25 research outputs found
The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the pantropical earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Rhinodrilidae, Clitellata): Mitogenome characterization and phylogenetic positioning
Volume: 688Start Page: 1End Page: 1
Comparative Study of the Long-Term Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Nutritional Practices Among International Elite and Sub-Elite Athletes: A Sample of 1420 Participants from 14 Countries
BACKGROUND: Although several studies have shown that the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown has had negative impacts on mental health and eating behaviors among the general population and athletes, few studies have examined the long-term effects on elite and sub-elite athletes. The present study aimed to investigate the long-term impact of COVID-19 lockdown on mental health and eating behaviors in elite versus sub-elite athletes two years into the pandemic. A cross-sectional comparative study was conducted between March and April 2022, involving athletes from 14 countries, using a convenient non-probabilistic and snowball sampling method. A total of 1420 athletes (24.5â±â7.9 years old, 569 elites, 35% women, and 851 sub-elites, 45% women) completed an online survey-based questionnaire. The questionnaire included a sociodemographic survey, information about the COVID-19 pandemic, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 Items (DASS-21) for mental health assessment, and the Rapid Eating Assessment for Participants (REAP-S) for assessing eating behavior.
RESULTS: The results showed that compared to sub-elite athletes, elite athletes had lower scores on the DASS-21 (pâ=â.001) and its subscales of depression (pâ=â.003), anxiety (pâ=â.007), and stress (pâ<â.001), as well as a lower REAP-S score indicating lower diet quality (pâ=â.013).
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, two years into the pandemic, elite athletes were likelier to have better mental health profiles than sub-elite athletes but surprisingly had lower diet quality
Comparative Study of the Long-Term Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Nutritional Practices Among International Elite and Sub-Elite Athletes: A Sample of 1420 Participants from 14 Countries
Although several studies have shown that the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown has had negative impacts on mental health and eating behaviors among the general population and athletes, few studies have examined the long-term effects on elite and sub-elite athletes. The present study aimed to investigate the long-term impact of COVID-19 lockdown on mental health and eating behaviors in elite versus sub-elite athletes two years into the pandemic. A cross-sectional comparative study was conducted between March and April 2022, involving athletes from 14 countries, using a convenient non-probabilistic and snowball sampling method. A total of 1420 athletes (24.5â±â7.9 years old, 569 elites, 35% women, and 851 sub-elites, 45% women) completed an online survey-based questionnaire. The questionnaire included a sociodemographic survey, information about the COVID-19 pandemic, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scaleâ21 Items (DASS-21) for mental health assessment, and the Rapid Eating Assessment for Participants (REAP-S) for assessing eating behavior.
The results showed that compared to sub-elite athletes, elite athletes had lower scores on the DASS-21 (pâ=â.001) and its subscales of depression (pâ=â.003), anxiety (pâ=â.007), and stress (pâ<â.001), as well as a lower REAP-S score indicating lower diet quality (pâ=â.013).
In conclusion, two years into the pandemic, elite athletes were likelier to have better mental health profiles than sub-elite athletes but surprisingly had lower diet quality.
Key Points
Elite athletes had better mental health profiles compared to sub-elite athletes, with lower levels of depression, anxiety, and stress.
Elite athletes reported greater psychological support and perceived themselves as more financially secure during the pandemic than sub-elite athletes do.
Elite athletes were more likely to have poor eating habits compared to sub-elite athletes
Processus macro- et micro-Ă©volutifs au sein dâun complexe dâespĂšces, cas dâĂ©tude de lâespĂšce tropicale et invasive de vers de terre : pontoscolex corethrurus
Pontoscolex corethrurus is the most widespread earthworm species in the tropical and sub-tropical zones, it is hence one of the most studied earthworm in soil science. Ecological aspects of P. corethrurus, which is known to be present in a wide range of habitats from poor soils of pasture to rich soils of primary forest, were intensively investigated but biological aspects are less addressed. In particular, information on the genetic variation within the morphospecies is scarce except for the finding of two genetically differentiated lineages in SĂŁo Miguel Island of Azores archipelago in 2014. Moreover, the ploidy degree of the morphospecies is not yet known and its reproduction strategy is not well understood. One of the objectives of this thesis was to understand the mechanisms and characteristics which make P. corethrurus a successful invader. Our second objective was to look for cryptic lineages in the whole world and to describe the phylogenetic relationships between them. A third objective was to identify which lineage was invasive and to characterize its population genetic structure in the native and the introduced ranges. The last objective was to test if the different species of the complex have different ploidy degrees (polyploid complex). This could eventually explain the reproductive isolation among these species. A bibliographic synthesis of 265 studies covering all subjects of knowledge on P. corethrurus showed that the r strategy and plasticity of this earthworm are the key characteristics which make it a successful invader in different habitats. In order to investigate the cryptic diversity within P. corethrurus in a world-wide scale, I examined 792 specimens collected from 25 different countries and islands. These specimens were analyzed using two mitochondrial (COI and 16S rDNA) and two nuclear (internal transcribed spacers 2 and 28S rDNA) markers and a large-scale multilocus sequence data matrix obtained using the Anchored Hybrid Enrichment (AHE) method. In addition, a total of 11 morphological characters, both internal and external, were investigated in all genetically characterized lineages. Four cryptic species (L1, L2, L3 and L4) were found within the P. corethrurus species complex, and four potentially new species within the genus Pontoscolex. The cryptic species were observed in sympatry at several localities, and analyses based on AFLP markers showed no hybridization among L1 and L3. The possibility of reproductive isolation among species of the complex because of different ploidy degrees was investigated by cytogenetic experimentations. Due to different obstacles encountered at different steps of the experimentations, results were just obtained for L4 (2n=70). One of the species belonging to the complex, L1, was particularly widespread per comparison with the others. This species corresponded to topotype specimens (samples from Fritz MĂŒllerâs garden where P. corethrurus was first described in 1856). Thus, we focused on this invasive species in a population genetics and phylogeography study. Using COI gene and AFLP markers, we revealed low genetic diversity through the tropical zone, probably due to recent colonization events and asexual reproduction type. Meanwhile, due to weak linkage disequilibrium and relatively high genetic diversity in some populations, sexual reproduction was suggested for L1.To date, this is the first study investigating at a world-wide scale, cryptic species diversity, population genetics and phylogeography of a peregrine earthworm species throughout tropical zone. I produced the first comprehensive review of all ecological and biological aspects of P. corethrurus. Moreover, the taxonomic status of P. corethrurus was clarified as well as its reproduction strategy which is mixed (parthenogenetic and sexual). All these findings represent potentially useful information for future experimentations and researches on species of P. corethrurus complexPontoscolex corethrurus est le ver de terre le plus rĂ©pandu dans les zones tropicales et sub-tropicales ; il est par consĂ©quent trĂšs Ă©tudiĂ© en science du sol. Il est prĂ©sent dans toutes sortes dâhabitats, des sols pauvres de prairie aux sols riches de forĂȘt primaire, et ses caractĂ©ristiques Ă©cologiques sont bien connues. Ses caractĂ©ristiques biologiques ont Ă©tĂ© moins Ă©tudiĂ©es. Peu de donnĂ©es sur la variation gĂ©nĂ©tique au sein de cette morphoespĂšce sont disponibles Ă lâexception de la dĂ©couverte en 2014 de deux lignĂ©es gĂ©nĂ©tiquement diffĂ©rentes dans lâĂźle SĂŁo Miguel des Açores. De plus, son degrĂ© de ploĂŻdie nâest pas connu et sa stratĂ©gie de reproduction nâest pas bien dĂ©crite. Lâun des objectifs de cette thĂšse Ă©tait de comprendre les mĂ©canismes et les caractĂ©ristiques qui font de P. corethrurus un envahisseur efficace. Notre deuxiĂšme objectif Ă©tait de rechercher des lignĂ©es cryptiques dans le monde entier et de dĂ©crire leurs relations phylogĂ©nĂ©tiques. Un troisiĂšme objectif Ă©tait dâidentifier quelle lignĂ©e Ă©tait invasive et de caractĂ©riser la structure gĂ©nĂ©tique de ses populations dans les aires native et dâintroduction. Le dernier objectif Ă©tait de tester si les diffĂ©rentes espĂšces du complexe avaient diffĂ©rents degrĂ©s de ploĂŻdie, ce qui pourrait expliquer lâisolement reproducteur entre ces espĂšces. Une synthĂšse bibliographique de 265 Ă©tudes couvrant tous les aspects des connaissances sur P. corethrurus a montrĂ© que la stratĂ©gie â r et la plasticitĂ© de ce ver sont les caractĂ©ristiques clefs qui lui permettent dâenvahir avec succĂšs diffĂ©rents habitats. Afin dâĂ©tudier la diversitĂ© cryptique au sein de P. corethrurus Ă une Ă©chelle mondiale, jâai examinĂ© 792 spĂ©cimens collectĂ©s dans 25 pays et Ăźles diffĂ©rents. Ces spĂ©cimens ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s Ă lâaide de deux marqueurs mitochondriaux (COI et ADNr 16S), deux marqueurs nuclĂ©aires (internal transcribed spacers 2 et ADNr 28S) et une matrice de donnĂ©es de sĂ©quence multilocus obtenue Ă lâaide de la mĂ©thode AHE (Anchored Hybrid Enrichment). De plus, un total de 11 caractĂšres morphologiques, internes comme externes, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s dans toutes les lignĂ©es caractĂ©risĂ©es gĂ©nĂ©tiquement. Quatre espĂšces cryptiques (L1, L2, L3 et L4) ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es au sein du complexe dâespĂšces P. corethrurus. Elles ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©es en sympatrie dans plusieurs localitĂ©s et des analyses basĂ©es sur des marqueurs AFLP nâont pas montrĂ© dâhybridation entre L1 et L3. La possibilitĂ© dâisolement reproducteur liĂ© Ă des degrĂ©s de ploĂŻdie diffĂ©rents a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e Ă lâaide dâexpĂ©rimentations de cytogĂ©nĂ©tique pour lesquelles plusieurs obstacles ont Ă©tĂ© rencontrĂ©s, Ă diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes. Des rĂ©sultats nâont Ă©tĂ© obtenus que pour L4 (2n = 70). Lâune des espĂšces du complexe, L1, Ă©tait gĂ©ographiquement rĂ©pandue. Cette espĂšce correspondait aux spĂ©cimens topotypiques (Ă©chantillons provenant du jardin de Fritz MĂŒller oĂč P. corethrurus a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crit en premier en 1856). Nous avons ciblĂ© cette espĂšce invasive dans une Ă©tude de gĂ©nĂ©tique des populations et de phylogĂ©ographie. En utilisant le gĂšne COI et des marqueurs AFLP, nous avons rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une faible diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique dans la zone tropicale, probablement due Ă des Ă©vĂšnements de colonisation rĂ©cents et Ă une reproduction asexuelle. Cependant, la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique relativement Ă©levĂ©e dans certaines populations, associĂ©e Ă un dĂ©sĂ©quilibre de liaison relativement faible, suggĂšre aussi des Ă©vĂšnements de reproduction sexuelle. A ce jour, câest le premier travail rĂ©alisĂ© Ă lâĂ©chelle mondiale sur la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique cryptique, la gĂ©nĂ©tique des populations et la phylogĂ©ographie dâune espĂšce de vers de terre pĂ©rĂ©grine dans la zone tropicale. Jâai produit la premiĂšre revue complĂšte des caractĂ©ristiques de P. corethrurus. De plus, son statut taxinomique a Ă©tĂ© clarifiĂ© ainsi que sa stratĂ©gie de reproduction qui est mixte (parthĂ©nogĂ©nĂšse et amphimixie). Ces informations seront utiles pour les expĂ©rimentations et les recherches futures sur les espĂšces du complexe P. corethruru
Harmful or useful? A case study of the exotic peregrine earthworm morphospecies Pontoscolex corethrurus
Exotic peregrine earthworms are often considered to cause environmental harm and to have a negative impact on native species, but, as ecosystem engineers, they enhance soil physical properties. Pontoscolex corethrurus is by far the most studied morphospecies and is also the most widespread in tropical areas. The term of morphospecies is used in this review because P. corethrurus may in fact constitute a complex of cryptic species. This earthworm is found in a wide range of habitats, from apparently pristine to any kind of human-disturbed environment. This review synthesizes 265 studies describing the distribution, morphology, biological and ecological traits of this morphospecies, as well as its impacts on soil conditions and communities. We then discuss the characteristics necessary for this specific morphospecies to become a successful colonizer throughout the world and the positive and negative effects it can have on the ecosystems that it has invaded. We emphasize the lack of knowledge of P. corethrurus reproductive mode and ploidy level, of its population genetics, and of the potential existence of cryptic species. To finish, we highlight the fact that data on P. corethrurus interactions with non-earthworm soil macrofauna are scarce
Frequency and Severity of Periodontitis in the Patients with Psoriasis
Background and purpose: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory genodermatosis, and periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the protective tissue of the tooth. There is increasing prevalence of psoriasis and periodontitis and some studies indicated a relationship between psoriasis and periodontitis. The purpose of this investigation was to study the frequency and severity of periodontitis in patients with psoriasis.
Materials and methods: In this study, the severity of psoriasis and mouth and teeth examination results of 40 patients were recorded. Tooth looseness, number of missing teeth, bleeding on probing, and clinical attachment loss were measured using periodontal probe. Data analysis was carried out applying t test, Chi square, and correlation coefficient.
Results: The overall prevalence of periodontal diseases was 80%, including loose teeth (10%), missing teeth (47.5%), gingival bleeding (60%), and gingival resorption (62.5%). Periodontal diseases were found to be significantly associated with duration and severity of psoriasis (P = 0.032 and P <0.001, respectively). Also, there was a significant association between severity of periodontal diseases and duration and severity of psoriasis (P = 0.048 and P = 0.023, respectively).
Conclusion: According to this study, periodontal diseases are highly prevalent in patients with psoriasis which are associated with severity and duration of psoriasis. Inflammatory process is involved in both diseases, so, accurate oral examinations for periodontal diseases are strongly suggested in patients with psoriasis
The effect of educational intervention on efficacy of 1% permethrin shampoo and 4% dimeticone lotion to treat head lice infestation using propensity score matching (PSM)
Abstract Background Head lice are a main public health problem and the most important human ectoparasites and the use of pediculicides is the most common way to control it. One of the possible causes of treatment failure is the lack of improper application of pediculicide. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of education on efficacy of 1% permethrin or 4% dimeticone lotion to treat head lice infestation. Methods This quasi-experimental study included 100 individuals with head lice infestation from comprehensive urban health centers in Ardabil as the intervention group, and 400 individuals from East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan provinces as the control group, from April to March 2019. The data collection tools included a demographic questionnaire and an examination recording sheet, which documented the presence of adult lice or nits. Due to the inability to perform random assignment and control for numerous observed covariates, propensity score matching (PSM) was used. Results The outcome of treatment included elimination of head lice infestation on is 7, and in the case of recurrence, it was considered on days 14 and 30 after treatment. The results showed that the educational intervention program had a significant positive effect on the efficacy of both treatments. The likelihood of improvement was approximately three times greater in the intervention group compared to the control group. Conclusion Participants who received the training intervention (ORâ=â3.29; CI 95%: 2.21â4.88) were more likely to have a successful treatment than control group. In the case of providing proper training on the use of pediculicides and observing hygiene tips to patients with pediculosis, could help to successful treatment of pediculosis
Prevalence Of Microbial Contamination In Cellulose Products Supplied In The City Of Tehran
Background and Aim: Along with the constant increase in world population
and consequently, the growing need to provide cellulose, as the most abundant
organic substance in nature to produce cellulose products, concerns regarding
the possible contamination of these products might cause skin, and genital and
urinary infections. The aim of this study is to determine the possible
microbial contamination of these products supplied in the city of Tehran. Materials and
Methods: This is a descriptive study
on 200 samples of unexpired cellulose products including napkins, nappies,
sanitary napkin, and cardboard boxes to carry sweets. Fifty samples were obtained
in the city of Tehran during six months from September 2011 to February 2012.
Microbial contamination was investigated according to the procedure proposed by
the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. Results: The results obtained indicate that 18 samples (9%)
exceeded the level allowed for aerobic bacteria and molds in one gram of
specimens. Besides, 16 samples (8%) were contaminated with at least one of the
following bacteria: Streptococcus Group D, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. A total of 34 samples (17%) could not be
consumed. The least and the most contaminated products were sanitary napkins
(0.5%) and cardboard boxes to carry sweets (5%), respectively. Conclusion: The presence of pathogenic bacteria in cellulose
products that could cause skin, and genital and urinary tract infections asks
for more control over such sanitary products
A neotype for Pontoscolex corethrurus (MĂŒller, 1857) (Clitellata)
Following many decades of work on the taxonomy, biology and ecology of the globally-distributed tropical earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (MĂŒller, 1857), morphological and molecular data have shown that the stability and effectiveness of nomenclature depends on the designation of a neotype from the type locality. We do that, with all the required justifications, and provide sufficient information to permit the correct identification of this species
Pontoscolex Schmarda 1861
Genus Pontoscolex Schmarda, 1861 Pontoscolex Schmarda, 1861: 11; Beddard 1895: 653; Michaelsen 1900: 424; 1918: 233; Stephenson 1923: 489; 1930: 895; Cordero 1945: 7; Jamieson 1971: 737; Gates 1972: 53; Gates 1973: 4; Christoffersen 2008: 7. Eurydame Kinberg, 1867: 87, 101. Urochaeta Perrier, 1872: 142. Meroscolex Černosvitov, 1934: 56; 1935: 25; Cordero 1945: 6; Jamieson 1971: 736. Type species. Lumbricus corethrurus MĂŒller, 1857 Diagnosis. Setae 8 per segment, arranged in regular rows at least in the anterior region; in the posterior the arrangement may be regular, more or less irregular or in quincunx. One pair of intraclitellar male pores, in clitellum. Three pairs of pedunculated calciferous glands in vii, viii and ix, with parallel panicled-tubular structure. Nephridial sphincters present. Sexual system metandric and metagynic. Remarks. Righi (1995) and Christofferson (2008) place Estherella Gates, 1970 in synonymy with Pontoscolex. We do not agree with that decision and prefer to defer until more data are available. In any case, Estherella are never quincunxial, have unique circumferential canals in the anterior segments, and are biogeographically isolated from Pontoscolex, other than the three species found on Puerto Rico (Borges & Moreno 1990). One of those, P. spiralis Borges & Moreno, 1990, is a regional peregrine found elsewhere in the Caribbean basin.Published as part of James, Samuel W., Bartz, Marie L. C., Stanton, David W. G., Conrado, Ana C., Dupont, Lise, Taheri, Shabnam, Silva, Elodie Da, Cunha, LuĂs & Brown, George G., 2019, A neotype for Pontoscolex corethrurus (MĂŒller, 1857) (Clitellata), pp. 124-132 in Zootaxa 4545 (1) on page 127, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4545.1.7, http://zenodo.org/record/261872