1,468 research outputs found

    Medición de la relación existente entre delito y privación social dentro de un área metropolitana

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    The purpose of the investigation, carried out in the municipality of Genoa (Italy), is to verify the existence of a relationship between crime, observed at the place where the criminal act is committed, and social deprivation. In other words, it aims to investigate the relation between crime and social deprivation from a spatial perspective. Crime, which manifests itself in various forms, is identified in the scientific literature from the concept of a “deviant act” that can be analysed with spatially, temporally and psychologically based approaches. Social deprivation, on the other hand, is a complex phenomenon, defined by Townsend, whose analysis is based primarily on the relational aspect of marginalised and vulnerable groups. The main contribution of this work is the high territorial consistency of the data, referring to the local districts of Genoa. The methodology consists in the realisation of two aggregative quantitative analyses for the construction of the indices. On the one hand, crime is measured using a method based on the sum of standardised variables, while social deprivation is studied by DP2 method. The analysis shows a trend of high levels of crime in districts closest to the centre of the city of Genoa, a trend that decreases as it moves toward the periphery. The city centre areas are the most crowded and the most difficult to control continuously due to the intense traffic of people, especially during rush hours. A similar result can be observed in terms of social deprivation: the districts closer to the centre tend to be more socially critical, while the more distant districts have a stronger social fabric, also due to less traffic by residents. The work can be a useful tool to help policymakers define timely and localised measures to combat crime.El propósito de la investigación, realizada en el municipio de Génova (Italia), es verificar la existencia de una relación entre delito, observado en el lugar donde se comete el acto delictivo, y privación social. En otras palabras, se pretende investigar la relación existente entre delito y privación social desde una perspectiva espacial. El delito, que se manifiesta en varias formas, se identifica en la literatura científica a partir del concepto de un “acto desviado” que puede analizarse con enfoques de base espacial, temporal y psicológica. Por su parte, la privación social es un fenómeno complejo, definido por Townsend, cuyo análisis se basa fundamentalmente en el aspecto relacional de grupos marginados y vulnerables. La principal aportación de este trabajo estriba en la alta consistencia territorial de los datos, referidos a distrito local de Génova. La metodología consiste en la realización de dos análisis cuantitativos agregados para la construcción de los índices. Por un lado, el delito se mide con la aplicación de un método de suma de variables estandarizadas, mientras que la privación social se estudia a través del método DP2. Los análisis muestran una tendencia de altos niveles de delincuencia en los distritos más cercanos al centro de la ciudad de Génova, tendencia que disminuye al desplazarse hacia la periferia. Las zonas del centro de la ciudad son las más concurridas y las más difíciles de controlar continuamente debido al intenso tránsito de personas, especialmente en las horas punta. Un resultado similar se observa en lo que respecta a la privación social: los distritos más cercanos al centro tienden a ser más críticos desde el punto de vista social, mientras que los distritos más alejados tienen un tejido social más sólido, debido también a una menor tránsito de los residentes. El trabajo puede ser un instrumento útil para ayudar a los responsables de la formulación de políticas a definir medidas oportunas y localizadas para luchar contra la delincuencia

    Thermophysical Property Estimation by Transient Experiments: The Effect of a Biased Initial Temperature Distribution

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    The identification of thermophysical properties of materials in dynamic experiments can be conveniently performed by the inverse solution of the associated heat conduction problem (IHCP). The inverse technique demands the knowledge of the initial temperature distribution within the material. As only a limited number of temperature sensors (or no sensor at all) are arranged inside the test specimen, the knowledge of the initial temperature distribution is affected by some uncertainty. This uncertainty, together with other possible sources of bias in the experimental procedure, will propagate in the estimation process and the accuracy of the reconstructed thermophysical property values could deteriorate. In this work the effect on the estimated thermophysical properties due to errors in the initial temperature distribution is investigated along with a practical method to quantify this effect. Furthermore, a technique for compensating this kind of bias is proposed. The method consists in including the initial temperature distribution among the unknown functions to be estimated. In this way the effect of the initial bias is removed and the accuracy of the identified thermophysical property values is highly improved

    From gating to computational flow cytometry: Exploiting artificial intelligence for MRD diagnostics

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    The era of AI-based methods to improve flow cytometry diagnostics in haematology is now at the beginning. The study by Nguyen and colleagues explored an emerging machine learning approach to assess phenotypic MRD in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients, showing that such AI-driven computational analysis may represent a robust and feasible tool for advanced diagnostics of haematological malignancies.Commentary on: Nguyen et al. Computational flow cytometry provides accurate assessment of measurable residual disease in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Br J Haematol 2023 (Online ahead of print). doi

    Splitting the solar radiation in direct and diffuse components; Insights and constrains on the clearness-diffuse fraction representation

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    open3noIn many engineering applications, it is mandatory to know separately the solar radiation diffuse and direct components. Examples regard the assessment of the energy potentially exploitable by a system of solar thermal or photovoltaic panels and, in general, all the cases where it is necessary to calculate the radiative solar power collected by a surface. In fact, radiation components will differently project on the surface of interest and will weigh in a different manner, depending on the surface orientation, in the computation of the effective incident radiation. To perform this decomposition starting from data relative to a horizontal plane, two non-dimensional quantities, namely, the diffuse fraction, kd, and the clearness, kt, are usually put in mutual relation by correlating experimental data on a graphical ground rather than using physical considerations. In the present study, some insights are given on the shape of this correlation starting from geometric and physical considerations. It is shown that many results and graphs presented in literature have not physical meaning; rather they are simply artifacts due to geometrical or other constraints. These evidences open the way to a new approach to solar radiation decomposition founded on physical-based correlations.openScarpa, F.*; Marchitto, A.; Tagliafico, L.A.Scarpa, F.; Marchitto, A.; Tagliafico, L. A

    Encouraging MSK imaging research towards clinical impact is a necessity: opinion paper of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)

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    Radiology has not been spared in recent economic crises with a substantial reduction in the turnover of imaging equipment. These problems are exacerbated by increasing demand for healthcare across Europe. Therefore, using existing radiological services while rigorously following evidence-based guidelines might improve patient care. Thus, diagnostic pathways should be assessed not only for technical and diagnostic performance but also for their impact on medical and social outcome. In this paper, we report the advice of the Research Committee of ESSR on how we may guide musculoskeletal radiological research towards studies that have useful clinical impact. The ESSR Research Committee intends to encourage research with potential to influence treatment, patient outcome, and social impact. Key Points \u2022 Research in medical imaging has the potential to improve human health. \u2022 High-level studies have the potential to place radiology at the pinnacle of quality in evidence-based practice. \u2022 The ESSR Research Committee intends to encourage research with potential to influence treatment, patient outcome, and social impact

    Моделирование энергопотребления зданий: оценка статической и динамической моделей

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    The aim of the present paper is to show recent results obtained in modeling the building system, presenting a review on the common numerical models used to estimate the energy consumptions. In particular, both steady-state and dynamic models are investigated by analyzing their main assumptions, limitations and fields of usage. As a matter of fact, the most common models are based on steady state approaches, but new technologies and the need to implement innovative regulation criteria for heating and cooling systems by performing detailed coupled studies on the building and heating/cooling systems, push towards the use of dynamic tools with low computational costs. Therefore, the use of dynamic models is often suggested, especially when different building configurations are investigated (as e. g. in the design stage or for a renovation perspective). Starting from this point, sensitive analyses on the installation of a proper insulation in the building envelope is then presented.Цель данной работы — показать последние результаты, полученные при моделировании системы здания, с описанием общих численных моделей, используемых для оценки энергопотребления. В частности на статических и динамических моделях исследованы основные допущения, ограничения и область использования путем их анализа. Собственно говоря, наиболее распространенные модели основаны на установившихся подходах, но новые технологии и необходимость внедрения для систем отопления и холодоснабжения инновационных критериев регулирования с использованием подробного анализа здания и систем отопления/охлаждения, подталкивают к использованию динамических инструментов с низкими вычислительными затратами. Таким образом, часто целесообразно использование динамических моделей, особенно когда существуют разные конфигурации здания (как, например, в стадии проектирования или для перспективной реконструкции). В статье представлен анализ установки правильного утеплителя в ограждающих конструкциях

    High-resolution ultrasound of rotator cuff and biceps reflection pulley in non-elite junior tennis players: anatomical study

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    BACKGROUND: Tennis is believed to be potentially harmful for the shoulder, therefore the purpose of this study is to evaluate the anatomy of the rotator cuff and the coraco-humeral ligament (CHL) in a-symptomatic non-elite junior tennis players with high-resolution ultrasound (US). METHODS: From August 2009 to September 2010 n = 90 a-symptomatic non-elite junior tennis players (mean age ± standard deviation: 15 ± 3) and a control group of age- and sex- matched subjects were included. Shoulder assessment with a customized standardized protocol was performed. Body mass index, dominant arm, years of practice, weekly hours of training, racket weight, grip (Eastern, Western and semi-Western), kind of strings were recorded. RESULTS: Abnormalities were found at ultrasound in 14/90 (15%) players. Two players had supraspinatus tendinosis, two had subacromial impingement and ten had subacromial bursitis. CHL thickness resulted comparable in the dominant and non-dominant arms (11.3 ± 4.4 mm vs. 13 ± 4.2, p > 0.05). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that no association was present among CHL thickness and the variables evaluated. In the control group, abnormalities were found at ultrasound in 6/60 (10%) subjects (sub-acromial bursitis). No statistically significant differences between players and control group were found (p = 0.71). CONCLUSION: In a-symptomatic non-elite junior tennis players only minor shoulder abnormalities were found

    Composición de ensambles de crustáceos decápodos en bancos de Pinctada imbricata y Arca zebra (Mollusca: Bivalvia) en la Isla de Cubagua, Venezuela: Efecto de la densidad del banco

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    Beds of the Atlantic pearl oyster (Pinctada imbricata) and the turkey wing (Arca zebra) of contrasting population densities were evaluated to determine the occurrence of associated decapod crustaceans. In these beds at Cubagua Island, Venezuela, we recorded 40 decapod species belonging to 18 families. Mithraculus forceps (Majidae), Pilumnus caribaeus (Pilumnidae), Cuapetes americanus (Palaemonidae) and Petrolisthes galathinus (Porcellanidae) were the most common species found in these assemblages. The medium- and high-density bivalve beds exhibited more species and a greater abundance of associated decapods than the low-density bivalve beds, and more taxonomic distinctness. Multivariate analysis detected different groups of decapods in the low-density beds and the medium- to high-density beds. Additionally, similarities were found in the communities of crustaceans in the beds of Atlantic pearl oysters and turkey wing, demonstrating that bed density is important for the composition of associated fauna.Bancos de la ostra perla del Atlántico (P. imbricata) y de la pepitona (A. zebra) de densidades poblacionales contrastantes fueron evaluados para determinar la ocurrencia de crustáceos decápodos asociados. En estos bancos en la isla de Cubagua, Venezuela, fueron colectadas 40 especies de decápodos, pertenecientes a 18 familias. Mithraculus forceps (Majidae), Pilumnus caribaeus (Pilumnidae), Cuapetes americanus (Palaemonidae) y Petrolisthes galathinus (Porcellanidae) fueron las especies más comunes en estos ensambles. Los bancos de densidad media y alta mostraron mayor riqueza de especies y abundancia que los de baja densidad de bivalvos, así como mayor distinción taxonómica. Análisis multivariados detectaron diferentes grupos de decápodos en los bancos de baja densidad en relación a los de densidad media y alta. Adicionalmente, la fauna encontrada en bancos de ostra perla y pepitona no mostró diferencias, demostrando que la densidad es importante para la composición de la fauna asociada

    Tempo rubato e tempo addizionato: il tredicesimo mese dei persiani

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    Mustelus higmani is categorized as “least concern” according to the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, but gaps in population trends occur in most of its distribution range. In Venezuela, this species has local importance because it is part of typical dishes. The aim of this work is to analyse the population structure, reproduction and feeding of M. higmani from Margarita Island’s artisanal fishery landings for management purposes. Between 2006 and 2008, 2223 specimens were analysed: 1156 females (24.8-88.4 cm total length [TL]) and 1067 males (20-69.2 cm TL). Temporal variations in sex ratio and length class structure were detected. Changes in body size were detected throughout different years of sampling. A decrease in TL and an increase in immature specimens in the catch were observed in 2008. Mean length at maturity (L50) was estimated at 46.7 cm TL for females and 47.6 cm TL for males. Female fecundity was 4±1.8 embryos (n=388). Length at birth was between 20 and 29 cm TL, and no differences in sex ratio were detected for embryos. Feeding analyses (n=266 stomachs) showed a diet mainly based on decapod crustaceans, small fish, stomatopods and cephalopods. The trophic level was 3.3, which shows feeding based on benthic and demersal species of the continental shelf, especially crustaceans