136 research outputs found

    Evolution of spliceosomal introns following endosymbiotic gene transfer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spliceosomal introns are an ancient, widespread hallmark of eukaryotic genomes. Despite much research, many questions regarding the origin and evolution of spliceosomal introns remain unsolved, partly due to the difficulty of inferring ancestral gene structures. We circumvent this problem by using genes originated by endosymbiotic gene transfer, in which an intron-less structure at the time of the transfer can be assumed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By comparing the exon-intron structures of 64 mitochondrial-derived genes that were transferred to the nucleus at different evolutionary periods, we can trace the history of intron gains in different eukaryotic lineages. Our results show that the intron density of genes transferred relatively recently to the nuclear genome is similar to that of genes originated by more ancient transfers, indicating that gene structure can be rapidly shaped by intron gain after the integration of the gene into the genome and that this process is mainly determined by forces acting specifically on each lineage. We analyze 12 cases of mitochondrial-derived genes that have been transferred to the nucleus independently in more than one lineage.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Remarkably, the proportion of shared intron positions that were gained independently in homologous genes is similar to that proportion observed in genes that were transferred prior to the speciation event and whose shared intron positions might be due to vertical inheritance. A particular case of parallel intron gain in the <it>nad7 </it>gene is discussed in more detail.</p

    Application and comparative performance of network modularity algorithms to ecological communities classification

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    Network modularity is a well-studied large-scale connectivity pattern in networks. The detection of modules in real networks constitutes a crucial step towards a description of the network building blocks and their evolutionary dynamics. The performance of modularity detection algorithms is commonly quantified using simulated networks data. However, a comparison of the modularity algorithms utility for real biological data is scarce. Here we investigate the utility of network modularity algorithms for the classification of ecological plant communities. Plant community classification by the traditional approaches requires prior knowledge about the characteristic and differential species, which are derived from a manual inspection of vegetation tables. Using the raw species abundance data we constructed six different networks that vary in their edge definitions. Four network modularity algorithms were examined for their ability to detect the traditionally recognized plant communities. The use of more restrictive edge definitions significantly increased the accuracy of community detection, that is, the correspondence between network-based and traditional community classification. Random-walk based modularity methods yielded slightly better results than approaches based on the modularity function. For the whole network, the average agreement between the manual classification and the network-based modules is 76% with varying congruence levels for different communities ranging between 11% and 100%. The network-based approach recovered the known ecological gradient from riverside – sand and gravel bank vegetation – to dryer habitats like semidry grassland on dykes. Our results show that networks modularity algorithms offer new avenues of pursuit for the computational analysis of species communities

    Is There More to This Case than Mere Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis? A Clinical Case Presentation

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    Introduction: Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease, associated with excess accumulation of surfactant proteins and lipids in the alveoli. Clinical presentation: We report the case of a 46-year-old woman with a combined presentation of PAP, myelodysplasia and recurrent miscarriages. Conclusions: The concomitant presentation of the above might be compatible with a mutation of the haematopoietic transcription factor gene GATA2

    A Novel Eukaryotic Denitrification Pathway in Foraminifera

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    Benthic foraminifera are unicellular eukaryotes inhabiting sediments of aquatic environments. Several species were shown to store and use nitrate for complete denitrification, a unique energy metabolism among eukaryotes. The population of benthic foraminifera reaches high densities in oxygen-depleted marine habitats, where they play a key role in the marine nitrogen cycle. However, the mechanisms of denitrification in foraminifera are still unknown, and the possibility of a contribution of associated bacteria is debated. Here, we present evidence for a novel eukaryotic denitrification pathway that is encoded in foraminiferal genomes. Large-scale genome and transcriptomes analyses reveal the presence of a denitrification pathway in foraminifera species of the genus Globobulimina. This includes the enzymes nitrite reductase (NirK) and nitric oxide reductase (Nor) as well as a wide range of nitrate transporters (Nrt). A phylogenetic reconstruction of the enzymes' evolutionary history uncovers evidence for an ancient acquisition of the foraminiferal denitrification pathway from prokaryotes. We propose a model for denitrification in foraminifera, where a common electron transport chain is used for anaerobic and aerobic respiration. The evolution of hybrid respiration in foraminifera likely contributed to their ecological success, which is well documented in palaeontological records since the Cambrian period

    Two novel heteropolymer‐forming proteins maintain the multicellular shape of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120

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    Polymerizing and filament-forming proteins are instrumental for numerous cellular processes such as cell division and growth. Their function in stabilization and localization of protein complexes and replicons is achieved by a filamentous structure. Known filamentous proteins assemble into homopolymers consisting of single subunits – for example, MreB and FtsZ in bacteria – or heteropolymers that are composed of two subunits, for example, keratin and α/β tubulin in eukaryotes. Here, we describe two novel coiled-coil-rich proteins (CCRPs) in the filament-forming cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 (hereafter Anabaena) that assemble into a heteropolymer and function in the maintenance of the Anabaena multicellular shape (termed trichome). The two CCRPs – Alr4504 and Alr4505 (named ZicK and ZacK) – are strictly interdependent for the assembly of protein filaments in vivo and polymerize nucleotide independently in vitro, similar to known intermediate filament (IF) proteins. A ΔzicKΔzacK double mutant is characterized by a zigzagged cell arrangement and hence a loss of the typical linear Anabaena trichome shape. ZicK and ZacK interact with themselves, with each other, with the elongasome protein MreB, the septal junction protein SepJ and the divisome associate septal protein SepI. Our results suggest that ZicK and ZacK function in cooperation with SepJ and MreB to stabilize the Anabaena trichome and are likely essential for the manifestation of the multicellular shape in Anabaena. Our study reveals the presence of filament-forming IF-like proteins whose function is achieved through the formation of heteropolymers in cyanobacteria

    Denitrification in foraminifera has ancient origins and is complemented by associated bacteria

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    Benthic foraminifera are unicellular eukaryotes that inhabit sediments of aquatic environments. Several foraminifera of the order Rotaliida are known to store and use nitrate for denitrification, a unique energy metabolism among eukaryotes. The rotaliid Globobulimina spp. has been shown to encode an incomplete denitrification pathway of bacterial origins. However, the prevalence of denitrification genes in foraminifera remains unknown and the missing denitrification pathway components are elusive. Analysing transcriptomes and metagenomes of ten foraminifera species from the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone, we show that denitrification genes are highly conserved in foraminifera. We infer of the last common ancestor of denitrifying foraminifera, which enables us to predict further denitrifying species. Additionally, an examination of the foraminifera microbiota reveals evidence for a stable interaction with Desulfobacteracea , which harbour genes that complement the foraminifera denitrification pathway. Our results provide evidence that foraminiferal denitrification is complemented by the foraminifera microbiome. The interaction of Foraminifera with their resident bacteria is at the basis of foraminifera adaptation to anaerobic environments that manifested in ecological success within oxygen depleted habitats

    SepT, a novel protein specific to multicellular cyanobacteria, influences peptidoglycan growth and septal nanopore formation in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120

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    Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 grows by forming filaments of communicating cells and is considered a paradigm of bacterial multicellularity. Molecular exchanges between contiguous cells in the filament take place through multiprotein channels that traverse the septal peptidoglycan through nanopores connecting their cytoplasms. Besides, the septal-junction complexes contribute to strengthen the filament. In search for proteins with coiled-coil domains that could provide for cytoskeletal functions in Anabaena, we identified SepT (All2460). SepT is characteristic of the phylogenetic clade of filamentous cyanobacteria with the ability to undergo cell differentiation. SepT-GFP fusions indicate that the protein is located at the cell periphery and, conspicuously, in the intercellular septa. During cell division, the protein is found at midcell resembling the position of the divisome. The bacterial adenylate cyclase two-hybrid analysis shows SepT interactions with itself and putative elongasome (MreB, RodA), divisome (FtsW, SepF, ZipN), and septal-junction (SepJ)-related proteins. Thus, SepT appears to rely on the divisome for localization at mature intercellular septa to form part of intercellular protein complexes. Two independently obtained mutants lacking SepT showed alterations in cell size and impaired septal and peripheral peptidoglycan incorporation during cell growth and division. Notably, both mutants showed conspicuous alterations in the array of nanopores present in the intercellular peptidoglycan disks, including aberrant nanopore morphology, number, and distribution. SepT appears, therefore, to be involved in the control of peptidoglycan growth and the formation of cell-cell communication structures that are at the basis of the multicellular character of this group of cyanobacteria

    Carrying Capacity and Colonization Dynamics of Curvibacter in the Hydra Host Habitat

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    Most eukaryotic species are colonized by a microbial community – the microbiota – that is acquired during early life stages and is critical to host development and health. Much research has focused on the microbiota biodiversity during the host life, however, empirical data on the basic ecological principles that govern microbiota assembly is lacking. Here we quantify the contribution of colonizer order, arrival time and colonization history to microbiota assembly on a host. We established the freshwater polyp Hydra vulgaris and its dominant colonizer Curvibacter as a model system that enables the visualization and quantification of colonizer population size at the single cell resolution, in vivo, in real time. We estimate the carrying capacity of a single Hydra polyp as 2 × 105 Curvibacter cells, which is robust among individuals and time. Colonization experiments reveal a clear priority effect of first colonizers that depends on arrival time and colonization history. First arriving colonizers achieve a numerical advantage over secondary colonizers within a short time lag of 24 h. Furthermore, colonizers primed for the Hydra habitat achieve a numerical advantage in the absence of a time lag. These results follow the theoretical expectations for any bacterial habitat with a finite carrying capacity. Thus, Hydra colonization and succession processes are largely determined by the habitat occupancy over time and Curvibacter colonization history. Our experiments provide empirical data on the basic steps of host-associated microbiota establishment – the colonization stage. The presented approach supplies a framework for studying habitat characteristics and colonization dynamics within the host–microbe setting

    Currency, Exchange, and Inheritance in the Evolution of Symbiosis

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    Highlights: Inspired by the evolution of eukaryotic organelles, we propose a conceptual framework to study the evolutionary and ecological drivers of symbiosis, including three main elements: a currency, mechanisms of currency exchange, and inheritance. Currency in symbiosis is the type resources that species in a beneficial symbiosis gain from their partner. Currency exchange is a complex process that requires molecular adaptations in one or both partners. We identify two distinct but not mutually exclusive initial evolutionary imperatives for the establishment of symbiosis, termed currency first, in which the initial interaction stems from a common currency exchange between the interacting partners to complement their environmental requirements, and transmission first, in which stable transgenerational transmission precedes the evolution of currency exchange. Symbiotic interactions between eukaryotes and prokaryotes are widespread in nature. Here we offer a conceptual framework to study the evolutionary origins and ecological circumstances of species in beneficial symbiosis. We posit that mutual symbiotic interactions are well described by three elements: a currency, the mechanism of currency exchange, and mechanisms of symbiont inheritance. Each of these elements may be at the origin of symbiosis, with the other elements developing with time. The identity of currency in symbiosis depends on the ecological context of the symbiosis, while the specificity of the exchange mechanism underlies molecular adaptations for the symbiosis. The inheritance regime determines the degree of partner dependency and the symbiosis evolutionary trajectory. Focusing on these three elements, we review examples and open questions in the research on symbiosis