1,118 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Radon-222 Concentration and Physical-chemical Quality, in Drinking Water of Taxco, Guerrero

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    In this work the determination of radon gas (222Rn) and the characterization of chemical elements in drinking water of the city Taxco was carried out. Ingesting or inhaling a small number of radionuclides, as well as water of poor chemical quality, can become a potential public health problem. We are collecting 8 samples of water from a spring, physicochemical parameters were measured in field on different days of the dry season. Measurements of 222Rn were performed in the laboratory with an AlphaGUARD equipment. The chemical quality was analyzed in laboratory too by means of mayor and minor ions, by volumetry and colorimetry. The sodium was determined by Flama Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS). Trace elements were analyzed by were determined by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy with Plasma Coupled by Induction (ICP-AES). The concentrations of 222Rn present an average of 22.06 ± 2.52 BqL-1. The results obtained from the main ions and field parameters show a type of diluted sodium-calcium-bicarbonate water. The trace elements present are very small and not exceed the limit of quantification. Radon gas is produced by the igneous rock that is the top of the stratigraphic column, of the hydric recharge. Rainwater when descending through the fractures is impregnated with 222Rn gas and accumulated in the underlying rock that has sufficient porosity to accumulate water and gas in the Chacualco´s spring

    The Escherichia coli RnlA–RnlB toxin–antitoxin complex: production, characterization and crystallization

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    The Escherichia coli rnlAB operon encodes a toxin–antitoxin module that is involved in protection against infection by bacteriophage T4. The full-length RnlA–RnlB toxin–antitoxin complex as well as the toxin RnlA were purified to homogeneity and crystallized. When the affinity tag is placed on RnlA, RnlB is largely lost during purification and the resulting crystals exclusively comprise RnlA. A homogeneous preparation of RnlA–RnlB containing stoichiometric amounts of both proteins could only be obtained using a His tag placed C-terminal to RnlB. Native mass spectrometry and SAXS indicate a 1:1 stoichiometry for this RnlA–RnlB complex. Crystals of the RnlA–RnlB complex belonged to space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 243.32, b = 133.58, c = 55.64 Å, β = 95.11°, and diffracted to 2.6 Å resolution. The presence of both proteins in the crystals was confirmed and the asymmetric unit is likely to contain a heterotetramer with RnlA2:RnlB2 stoichiometry

    Rank-(n – 1) convexity and quasiconvexity for divergence free fields

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    The CAST experiment at CERN (European Organization of Nuclear Research) searches for axions from the sun. The axion is a pseudoscalar particle that was motivated by theory thirty years ago, with the intention to solve the strong CP problem. Together with the neutralino, the axion is one of the most promising dark matter candidates. The CAST experiment has been taking data during the last two years, setting an upper limit on the coupling of axions to photons more restrictive than from any other solar axion search in the mass range below 0.1 eV. In 2005 CAST will enter a new experimental phase extending the sensitivity of the experiment to higher axion masses. The CAST experiment strongly profits from technology developed for high energy physics and for X-ray astronomy: A superconducting prototype LHC magnet is used to convert potential axions to detectable X-rays in the 1-10 keV range via the inverse Primakoff effect. The most sensitive detector system of CAST is a spin-off from space technology, a Wolter I type X-ray optics in combination with a prototype pn-CCD developed for ESA's XMM-Newton mission. As in other rare event searches, background suppression and a thorough shielding concept is essential to improve the sensitivity of the experiment to the best possible. In this context CAST offers the opportunity to study the background of pn-CCDs and its long term behavior in a terrestrial environment with possible implications for future space applications. We will present a systematic study of the detector background of the pn-CCD of CAST based on the data acquired since 2002 including preliminary results of our background simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Proc. SPIE 5898, UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XI

    Exploration of the Cognitive Learning Strategies that help in the Development of the Listening Skill in students of eleventh grade at Maestro Gabriel Institute, second semester 2020

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    Among the years learning English has become a worldwide need because its importance as a universal language. Additionally, the listening skill represents one of the most important macro skills in the acquisition of any language as it permits the development of the speaking skills needed to communicate, but in the process of learning English many language learners usually face difficulties in developing their listening skill and as a result students cannot understand the lessons or communicate with others. Thus, this problematic was taken into consideration and it was decided to investigate which cognitive strategies the students at Maestro Gabriel Institute use and the impact of these strategies have in their listening performance to solve the problem. The sample selected were eight students from eleventh grade, classroom “D” and their respective teacher in charge. The data collection techniques were a classroom observation, an interview to the teacher and a survey designed for students to answer. The results showed that students did not know the majority of the strategies in general and they had little exposure to them. Thus, they did not show too much improvement in their listening skil

    Diffeomorphisms, Noether Charges and Canonical Formalism in 2D Dilaton Gravity

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    We carry out a parallel study of the covariant phase space and the conservation laws of local symmetries in two-dimensional dilaton gravity. Our analysis is based on the fact that the Lagrangian can be brought to a form that vanishes on-shell giving rise to a well-defined covariant potential for the symplectic current. We explicitly compute the symplectic structure and its potential and show that the requirement to be finite and independent of the Cauchy surface restricts the asymptotic symmetries.Comment: 14 pages, latex with psfig macro, one figur

    Pion and Kaon Electromagnetic Form Factors

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    We study the electromagnetic form factor of the pion and kaons at low-energies with the use of Chiral Perturbation Theory. The analysis is performed within the three flavour framework and at next-to-next-to-leading order. We explain carefully all the relevant consistency checks on the expressions, present full analytical results for the pion form factor and describe all the assumptions in the analysis. From the phenomenological point of view we make use of our expression and the available data to obtain the charge radius of the pion obtaining Vπ=(0.452+0.013)fm2_V^\pi=(0.452+-0.013) fm^2, as well as the low-energy constant L9r(mρ)=(5.93+0.43)103L_9^r(m_\rho)= (5.93+-0.43)10^{-3}. We also obtain experimental values for 3 combinations of order p6p^6 constants.Comment: 50 page

    Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in patients with severe low anterior resection syndrome: randomized clinical trial

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    Treatment of low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) is challenging. Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) can improve select bowel disorders. An RCT was conducted to assess the efficacy of PTNS compared with sham stimulation in patients with severe LARS

    Status of the XMM-Newton cross-calibration with SASv6.5.0

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    Further achievements of the XMM-Newton cross-calibration - XMM internal as well as with other X-ray missions - are presented. We explain the major changes in the new version SASv6.5 of the XMM-Newton science analysis system. The current status of the cross-calibration of the three EPIC cameras is shown. Using a large sample of blazars, the pn energy redistribution at low energy could be further calibrated, correcting the overestimation of fluxes in the lowest energy regime. In the central CCDs of the MOSs, patches were identified at the bore-sight positions, leading to an underestimation of the low energy fluxes. The further improvement in the understanding of the cameras resulted in a good agreement of the EPIC instruments down to lowest energies. The latest release of the SAS software package already includes corrections for both effects as shown in several examples of different types of sources. Finally the XMM internal cross-calibration is completed by the presentation of the current cross-calibration status between EPIC and RGS instruments. Major efforts have been made in cross-calibrations with other X-ray missions, most importantly with Chandra, of course, but also with currently observing satellites like Swift.Comment: 6 pages, 23 figures. To appear in the proceedings of "The X-Ray Universe 2005" conference, 2005 Sept 26-30, El Escorial, Madrid, Spai