622 research outputs found

    Book Review: Museums, History and Culture in Malaysia

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    It is not very often that one comes across a book about museums in Malaysia. Neither can one easily find such a book that has its contents closely intertwined with the history and culture of the country. This is because an attempt to link the museums with history and heritage is indeed full of complexities as the author has tried to show. The book nonetheless shows that such task is possible. In fact, for college students, the book is quite helpful in providing useful historical information of Malaysia's past. From the narratives of the book, readers will certainly be made aware about the truth of the saying that Malaysia is unique in every sense of the word. As a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic country, it is unique in its style of political pragmatism as seen from the unconventional way its political elites try to manage a plural society that is still struggling to become a viable and integrated nation. Through his book, Museums, History and Culture in Malaysia, the author Abu Talib Ahmad has painstakingly demonstrated how museums in Malaysia try to cope with the diverse and pluralistic views of the country's histor


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    Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Penelitian Pre-Eksperimen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pembelajaran matematika melalui penerapan Pembelajaran model STAD dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik. Desain penelitian ini digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah one-group pretest-postest design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Mandalle tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 dan selanjutnya dipilih satu kelas sebagai sampel penelitian yang diberikan perlakuan dengan menggunakan pembelajaran model STAD dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik dengan teknik Cluster Random Sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi, angket, dan tes hasil belajar. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial. Hasil analisis menunjukkan 90% siswa mencapai ketuntasan individu, nilai rata-rata gain ternormalisasi siswa sebesar 0,76 yang berada pada kategori tinggi, Rata-rata persentase aktivitas siswa sebesar 94,70% siswa aktif, persentase respon positif siswa sebesar 92,38%, rata- rata posttest sebesar 80,67 yang berada pada kategori tinggi. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dengan pendekatan matematika realistik pada pokok bahasa teorema phytagoras efektif diterapkan pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Mandalle. Kata Kunci: pembelajaran model STAD dengan Pendekatan Matematika Realisti

    Synthesis and characterization of NiFeMo alloy / Ahmad Safuan Abu Talib

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    Properties of the Nickel based alloy are high permeability, low coercivity and high saturation magnetization. Molybdenum (Mo) was found to have a strong effect on the crystallization behavior. With the addition of molybdenum to nickel-iron (NiFe) alloys, it exhibit high relative permeability and low eddy current losses. The addition of molybdenum cannot exceed a certain weight ratio for optimum behavior properties. NiFeMo has already been playing its role in the gas turbine engines in aircraft, marine, industrial and vehicular gas turbines. Now, researches are being carried out to optimize the properties for this alloy to be applied to other high industrial application such as space vehicles, rocket engines, experimental aircraft, nuclear reactors, and other hightemperature applications. The effects of molybdenum addition to the microstructure of NiFeMo alloy are investigated in this study. The maximum weight ratio for Mo is set at 5%. Samples consisting of 30Ni-70Fe, 30Ni-69Fe-lMo, 30Ni-67Fe-3Mo, and 30Ni- 65Fe-l wt% are made. This experiment involved synthesizing intermetallic in mechanical alloying, compacting the milled powders into pellet by isostatic pressing, and annealing in a furnace. Zirconia jar and balls were used for mechanical alloying with a rotation speed of 200 rpm that are milled for four hours for each sample. Compaction process involved compacting the samples into cylindrical pellets under a pressure of 400 kg/cm2 and maintained for 10 minutes. Annealing took place in a furnace under a temperature of 600°C for one hour. Samples before and after annealing are made to be tested under optical microscope, XRD, and LCR meter. From the XRD test, four phases exist, which are nickel (Ni), iron (Fe), iron diiron(III) oxide (Fe304), and kamacite (NiFe). From the same test, crystallite sizes are found to be less than 20 nm. Addition of 3% Mo shows the highest for the hardness test. As addition of Mo increases, the resistivity of the material decreases. This shows that the addition of Mo is favourable for NiFe application

    Local community's perception of tourism in Redang Island, Malaysia

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    This paper presents a preliminary study of the local community`s perception on eco tourism in Redang Island, Malaysia. The basic understanding of the local community`s view is important before conducting further research because they are the key players of the industry. Apart from that this paper also covers an overall review and conceptualization of eco tourism within the community development perspective. Four variables, job opportunity, economic benefit, quality of life, preventing migration were measured using quantitative tool. Generally, the community is in full support of tourism business in their area and ready to explore more if given appropriate opportunity. It is also feared that the migration of the younger generation to urban areas can be worse and could be only prevented by boosting the job opportunities in Redang Island. The outcome will be significant to understand the host-tourism relationship that will stress the importance of co-management approach to encourage a sustainable tourism practice

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah dengan Pendekatan Problem Posing terhadap Kreativitas Matematika dan Aktivitas Siswa pada Materi Kubus dan Balok Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 7 Polewali

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    The research aims on discovery the description and the influence of Problem Based Learning Model with Problem Posing Approach on mathematics creativity and Student Activity on The Material of Cubes and Beams of Class VIII Student at SMPN 7 Polewali. The research was free experiment research which employed one group pretest-posttest design. The result of research reveal that (1) the student\u27 Mathematics creativities before applying problem based learning with problem posing approach to class VIII B student at SMPN 7 Polewali show that 23 student are in uncreative category and 1 student is less creativity category, the student\u27 mathematics creativity after applying problem based learning with problem posing approach to class VIII B student at SMPN 7 Polewali shows that 1 student is in very creativity, 5 student are in creativity category, 17 student are in fairly creative category and 1 student is in less creativity category, (2) the description of the students\u27 learning activity after applying problem based learning with problem posing approach to class VIII B student at SMPN 7 Polewali overall is in active category, (3) problem based learning with problem posing approach gives influence to class VIII B student at SMPN 7 Polewali with gain score in medium category

    Penyelesaian permasalahan belia dari perspektif agama.

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    Makalah ini bertujuan melihat fenomena permasalahan belia dan sebab berlakunya salahlaku belia seterusnya menyediakan satu cadangan altenatif, iaitu dari sudut agama untuk mengurangkan permasalahan mereka. Kajian berdasarkan obsevasi dan penelitian ini meninjau penghayatan terhadap ajaran agama adalah sebagai satu jalan alternatif dalam menangani permasalahan belia dengan mengembalikan mereka kepada norma-norma baik dan terpuji. Perbincangan turut mengemukakan beberapa pendekatan bagi menangani permasalahan belia dari perspektif agama

    Students’ Attitude Toward the Use of Google Classroom in Writing Activity

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    The purpose of this research was to know the students’ attitudes toward the use of google classroom in a writing activity. This research used mixed-method research. The researcher chose class XI MIPA 4 of senior high school 1 Samaturu, Kolaka. The instruments of this research were questionnaires and interviews. The result of this research revealed that the students’ attitudes were generally positive toward the use of google classroom in a writing activity. It is supported by the data obtained based on the three aspects of attitude. Cognitive (60%), affective (77,3%), and behavioral (77,3%) aspects of attitude were positive. The researcher also found there are two factors that hinder the students in writing descriptive texts assigned through google classroom, they are: poor internet connection and being lazy. While the supporting factors are four, they are: the display and the feature of google classroom, good internet connection, google classroom is flexible, and a study partner. In addition, there are three strategies used by the students in writing descriptive text, they are planning, drafting, and editing. Further, in writing descriptive text assignments, there are two challenges founded by the students assigned through google classroom, they are deadline and vocabulary

    Lecturers’ use of corrective feedback and students’ uptake in an Indonesian EFL context

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this research is to describe the types of corrective feedback used by Indonesian EFL lecturers, learners’ uptake, and the effects of lecturers’ corrective feedback on students’ uptake. This research is based on a descriptive qualitative research design. The participants were three lecturers from the English Department at Universitas Negeri Makassar. The study found that seven types of corrective feedback were provided by the lecturers: explicit correction, clarification request, metalinguistic feedback, elicitation, repetition, peer-repair request and giving options. The students use two types of uptake in response to lecturers’ corrective feedback: repair uptake and needsrepair uptake. Lecturers’ corrective feedback leads to more repetitions, provides correct forms, and eases the students’ access to repair uptake and self-repair. Lecturers’ educational background and teaching experience have no relationship with their corrective feedback, and the lecturers provide corrective feedback based on the students’ proficiency level and the goal of the lesson. Keywords: Corrective feedback, uptake, Indonesian EFL contex

    Pembelajaran berasaskan masalah matematik dalam suasana koperatif bagi mempertingkatkan kecerdasan pelbagai pelajar Indonesia

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    Learning of mathematics aims to produce excellent students with cognitive and affective skills. Studies that combine problem based learning and cooperative learning to enhance cognitive and affective skills are scarce. The study focused on the effects of problem based learning practice in cooperative situation framework (PBLCS) to enhance the skills in terms logical-mathematical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence of students. This study used a quasi-experimental design based on mixed methods methodology of integrating quantitative and qualitative data. Independent variable of the study is the application of PBLCS learning framework, which is controlled by traditional learning strategies (TL). The population of the study was students of class XI IPA at state senior high schools (SMAN) in Makassar City, Indonesia, attending the second semester of 2012/2013. An experimental group of 103 students attended PBLCS, and 103 students as the control group attended TL classes. These students were selected from one top school, SMAN 1 and two regular schools, namely SMAN 4 and SMAN 18. Inferential analysis using multivariate statistical analysis with one-way Manova was used to analyse quantitative data, whereas interview data were thematically analysed. Descriptive analysis showed that the mean scores of the multiple intelligences from treatment classes were higher than the scores from the control classes. The mean scores for logical-mathematical intelligence enhancement, interpersonal intelligence, and intrapersonal intelligence in PBLCS class were higher than the ones in the TL class. The findings are supported by the results of the inferential analysis, which found that the application of PBLCS learning was better than the use of TL strategies in enhancing the students’ logical-mathematical, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, with significant value 0.000 (a = 0.05). The findings are consistent with the thematic analysis, which showed students generally contend that PBLCS learning can enhance multiple intelligences. The study proposed a framework of PBLCS learning practice and module of function derivative topics to improve the logicalmathematical, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence of students