125 research outputs found

    Rekayasa Bakteri Untuk Ternak Dan Manusia: Pembuatan Mutan Escherichia Coli Penghasil Protein Rekombinan

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    Protein rekombinan seperti vaksin, antibodi, hormon, dan obat-obatan, semakin dibutuhkan oleh ternak dan manusia. Hambatan utama untuk menghasilkan protein rekombinan pada Escherichia coli sebagai inang yang digunakan paling luas adalah degradasi oleh enzim proteolitik. Hal ini disebabkan karena E. coli memiliki sejumlah enzim proteolitik yang tersebar di dalam sitoplasmanya. Untuk itu, lebih dari 90% degradasi protein terjadi di dalam sitoplasmanya. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti telah menghasilkan mutant E. coli BW25113 yang tidak memiliki gen penyandi enzim protease dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode pengerusakan kromosom dan metode transduksi phage P1. Pembuatan mutan tersebut dimulai dengan pengerusakan gen penyandi enzim protease pada kromosom bakteri dengan produk PCR yang memiliki bagian yang homolog dengan gen target. Mutan-mutan yang dihasilkan kemudian digunakan untuk menghasilkan mutan ganda dengan metode Transduksi phage P1. Analisis fenotif dan genotif menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi kedua metode tersebut sangat efektif untuk membuat lebih dari satu mutasi pada E. coli. Untuk itu, mutan E. coli yang telah diperoleh akan sangat bermanfaat untuk menghasilkan aneka protein rekombinan untuk ternak dan manusia

    A locally-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ propagates cell-to-cell in the presence of plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase inhibitors in non-excitable cells

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    AbstractIntercellular Ca2+ waves are commonly observed in many cell types. In non-excitable cells, intercellular Ca2+ waves are mediated by gap junctional diffusion of a Ca2+ mobilizing messenger such as IP3. Since Ca2+ is heavily buffered in the cytosolic environment, it has been hypothesized that the contribution of the diffusion of Ca2+ to intercellular Ca2+ waves is limited. Here, we report that in the presence of plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase inhibitors, locally-released Ca2+ from the flash-photolysis of caged-Ca2+ appeared to induce further Ca2+ release and were propagated from one cell to another, indicating that Ca2+ was self-amplified to mediate intercellular Ca2+ waves. Our findings support the notion that non-excitable cells can establish a highly excitable medium to communicate local responses with distant cells

    p16INK4A-expressing mesenchymal stromal cells restore the senescence– clearance– regeneration sequence that is impaired in chronic muscle inflammation

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    E-selectin as a prognostic factor of patients hospitalized due to acute inflammatory respiratory diseases

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    When examining patients with acute inflammatory respiratory diseases, it is difficult to distinguish between infectious pneumonia and interstitial pneumonia and predict patient prognosis at the beginning of treatment. In this study, we assessed whether endothelial selectin (E-selectin) predicts the outcome of patients with acute inflammatory respiratory diseases. We measured E-selectin serum levels in 101 patients who were admitted to our respiratory care unit between January 2013 and December 2013 because of acute inflammatory respiratory diseases that were eventually diagnosed as interstitial pneumonia (n = 38) and lower respiratory tract infection (n = 63). Seven of these patients (n = 101) died. The pneumonia severity score was significantly higher and the oxygen saturation of arterial blood measured by pulse oximeter (SpO2)/fraction of inspiratory oxygen (FiO2) was significantly lower in the deceased patients than in the surviving patients. There were significantly fewer peripheral lymphocytes and significantly higher E-selectin serum levels in the deceased patients than in the surviving patients. In the multiple logistic regression analysis, the E-selectin serum levels and SpO2/FiO2 ratio were independent predictive factors of prognosis. The risk of death during acute respiratory disease was determined using a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.871 as calculated from the ES, and the cutoff value was 6453.04 pg/ml, with a sensitivity of 1.00 and a specificity of 0.72 (p = 0.0027). E-selectin may be a useful biomarker for predicting the prognosis of patients with acute inflammatory respiratory diseases

    MafB silencing in macrophages does not influence the initiation and growth of lung cancer induced by urethane

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    An increased number of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) that exhibit the M2 macrophage phenotype is related to poorer prognosis in cancer patients. MafB is a transcription factor regulating the differentiation of macrophages. However, involvement of MafB for the development of TAMs is unknown. This study was designed to investigate the role of MafB in a murine urethane-induced lung cancer model. Urethane was injected intraperitoneally into wild-type and dominant-negative MafB transgenic mice. Twenty-four weeks later, mice were sacrificed and their lungs removed for pathological analysis. The numbers and mean areas of lung cancer were evaluated. In addition, the numbers of Mac-3-positive macrophages were evaluated in each tumor. The numbers and mean areas of lung cancer induced by urethane administration were not significantly different between wild-type and dominant-negative MafB transgenic mice. The numbers of TAMs in lung cancer tissue were not significantly different between the two groups. MafB silencing using dominant-negative MafB did not influence the initiation and growth of lung cancer in mice exposed to urethane. These data suggest that MafB may not be related to the development of TAMs