36 research outputs found

    Future Changes in Mean and Extreme Monsoon Precipitation in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Basin, China, in the CMIP5 Models

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    In this study, the potential future changes of mean and extreme precipitation in the middle and lower Yangtze River basin (MLYRB), eastern China, are assessed using the models of phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). Historical model simulations are first compared with observations in order to evaluate model performance. In general, the models simulate the precipitation mean and frequency better than the precipitation intensity and extremes, but still have difficulty capturing precipitation patterns over complex terrains. They tend to overestimate precipitation mean, frequency, and intensity while underestimating the extremes. After correcting for model biases, the spatial variation of mean precipitation projected by the multimodel ensemble mean (MME) is improved, so the MME after the bias correction is used to project changes for the years 2021–50 and 2071–2100 relative to 1971–2000 under two emission scenarios: RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Results show that with global warming, precipitation will become less frequent but more intense over the MLYRB. Relative changes in extremes generally exceed those in mean precipitation. Moreover, increased precipitation extremes are also expected even in places where mean precipitation is projected to decrease in 2021–50. The overall increase in extreme precipitation could potentially lead to more frequent floods in this already flood-prone region

    Design Of A Minicomputer Separator Of Urban Solid Waste (RSU)

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    In Mexico, the society in general lacks the habit and ethics of properly disposing garbage or in taking care of the environment. This paper focuses on analyzing and disposing garbage in an automated way. The present study also seeks to create and promote care for the planet. The minicomputer (GreenScanProcess) is an automated system whose process is based on an algorithm that stands out for its functionality. GreenScanProcess has sensors that allow the analysis and scanning of garbage. It also measures the weight and humidity of the garbage. The minicomputer also examines the garbage to know its composition. Likewise, GreenScanProcess takes the garbage to the container according to the garbage. The benefits obtained when conducting the research were: environmental, economic, technological, and educational

    El Trato Nacional a los Buques de la Alianza del Pacífico: Una Perspectiva desde el Derecho del Mar

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    El Protocolo Adicional al Acuerdo Marco del Alianza del Pacifico establece una obligación de otorgar Trato Nacional a los buques de las Partes. Este trabajo tiene por objeto demostrar cómo dicha obligación resulta consistente con los deberes de las Partes derivados del régimen de nacionalidad de los buques conforme a CONVEMAR, y que el otorgamiento del referido Trato no supone la existencia previa de una obligación internacional de dar acceso a los buques extranjeros en los puertos nacionales

    Climate Extremes In A General Climate Model With Stochastic Parameterizations

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    This work employs techniques from extreme value theory to evaluate the representation of temperature and precipitation extremes in two climate models and an observational dataset. The climate models correspond to the general climate model, the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model version 4 (CAM4), with two stochastic parameterizations of sub-grid scale processes: the stochastic kinetic energy backscatter (SKEBS) scheme and the stochastically perturbed parameterization tendency (SPPT) scheme. The observational dataset is version 7 of the satellite-based Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B42 research product, developed at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center. Temperature extremes are described in terms of the 95th percentile (20-yr return level) of the distribution of annual extremes of near-surface temperature, while precipitation extremes are characterized in terms of the analogous percentile with respect to daily precipitation amounts, in addition to less extreme precipitation statistics. The distribution of annual extremes is assumed to be well-approximated by the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution, which is fit at each gridpoint using a "block maxima" approach. A Bayesian hierarchical approach is used to estimate the parameters of the distribution of annual extremes in the 3B42 dataset. CAM4 overestimates warm and cold extremes over land regions, particu- larly over the Northern Hemisphere when compared against observations and reanalysis. The addition of a stochastic parameterization generally produces a warming of both warm and cold extremes relative to the unperturbed configuration, however, neither of the proposed parameterizations meaningfully reduce the biases in the simulated temperature extremes of CAM4. Similarly, the precipitation response to the use of stochastic parameterizations is remarkably muted, particularly that to SPPT. SKEBS is shown to enhance the dry bias of annual precipitation in CAM4 over the central contiguous United States, and also exacerbates the shortfall of moderate precipitation extremes over the same region. The 3B42 dataset shows severe overestimation of 20-yr return levels over eastern Asia. The analysis of the 3 parameters that define the GEV distribution enhances the understanding of the behavior of extremes, revealing valuable information that may potentially help modeling centers improve the simulation of extremes in the climate models

    Estudio experimental del empuje sobre estructuras de contención en suelos reforzados con geomallas Experimental study of the lateral earth pressure on retaining structures in soils reinforced with geogrids

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    Este artículo presenta un estudio experimental de la variación de las tensiones de empuje sobre una pared que soporta un suelo reforzado con geomallas. Para ello se utilizó un equipo diseñado y construido especialmente para ejecutar ensayos de empuje bajo condiciones de deformación plana. Se describe el equipo de ensayo y los instrumentos de medición, así como el suelo y la preparación de las muestras de arena y la geomalla utilizada. En la primera etapa de la investigación se ensayan muestras sin reforzar y se comparan los resultados con aquellos provenientes de las teorías clásicas de empuje. Posteriormente se presentan los resultados de ensayos de empuje en suelo reforzado con una, dos, tres y cuatro geomallas. Se concluye que la incorporación de geomallas como refuerzo en el suelo disminuye el empuje ejercido por el suelo sobre la estructura de contención. Esta disminución del empuje es de aproximadamente un 25% cuando se usa una geomalla, un 50% con dos o tres geomallas y de un 75% con cuatro geomallas para los espaciamientos, sobrecargas e incremento de desplazamientos usados. Resultó posible identificar que la distribución de la tensión de empuje con la profundidad no sólo no sigue la variación triangular sino que se desarrollan arcos de tensiones en el suelo entre las geomallas.<br>This article presents an experimental study on the variation with depth of the stresses due to lateral earth pressure on a wall retaining a soil reinforced with geogrids. To this end, an apparatus was designed and constructed especially tailored for performing lateral earth pressure tests under plain strain conditions. The experimental apparatus and the measurement instruments as well as the soil and the sample preparation and the geogrids used, are described. In a first stage of research, samples without reinforcing are tested and the results are compared with those from classic earth pressure theories. Subsequently, results from lateral earth pressure tests in soils reinforced with one, two, three and four geogrids are presented. It is concluded that the inclusion of geogrids as soil reinforcement reduces the earth pressure on the retaining structure. This lateral earth pressure reduction is approximately of 25% when one geogrid is used, 50% with two or three geogrids and 75% with four geogrids for the spacing, surcharges and displacement increments used. It was possible to identify that the lateral earth pressure distribution with depth not only does not follow a triangular variation, but it develops stress arching in the soil and between the geogrids

    Alimentación para perros

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Comercial)Este proyecto de tesis evaluará si es viable o no proyecto a investigar, el cual consiste en crear un plan de negocios para la alimentación de perros. El proyecto trata en alimentar a los perros mediante un dispensador programable, seguido de la distribución del alimento, instalación del dispensador y la programación de este. El dispensador tiene como objetivo brindarle al cliente un servicio que simplifique y le de comodidad y seguridad a la hora de alimentar a las mascotas, ya sea por falta de tiempo, por vacaciones, o tan solo por olvido. A la vez ofreciendo este servicio se mejora considerablemente la salud del perro, ya que mediante el dispensador que estará programado para que el perro se alimente a las horas adecuadas y con la cantidad de comida exacta para brindarle una sana alimentación la cual mejorará considerablemente su metabolismo. El dispensador se programara de acuerdo al perro y sus necesidades de alimentación. El servicio le brindará al cliente un servicio cómodo de alimentación para su perro, dejará de ocuparse de toda tarea que tenga relación con la alimentación, desde ir a la veterinaria o supermercado a comprar la comida hasta dársela día a día en su horario adecuado, le solucionara la alimentación de su mascota a toda hora, ya sea en situación adversas tales como ausentarse por algún tiempo (vacaciones), el cliente estará seguro de que su perro obtendrá el alimento necesario para estar bien alimentado, le brindaremos al cliente una gran variedad de marcas de comida para que tenga la opción de elegir la que a él le convenga y encuentre adecuado para su perro, también ofreceremos el servicio personalizado de una veterinaria asociada por si el cliente quiere un seguimiento de la salud del perro, la recomendación de la comida adecuada y la ración necesaria para la excelente alimentación del perro