62 research outputs found

    MAIA, un modèle de données support de la démarche d'adaptation

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    To face climate change, mid-mountain territorial communities set up sectoral adaptations. This article presents a model of capitalization and linking of these adaptation practices (already tested or to be considered). This model makes it possible to move from a sectoral to an integrated and intelligent adaptation, aware of implications and synergies between several sectors of activities over a given territory. The model's concepts are presented in UML (Unified Modeling Language), a graphical modeling language used to design computer systems. From this, objective would be to use these concepts to build a web application dedicated to climate change adaptation practices, which could support governance of territorial communities. Conducted within the framework of the GICC-ONERC AdaMont (2015-2017) project, this operational aim may justify the setting up of new scientific and technical partnerships.Face au changement climatique, les communautés territoriales de moyenne montagne mettent en place, de façon sectorielle, des adaptations. Cet article présente un modèle de capitalisation et de mise en relation de ces pratiques d'adaptation (éprouvées ou envisagées). Celui-ci permet de passer d'une adaptation métier, sectorielle, à une adaptation intégrée, intelligente, consciente des implications et synergies entre les secteurs d'activités présents sur un territoire. Les concepts qui structurent le modèle sont présentés en UML (Unified Modeling Language), un langage de modélisation informatique graphique servant de support à la conception de systèmes informatisés. L'ambition, à termes, est de développer ces concepts jusqu'à la réalisation d'une application web destinée à la gouvernance des communautés territoriales qui traite des pratiques d'adaptation au changement climatique. Mené dans le cadre du projet GICC-ONERC AdaMont (2015-2017), cette visée opérationnelle pourra justifier la mise en place de nouveaux partenariats scientifiques et techniques

    Beta-Strand Interfaces of Non-Dimeric Protein Oligomers Are Characterized by Scattered Charged Residue Patterns

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    Protein oligomers are formed either permanently, transiently or even by default. The protein chains are associated through intermolecular interactions constituting the protein interface. The protein interfaces of 40 soluble protein oligomers of stœchiometries above two are investigated using a quantitative and qualitative methodology, which analyzes the x-ray structures of the protein oligomers and considers their interfaces as interaction networks. The protein oligomers of the dataset share the same geometry of interface, made by the association of two individual β-strands (β-interfaces), but are otherwise unrelated. The results show that the β-interfaces are made of two interdigitated interaction networks. One of them involves interactions between main chain atoms (backbone network) while the other involves interactions between side chain and backbone atoms or between only side chain atoms (side chain network). Each one has its own characteristics which can be associated to a distinct role. The secondary structure of the β-interfaces is implemented through the backbone networks which are enriched with the hydrophobic amino acids favored in intramolecular β-sheets (MCWIV). The intermolecular specificity is provided by the side chain networks via positioning different types of charged residues at the extremities (arginine) and in the middle (glutamic acid and histidine) of the interface. Such charge distribution helps discriminating between sequences of intermolecular β-strands, of intramolecular β-strands and of β-strands forming β-amyloid fibers. This might open new venues for drug designs and predictive tool developments. Moreover, the β-strands of the cholera toxin B subunit interface, when produced individually as synthetic peptides, are capable of inhibiting the assembly of the toxin into pentamers. Thus, their sequences contain the features necessary for a β-interface formation. Such β-strands could be considered as ‘assemblons’, independent associating units, by homology to the foldons (independent folding unit). Such property would be extremely valuable in term of assembly inhibitory drug development

    Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions: A Handbook for Practitioners

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    The Handbook aims to provide decision-makers with a comprehensive NBS impact assessment framework, and a robust set of indicators and methodologies to assess impacts of nature-based solutions across 12 societal challenge areas: Climate Resilience; Water Management; Natural and Climate Hazards; Green Space Management; Biodiversity; Air Quality; Place Regeneration; Knowledge and Social Capacity Building for Sustainable Urban Transformation; Participatory Planning and Governance; Social Justice and Social Cohesion; Health and Well-being; New Economic Opportunities and Green Jobs. Indicators have been developed collaboratively by representatives of 17 individual EU-funded NBS projects and collaborating institutions such as the EEA and JRC, as part of the European Taskforce for NBS Impact Assessment, with the four-fold objective of: serving as a reference for relevant EU policies and activities; orient urban practitioners in developing robust impact evaluation frameworks for nature-based solutions at different scales; expand upon the pioneering work of the EKLIPSE framework by providing a comprehensive set of indicators and methodologies; and build the European evidence base regarding NBS impacts. They reflect the state of the art in current scientific research on impacts of nature-based solutions and valid and standardized methods of assessment, as well as the state of play in urban implementation of evaluation frameworks

    Fundamental role of C1q in autoimmunity and inflammation

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    C1q, historically viewed as the initiating component of the classical complement pathway, also exhibits a variety of complement-independent activities in both innate and acquired immunity. Recent studies focusing on C1q\u27s suppressive role in the immune system have provided new insight into how abnormal C1q expression and bioactivity may contribute to autoimmunity. In particular, molecular networks involving C1q interactions with cell surface receptors and other ligands are emerging as mechanisms involved in C1q\u27s modulation of immunity. Here, we discuss the role of C1q in controlling immune cell function, including recently elucidated mechanisms of action, and suggest how these processes are critical for maintaining tissue homeostasis under steady-state conditions and in preventing autoimmunity

    Extensive innate immune gene activation accompanies brain aging, increasing vulnerability to cognitive decline and neurodegeneration: a microarray study

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    BACKGROUND: This study undertakes a systematic and comprehensive analysis of brain gene expression profiles of immune/inflammation-related genes in aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). METHODS: In a well-powered microarray study of young (20 to 59 years), aged (60 to 99 years), and AD (74 to 95 years) cases, gene responses were assessed in the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, superior frontal gyrus, and post-central gyrus. RESULTS: Several novel concepts emerge. First, immune/inflammation-related genes showed major changes in gene expression over the course of cognitively normal aging, with the extent of gene response far greater in aging than in AD. Of the 759 immune-related probesets interrogated on the microarray, approximately 40% were significantly altered in the SFG, PCG and HC with increasing age, with the majority upregulated (64 to 86%). In contrast, far fewer immune/inflammation genes were significantly changed in the transition to AD (approximately 6% of immune-related probesets), with gene responses primarily restricted to the SFG and HC. Second, relatively few significant changes in immune/inflammation genes were detected in the EC either in aging or AD, although many genes in the EC showed similar trends in responses as in the other brain regions. Third, immune/inflammation genes undergo gender-specific patterns of response in aging and AD, with the most pronounced differences emerging in aging. Finally, there was widespread upregulation of genes reflecting activation of microglia and perivascular macrophages in the aging brain, coupled with a downregulation of select factors (TOLLIP, fractalkine) that when present curtail microglial/macrophage activation. Notably, essentially all pathways of the innate immune system were upregulated in aging, including numerous complement components, genes involved in toll-like receptor signaling and inflammasome signaling, as well as genes coding for immunoglobulin (Fc) receptors and human leukocyte antigens I and II. CONCLUSIONS: Unexpectedly, the extent of innate immune gene upregulation in AD was modest relative to the robust response apparent in the aged brain, consistent with the emerging idea of a critical involvement of inflammation in the earliest stages, perhaps even in the preclinical stage, of AD. Ultimately, our data suggest that an important strategy to maintain cognitive health and resilience involves reducing chronic innate immune activation that should be initiated in late midlife

    Glycerol permeability of mutant aquaporin 1 and other AQP-MIP proteins: inhibition studies

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    Purification and functional reconstitution of the human CHIP28 water channel expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used for these proteins are of primary importance to appreciate heterologous expression of the human CHIP28 water their physiological role in living organisms. Aquaporin-1 channel (Aquaporin-1). A nine-amino- Recently, CHIP28 was expressed functionally in acid epitope of the influenza hemagglutinin protein yeast secretory vesicles in our laboratory (3). This work (HA epitope), recognized by the monoclonal antibody indicated that wild-type or mutant aquaporins could 12CA5, was chosen to tag CHIP28 at its N-terminus. be produced easily in this new heterologous expression Epitope-tagged CHIP28 was purified from yeast ex- system for functional analyses. Such studies are fretracts by immunochromatography on protein A/ quently limited in the other known expression systems, 12CA5-coupled beads, after KI extraction and deter- mainly due to maturation or sorting defects (4). It begent solubilization, then concentrated by anion ex- came possible to produce large amounts of aquaporins change chromatography. Purified protein was recon- from yeast cultures for biochemical and biophysical stituted in proteoliposomes and was shown to function studies. Here, we describe a simple method to purify as a water channel by stopped-flow spectrophotome- try. This study demonstrates that the yeast has the yeast-expressed CHIP28, after addition of an epitope capacity to produce functional aquaporins at levels tag at the protein N-terminus. The purification procesufficient for biochemical and biophysical analyses

    Barrages de correction torrentielle : estimation des poussées de berges

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    Les barrages de consolidation visent à limiter l’érosion du chenal d’écoulement des torrents et sont souvent implantés dans des sites où les berges sont fortement instables. Ces zones constituent en effet d’importantes zones d’alimentation en matériaux solides. Les méthodes actuelles de dimensionnement de ces ouvrages restent basées sur une approche bi-dimensionnelle d’estimation des actions et des réactions du sol en fondation. De même, les actions dues aux poussées des berges instables, gui entraînent de nombreuses pathologies sur les ouvrages, restent mal connues et ne sont pas prises en compte dans les justifications de la stabilité externe et interne des ouvrages. Cet article présente la problématique et la démarche d’étude en vue d’améliorer la connaissance des interactions entre les barrages et le sol au niveau des berges. Dans cette perspective, une approche analytique est proposée, puis les bases d’une simulation numérique introduisant la méthode des Éléments Finis sont définies

    Aide à la décision par l'application de la méthode AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) à l'analyse multicritère des stratégies d'aménagement du Grand Büech à la Faurie

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    The GEMAPI (Management of Aquatic Environments and Flood Prevention) law, requires managers to consider environmental and flood protection factors in their development projects. The multi-criteria analysis (MCA) method defined by the French government through the PAPI specifications (Flood Prevention Action Programs), is similar to an extended cost-benefit analysis (CBA). In addition to conventional CBA, other environmental, human and socio-cultural criteria must be assessed. However, decision makers are not oriented on the method of aggregation to be used to make the best use of the data in order to select the most relevant project. Recently, an exploratory work carried out on the Greater Buëch watershed (Hautes-Alpes), has made it possible to define a methodological framework making it possible to evaluate projects of development on the basis of monetary criteria, but also on quantitative non-monetary and qualitative ones. In output, the method gives a single synthetic criterion that can support the decision. The method, which is both robust and simple in its principles, remains accessible and makes it possible to respond efficiently to the actual requirements of integrated river management. It guides managers' choices and financial partners' interventions on projects.La loi GEMAPI (GEstion des Milieux Aquatiques et Prévention des Inondations) impose aux gestionnaires des cours d'eau de prendre en compte à la fois des facteurs environnementaux et de protection contre les inondations dans leurs projets d'aménagement. La méthode d'analyse multicritères (AMC) définie au sens ministériel (MTES/DGPR) au travers du cahier des charges PAPI (Programmes d'Actions de Prévention des Inondations) s'apparente à une analyse coût-bénéfice (ACB) étendue à d'autres critères non monétarisés. En marge de l'ACB classique concernant majoritairement l'analyse de l'efficacité des protections contre les inondations, d'autres critères environnementaux, humains et socio-culturels participent aux décisions. Les maîtres d'ouvrages ne disposent pas à l'heure actuelle de recommandations quant à la façon de hiérarchiser, pondérer et éventuellement agréger les différents critères en vue de sélectionner un aménagement particulier. Récemment, un travail exploratoire mené sur le bassin versant du Grand Buech (Hautes-Alpes), a permis de définir puis de mettre en oeuvre un cadre méthodologique d'aide multicritères à la décision permettant d'évaluer des projets d'aménagement du cours d'eau sur la base de critères monétaires, mais aussi de critères quantitatifs non monétaires et qualitatifs. La méthode, à la fois robuste et simple dans ses principes, reste accessible et permet de répondre efficacement aux exigences de la gestion intégrée des cours d'eau. Elle permet d'éclairer les maîtres d'ouvrages sur les choix de scénarios d'aménagement et aux partenaires financiers d'orienter leurs interventions dans les projets