5,987 research outputs found

    Real Estate Equity Investments and the Institutional Lender: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

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    We consider a setup in which the channel from Alice to Bob is less noisy than the channel from Eve to Bob. We show that there exist encoding and decoding which accomplish error correction and authentication simultaneously; that is, Bob is able to correctly decode a message coming from Alice and reject a message coming from Eve with high probability. The system does not require any secret key shared between Alice and Bob, provides information theoretic security, and can safely be composed with other protocols in an arbitrary context

    Asian dust storm events of spring 2001 and associated pollutants observed in New England by the Atmospheric Investigation, Regional Modeling, Analysis and Prediction (AIRMAP) monitoring network

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    Between 18 April and 13 May 2001, three statistically extreme dust aerosol events were observed across the entire northeastern United States. High levels of bulk aerosol water-soluble Ca2+ (range = 42–482 pptv) and PM2.5 elemental Ca (range = 19–156 pptv) were observed simultaneously at Atmospheric Investigation, Regional Modeling, Analysis and Prediction (AIRMAP) and Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) stations. On the basis of Ca2+ concentrations, the average bulk dust concentration for all events across all four AIRMAP stations was estimated to be 7.4 μg/m3. There was no evidence of dust outbreaks in North America large enough to explain these events. However, in April 2001, massive dust storms occurred in the Tarim Pendi basin and in the Gobi deserts of southern Mongolia and China. Comparison of elemental ratios of AIRMAP samples to previously reported Asian dust aerosol samples showed that all AIRMAP samples had a chemical composition similar to Asian dust transported over long distances. Within the dust plumes, strong correlations were observed between absorption, scattering, and CO, indicative of an anthropogenic contribution including elemental carbon and SO42− aerosols. Aerosol NO3− was also highly elevated during event days, most likely due to uptake of HNO3 by the dust during transport. A comparison of dust plumes sampled by AIRMAP to those sampled off the Asian coast during the TRACE-P airborne mission and on the U.S. west coast, strongly suggested entrainment of additional pollutants (e.g., CO, aerosol NO3−, and SO42−) as the dust plumes were transported over North America

    An estimate of the stratospheric contribution to springtime tropospheric ozone maxima using TOPSE measurements and beryllium-7 simulations

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    Measurements of tropospheric ozone (O3) between 30°N and 70°N show springtime maxima at remote locations. The contribution of seasonal changes in stratosphere–troposphere exchange (STE) to these maxima was investigated using measurements from the Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox Experiment (TOPSE) campaign and the beryllium-7 (7Be) distribution from a calculation driven by fields from the Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS DAS). Comparison with TOPSE measurements revealed that upper tropospheric model-calculated 7Be mixing ratios were reasonable (a change from previous calculations) but that lower tropospheric mixing ratios were too low most likely due to an overestimation of scavenging. Temporal fluctuations were well captured although their amplitudes were often underestimated. Analysis of O3measurements indicated that O3 mixing ratios increased by 5–10% month−1 for θ \u3c 300 K (the underworld) and by 10–15% month−1 for θ \u3e 300 K (the tropospheric middleworld). 7Be mixing ratios decreased with time for θ \u3c 290 K and increased with time for θ \u3e 300 K. Model-calculated middleworld increases of 7Be were a factor of 2 less than measured increases. 7Be with a stratospheric source (strat-7Be) increased by 4.6–8.8% month−1 along TOPSE flight paths within the tropospheric middleworld. Increases in strat-7Be were not seen along TOPSE flight paths in the underworld. Assuming changes in tropospheric O3 with a stratospheric source are the same as changes in strat-7Be and that 50% of O3 in the region of interest is produced in the stratosphere, changes in STE explain 20–60% of O3 increases in the tropospheric middleworld and less than 33% of O3 increases in the underworld

    A major regional air pollution event in the northeastern United States caused by extensive forest fires in Quebec, Canada

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    During early July 2002, wildfires burned ∼1 × 106 ha of forest in Quebec, Canada. The resultant smoke plume was seen in satellite images blanketing the U.S. east coast. Concurrently, extremely high CO mixing ratios were observed at the Atmospheric Investigation, Regional Modeling, Analysis and Prediction (AIRMAP) network sites in New Hampshire and at the Harvard Forest Environmental Measurement Site (HFEMS) in Massachusetts. The CO enhancements were on the order of 525–1025 ppbv above low mixing ratio conditions on surrounding days. A biomass burning source for the event was confirmed by concomitant enhancements in aerosol K+, NH4+, NO3−, and C2O42− mixing ratios at the AIRMAP sites. Additional data for aerosol K, organic carbon, and elemental carbon from the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments network and CO data from Environmental Protection Agency sites indicated that the smoke plume impacted much of the U.S. east coast, from Maine to Virginia. CO mixing ratios and K concentrations at stations with 10-year or longer records suggested that this was the largest biomass burning plume to impact the U.S. east coast in over a decade. Furthermore, CO mixing ratios and aerosol particles with diameters 2.5) mass and scattering coefficients from the AIRMAP network and HFEMS indicated that this event was comparable to the large anthropogenic combustion and haze events which intermittently impact rural New England. The degree of enhancement of O3, NOy, NO3−, NH4+, and SO42− in the biomass plume showed significant variation with elevation and latitude that is attributed to variations in transport and surface depositional processes

    Large-scale distributions of tropospheric nitric, formic, and acetic acids over the western Pacific basin during wintertime

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    We report here measurements of the acidic gases nitric (HNO3), formic (HCOOH), and acetic (CH3COOH) over the western Pacific basin during the February-March 1994 Pacific Exploratory Mission-West (PEM-West B). These data were obtained aboard the NASA DC-8 research aircraft as it flew missions in the altitude range of 0.3–12.5 km over equatorial regions near Guam and then further westward encompassing the entire Pacific Rim arc. Aged marine air over the equatorial Pacific generally exhibited mixing ratios of acidic gases \u3c100 parts per trillion by volume (pptv). Near the Asian continent, discrete plumes encountered below 6 km altitude contained up to 8 parts per billion by volume (ppbv) HNO3 and 10 ppbv HCOOH and CH3COOH. Overall there was a general correlation between mixing ratios of acidic gases with those of CO, C2H2, and C2Cl4, indicative of emissions from combustion and industrial sources. The latitudinal distributions of HNO3 and CO showed that the largest mixing ratios were centered around 15°N, while HCOOH, CH3COOH, and C2Cl4 peaked at 25°N. The mixing ratios of HCOOH and CH3COOH were highly correlated (r2 = 0.87) below 6 km altitude, with a slope (0.89) characteristic of the nongrowing season at midlatitudes in the northern hemisphere. Above 6 km altitude, HCOOH and CH3COOH were marginally correlated (r2 = 0.50), and plumes well defined by CO, C2H2, and C2Cl4 were depleted in acidic gases, most likely due to scavenging during vertical transport of air masses through convective cloud systems over the Asian continent. In stratospheric air masses, HNO3 mixing ratios were several parts per billion by volume (ppbv), yielding relationships with O3 and N2O consistent with those previously reported for NOy

    Air-snow exchange of HNO3 and NOy at Summit, Greenland

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    Ice core records of NO3− deposition to polar glaciers could provide unrivaled information on past photochemical status and N cycling dynamics of the troposphere, if the ice core records could be inverted to yield concentrations of reactive N oxides in the atmosphere at past times. Limited previous investigations at Summit, Greenland, have suggested that this inversion may be difficult, since the levels of HNO3 and aerosol-associated NO3− over the snow are very low in comparison with those of NO3− in the snow. In addition, it appears that some fraction of the NO3− in snow may be reemitted to the atmosphere after deposition. Here we report on extensive measurements of HNO3, including vertical gradients between 1.5 and 7 m above the snow, made during the summers of 1994 and 1995 at Summit. These HNO3 data are compared with NO3− concentrations in surface snow and the first measurements of the concentrations and fluxes of total reactive nitrogen oxides (Ny) on a polar glacier. Our results confirm that HNO3 concentrations are quite low (mean 0.5 nmol m−3) during the summer, while NO3− is the dominant ion in snow. Daytime peaks in HNO3− appear to be due at least partly to emissions from the snow, an assertion supported by gradients indicating a surface source for HNO3− on many days. Observed short-term increases in NO3− inventory in the snow can be too large to be readily attributed to deposition of HNO3− suggesting that deposition of one or more other N oxides must be considered. We found that the apparent fluxes of HNO3 and NOy were in opposite directions during about half the intervals when both were measured, with more cases of HNO3 leaving the snow, against an NOy flux into the snow, than the reverse. The concentrations of NOy are generally about 2 orders of magnitude greater than those of HNO3; hence deposition of only a small, non-HNO3, fraction of this pool could dominate NO3− in snow, if the depositing species converted to NO3−, either in the snowpack or upon melting for analysis

    Application of the Gillespie algorithm to a granular intruder particle

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    We show how the Gillespie algorithm, originally developed to describe coupled chemical reactions, can be used to perform numerical simulations of a granular intruder particle colliding with thermalized bath particles. The algorithm generates a sequence of collision ``events'' separated by variable time intervals. As input, it requires the position-dependent flux of bath particles at each point on the surface of the intruder particle. We validate the method by applying it to a one-dimensional system for which the exact solution of the homogeneous Boltzmann equation is known and investigate the case where the bath particle velocity distribution has algebraic tails. We also present an application to a granular needle in bath of point particles where we demonstrate the presence of correlations between the translational and rotational degrees of freedom of the intruder particle. The relationship between the Gillespie algorithm and the commonly used Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, to be published in J. Phys. A Math. Ge

    Seasonal distributions of fine aerosol sulfate in the North American Arctic basin during TOPSE

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    We used the mist chamber/ion chromatography technique to quantify fine aerosol SO4=(\u3c2.7 μm) in the Arctic during the Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox Experiment (TOPSE) with about 2.5 min time resolution. Our effective sample area ranged from 50° to 86°N and 53° to 100°W. The seasonal evolution of fine aerosol sulfate in the Arctic troposphere during TOPSE was consistent with the phenomenon of Arctic haze. Arctic haze has been attributed to pollution from sources in the Arctic and pollution transported meridionally along stable isentropes into the Arctic in geographically broad but vertically narrow bands. These layers became more prevalent at higher altitudes as the season progressed toward summer, and the relevant isentropes are not held so close to the surface. Mean fine particle SO4= mixing ratios during TOPSE in February below 1000 m were elevated (112 pptv) and highly variable (between 28 and 290 pptv) but were significantly lower at higher altitudes (about 40 pptv). As the season progressed, elevated mixing ratios and higher variability were observed at higher altitudes, up to 7 km. In May, mixing ratios at the lowest altitudes declined but still remained higher than in February at all altitudes. The high variability in our measurements likely reflects the vertical heterogeneity of the wintertime Arctic atmosphere as the airborne sampling platform passed in and out of these layers. It is presumed that mixing ratios and variability will continue to decline at all altitudes into the summer as wet deposition processes become important in removing aerosol SO4= from the troposphere

    Identification of Cytotoxic Flavor Chemicals in Top-Selling Electronic Cigarette Refill Fluids.

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    We identified the most popular electronic cigarette (EC) refill fluids using an Internet survey and local and online sales information, quantified their flavor chemicals, and evaluated cytotoxicities of the fluids and flavor chemicals. "Berries/Fruits/Citrus" was the most popular EC refill fluid flavor category. Twenty popular EC refill fluids were purchased from local shops, and the ingredient flavor chemicals were identified and quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Total flavor chemical concentrations ranged from 0.6 to 27.9 mg/ml, and in 95% of the fluids, total flavor concentration was greater than nicotine concentration. The 20 most popular refill fluids contained 99 quantifiable flavor chemicals; each refill fluid contained 22 to 47 flavor chemicals, most being esters. Some chemicals were found frequently, and several were present in most products. At a 1% concentration, 80% of the refill fluids were cytotoxic in the MTT assay. Six pure standards of the flavor chemicals found at the highest concentrations in the two most cytotoxic refill fluids were effective in the MTT assay, and ethyl maltol, which was in over 50% of the products, was the most cytotoxic. These data show that the cytotoxicity of some popular refill fluids can be attributed to their high concentrations of flavor chemicals
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