57 research outputs found

    Thyroid cancer diagnosis by Raman spectroscopy

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    Over the last 50 years, the incidence of human thyroid cancer disease has seen a significative increment. This comes along with an even higher increment of surgery, since, according to the international guidelines, patients are sometimes addressed to surgery also when the fine needle aspiration gives undetermined cytological diagnosis. As a matter of fact, only 30% of the thyroid glands removed for diagnostic purpose have a post surgical histological report of malignancy: this implies that about 70% of the patients have suffered an unnecessary thyroid removal. Here we show that Raman spectroscopy investigation of thyroid tissues provides reliable cancer diagnosis. Healthy tissues are consistently distinguished from cancerous ones with an accuracy of ∼ 90%, and the three cancer typology with highest incidence are clearly identified. More importantly, Raman investigation has evidenced alterations suggesting an early stage of transition of adenoma tissues into cancerous ones. These results suggest that Raman spectroscopy may overcome the limits of current diagnostic tools

    Ongoing outbreak of hepatitis A in Italy: preliminary report as of 31 May 2013

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    Since January 2013, an unusual increase in hepatitis A cases has been detected in northern Italy. A total number of 352 cases were reported to the integrated surveillance system between January and the end of May 2013 and this represents a 70% increase compared to the same period of the previous year. The outbreak is ongoing and the public health authorities are continuing their investigations to establish the transmission vehicle and to control the outbreak

    Proof-of-concept Raman spectroscopy study aimed to differentiate thyroid follicular patterned lesions.

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    Inter-observer variability and cancer over-diagnosis are emerging clinical problems, especially for follicular patterned thyroid lesions. This challenge strongly calls for a new clinical tool to reliably identify neoplastic lesions and to improve the efficiency of differentiation between benign and malignant neoplasms, especially considering the increased diagnosis of small carcinomas and the growing number of thyroid nodules. In this study, we employed a Raman spectroscopy (RS) microscope to investigate frozen thyroid tissues from fourteen patients with thyroid nodules. To generate tissue classification models, a supervised statistical analysis of the Raman spectra was performed. The results obtained demonstrate an accuracy of 78% for RS based diagnosis to discriminate between normal parenchyma and follicular patterned thyroid nodules, and 89% accuracy - for very challenging follicular lesions (carcinoma versus adenoma). RS translation into intraoperative diagnosis of frozen sections and in preoperative analysis of biopsies can be very helpful to reduce unnecessary surgery in patients with indeterminate cytological reports

    Diagnostic and prognostic value of B4GALT1 hypermethylation and its clinical significance as a novel circulating cell-free DNA biomarker in colorectal cancer

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    Epigenetic modifications of glyco-genes have been documented in different types of cancer and are tightly linked to proliferation, invasiveness, metastasis, and drug resistance. This study aims to investigate the diagnostic, prognostic, and therapy-response predictive value of the glyco-gene B4GALT1 in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. A Kaplan-Meier analysis was conducted in 1418 CRC patients (GEO and TCGA datasets) to assess the prognostic and therapy-response predictive values of the aberrant expression and methylation status of B4GALT1. Quantitative methylation-specific PCR (QMSP) and droplet digital quantitative methylation-specific PCR (dd-QMSP) were respectively used to detect hypermethylated B4GALT1 in metastasis and plasma in four cohorts of metastatic CRC cases (mCRC). Both the downregulated expression and promoter hypermethylation of B4GALT1 have a negative prognostic impact on CRC. Interestingly a low expression level of B4GALT1 was significantly associated with poor cetuximab response (progression-free survival (PFS) p = 0.01) particularly in wild-type (WT)-KRAS patients (p = 0.03). B4GALT1 promoter was aberrantly methylated in liver and lung metastases. The detection of hypermethylated B4GALT1 in plasma of mCRC patients showed a highly discriminative receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve profile (area under curve (AUC) value 0.750; 95% CI: 0.592-0.908, p = 0.008), clearly distinguishing mCRC patients from healthy controls. Based on an optimal cut-off value defined by the ROC analysis, B4GALT1 yield a 100% specificity and a 50% sensitivity. These data support the potential value of B4GALT1 as an additional novel biomarker for the prediction of cetuximab response, and as a specific and sensitive diagnostic circulating biomarker that can be detected in CRC

    hepatitis a outbreak in italy 2013 a matched case control study

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    Between January and May 2013 a hepatitis A (HA) incidence increase was detected in Italy, signalling an outbreak. A retrospective matched case-control study was conducted to identify the source of infection. A case was defined as a resident of any of five regions (Apulia, autonomous province of Bolzano, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia and autonomous province of Trento), who had symptom onset between 1 January and 31 May2013 as well a positive test for anti-HA virus IgM. We compared each case with four age-and neighbourhood-matched controls. Overall 119 cases and 419 controls were enrolled. Berries were found as the main risk factor for HA (adjusted odds ratio (ORadj): 4.2; 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.5-7.0) followed by raw seafood (ORadj: 3.8; 95% CI: 2.2-6.8; PAF: 26%). Sequencing the virion protein (VP)1-2a region from 24 cases yielded a common sequence (GenBank number: KF182323). The same sequence was amplified from frozen mixed berries consumed by some cases as well as from isolates from Dutch and German HA patients, who had visited some of the affected Italian provinces during the outbreak. These findings suggested berries as the main source of the Italian outbreak. Control measures included voluntary recall of the confirmed frozen mixed berry batches and a trace-back investigation was initiated. The Ministry of Health website recommends frozen berries to be cooked for two minutes before eating.

    Evolution of hepatitis B serological markers in HIV coinfected patients: a case study

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the evolution of serological markers among HIV and hepatitis B coinfected patients, with emphasis on evaluating the reactivation or seroreversion of these markers. METHODS The study population consisted of patients met in an AIDS Outpatient Clinic in São Paulo State, Brazil. We included in the analysis all HIV-infected and who underwent at least two positive hepatitis B surface antigen serological testing during clinical follow up, with tests taken six months apart. Patients were tested with commercial kits available for hepatitis B serological markers by microparticle enzyme immunoassay. Clinical variables were collected: age, sex, CD4+ T-cell count, HIV viral load, alanine aminotransferase level, exposure to antiretroviral drugs including lamivudine and/or tenofovir. RESULTS Among 2,242 HIV positive patients, we identified 105 (4.7%) patients with chronic hepatitis B. Follow up time for these patients varied from six months to 20.5 years. All patients underwent antiretroviral therapy during follow-up. Among patients with chronic hepatitis B, 58% were hepatitis B “e” antigen positive at the first assessment. Clearance of hepatitis B surface antigen occurred in 15% (16/105) of patients with chronic hepatitis B, and 50% (8/16) of these patients presented subsequent reactivation or seroreversion of hepatitis B surface antigen. Among hepatitis B “e” antigen positive patients, 57% (35/61) presented clearance of this serologic marker. During clinical follow up, 28.5% (10/35) of those who initially cleared hepatitis B “e” antigen presented seroreversion or reactivation of this marker. CONCLUSIONS Among HIV coinfected patients under antiretroviral therapy, changes of HBV serological markers were frequently observed. These results suggest that frequent monitoring of these serum markers should be recommended

    Atypical localization and atypical magnetic resonance imaging findings of a paraganglioma at the mouth mucosa.

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    We present a case of a paraganglioma located at the cheek. The benign nature of the lesion was certainly suggested by the patient's anamnesis, ecotomography, and needle biopsy; nevertheless, before the excision, the surgeon requested magnetic resonance imaging with contrast stain only to better evaluate the relationship between the lesion and the surrounding structures and not to have a precise diagnosis.Under magnetic resonance examination by using T1, T2, and T1 before and after contrast sequences, it showed an aspect different from the conventionally described features for this kind of lesion. After excision, the mass showed a yellowish color and a liquid content. Histologic examination described it as having the features of a glomus tumor

    On the chemical composition of psammoma bodies microcalcifications in thyroid cancer tissues

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    Recently the knowledge of chemical composition of pathological mineralizations is an important topic extensively studied because it could give more in-depth information to understand pathologies themselves and to improve prevention methods. In this work, psammoma bodies (PBs) microcalcifications in thyroid cancer tissue are investigated by different and complementary analytical methods as: micro-Fourier transformed spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, Inductively Coupled plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy imaging (EDX). For the first time the micro-FTIR analysis of the only inorganic phase isolated from PBs was reported. Signals of the recorded spectrum showed that the main component of the calcifications is the amorphous carbonated calcium phosphate, and the IR spectrum of thyroid PBs is strongly consistent with that of PBs in human ovarian tumors. The XRF and the ICP analysis detected also the presence of iron ad zinc in thyroid PBs. These results are validated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy imaging (EDX) carried out on tissue samples of the papillary thyroid carcinoma. By these analytical methods magnesium and sodium were detected within PBs while the presence of iron was confirmed by the Perls test. Summarizing the results of applied analytical methods, the main detected elements within the thyroid psammoma bodies are Ca, P, Mg, Na, Fe and Zn. Magnesium and sodium are found in malignant breast cancer microcalcifications, thus they seem correlated to neoplastic transformation. The Fe and Zn elements could give information about the origin of these pathological microcalcifications
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