16 research outputs found

    ANALISIS KANDUNGAN GLIKOGEN PADA HATI, OTOT, DAN OTAK HEWAN: Analysis Of Glicogen Content On Heart, Muscle, And Animal Brain

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    Glycogen is the main type of stored carbohydrate found in animals. Glycogen is formed as excess glucose deposits in the body which are used as energy reserves. The purpose of this analysis is to find out the procedure for glycogen extraction and to determine the glycogen content in some food ingredients. The method used in this lab is iodine extraction and testing. The materials used in this lab are TCA, ethanol, NaCl, iodine, chicken liver, beef liver, beef brain, beef, and chicken meat. The results obtained in this lab, namely chicken liver after adding iodine to brownish orange, beef liver brown, chicken meat brown, beef brown, and brown brains clear brown and highest rendemen levels, namely in the liver of cattle by 55% and the lowest is found in the brains of cattle, which is equal to 0% The yield in cattle is 0%. The conclusions obtained from this analysis are that the procedure for extracting glycogen was carried out using several solvents and samples of chicken liver produced a yield of 32.64%, beef liver by 55%, chicken meat at 9.5%, beef at 29.80%, and cow's brain by 0%.Glikogen adalah jenis utama karbohidrat tersimpan yang ditemukan pada hewan. Glikogen terbentuk sebagai deposit glukosa berlebih di dalam tubuh yang digunakan sebagai cadangan energi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prosedur untuk ekstraksi glikogen dan untuk menentukan kandungan glikogen dalam beberapa bahan makanan. Metode yang digunakan dalam lab ini adalah ekstraksi dan pengujian yodium. Bahan yang digunakan di laboratorium ini adalah TCA, etanol, NaCl, yodium, hati ayam, hati sapi, otak sapi, sapi, dan daging ayam. Hasil yang diperoleh di laboratorium ini, yaitu hati ayam setelah menambahkan yodium ke oranye kecoklatan, hati sapi coklat, daging sapi coklat, daging sapi coklat, dan otak coklat jernih dan kadar rendemen tertinggi, yaitu pada hati sapi sebesar 55% dan terendah ditemukan pada otak sapi, yaitu sama dengan 0% Hasil pada sapi adalah 0%. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa prosedur untuk mengekstraksi glikogen dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa pelarut dan sampel hati ayam menghasilkan rendemen sebesar 32,64%, hati sapi sebesar 55%, daging ayam sebesar 9,5%, daging sapi sebesar 9,5%, daging sapi sebesar 29,80%, dan sapi otak sebesar 0%


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    Kabupaten Takalar merupakan salah satu daerah di Sulawesi Selatan dimana padi merupakan produk unggulan daerah. Iklim tropis dan lembab di daerah ini mendukung berkembangnya hama gudang (kutu beras) yang dapat menyebabkan beras menjadi berjamur, bau apek, dan saling melekat, sehingga secara ekonomi dapat berdampak pada penurunan harga. Pengemasan beras dengan metode vakum diharapkan dapat meminimalisasi kerusakan beras akibat serangan hama gudang selama penyimpanan, karena dengan metode vakum, jumlah oksigen di dalam kemasan akan ditekan, sehingga menghambat perkembangbiakan hama (larva hama). Kegiatan pengabdian ini ditujukan sebagai salah satu upaya meminimalisasi kehilangan akibat penanganan pascapanen yang tidak tepat, dengan jalan memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada petani dan pedagang beras mengenai metode penyimpanan dan pengemasan beras yang dapat menjaga kualitas beras selama penyimpanan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Kegiatan pengabdian telah dilakukan di Desa Tala, Kecamatan Pattalassang, Kabupaten Takalar, peserta terdiri dari anggota masyarakat petani dan pedagang beras sebanyak 30 orang. Pelatihan telah dilakukan dengan dua sesi kegiatan yaitu sesi ke-1 adalah penyampaian materi mengenai: (1) Pentingnya pengemasan beras dengan metode vakum selama penyimpanan, (2) Tata cara penyimpanan beras yang tepat agar bebas dari serangan hama gudang, (3) Tata cara penggunaan teknologi kemasan vakum pada beras. Dan sesi ke-2 adalah praktek menyosoh, menampi dan mengemas beras dengan metode vakum. Berdasarkan hasil monitoring oleh beberapa orang tim pelaksana, menunjukkan bahwa peserta telah mengetahui metode penyimpanan beras dengan benar agar bebas dari serangan hama gudang dan mengetahui teknik pengemasan beras dengan metode vakum. Kata kunci: penyimpanan beras, pengemasan vakum, Kabupaten Takala

    Antioxidant, Nutrition, and Crystallinity Properties From Three Kind of Glutinous Rice of Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi Indonesia

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    This research was carried out using a laboratory experiment method, which analyzed the total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant activity, total anthocyanin, vitamins and the degree of crystallinity with XRD (X-ray Diffractometer), as additional data, analyzed all the elements contained in rice using the X-ray Fluorescence method. The research results showed that the total of Mandoti Kendenan glutinous rice phenol is higher than the other two glutinous rice, respectively 6.88 mg / g (MKR) and 6.74 mg / g (MSR) and 6.24 mg / g (BGR). Glutinous rice from Mandoti Salunkanan and Kendenan has an anthocyanin total of 5.03 mg / g sample and 3.96 mg / g sample is lower than black glutinous rice ie (119.42 mg / g sample).  Evaluation of physicochemical properties obtained 11.6-15.01% moisture content, average protein content of 7.98-8.36%, fat content of 1.74-2.25%, total carbohydrates of 88.07-88.49%, and ash content of 0.86-1.15%. Vitamins obtained in all three types of rice showed vitamin B1 in black glutinous rice, namely (0.22) and Mandoti Salunkananglutinous rice of 0.45 but were not detected in the type of Mandoti Kendenan glutinous rice, vitamin B3 was found in all three types of black glutinous rice with values (2.15, 1.63, and 2.76) average total minerals of Cu (0.11), Fe (0.26) and Zn (0.86) (P ≤ 0.05).  The conclusion of this research is that the three types of glutinous rice has antioxidant activity and important components of vitamins and minerals.

    Characterization of Carrageenan Edible films Plasticized with Glycerol

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    Concentration of base materials and plasticizers used in the formulation of edible film was believed to affect physical characteristics of the film. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of base material (carrageenan) and plasticiser (glycerol) concentrations on the characteristics of edible films produced and to determine the best concentrations of these two components based on the physical characteristics of the films. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized factorial design with triplicated. The treatments applied were the concentrations of carrageenan (1%, 2%, and 3% (w/v)) and glycerol (5%, 10%, and 15% (w/w)). The results showed that carrageenan and glycerol concentrations used in the formulation of edible film affect the edible film characteristics. Film thickness and moisture content were significantly influenced by carrageenan and glycerol concentrations, while film elongation was only affected by carrageenan concentration. The best physical characteristic of the edible films was obtained when carrageenan and glycerol concentrations were 3% and 10% respectively

    Quality and Storability of Mango During Zero Energy Cool Chamber (ZECC)

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    Many researchhavefound thatthe use of zero energy coolchamber (ZECC) extend the shelf life of stored fruits and vegetables. There is a lack of study conducted in Indonesia about the use of ZECC to keep mangos after harvesting though. The present study, therefore, was aimed to understand the quality and storability of stored mangos in ZECC. Three different storage containers, a ZECC, ambient, and refrigerator with different average RH and temperature, were used to place selected ripe mangos (Mangifera indica L) that were manually harvested from farmers’ field nearby. The ZECC was set up at the residential complex for lecturer of Hasanuddin University as the experiment site. Results showed that mangos inside ZECC were acceptable until eleven days of storage after considering both quality and sensory evaluation. The result suggests that ZECC can maintain mango’s quality and extend its shelf life, which reveals that ZECC seems promisingfor commercial applicatio

    STUDI PEMANFAATAN DAUN SIRSAK (Annona murica linn.) SEBAGAI MINUMAN SEDUH DENGAN PENAMBAHAN TEH (Camelia sinensis) SEBAGAI MINUMAN FUNGSIONAL: (A study of suorsop leaf utilization as brewed beverage with tea addition as functional drink)

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    Kepok banana (Musaparadisiaca formatypica) is one fruit that contains enough digestivefiber for the body. Kepok banana (Musaparadisiaca formatypica) is usually processed byfrying or steaming, bananas have a short shelf life and easily damaged. Therefore, to extendthe shelf life of bananas, fruit will be processed into fruit leather products. However, becausethe color of bananas are less attractive, the color addition will make the product preferred byconsumers. Terung belanda (Solanum betaceum cav. has a bright color and has enough fibercontent so well processed into fruit leather. The objective of this research was to find the besttreatment combination between kepok banana (Musaparadisiaca formatypica) and terungbelanda (Solanum betaceum cav.) sugar concentration to produce a good physical andchemical properties and favored by consumers. The research was also to find out the effect ofsugar concentration addition to physical, chemical and organoleptic fruit leather banana andterung belanda (Solanum betaceum cav.). Treatment applied was A1: kepok banana(Musaparadisiaca formatypica) mashed 50%: terung belanda ((Solanum betaceum cav)mashed 45%: sugar 5%; A2: 45%: 40%: 15%; A3: 40%: 35%: 25%. Fruit leather is then testedorganoleptically including color, flavor, taste and texture and was chemically tested including moisture content, total acid, pH, anthocyanin and fiber. The result of the research shows thatA1 treatment: 50% banana porridge: terung belanda porridge 45%: 5% sugar produces thebest fruit leather product in terms of water content, total acid, pH, anthocyanin, fiber, aroma,taste, and textur

    Pemanfaatan Potensi Lokal Ubi Jalar dan Labu Kuning untuk Meminimalisasi Penggunaan Tepung Gandum dalam Pembuatan Aneka Kue

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    Takalar District is one of the areas in South Sulawesi with its superior product that is sweet potato. Sweet potato production in this area is quite abundant but has not been utilized properly. This activity aimed to utilize the abundant local potential in making various cakes to minimize the use of wheat flour. The method used was counseling and training. The activity was carried out in Tala, Sombalabella Village, Pattalassang Subdistrict, Takalar District. Participants amount are 25 peoples consisting of cake traders and housewives who are not economically productive. The activity was carried out with two sessions, that is material present and practice. Based on the results of participant's questionnaires, there was an increase in the knowledge of the participants up to 80, the participants already knew how to utilize the potential of sweet potatoes and pumpkin in their area to have higher economic value. In addition there was an increase in the skills of the participants up to 92 in processing sweet potatoes and pumpkin into a variety of cakes such as donuts, panada, and fried bread as well as participants skilled in packaging products with vacuum and non-vacuum plastic packaging. Community service activities from the economic side can increase people's income, and from the health side can add the nutritional value of the community from that various cakes produced


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    Kabupaten Takalar merupakan Kabupaten yang berada di provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. Kabupaten Takalar merupakan daerah dengan proporsi balita gizi kurang tertinggi sebesar 27,1% dibandingkan daerah lainnya berdasarkan hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2013. Masalah ekonomi dan kurangnya pengetahuan orangtua mengenai pentingnya gizi merupakan salah satu faktor tingginya proporsi balita gizi kurang di Kabupaten Takalar. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan kepada orangtua mengenai manajemen penyiapan dan pengolahan makanan pendamping ASI (MP-ASI) cepat saji dan bergizi, sehingga walaupun ibu bekerja diluar rumah pemenuhan kebutuhan MP-ASI yang bergizi tetap terpenuhi. Program ini telah dilaksanakan selama satu hari dengan dua sesi kegiatan di Praktek Bidan, Kecamatan Pattalassang Kabupaten Takalar dengan mengundang 20 orang ibu-ibu yang memiliki balita. Kegiatan pelatihan meliputi: (1) Penyampaian materi dan diskusi. Peserta diberikan modul sebagai panduan kepada ibu-ibu yang memiliki balita dalam mengolah dan menyiapkan MP-ASI cepat saji dan bergizi; (2) Praktek manajemen penyimpanan dan pengolahan bahan makanan bergizi untuk dijadikan MP-ASI; (3) Praktek menyiapkan MP-ASI cepat saji dan bergizi. Diharapkan dari kegiatan ini dapat mengurangi proporsi balita gizi kurang di Kabupaten Takalar secara bertahap. Kata kunci: Kabupaten Takalar, makanan pendamping ASI, pengolahan

    PEMANFAATAN KULIT BIJI KAKAO (THEOBROMA CACAO L) MENJADI PRODUK COOKIES COKLAT: (Utilization Of Cocono Seed Skin (Theobroma Cacao L) Become Chocolate Cookies Products)

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    Cocoa bean husk is one of the product of cocoa which is only utilized as animal feed and has low economic value. Economic value of cocoa bean husks can be enhanced by extracting the husk using methanol into powder and applied to a process product namely cookies. Cookies are types of biscuit which are made from soft dough, high in fat and relatively crisp. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of powder that was added and its impact to the cookies product. The analysis was done for sensory test, moisture content, fat content and protein content. The result showed that water content ranged from 2.39% - 4.85%. Fat content ranged from 7.57% - 8.64%, and ash content ranged from 0.73% - 2.02%. In the organoleptic test, the color and odor which were preferred by the panelists was treatment A0 (control) whereas the taste and texture was treatment A1 (addition of 5% powder).Kulit biji kakao merupakan salah satu hasil samping dari kakao yang pemanfaatannya hanya sebagai pakan ternak dan bernilai ekonomis rendah. Nilai ekonomis dari kulit ari biji kakao dapat ditingkatkan dengan mengekstraksi kulit biji kakao menggunakan methanol menjadi bubuk lalu diaplikasikan ke dalam produk cookies. Cookies merupakan salah satu jenis biskuit yang dibuat dari adonan lunak, berkadar lemak tinggi dan relatif renyah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah bubuk yang ditambahkan dan pengaruh bubuk terhadap produk cookies yang dihasilkan. Adapun hasil analisa yang dilakukan yaitu uji organoleptik, sedangkan mutu kimiawi meliputi kadar air, kadar lemak, dan kadar abu. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan kadar air berkisar antara 2,39% - 4,85%. Kadar lemak berkisar antara 7,57% - 8,64%, kadar abu berkisar antara 0,73% - 2,02% dan hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan warna dan aroma yang disukai panelis dengan skor 3-4 (disukai) adalah perlakuan A0 (kontrol) sedangkan rasa dan tekstur yang disukai panelis adalah perlakuan A1 (penambahan 5% bubuk)

    KAJIAN PENGARUH JENIS PENGERING DAN KONSENTRASI MALTODEKSTRIN TERHADAP PRODUK MINUMAN TEH - SECANG EFFERVESCENT: (Study Effect Dryer and Concentration of Maltodextrin to Drink Tea Products–Sappan Wood Effervescent)

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    Tea and sappanwood have long been believed to have health benefits for human body. The content of antioxidants were able to scavange free radicals. To combine the attributes of the product in the preparation (instant), sparkle taste, and have health benefits. This effervescent beverage is prepare to combine of bioactive components in tea and sappanwood so it will produce health tea-sappanwood beverage. The purpose of this study was to determine the best concentration of maltodextrin and the right type dryer in making of tea-sappanwood effervescent. The research method was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors. Factor I was the concentration of the maltodextrin consists of 6 levels (5%, 8%, 11%, 14%, 17%, and 20%). Factor II was a type of dryer consisting of 2 levels (vacuum and freeze dryer). The analysis performed include moisture content, pH, antioxidant activity, and the organoleptic properties against color, flavor, and taste. The results showed that the best concentration was using maltodextrin concentration of 17%-20% It had a moisture content of 1.99%, pH of 6.16, antioxidant activity of 85.73% the results of the organoleptic properties (colour, flavor, and taste) favored by panelists. On the other hand, freeze dryer was the best dryer method. Result analysis of moisture content, pH, and antioxidant activity were 2.24%, 6.28, 82.49% respectively and the organoleptic properties (colour, flavor, and taste) are favored by panelists.Teh dan secang telah lama diyakini memiliki khasiat bagi kesehatan tubuh,kandungan antioksidan mampu menangkal radikal bebas. Untuk memadukan sifat-sifat produk dalam penyiapan (instan), rasa sparkle, dansekaligus memiliki khasiat kesehatan maka dibuat produk minuman berbentuk effervescent. Minuman effervescent ini dibuat dengan menggabungkan antara komponen bioaktif yang terdapat dalam teh dan secang sehingga dihasilkan minuman kesehatan teh-secang effervescent.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi maltodekstrin dan jenis pengering yang tepat dalam pembuatan teh-secang effervescent. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang disusun secara faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor I adalah konsentrasi maltodekstrin yang terdiri dari 6 taraf (5%, 8%, 11%, 14%, 17%, dan 20%). Faktor II adalah jenis pengering yang terdiri dari 2 taraf (pengering vakum dan pengering beku). Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi kadar air, ph, aktifitas antioksidan, dan uji organoleptik terhadap warna, aroma, dan rasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi terbaik adalah penggunaan konsentrasi maltodekstrin 14% Hasil analisa kadar air : 1.99%, pH : 6.16, aktifitas antioksidan : 85.73% dan hasil uji organoleptik (warna, aroma, dan rasa) disukai oleh panelis. Sedangkan pengering beku merupakan pengering yang terbaik. Hasil analisa kadar air : 2.24%, pH : 6.28, aktifitas antioksidan : 82.49% dan uji organoleptik (warna, aroma, dan rasa) yang disukai oleh paneli