6 research outputs found

    Tamak Dalam Perspektif Hadis

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    Greedy is a desire in one’s self to get more than what he or she has had for their own sake. Greedy is a very bad attitude. The desire to get and collect wealth is not forbidden as long as the wealth is earned based on Islamic teaching. In addition, the wealth is not only for him or her but for others in terms of social activity as well. How is greedy perceived in the view of hadits? And what are its effects on live? This paper provides an answer to every aspects of greedy which is a very bad attitude.


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    Abstract: The Qur’an is admitted by Muslims as a collection of God's words which have been recorded in the form of a book. The word ḥikmah is one of the words repeatedly stated in the Qur’an, but the word will have its own meaning, when coupled with specific words in the Qur’an. Therefore, the use of the word in the Qur'an should be interpreted and understood. That understanding can be extracted from the Qur'an itself, which is also considered the ḥikmah because it is full of wisdom that should be applied, both in individual life and in the social life. Kata Kunci: hikmah, Alquran, mawā’iẓ, kenabia

    Methodology of Tafsir al-Munir Written by AG. H. Daud ismail

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    This article elaborates the tafsir methodology used by local scholars, namely AG. Daud Ismail. This research is descriptive-analytic, which describes comprehensively the methodology of Tafsir al-Munir written by AG. H.Daud Ismail, which includes manhaj, sources, and ṭariqah(method). This research's primary and secondary sources are literature, which dominantly focuses on textbook research, especially Tafsir al-Munir in Buginese language written by AG. H. Daud Ismail. The results showed that Tafsir al-Munir used the tahlili methodology by explaining the relationship (munasabah) between verses or between one chapter and another. Explaining the causes of the descent (asbab al-nuzul), Analyzing vocabulary (mufradat) and the point of view of Arabic pronunciation from, Describing the general content of the verse, Explaining the fasahah elements, bayan and i'jaz, Explaining the laws that can be drawn from the discussed verse, Explaining the meaning and purpose contained on theverse which interpreted in fiqh styl

    . Peran Pondok Pesantren As’adiyah dalam Menanamkan Paham Moderasi Beragama di Bidang Pendidikan dan Dakwah

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     Artikel ini mengelaborasi peran Pondok Pesantren As’adiyah dalam menanamkan paham moderasi beragama di bidang pendidikan dan dakwah di Sulawesi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Diskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini pada pondok pesantren as’adniyah di Sulawesi Indonesia bagian timur. Hasil temuan Pondok Pesantren As’adiyah telah menerapkan moderasi beragama pada bidang pendidikan terlihat pada tujuan pendidikan, materi pendidikan dan metode pendidikan sedangkan pada bidang dakwah juga terlihat pada tujuan dakwah, materi dakwah dan metode dakwah. Adapun dakwah moderasi beragama antara lain: munculnya sikap keterbukaan dari warga As’adiyah dari menerima perbedaan-perbedaan yang terjadi, terhindarnya warga As’adiyah daro paham-paham radikalisme terorisme, dan munculnya dalam kehidup warga As’adiyah sikap ramah, arif dan bijaksana dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. This article elaborates the role of the As'adiyah Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren - Ponpes) in creating religious moderation in education and preaching in Sulawesi. This research is descriptive. The subject of this research is the As'adniyah Islamic Boarding School in East Sulawesi, Indonesia. The findings of the As'adiyah Islamic Boarding School have implemented religious moderation in the field of education, seen in the objectives of education, educational materials, and educational methods. In contrast, in the field of preaching, it is also seen in the objectives of preaching, preaching materials, and methods of preaching. The preaching of religious moderation includes the emergence of an attitude of openness from the As'adiyah academia and community to accept the differences that occur, the avoidance of the As'adiyah residents from the ideas of the radicalism of terrorism, and the emergence in the lives of the As'adiyah residents a friendly, wise and wise attitude in their life, society, nation, and state

    . Peran Pondok Pesantren As’adiyah dalam Menanamkan Paham Moderasi Beragama di Bidang Pendidikan dan Dakwah

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     Artikel ini mengelaborasi peran Pondok Pesantren As’adiyah dalam menanamkan paham moderasi beragama di bidang pendidikan dan dakwah di Sulawesi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Diskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini pada pondok pesantren as’adniyah di Sulawesi Indonesia bagian timur. Hasil temuan Pondok Pesantren As’adiyah telah menerapkan moderasi beragama pada bidang pendidikan terlihat pada tujuan pendidikan, materi pendidikan dan metode pendidikan sedangkan pada bidang dakwah juga terlihat pada tujuan dakwah, materi dakwah dan metode dakwah. Adapun dakwah moderasi beragama antara lain: munculnya sikap keterbukaan dari warga As’adiyah dari menerima perbedaan-perbedaan yang terjadi, terhindarnya warga As’adiyah daro paham-paham radikalisme terorisme, dan munculnya dalam kehidup warga As’adiyah sikap ramah, arif dan bijaksana dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. This article elaborates the role of the As'adiyah Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren - Ponpes) in creating religious moderation in education and preaching in Sulawesi. This research is descriptive. The subject of this research is the As'adniyah Islamic Boarding School in East Sulawesi, Indonesia. The findings of the As'adiyah Islamic Boarding School have implemented religious moderation in the field of education, seen in the objectives of education, educational materials, and educational methods. In contrast, in the field of preaching, it is also seen in the objectives of preaching, preaching materials, and methods of preaching. The preaching of religious moderation includes the emergence of an attitude of openness from the As'adiyah academia and community to accept the differences that occur, the avoidance of the As'adiyah residents from the ideas of the radicalism of terrorism, and the emergence in the lives of the As'adiyah residents a friendly, wise and wise attitude in their life, society, nation, and state


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    This article elaborates the tafsir methodology used by local scholars, namely AG. Daud Ismail. This research is descriptive-analytic, which describes comprehensively the methodology of Tafsir al-Munir written by AG. H. Daud Ismail, which includes manhaj, sources, and ṭariqah (method). This research's primary and secondary sources are literature, which dominantly focuses on textbook research, especially Tafsir al-Munir in Buginese language written by AG. H. Daud Ismail. The results showed that Tafsir al-Munir used the tahlili methodology by explaining the relationship (munasabah) between verses or between one chapter and another. Explaining the causes of the descent (asbab al-nuzul), Analyzing vocabulary (mufradat) and the point of view of Arabic pronunciation from, Describing the general content of the verse, Explaining the fasahah elements, bayan and i'jaz, Explaining the laws that can be drawn from the discussed verse, Explaining the meaning and purpose contained on the verse which interpreted in fiqh style