127 research outputs found


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    Immunohistochemical studies using anti-human glutathione S-transferase placental form (GST-π) rabbit antibody were carried out to investigate various hepatobiliary diseases in humans. Hepatocytes in fetal and adult liver without disease were negatively or positively stained while intra-or extrahepatic bile duct epithelial cells were positively or strongly positively stained with GST-π. Hepatocytes in regenerated nodules in liver cirrhosis were positively stained. Hepatocellular carcinomas were not strongly positively stained, while cholangiocarcinomas and cancers of the biliary tract were positively or strongly positively stained. These results indicate that GST-π staining is a useful marker for the diagnosis of intra-or extra-hepatic bile duct carcinomas in humans, and that enzyme activity is not phenotypically expressed in hepatocellular carcinomas

    Electrodeposition of Ferromagnetic Metal Nanowires

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    Ni-Fe alloy films and nanowires were fabricated using electrodeposition technique. The cylindrical shape of nanowires was precisely transferred from the nanochannels of membrane filters and the aspect ratio reached to around 60. Coercive force in in-plan direction of Ni-Fe alloy films decreased to ca. 1 Oe with increasing Fe content in deposits while, in perpendicular direction, the films were hardly magnetized. Magnetic hysteresis loops revealed that the nanowires were spontaneously magnetized to the long axis direction and the coercive force reached to ca. 200 Oe.6th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials - THERMEC\u272009; Berlin; 25 August 2009 through 29 August 2009; Code 7924

    Lifetime attributable risk of radiation-induced secondary cancer from proton beam therapy compared with that of intensity-modulated X-ray therapy in randomly sampled pediatric cancer patients

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    To investigate the amount that radiation-induced secondary cancer would be reduced by using proton beam therapy (PBT) in place of intensity-modulated X-ray therapy (IMXT) in pediatric patients, we analyzed lifetime attributable risk (LAR) as an in silico surrogate marker of the secondary cancer after these treatments. From 242 pediatric patients with cancers who were treated with PBT, 26 patients were selected by random sampling after stratification into four categories: (i) brain, head and neck, (ii) thoracic, (iii) abdominal, and (iv) whole craniospinal (WCNS) irradiation. IMXT was replanned using the same computed tomography and region of interest. Using the dose-volume histograms (DVHs) of PBT and IMXT, the LARs of Schneider et al. were calculated for the same patient. All the published dose-response models were tested for the organs at risk. Calculation of the LARs of PBT and IMXT based on the DVHs was feasible for all patients. The means +/- standard deviations of the cumulative LAR difference between PBT and IMXT for the four categories were (i) 1.02 +/- 0.52% (n = 7, P = 0.0021), (ii) 23.3 +/- 17.2% (n = 8, P = 0.0065), (iii) 16.6 +/- 19.9% (n = 8, P = 0.0497) and (iv) 50.0 +/- 21.1% (n = 3, P = 0.0274), respectively (one tailed t-test). The numbers needed to treat (NNT) were (i) 98.0, (ii) 4.3, (iii) 6.0 and (iv) 2.0 for WCNS, respectively. In pediatric patients who had undergone PBT, the LAR of PBT was significantly lower than the LAR of IMXT estimated by in silico modeling. Although a validation study is required, it is suggested that the LAR would be useful as an in silico surrogate marker of secondary cancer induced by different radiotherapy techniques

    Soft Magnetic Property of Electrodeposited Nickel-Tungsten Alloys

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    Nickel-tungsten alloy (Ni_W_) containing up to 15% tungsten has been electrochemically synthesized. Crystal grain size decreased and the lattice constant increased with increasing in tungsten content in deposit. The Nickel-tungsten alloy contains nano-size crystals. Magnetic coercive force of the alloy decreased down to around 20 Oe with increase in tungsten content and the soft magnetic property was improved.Nagasaki Symposium on Nano-Dynamics 2008 (NSND2008) 平成20年1月29日(火)於長崎大学 Poster Presentatio

    Electrodeposition of Zinc-Telluride Compound Semiconductors

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    Zinc-telluride compound semiconductors were electrodeposited from acidic aqueous solution. Under potential deposition (UPD) of zinc was observed during the co-deposition of zinc and tellurium. UPD of zinc was promoted by rising the solution temperature up to 353K. Band gap energy of annealed zinc-telluride films with almost ideal stoichiometric composition (Zn:Te=1:1) were close to 2.26 eV.Nagasaki Symposium on Nano-Dynamics 2008 (NSND2008) 平成20年1月29日(火)於長崎大学 Poster Presentatio

    Laparoscopic Diagnosis and Laparoscopic Hyperthermic Intraoperative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Detected by CT Examination

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    Background. Patients with early stage of pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) are sometimes difficult to diagnose the primary sites and intraperitoneal spread of tumor and to perform a cytological study. Methods. Patients without a definitive diagnosis and with unknown extent of peritoneal spread of tumor underwent laparoscopy. Hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) was administered as part of the same intervention. The results of treatment were evaluated at the time of second-look laparotomy (SLL) as a subsequent intervention. Results. Eleven patients were managed by diagnostic laparoscopy followed by laparoscopic HIPEC (LHIPEC). The operation time of laparoscopic examination and LHIPEC was 177 ± 26 min (range 124–261 min). No intraoperative complication was experienced. The peritoneal carcinomatosis index (PCI) score by laparoscopic observation was 16.5 ± 6.4 (range 0–30). One patient with localized pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) mucocele did not received LHIPEC; the other 10 patients with peritoneal metastases (PM) were treated with LHIPEC. After LHIPEC, ascites disappeared in 2 cases and decreased in the amount in the other 8 cases. Nine patients underwent SLL and cytoreductive surgery (CRS) combined with HIPEC. The duration between LHIPEC and SLL ranged from 40 to 207 days (97 ± 40 days). The PCI at the SLL ranged from 4 to 27 (12.9 ± 7.1). The PCI at the time of SLL decreased as compared to PCI at the time of diagnostic laparotomy in 7 of 9 patients. Median follow-up period is 22 months (range 7–35). All 11 patients are alive. Conclusion. The early results suggest that laparoscopic diagnosis combined with LHIPEC is useful to determine the surgical treatment plan and reduce the tumor burden before definitive CRS at SLL

    Electrodeposition of Nano-crystalline Nickel-Molybdenum Alloys

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    Nano-crystalline nickel-molybdenum alloys were electrochemically synthesized from aqueous solution. With increasing molybdenum content in the alloy up to 23.6%, the crystal grain size decreased down to several nanometers scale. The magnetic coercive force decreased to several oersteds with increasing the molybdenum content. Soft magnetic property of the alloy was improved compared with that of pure nickel.Nagasaki Symposium on Nano-Dynamics 2008 (NSND2008) 平成20年1月29日(火)於長崎大学 Poster Presentatio

    Lifetime attributable risk of radiation-induced secondary cancer from proton beam therapy compared with that of intensity-modulated X-ray therapy in randomly sampled pediatric cancer patients

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    To investigate the amount that radiation-induced secondary cancer would be reduced by using proton beam therapy (PBT) in place of intensity-modulated X-ray therapy (IMXT) in pediatric patients, we analyzed lifetime attributable risk (LAR) as an in silico surrogate marker of the secondary cancer after these treatments. From 242 pediatric patients with cancers who were treated with PBT, 26 patients were selected by random sampling after stratification into four categories: (i) brain, head and neck, (ii) thoracic, (iii) abdominal, and (iv) whole craniospinal (WCNS) irradiation. IMXT was replanned using the same computed tomography and region of interest. Using the dose–volume histograms (DVHs) of PBT and IMXT, the LARs of Schneider et al. were calculated for the same patient. All the published dose–response models were tested for the organs at risk. Calculation of the LARs of PBT and IMXT based on the DVHs was feasible for all patients. The means ± standard deviations of the cumulative LAR difference between PBT and IMXT for the four categories were (i) 1.02 ± 0.52% (n = 7, P = 0.0021), (ii) 23.3 ± 17.2% (n = 8, P = 0.0065), (iii) 16.6 ± 19.9% (n = 8, P = 0.0497) and (iv) 50.0 ± 21.1% (n = 3, P = 0.0274), respectively (one tailed t-test). The numbers needed to treat (NNT) were (i) 98.0, (ii) 4.3, (iii) 6.0 and (iv) 2.0 for WCNS, respectively. In pediatric patients who had undergone PBT, the LAR of PBT was significantly lower than the LAR of IMXT estimated by in silico modeling. Although a validation study is required, it is suggested that the LAR would be useful as an in silico surrogate marker of secondary cancer induced by different radiotherapy techniques

    アクセイ フクマク チュウヒシュ ニ タイスル cytoreductive surgery

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    海外では悪性腹膜中皮腫に対してcytoreductive surgery (CRS)と腹腔内温熱化学療法を含めた周術期化学療法が普及しているものの、本邦では悪性腹膜中皮腫に対する外科的治療の報告は乏しい。今回我々は当院でのCRSと周術期化学療法による悪性腹膜中皮腫に対する治療成績を報告する。2013年2月から2022年4月までの期間において、15例の悪性腹膜中皮腫に対してCRSを施行した。患者年齢の中央値は58歳(42-67)で、男性5例と女性10例であった。CRSは病変の存在する壁側腹膜と臓器切除を組み合わせて施行した。10例に対して術前化学療法を施行し、12例に対して術後化学療法を施行した。腹腔内温熱化学療法を8例に対して施行した。全生存期間の中央値は41か月であった。3年生存率57.7%で、5年生存率は34.6%であった。上皮型でperitoneal cancer index≦22であった6例については全例生存中であり、今後の長期生存が期待される結果であった。2.5cmより大きな腫瘍が遺残した場合でも術後化学療法の奏功により3年以上の生存が得られる症例も存在していた。単変量解析をおこなうも、生存に関する統計学的に有意な因子は認めなかった。手術合併症(Clavien-Dindo分類3以上)はGrade 3aが2例、Grade 3bが1例、Grade 4aが2例であった。悪性腹膜中皮腫に対して、これまで日本で施行されてきた化学療法単独療法では予後不良であることが知られている。一方、今回の我々が施行したCRSと周術期化学療法の治療成績は比較的予後良好であり、合併症も許容範囲内であると考えられた。悪性腹膜中皮腫に対する海外におけるCRSと化学療法による良好な治療成績の報告があることからも、本邦でのCRSと周術期化学療法の継続と症例の集積により、体系的な治療法確立と治療成績向上が期待できるであろう。Cytoreductive surgery and perioperative chemotherapy, including hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy, the standard treatments for malignant peritoneal mesothelioma worldwide are not yet widespread in Japan. We report the surgical outcomes of cytoreductive surgery with perioperative chemotherapy for patients with malignant peritoneal mesothelioma at our institution. We encountered 15 patients who required cytoreductive surgery from February 2013 to April 2022. Their median age was 58 (range 42–67) years, and there were 5 men and 10 women. Cytoreductive surgery was performed by combining extensive peritoneal resection and the resection of various organs. Ten patients underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy was performed in 8 patients, and 12 patients received postoperative systemic chemotherapy. The median overall survival period was 41 months for all patients. After the cytoreductive surgery, the 3- and 5-year survival rates were 57.7% and 34.6%, respectively. All six patients with epithelial-type peritoneal mesothelioma with a peritoneal cancer index of ≤22 are alive, with expected long-term survival. Furthermore, among patients with a cytoreduction completeness of 3, which indicates residual tumors of >2.5 cm in diameter, long-term survival was achieved in those who responded to chemotherapy. In the univariate analysis, no significant factor was identified for overall survival. For malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, the treatment outcome of chemotherapy alone, which is the standard treatment in Japan, is known to be poor. This study demonstrated that cytoreductive surgery with chemotherapy achieved better outcomes than known reports in Japan. The results of cytoreductive surgery with chemotherapy from across the world may improve treatment outcomes in Japan