860 research outputs found

    Headache disorders as risk factors for sleep disturbances in school aged children.

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    Several epidemiological studies have shown the presence of comorbidity between various types of sleep disorders and different headache subtypes. Migraine without aura is a sensitive risk factor for disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep (odds ratio (OR) 8.2500), and chronic tension-type headache for sleep breathing disorders (OR 15.231), but headache disorder is a cumulative risk factor for disorders of excessive somnolence (OR 15.061). This result has not been reported in the clinical literature. © Springer-Verlag Italia 2005

    92Zr(n, γ) and (n,tot) measurements at the GELINA and n_TOF facilities

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    We are indebted to the anonymous referees for a careful reading of the manuscript and constructive remarks. This research was funded by the European Community Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2011 under the Project CHANDA (Grant No. 605203) , by the European Commission within HORIZON2020 via the EURATOM project EUFRAT for transnational access and by the funding agencies of the participating institutes.Background: Stellar nucleosynthesis of elements heavier than iron is driven by neutron capture processes. Zr-92 is positioned at a strategic point along the slow nucleosynthesis path, given its proximity to the neutron magic number N = 50 and its position at the matching region between the weak and main slow processes. Purpose: In parallel with recent improved astronomical data, the extraction of accurate Maxwellian averaged cross sections (MACSs) derived from a more complete and accurate set of resonance parameters should allow for a better understanding of the stellar conditions at which nucleosynthesis takes place. Methods: Transmission and capture cross section measurements using enriched Zr-92 metallic samples were performed at the time-of flight facilities GELINA of JRC-Geel (BE) and n_TOF of CERN (CH). The neutron beam passing through the samples was investigated in transmission measurements at GELINA using a Li-glass scintillator. The gamma rays emitted during the neutron capture reactions were detected by C6D6 detectors at both GELINA and n_TOF. Results: Resonance parameters of individual resonances up to 81 keV were extracted from a combined resonance shape analysis of experimental transmissions and capture yields. For the majority of the resonances the parity was determined from an analysis of the transmission data obtained with different sample thicknesses. Average resonance parameters were calculated. Conclusions: Maxwellian averaged cross sections were extracted from resonances observed up to 81 keV. The MACS for kT = 30 keV is fully consistent with experimental data reported in the literature. The MACSs for kT less than or similar to 15 keV are in good agreement with those derived from the ENDF/B-VIII.0 library and recommended in the KADoNTS database. For kT higher than 30 keV differences are observed. A comparison with MACSs obtained with the cross sections recommended in the JEFF-3.3 and JENDL-4.0 libraries shows discrepancies even for kT less than or similar to 15 keV.European Commission 605203European Commission European Commission Joint Research Centr

    Neutron exposure and neutron flux in Asymptotic Giant Branch stars: a study of neutron capture cross sections of Zr isotopes

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    Nuclear astrophysics is an interdisciplinary branch of physics involving close collaboration among researchers in various subfields of nuclear physics and astrophysics, with significant emphasis in areas such as stellar modeling, measurement and theoretical estimation of nuclear reaction rates, cosmology, cosmochemistry, gamma ray, optical and X-ray astronomy. In general terms, nuclear astrophysics aims to understand the origin of the chemical elements and the energy generation in stars. This work concerns the measurements of the neutron capture cross sections of 90,91,92,93,94,96Zr isotopes, performed at the time-of-flight facilities n_TOF at CERN and GELINA at IRMM and their implication in stellar modeling

    The digitalization of supply chain: A review

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    The emergence of new digital technologies as part of Industry 4.0 has enabled the supply chain to be managed more efficiently. We talk about digitalization of the supply chain and this trend refers to the evolution towards a smarter model that involves digital technologies such as Blockchain, IoT, Machine Learning, etc. These technologies actually increase and enhance the ability to optimize planning, sourcing and procurement strategies. Since this topic is of relevant interest for the scientific community, this paper aims to investigate the main discussion themes related to supply chain digitalization using a keyword-based organizing framework to identify, classify and investigate relevant intellectual contributions in this field. Results showed which are the main issues regarding supply chain digitalization as well as promising future research avenues

    The H and D Polarized Target for Spin–Filtering Measurements at COSY

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    In the main frame of the PAX (Polarized Antiproton eXperiments) collaboration, which engaged the challenging purpose of polarizing antiproton beams, the possibility to have H or D polarized targets requires a daily switchable source and its diagnostics: mainly change is a dual cavity tunable for H and D. The commissioning of PAX has been fullfilled, for the transverse case, on the COSY (COoler SYnchrotron) proton ring, achieving milestones on spin–dependent cross–section measurements. Now the longitudinal case could provide sensitive polarization results. An H or D source allows the exploration of the spin–filtering process with a deuterium polarized target, and opens new chances for testing Time Reversal Invariance at COSY (TRIC)

    Il Regno. Società, culture, poteri (secc. XIII-XV): Atti della Giornata di Studi Università degli Studi di Salerno, 8 maggio 2019

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    [Italiano]: Il volume raccoglie i nove contributi presentati da giovani studiosi medievisti in occasione della Giornata di Studi Il Regno. Società, culture, poteri (secc. XIII-XV), svoltasi l’8 maggio 2019 presso l’aula conferenze DiSPaC dell’Università degli studi di Salerno./[English]: The book collects the nine papers presented by young scholars of Southern Italian Middle Ages on the occasion of the Giornata di Studi The Regnum. Society, cultures, powers (XIII-XV centuries), held on May 8, 2019 at the Aula conferenze DiSPaC of University of Salerno

    Quasicontinuum γ\gamma-decay of 91,92^{91,92}Zr: benchmarking indirect (n,γn,\gamma) cross section measurements for the ss-process

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    Nuclear level densities (NLDs) and γ\gamma-ray strength functions (γ\gammaSFs) have been extracted from particle-γ\gamma coincidences of the 92^{92}Zr(p,pγp,p' \gamma)92^{92}Zr and 92^{92}Zr(p,dγp,d \gamma)91^{91}Zr reactions using the Oslo method. The new 91,92^{91,92}Zr γ\gammaSF data, combined with photonuclear cross sections, cover the whole energy range from Eγ1.5E_{\gamma} \approx 1.5~MeV up to the giant dipole resonance at Eγ17E_{\gamma} \approx 17~MeV. The wide-range γ\gammaSF data display structures at Eγ9.5E_{\gamma} \approx 9.5~MeV, compatible with a superposition of the spin-flip M1M1 resonance and a pygmy E1E1 resonance. Furthermore, the γ\gammaSF shows a minimum at Eγ23E_{\gamma} \approx 2-3~MeV and an increase at lower γ\gamma-ray energies. The experimentally constrained NLDs and γ\gammaSFs are shown to reproduce known (n,γn, \gamma) and Maxwellian-averaged cross sections for 91,92^{91,92}Zr using the {\sf TALYS} reaction code, thus serving as a benchmark for this indirect method of estimating (n,γn, \gamma) cross sections for Zr isotopes.Comment: 10 pages and 9 figure

    Elämyksiä ja kohtaamisia Hopeatien palvelutalon aistihuoneessa

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää ikäihmisten kokemuksia aistihuoneen käytöstä ja kartoittaa, miten he voivat hyötyä aistihuoneesta. Apuvälineyritys Haltija Groupin SHX-aistihuoneen elementit siirrettiin Helsingin kaupungin Hopeatien palvelutaloon testikäyttöön kolmeksi kuukaudeksi. Opinnäytetyö pohjautuu Gary Kielhofnerin inhimillisen toiminnan malliin “Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)” ja sen keskeiset käsitteet ohjasivat tutkimusaineiston tiedon keruuta sekä sen analysointia. Opinnäytetyön muu teoreettinen perusta muodostui ikääntymisen tarkastelusta toimintakyvyn ja aistien näkökulmasta sekä multisensorisen toiminnan perusteista. Opinnäytetyö perustui laadullisen tutkimuksen periaatteisiin ja siinä oli kaksi työelämäkumppania: Helsingin kaupungin Hopeatien palvelutalo ja Haltija Group. Tutkimusmenetelmiksi valittiin aistihuoneen käyttäjille suunnattu kyselylomake sekä hoitohenkilökunnalle suunnattu ryhmämuotoinen teemahaastattelu. Kirjallinen raporttiosuus sisältää teoreettisen perustan, opinnäytetyön toteutuksen kuvauksen, aineiston analyysin, johtopäätökset ja pohdinnan. Tässä opinnäytetyössä asiakaslähtöisyys ja aistihuoneen esteettömyys nousivat seikoiksi, jotka vaikuttivat myönteisesti ikääntyneen osallistumiseen aistihuoneessa. Asiakkaan elämänhistorian ja mielenkiinnon kohteiden tunteminen sekä yksilöllisen tahdon ja suorituskyvyn huomioiminen koettiin tärkeiksi. Onnistuneeseen käyntiin aistihuoneessa vaikuttivat orientaatio ja henkilökunnan taito käyttää aistihuoneen tekniikkaa. Asiakkaiden kokemukset aistihuoneesta olivat pääosin miellyttäviä, jopa rentouttavia. Tämän opinnäytetyön tulokset ovat yhtenäisessä linjassa verrattuna aiempiin tutkimuksiin aistihuoneista ja niiden vaikutuksista. Opinnäytetyön perusteella aistihuoneen käyttö ikääntyneiden arjessa voi tarjota positiivisia vaikutuksia ikääntyneen psyykkiseen ja sosiaaliseen toimintakykyyn. Huolellinen suunnittelu, esteettömyys ja vahva asiakastuntemus mahdollistavat asiakkaan osallistumisen terapeuttiseen toimintaan aistihuoneessa. Aistihuoneen vaikuttavuudesta pitkällä aikavälillä tarvitaan lisää tutkimustietoa, jota voisi hyödyntää myös suunniteltaessa tulevaisuuden palveluja ikääntyneille.The object of the Bachelor’s thesis was to provide the elderly in the Hopeatie service house in Helsinki with the SHX multisensory elements for trial use. The purpose of this study was to find out experiences of elderly people in the multisensory room and analyze how they can benefit from the multisensory activities in their rehabilitation. The theory is based on Gary Kielhofner’s Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) and its essential concepts that steer the data gathering and analysis. The fundamental aspects of multisensory activities and ageing accompanied by changes in performance and impaired senses are also observed. This thesis is a qualitive study executed in collaboration with two working life partners: the city of Helsinki and Haltija Group, which is a Finnish company for assistive devices, welfare technology and rehabilitation. The thematic group interview of six employees of the service house and a client questionnaire were chosen as research methods. This thesis consists of theory, description of the implementation, data analysis, results of the study, and conclusions and discussion. The results show that the client-centered approach and the accessibility to the multisensory room had an influence on participation of the elderly in the multisensory room. Successful visits of the multisensory room were enabled by employees’ skills to prepare the client for the visit and their skills to master the technology of the room. The experiences of the elderly in the multisensory room were mainly pleasant, some even relaxing. The results of this study are consistent with previous research on the effects of a multisensory room. This study proves that the use of the multisensory room in the elderly people’s daily lives may have a positive effect on their mental and social performance. Thorough planning of therapy intervention, easy access to the multisensory room and strong client knowledge enable committed client participation. More research is needed for long-term effects of multisensory room in order to benefit from the results for planning services for the elderly in the future