined in “Bravo” group prefer hedonic and vital values; persons in “Focus” group prefer the truth and moral values and persons in “Droga” group prefer moral and sacred values. The values hierarchy in “Droga” group is almost compatible to the model Scheler’s hierarchy. The values hierarchy in “Bravo” group is close to the reverse objective hierarchy. The values hierarchy in “Focus” group tends to be similar to the Scheler’s hierarchy. The highest indicator of the valuation crisis is in the “Bravo” group, and the lowest is in the “Droga” group

    Quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients in commercially available poly pharmaceutical tablets by means of DSC

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    Differential scanning calorimetry is the first line technique indispensable for industrial quality controllaboratories and, next to many routine applications, could be used in quantitative assays. For this purpose, a relationship between the signal value of analyte (enthalpy change ΔH) and its concentration in the matrix isused. However, there are several limitations of its application, concerning solid state interactions between APIs, other APIs and/or coexisting excipients. With respect to their physical properties, it is known that amorphization state and/or permanent particle deformation can produce relatively large areas of interparticle contact and thus high particle-particle bonding forces. Finally, it may affect the DSC quantitative measurements. The problem was shown using commercially available, different poly component tablets containing ibuprofen in the presence of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride or paracetamol and coexisting excipients