1,522 research outputs found

    Presence/absence sequential plans for pest management decision-making, for arthropods of wet rice ecosystem in Malaysia

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    Presence-absence sequential sampling plans are presented for 11 arthropod categories to assist in management of their populations in the multipest-infested rice crop in Malaysia. Data from visual inspection of204 samples, with 40 and 100 hills per sample, were used to develop the plans. Action threshold for each of the 11 (5 pests, 6 predators) arthropod categories was obtained through a fourth-order polynomial regression of proportion of infestation against mean population densities, at the point of saturation of infestation. The pest species are: Nephotettix spp., Nilaparvata lugens, Recilia dorsalis, Sogatella furcifera and Cnapholocrocis medinalis (Pyralidae), and the predators: Cyrtorhinus lividipennis, Anatrichus pygmaeus (Diptera), spiders, Odonata, Paederus fuscipes and Casnoidea spp. Risk levels of Type I (a) and Type II error ({3) were prefixed at 0.3, since lower levels entail taking a larger number of samples. The sequential plans were then generated using the SEQUAN computer program of Talerico and Chapman (1970). During field operation on not more than 50 ha at a time, it is suggested that at least ten hills should be examined visually before recommending any pest management action. Simultaneous sampling of pests and predators enables status of predators' populations to be considered before recommending any decision

    Differential diurnal population density ratios of wet rice arthropods in Malaysia

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    The varying population density of wet rice arthropods in a 24-h period, at two different locations, was monitored. Using one hill as the sampling unit, 22 categories of arthropods were visually counted every 3 h. In each of two separate studies, at each combination of arthropod category, date and time of sampling, the mean density at each sampling time was calculated and divided by the mean density for that day, to obtain the ratio of population density. Analysis of variance on these ratios (log transformed to normalize residuals and stabilize the variance) indicates sampling time as the only significant (P<0.05) main effect. When combined across categories and dates, ratios for 2100, 2400 and 0300 h were similar, higher than 1, and significantly higher than those from 0600 - 1800 h. Examination of each category's ratio pattern indicates four major behaviour groupings: (1) those with night ratios higher than 1, hence present in higher numbers at night and known to be active then; (2) those with ratios higher at night but known to be inactive then; (3) those with relatively constant ratios throughout day and night; (4) those with ratios high at certain hours only, usually at night and known to be most active then. Accurate estimation ofpopulation should consider the varying density ofindividuals corresponding with the time of day and changing activity pattern of the arthropod concerned. Hence it is suggested here that the appropriate ratio should be used for the relevant arthropod category when sampling at a certain time of day

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Self Acreditation Berbasis Online

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    Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan Pendidikan Masyarakat BP-PAUDDIKMAS Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) melihat akreditasi Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) masih dilakukan secara manual oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Pendidikan Nonformal (BAN-PNF), maka dilakukan inovasi berbasis teknologi informasi dengan nama Self Akreditasi Dalam Jaringan Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (SADAR PKBM) yang berbasis online. Penelitian fokus pada sistem pengajuan akreditasi oleh PKBM secara mandiri sebelum mengajukan akreditasi secara manual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan pelaksanaan penilaian akreditasi PKBM sebelum mengajukan akreditasi dan juga meningkatkan ektifitas dan efisiensi dalam penilaian akreditasi serta pengembangan SADAR PKBM berbasis online sangat membantu PKBM. Penilaian SADAR PKBM mencakup 8 aspek penilaian, yaitu standar isi, standar proses, standar kompetensi lulusan, standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pengelolaan, standar pembiayaan dan standar penilaian. Metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) digunakan dengan teknik terstruktur dan teknik Prototyping untuk membuat deskripsi secara sistimatis dan akurat dengan cara mencari informasi faktual sesuai standar akreditasi yang mendetail dan mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah untuk justifikasi keadaan dan kondisi penilaian yang digunakan assesor dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Hasil aplikasi SADAR PKBM agar PKBM menyadari pentingnya mutu yang tolok ukurnya adalah akreditasi, sehingga hasil SADAR PKBM dapat digunakan sebagai persiapan sebelum mengajukan akreditasi


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    Hubungan pekerja dan pemberi kerja acapkali menimbulkan permasalahan yang dapat merugikan pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja borongan pada CV. Limpo Mega Karsa Kabupaten Barru dengan pokok permasalahan diantaranya, bagaimana bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja borongan CV. Limpo Mega Karsa, bagaimana mekanisme penyelesaian jika terjadi perselisihan, serta bagaimana pandangan hukum Islam terkait upaya perlindungan terhadap tenaga kerja. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif, syar’i, dan sosiologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa beberapa bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja Borongan telah dilakukan oleh CV. Limpo Mega Karsa Kabupaten Barru, seperti adanya perjanjian kerja meskipun dibuat secara lisan, pemberian upah lembur jika melebihi jam kerja, dan upah pokok untuk kepala tukang dan tukang yang sudah sesuai dengan Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP), tetapi untuk upah buruh masih dibawah standar UMP. Upaya penyelesaian jika terjadi perselisihan antara pekerja dengan CV. Limpo Mega Karsa belum sepenuhnya diselesaikan melalui mekanisme penyelesaian hubungan insdustrial yang diatur dalam Undang-undang Ketenagakerjaan. Keluasan ajaran Islam membuktikan bahwa Islam tidak hanya mengatur hubungan vertikal dengan Allah SWT, tetapi termasuk dalam urusan ketenagakerjaan, Islam sangat memerhatikan pemenuhan hak-hak tenaga kerja, bahkan Nabi Muhammad sangat menganjurkan untuk membayar upah pekerja sebelum keringatnya kering.Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam; Perlindungan Hukum; Pekerja Boronga

    A randomized control study of yoga on anemic patients

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    40 Anemic individuals aged between 15-40 years randomly were taken as subjects. They were trained for Trikonasana and its variations, Sarvangasana, Surya namaskara, Yoga mudras for 90 days under supervision of professional yoga trainers. Assessments of various parameters like Pulse rate, B.P, Hb%, were done before the training and after the training of 30th, 60th and 90th day with and without treatment. After yoga with treatment increases Pulse rate and Hb%, while BP was shown normal

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Nasabah Akibat Kelalaian Bank Menghapus Informasi Debitur Individual (IDI) History Black List Debitur Yang Telah Lunas Dalam Perjanjian Kredit (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 2678 K/Pdt/2019)

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    Abstrak Kelalaian dan kesalahan pihak bank dalam melakukan pelaporan pelunasan kredit maka hal ini dapat menjadi kerugian bagi nasabah. Rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini adalah  bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap nasabah y akibat kelalaian bank menghapus Informasi Debitur Individual  (IDI) History Black List debitur yang  telah lunas dalam perjanjian kredit, bagaimana tanggung jawab bank yang melaporkan nasabah debitur yang tidak bermasalah dalam Sistem Informasi Debitur Bank Indonesia, bagaimana pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 2678 K/Pdt/2019. Perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah yang masuk dalam daftar hitam akibat kelalaian bank menghapus Informasi Debitur Individual  (IDI) History Black List debitur yang  telah lunas dalam perjanjian kredit adalah bank harus memberikan ganti kerugian jika  telah memberikan informasi yang tidak benar sehingga nasabah tersebut dirugikan karena tidak dapat meminjam kredit dari bank. Tanggung jawab bank terhadap kerugian nasabahnya yang timbul sebagai akibat dari kelalaian bank dalam melaporkan nasabah debitur yang tidak bermasalah dalam Sistem Informasi Debitur ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 Tentang Perbankan adalah mewajibkan bank yang melakukan kelalaian tersebut untuk memberikan ganti rugi kepada nasabah atau debitur yang dirugikan tersebut dan mengoreksi data debitur sesuai dengan yang seharusnya. Berdasarkan pembahasan, maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 2678 K/Pdt/2019 adalah PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (persero), Tbk. Kantor Cabang Banjarmasin melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum dengan tidak melakukan tata kelola dan kerja pelayanan yang buruk sehingga merugikan nama baik penggugat selaku debitur yang telah melunasi hutangnya tetapi diinformasikan secara keliru sehingga masuk dalam black list dalam lembaga keuangan terkait. Disarankan agar untuk lebih mengefektifkan program program perlindungan nasabah, diperlukan suatu upaya yang sifatnya berkelanjutan melalui edukasi masyarakat mengenai hak hak nasabah dalam berhubungan dengan bank.Kata Kunci       : Perlindungan Hukum, Debitur, Perjanjian Kredit, Black List AbstractNegligence and errors on the part of the bank in reporting credit repayments, this can be a loss for customers. The formulation of the problem in this thesis is how is legal protection for customers due to bank negligence in deleting Individual Debtor Information (IDI) History Black List debtors who have been paid off in the credit agreement, how is the responsibility of banks reporting debtor customers who are not problematic in the Bank Indonesia Debtor Information System , how are the judges' legal considerations in the Supreme Court's decision Number 2678 K/Pdt/2019. Legal protection for customers who are blacklisted due to bank negligence in deleting Individual Debtor Information (IDI). credit from the bank. The responsibility of the bank for the losses of its customers that arise as a result of the bank's negligence in reporting debtor customers who are not problematic in the Debtor Information System in terms of Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking is to require the bank that commits the negligence to provide compensation to the customer or debtor. the aggrieved party and correct the debtor's data as appropriate. Based on the discussion, it was concluded that the judge's legal considerations in the Supreme Court's decision Number 2678 K/Pdt/2019 were PT. State Savings Bank (Persero), Tbk. The Banjarmasin Branch Office committed acts against the law by not carrying out poor governance and service work so that it harmed the good name of the plaintiff as a debtor who had paid off his debt but was misinformed so that it was included in the black list of the relevant financial institution. It is recommended that in order to make customer protection programs more effective, an ongoing effort is needed through public education about customer rights in dealing with banks.Keywords: Legal Protection, Debtors, Credit Agreements, Black Lis

    On-line coupled extraction and separation using superheated water for the analysis of the triazine herbicides

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    Superheated water extraction (SWE) has been coupled on-line with superheated water chromatography (SWC) via a solid phase trap. The extraction, trapping, release from the trap and chromatography are all controlled by altering the temperature and no organic solvents are required at any stage of the process. Cold and warm wash aqueous steps were included to remove humic acids and other interfering components of the compost samples

    Pemberdayaaan Kaum Perempuan di Kota Kendari Melalui Usaha Souvenir di Masa Pandemi

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    Perekonomian masyarakat di Kecamatan Poasia terdampak pandemic Covid-19 berupa penurunan pendapatan. Salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan bagi kaum perempuan di Kecamatan Poasia yaitu pemberdayaan kaum perempuan di masa pendami melalui usaha rumah tangga. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian yaitu meningkatkan keterampilan kaum perempuan dalam pembuatan souvenir. Mitra Kegiatan yaitu Camat Kecamatan Poasia. Kegiatan pelatihan melibatkan 24 peserta dari kaum perempuan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan melalui pelatihan. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan berupa ceramah dan demonstrasi. Setiap kelompok menghasilkan 2 produk, yaitu bucket bunga dan balon. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman perserta pelatihan setelah mengikuti kegiatan berada pada kategori sangat tinggi. Pada sisi lain, peserta pelatihan juga berminat untuk mengembangkan bisnis souvenir. Tindak lanjut yang perlu dilakukan berupa peningkatan keahlian pemasaran on line guna meningkatkan jaringan pelanggan

    Kajian Ekonomi Program Bank Sampah Di Makassar (Study on Economic Benefit of Garbage Bank Program in Makassar)

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    Garbage bank is established as a place to foster, train, assist, buy and market the results of waste management activities from the community. Garbage bank is a form of a local community initiative in efforts to solve community-based waste issues. Garbage banks are expected to provide high economic benefits for improving community welfare. The population of this study is all customers of garbage bank in Makassar as many as 40,114 people. The number of samples as many as 105 respondents. Both descriptive statistical analysis and SWOT analysis was used as the method of analysis. Then, in-depth interviews with stakeholders that consists of government, academic, private, NGO, and community leaders in formulating strategy and policy to develop of garbage bank program in the future. The results of the study indicate that generally the community associated with the garbage bank comes from the socio-economic group with the middle to lower class. The level of knowledge and community participation is still relatively low on waste management and 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) principles in waste segregation. The garbage bank program brings blessings and economic benefits to society. Beside as a source of additional income for the community, garbage banks can also encourage changes in people's behavior to live healthy and clean, care for the environment and other socio-economic benefits. Furthermore, development strategy of garbage bank should be directed to innovative and strategic programs that can increase the interest of the community to participate actively as the participants/customers of garbage banks. Then, commitment and synergy between regional government and stakeholders is a key factor in improving both economic benefits and development of garbage bank programs in the future

    Synthesized and extending the Bidentate Schiff base complexes using multilayer feedforward neural network

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    Complexes of Pd(II) and Ni(II) have been synthesized with general composition ML2X2 (M =Pd(II), Ni(II); L = benzylsalicylideneimine and X = OCH3, F). All synthesized compoundshave been characterized using elemental analysis, magnetic susceptibility measurements,infrared and NMR spectral studies that led to the conclusion that the ligands act as bidentatemanner to form square planar geometry for all complexes. As an extending work, the modeldevelopment of these complexes using multilayer feedforward neural network wereperformed. NiL1d, PdL1d, NiL1c and PdL1c were fed to the training network as inputs andbacteria as output. Levenberg Marquardt training algorithm was used during the networktraining with 10 nodes in hidden layer. The results of testing network showed that theregression, R is 1, indicating that the developed model is good. This is supported by the small mean square error (MSE) is 1.948x10-28 at epochs 5. The finding in this study is significant, thus contributed to the design of antibacterial agent especially to the bidentate Schiff base complexes.Keywords: Schiff base, palladium(II), nickel(II), antibacterial, regression, neural network