82 research outputs found

    Instrucción de concienciación metacognitiva: un estudio de método mixto sobre el desarrollo de escritura y la motivación intrínseca de los estudiantes de EFL de la escuela secundaria

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    The goal of this study was to investigate the impact of using metacognitive awareness instruction (MAI) on EFL learners’ writing skill and their intrinsic motivation. To follow this goal, three research questions were designed and proposed. The questions sought to explore the impact of using metacognitive awareness instruction on the writing performance of the learners and also to know if any meaningful relationship could be observed between the learners’ writing development and their intrinsic motivation. To these goals, two groups of high school EFL learners established the participants of the study. To collect the data of the study, three instruments were used: a test of homogenization, pre and post writing tests and finally intrinsic motivation questionnaire developed and examined by (Renee Payne, 2007). The achievements of the study indicated the positive impact of using MAI on the writing improvement of the learners. Moreover, the writing motivation of the learners significantly increased. Finally, meaningful relationship could be observed between the writing levels and the motivation orientation of the learners.El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el impacto del uso de la instrucción de conciencia metacognitiva (MAI) en la habilidad de escritura de los estudiantes de EFL y su motivación intrínseca. Para seguir este objetivo, se diseñaron y propusieron tres preguntas de investigación. Las preguntas buscaban explorar el impacto del uso de la instrucción de conciencia metacognitiva en el desempeño de la escritura de los alumnos y también saber si se podía observar alguna relación significativa entre el desarrollo de la escritura de los alumnos y su motivación intrínseca. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, dos grupos de estudiantes de EFL de secundaria establecieron a los participantes del estudio. Para recopilar los datos del estudio, se utilizaron tres instrumentos: una prueba de homogeneización, pruebas previas y posteriores a la escritura y finalmente un cuestionario de motivación intrínseca desarrollado y examinado por (Payne, 2007). Los logros del estudio indicaron el impacto positivo del uso de MAI en la mejora de la escritura de los alumnos. Además, la motivación escrita de los alumnos aumentó significativamente. Finalmente, se pudo observar una relación significativa entre los niveles de escritura y la orientación de motivación de los alumnos

    Metacognitive Awareness Instruction: A Mixed Method Study on High School EFL Learners’ Writing Development

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    The goal of this study was to investigate the impact of using metacognitive awareness instruction (MAI) on EFL learners’ writing skill. To follow this goal, a research questions were designed and proposed. The questions sought to explore the impact of using metacognitive awareness instruction on the writing performance of the learners. To achieve this goal, two groups of high school EFL learners established the participants of the study. To collect the data of the study, three instruments were used: a test of homogenization, pre and post writing tests and finally intrinsic motivation questionnaire developed and examined by (Renee Payne, 2007). The achievements of the study indicated the positive impact of using MAI on the writing improvement of the learners

    The Implementation of a Multiple Intelligences Teaching Approach: Classroom engagement and physically disabled learners

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    The present mixed-methods classroom-based study investigated whether the provision of multiple intelligences teaching approach to physically disabled learners could contribute to activating multiple intelligences and have a positive impact on their classroom engagement. To address this issue, three intact classes of 10 Iranian physically disabled learners participated in this study. In so doing, the study utilized an experimental design with 10 participants in the control group and 20 participants in two experimental groups. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative analysis, the results indicate that, over six months, the use of the multiple intelligences teaching approach contributed to a significant improvement in the learners' multiple intelligences. The implementation was also successful in raising the learners' classroom engagement. Further, comparing the first language (Persian) & second language (English) multiple intelligences-based instruction, L2 (English) multiple intelligences-based instruction was more effective in fostering physically disabled learners' multiple intelligences and classroom engagement

    English language learning in patients suffering from mental disorders: A different concept of self-stigma

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    Background: There are increasing challenges related to mental health in the public health system, and almost 80% of mental illnesses are reported in low- and middle-income countries. The stigma associated with mental illness leads to reduced access to health services, inadequate treatment, and poor outcomes. This paper, drawing on Norton1 conceptualization of language investment, investigates the effect of English language learning on self-stigma among patients suffering from mental disorders. Methods: An experimental design with a pre-post test format and a six-month follow-up with English language instruction and a control group was used for this study. A total of 52 adults with mental illness diagnoses from a center for patients suffering from mental disorders in Isfahan, Iran, participated in this study. Data were collected using an English language proficiency test and the Self-Stigma of Mental Illness Scale (SSMIS), a self-report questionnaire to assess the internalization of stigmatic views. Results: The analysis indicated that the experimental group showed significant improvements in being empowered with higher levels of English language proficiency and stigma reduction (P<0.01). The findings of this study provide theoretical support for Norton’s model of investment and demonstrate its applicability among people with mental problems. Furthermore, the study provides evidence that it is feasible to implement successful English language teaching among patients with mental illness, which has received insufficient attention in academic studies. Conclusion: Policymakers, psychiatrists, doctors, and people dealing with mental diseases can use English language instruction to reduce stigma and promote a non-stigmatizing attitude among people with mental illnesses. The current study contributes to our understanding of English language teaching in the medical field. Results of the study support the use of second-language teaching to reduce stigma among people suffering from mental illnesses

    Physiopathology of Dementia From the Perspective of Traditional Persian Medicine

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    The most common cognitive disorder that is disabling is dementia. During the medieval period, traditional Persian medicine was an outstanding source of medicine that was used as standard references in medical schools of in the West and Middle East. In ancient manuscripts of traditional Persian medicine, a condition has been introduced similar to dementi (raoonat and homgh). In this article, by collecting materials of traditional medicine texts on dementia, we aim to provide theories for further studies on this topics, as there is an obvious difference between traditional Persian medicine and modern medicine with regard to dementia; however, since modern medicine has not found a suitable response to treatment for all diseases, reviewing traditional Persian medicine for finding better treatment strategies is wise. Use of all medical potentials approved by the World Health Organization beside classic medicine like traditional medicine and considering the availability and acceptability among people is recommended

    Lifestyle Methods for Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease From the Perspective of Traditional Persian Medicine

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    Alzheimer’s disease is considered as a major problem for society health since it affects interpersonal and social relationships. With regard to the global attention toward complementary medicine, search for preventive, diagnostic, and treatment strategies in complementary medicine schools such as the old dynamic doctrine of traditional Persian medicine seems to be necessary. In this type of medicine, description and analysis of the disease and preventive and treatment methods have great importance. The present study provides a useful classification of recommendations for prevention and control of Alzheimer’s disease. Prevention is prior to the treatment and is easier and less costly. Recommendations mentioned in traditional Persian medicine texts for prevention of Alzheimer’s disease provide fields of clinical and complementary studies for researches

    Role of 17-beta estradiol in baroreflex sensitivity in the nucleus tractus solitarii via the autonomic system in ovariectomized rats.

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    Methods: In this experimental study, conducted in Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran from March 2010 to October 2010, 36 female rats were ovariectomized and then estrogen capsules were implanted beneath their skin. After 2 weeks, the left femoral vein and artery were cannulated for phenylephrine infusion and recording of mean arterial pressure and heart rate. Subsequently, atropine, propranolol, and saline were injected into the NTS, followed by measurements of changes in heart rate and changes in mean arterial pressure just prior to phenylephrine infusion. Results: Estrogen increased the bradycardia response and inhibited the rise of mean arterial pressure; namely, after phenylephrine infusion, the change in heart rate was significantly lower in the estrogenreceiving group compared with the control group (p<0.05). Baroreflex sensitivity was significantly increased in the estrogen-receiving group compared with the control group (p<0.01). Baroreflex sensitivity was significantly attenuated in both groups (estrogenreceiving and control) after atropine injection, compared with after propranolol or saline injection (p<0.01). Conclusion: It is probable that under conditions of acute hypertension, estrogen affects the NTS through the parasympathetic system and enhances baroreflex sensitivity

    Consequences of Opioid Abuse and their Treatments in Persian Medicine: A Review Study

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    Background: Drug addiction is a major health problem for modern human communities. The earliest historicalevidence of opium use can be found in the writings of Theophrastus in the 3rd century BC. Since then, opiumuse and abuse has spread to all corners of the world, specifically the Eastern countries. This study aimed toinvestigate the consequences of opium use and their treatments according to Persian medicine.Methods: In this narrative review, primary sources of Persian medicine and modern medicine databases ofPubMed, Google Scholar, PsycINFO, the American Academy of Medical Sciences, and the United NationsOffice on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) were searched with relevant keywords.Findings: In Persian medicine, the Persian equivalent of the word “Opium” is “Afioon”, which refers to thesap of “Khashkhaash” or Papaver somniferum, traditionally used as a recreational drug as well as a sedative.Opioid use can cause social and psychological anxiety, muscle and tissue degradation, irritability, stomachweakness, loss of skin softness, and change in facial features.Conclusion: Opium addiction is generally harmful to the body’s faculties. The repeated use of opium,disregarding circumstances and dosage of use and without the simultaneous use of its modifiers, can harmthe entire body and even lead to fatality

    Date Fruit Extract Is a Neuroprotective Agent in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats: A Multimodal Analysis

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    Background. To study the effects of an aqueous extract of date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L. Arecaceae) diet on diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) in streptozotocin- (STZ-) induced diabetic rats. Methods. The effects of a date fruit extract (DFE) diet on diabetic neuropathy in STZ-induced diabetic rats were evaluated and compared with a nondiabetic control group, diabetic control group (sham), and vehicle group with respect to the following parameters: open field behavioral test, motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV), and morphological observations. Results. In the model of STZ-induced of diabetic neuropathy, chronic treatment for 6 weeks with DFE counteracted the impairment of the explorative activity of the rats in an open field behavioral test and of the conduction velocity of the sciatic nerve (MNCV). In addition, pretreatment with DFE significantly reversed each nerve diameter reduction in diabetic rats. Conclusion. DFE treatment shows efficacy for preventing diabetic deterioration and for improving pathological parameters of diabetic neuropathy in rats, as compared with control groups