71 research outputs found

    A Study of the Relationship Between Locus of Control and the Use of I-Statements

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    Gestalt therapy theory considers speech to be a reflection of one\u27s personality, and consequently psychological adjustment or maladjustment is expected to be manifested in one\u27s speech habits (Levitsky & Perls, 1970; Passons, 1975). The use of personal pronouns is an indicator of the psychological distance taken from one\u27s own feelings and actions. Healthy speech, or speech that is integrated with one\u27s feelings and actions, involves the use of the first person singular when referring to self. Working with people to change speech patterns (changing it-statements and you-statements to I-statements ) may help an individual integrate his speech with his feelings and actions and to assume responsibility for them. If this is true, people who frequently use I-statements would tend to assume responsibility for their actions more than people who do not use I-statements as frequently. The literature concerning locus of control indicates that internally controlled individuals demonstrate a greater tendency to accept responsibility for their behaviors (Davis & Davis, 1972; Krovetz, 1974; Phares, Wilson, & Klyver, 1971) and are better psychologically adjusted (Phares, 1976) than externally controlled individuals. Consequently, if use of I-statements demonstrates a tendency to assume responsibility for one\u27s behavior and indicates better psychological adjustment, internally controlled individuals would be expected to use I-statements more frequently than externally controlled individuals. The present study investigated the relationship between internal locus of control and the use of I-statements. The hypothesis of this study stated that there is a positive correlation between internal locus of control and the use of I-statements. Fifty-nine graduate and undergraduate students from Charleston, Illinois and Columbus, Ohio were administered the Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control Scale. To elicit representational personal/social, academic, and family information the subjects were then interviewed by a trained interviewer on these three topic areas. There were a total of twelve questions--four questions on each of the three topic areas. Each topic area included two positive questions and two negative questions. The percentage of I-statements used by each subject in response to each question was then computed. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation (r = .10, p = n.s.) and the Spearman rho coefficient (Rho = .04, p = n.s.) computed for this study were non-significant, indicating no significant correlation between internal locus of control and use of I-statements. Implications and limitations of the study were discussed

    A Study of the Relationship Between Locus of Control and the Use of I-Statements

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    Gestalt therapy theory considers speech to be a reflection of one\u27s personality, and consequently psychological adjustment or maladjustment is expected to be manifested in one\u27s speech habits (Levitsky & Perls, 1970; Passons, 1975). The use of personal pronouns is an indicator of the psychological distance taken from one\u27s own feelings and actions. Healthy speech, or speech that is integrated with one\u27s feelings and actions, involves the use of the first person singular when referring to self. Working with people to change speech patterns (changing it-statements and you-statements to I-statements ) may help an individual integrate his speech with his feelings and actions and to assume responsibility for them. If this is true, people who frequently use I-statements would tend to assume responsibility for their actions more than people who do not use I-statements as frequently. The literature concerning locus of control indicates that internally controlled individuals demonstrate a greater tendency to accept responsibility for their behaviors (Davis & Davis, 1972; Krovetz, 1974; Phares, Wilson, & Klyver, 1971) and are better psychologically adjusted (Phares, 1976) than externally controlled individuals. Consequently, if use of I-statements demonstrates a tendency to assume responsibility for one\u27s behavior and indicates better psychological adjustment, internally controlled individuals would be expected to use I-statements more frequently than externally controlled individuals. The present study investigated the relationship between internal locus of control and the use of I-statements. The hypothesis of this study stated that there is a positive correlation between internal locus of control and the use of I-statements. Fifty-nine graduate and undergraduate students from Charleston, Illinois and Columbus, Ohio were administered the Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control Scale. To elicit representational personal/social, academic, and family information the subjects were then interviewed by a trained interviewer on these three topic areas. There were a total of twelve questions--four questions on each of the three topic areas. Each topic area included two positive questions and two negative questions. The percentage of I-statements used by each subject in response to each question was then computed. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation (r = .10, p = n.s.) and the Spearman rho coefficient (Rho = .04, p = n.s.) computed for this study were non-significant, indicating no significant correlation between internal locus of control and use of I-statements. Implications and limitations of the study were discussed


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    In questo lavoro di tesi sarà valutato il consumo di potenza dinamico per le architetture di cache ad accesso non uniforme (Dinamic NUCA). A tal fine è stata modellata un’ architettura per le cache D-NUCA e Triangular D-NUCA; ricavati dei parametri per la stima del consumo dinamico; effettuate simulazioni per determinare il consumo dinamico della cache. I parametri di consumo sono stati ottenuti con il software per la modellazione di memorie cache CACTI. Le simulazioni sono state effettuate modificando il simulatore Sim-Alpha ( simulatore del processore ALPHA 21264) adattato all’utilizzo di cache TD-NUCA , i benchmark scelti: 176.gcc, 181.mcf, 256.bzip2, 300.twolf, sono appartenenti alla suite SpecInt 2000. I risultati ottenuti portano alla conclusione che le cache TD-NUCA Decrescenti sono risultate in assoluto le migliori sia in termini di consumo che di prestazioni su tre dei quattro benchmark; ne consegue che ulteriori affinamenti in questa tecnica progettuale sono auspicabili

    Exoskeletons for workers: A case series study in an enclosures production line

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    This case-series study aims to investigate the effects of a passive shoulder support exoskeleton on experienced workers during their regular work shifts in an enclosures production site. Experimental activities included three sessions, two of which were conducted in-field (namely, at two workstations of the painting line, where panels were mounted and dismounted from the line; each session involved three participants), and one session was carried out in a realistic simulated environment (namely, the workstations were recreated in a laboratory; this session involved four participants). The effect of the exoskeleton was evaluated through electromyographic activity and perceived effort. After in-field sessions, device usability and user acceptance were also assessed. Data were reported individually for each participant. Results showed that the use of the exoskeleton reduced the total shoulder muscular activity compared to normal working conditions, in all subjects and experimental sessions. Similarly, the use of the exoskeleton resulted in reductions of the perceived effort in the shoulder, arm, and lower back. Overall, participants indicated high usability and acceptance of the device. This case series invites larger validation studies, also in diverse operational contexts

    Self-Aligning Finger Exoskeleton for the Mobilization of the Metacarpophalangeal Joint

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    In the context of hand and finger rehabilitation, kinematic compatibility is key for the acceptability and clinical exploitation of robotic devices. Different kinematic chain solutions have been proposed in the state of the art, with different trade-offs between characteristics of kinematic compatibility, adaptability to different anthropometries, and the ability to compute relevant clinical information. This study presents the design of a novel kinematic chain for the mobilization of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of the long fingers and a mathematical model for the real-time computation of the joint angle and transferred torque. The proposed mechanism can self-align with the human joint without hindering force transfer or inducing parasitic torque. The chain has been designed for integration into an exoskeletal device aimed at rehabilitating traumatic-hand patients. The exoskeleton actuation the unit has a series-elastic architecture for compliant human-robot interaction and has been assembled and preliminarily tested in experiments with eight human subjects. Performance has been investigated in terms of (i) the accuracy of the MCP joint angle estimation through comparison with a video-based motion tracking system, (ii) residual MCP torque when the exoskeleton is controlled to provide null output impedance and (iii) torque-tracking performance. Results showed a root-mean-square error (RMSE) below 5 degrees in the estimated MCP angle. The estimated residual MCP torque resulted below 7 mNm. Torque tracking performance shows an RMSE lower than 8 mNm in following sinusoidal reference profiles. The results encourage further investigations of the device in a clinical scenario

    The bacterial skin microbiome in psoriatic arthritis, an unexplored link in pathogenesis: challenges and opportunities offered by recent technological advances.

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    The resident microbial community, harboured by humans in sites such as the skin and gastrointestinal tract, is enormous, representing a candidate environmental factor affecting susceptibility to complex diseases, where both genetic and environmental risk factors are important. The potential of microorganisms to influence the human immune system is considerable, given their ubiquity. The impact of the host-gene-microbe interaction on the maintenance of health and the development of disease has not yet been assessed robustly in chronic inflammatory conditions. PsA represents a model inflammatory disease to explore the role of the microbiome because skin involvement and overlap with IBD implicates both the skin and gastrointestinal tract as sources of microbial triggers for PsA. In parallel with genetic studies, characterization of the host microbiota may benefit our understanding of the microbial contribution to disease pathogenesis-knowledge that may eventually inform the development of novel therapeutics

    Protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating the effects of providing essential medicines at no charge: the Carefully seLected and Easily Accessible at No Charge Medicines (CLEAN Meds) trial

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    Introduction: Cost-related non-adherence to medicines is common in low-income, middle-income and high-income countries such as Canada. Medicine non-adherence is associated with poor health outcomes and increased mortality. This randomised trial will test the impact of a carefully selected list of essential medicines at no charge (compared with usual medicine access) in primary care patients reporting cost-related non-adherence. Methods and analysis This is an open-label, parallel two-arm, superiority, individually randomised controlled trial conducted in three primary care sites (one urban, two rural) in Ontario, Canada, that was codesigned by a community guidance panel. Adult patients (≥18 years) who report cost-related non-adherence to medicines are eligible to participate in the study. Participants will be randomised to receive free and convenient access to a carefully selected list of 125 essential medicines (based on the WHO’s Model List of Essential Medicines) or usual means of medicine access. Care for patients in both groups will otherwise be unchanged. The primary outcome of this trial is adherence to appropriately prescribed medicines. Secondary outcomes include medicine adherence, appropriate prescribing, blood pressure, haemoglobin A1c, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, patient-oriented outcomes and healthcare costs. All participants will be followed for at least 12 months. Ethics and dissemination Ethics approval was obtained in all three participating sites. Results of the main trial and secondary outcomes will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and discussed with members of the public and decision makers. Trial registration number NCT02744963

    La critica del testo digitale e il futuro della filologia

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    La tecnologia ha rivoluzionato profondamente il mondo letterario. Con la digitalizzazione dei testi è sempre più difficile non disporre della versione originale di un manoscritto, circostanza che scardina la filologia così come è stata concepita nei secoli scorsi. Oggi l’autore ha a disposizione degli strumenti che fino a qualche decennio fa non era nemmeno lontanamente concepiti. Con le potenzialità del calcolatore si può scrivere in maniera differente da come fino ad oggi si è fatto e, in parte, si continua a fare. Pensiamo alla possibilità di iniziare un racconto senza mai concluderlo. Una versione beta perenne applicata ai testi. Con il web è senza dubbio possibile, senza non lo sarebbe mai stato. L’autore può decidere di rilasciare più versioni di una stessa opera, ognuna delle quali avrà una sua storia, una sua unicità, un qualcosa che la caratterizzerà dalle altre. Grazie al web il creatore dell’opera dell’ingegno ritorna al centro del processo editoriale, decidendo le modalità di pubblicazione della stessa e gli eventuali diritti da cedere al pubblico (può ad esempio sfruttare le licenze Creative Commons, magari consentendo la creazioni di opere derivate). Partendo dai metodi filologici pre-scientifici e scientifici (con particolare attenzione alle figure di Karl Lachmann e di Joseph Bédier), la mia tesi illustrerà le tecniche di cui può usufruire un autore contemporaneo in modo che le sue opere, anche fra molti decenni, rimangano perfettamente accessibili, documentate e pronte ad essere riprese da un futuro filologo. Il mio esperimento esaminerà entrambe le figure, sia quella dello scrittore che quella del critico, analizzando i loro compiti. Il tutto è possibile grazie all’uso di strumenti accessibili e documentati nel tempo, come la codifica TEI. Grazie a questi metodi, la cultura continua ad essere “irrevocabile” e chiunque, previo uso di licenze libere, può contribuirne allo sviluppo

    Visuo-tactile pose tracking method for in-hand robot manipulation tasks of quotidian objects

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    International audienceAfter more than three decades of research in robot manipulation problems, we observed a considerable level of maturity in different related problems. Many high-performant objects pose tracking exists, one of the main problems for these methods is the robustness again occlusion during in-hand manipulation. This work presents a new multimodal perception approach in order to estimate the pose of an object during an in-hand manipulation. Here, we propose a novel learning-based approach to recover the pose of an object in hand by using a regression method. Particularly, we fuse the visual-based tactile information and depth visual information in order to overpass occlusion problems commonly presented during robot manipulation tasks. Our method is trained and evaluated using simulation. We compare the proposed method against different state-of-the-art approaches to show its robustness in hard scenarios. The recovered results show a reliable increment in performance, while they are obtained using a benchmark in order to obtain replicable and comparable results
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