215 research outputs found

    Chemically Induced Mismatch of Rings and Stations in [3]Rotaxanes

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    The mechanical interlocking of molecular components can lead to the appearance of novel and unconventional properties and processes, with potential relevance for applications in nanoscience, sensing, catalysis, and materials science. We describe a [3]rotaxane in which the number of recognition sites available on the axle component can be changed by acid-base inputs, encompassing cases in which this number is larger, equal to, or smaller than the number of interlocked macrocycles. These species exhibit very different properties and give rise to a unique network of acid-base reactions that leads to a fine pKa tuning of chemically equivalent acidic sites. The rotaxane where only one station is available for two rings exhibits a rich coconformational dynamics, unveiled by an integrated experimental and computational approach. In this compound, the two crown ethers compete for the sole recognition site, but can also come together to share it, driven by the need to minimize free energy without evident inter-ring interactions

    On the Fragmentation of Ni(II) β-Diketonate-Diamine Complexes as Molecular Precursors for NiO Films: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation

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    NiO-based nanomaterials have attracted considerable interest for different applications, which have stimulated the implementation of various synthetic approaches aimed at modulating their chemico-physical properties. In this regard, their bottom-up preparation starting from suitable precursors plays an important role, although a molecular-level insight into their reactivity remains an open issue to be properly tackled. In the present study, we focused on the fragmentation of Ni(II) diketonate-diamine adducts, of interest as vapor-phase precursors for Ni(II) oxide systems, by combining electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) with multiple collisional experiments (ESI-MSn) and theoretical calculations. The outcomes of this investigation revealed common features in the fragmentation pattern of the target compounds: (i) in the first fragmentation, the three complexes yield analogous base-peak cations by losing a negatively charged diketonate moiety; in these cations, Ni-O and Ni-N interactions are stronger and the Ni positive charge is lower than in the parent neutral complexes; (ii) the tendency of ligand electronic charge to migrate towards Ni further increases in the subsequent fragmentation, leading to the formation of a tetracoordinated Ni environment featuring an interesting cation-pi intramolecular interaction

    Field-based tests for the assessment of physical fitness in children and adolescents practicing sport: A systematic review within the ESA program

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    High levels of physical fitness (PF) can positively affect both health and cognitive function, thus monitoring its levels in youth can help increase health and quality of life in adult populations later on. This systematic review aims to identify PF field-based tests used in young European populations practicing sport to find tools that are adequate for the considered target involving a new battery within the Enriched Sport Activities (ESA) project. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement was followed. In the 83 identified articles, the main tests used were: vertical/horizontal jumps (for muscular strength/power); push-ups, running at maximum effort, sit-ups (for muscular strength/endurance); multistage non-intermittent and intermittent tests (for aerobic endurance); sit and reach (for flexibility); sprinting and agility T-tests (for speed and agility, respectively); 10 x 5 m shuttle run (SR) (for both speed and agility). Few studies assessed coordination, reaction time, power, and balance. Although the selected tests are widely used and validated, they do not determine all PF aspects and do not reflect sport-specific features. A final decision was made for the inclusion of the following tests: standing broad jump, seated medicine ball throw, 20 m SR test, 30 m sprint, Illinois test, and a new test, i.e., the crunning test, to assess different skill-related components at once. The use of this combination of tests allows for the assessment of all PF components and can help planning eective training programs and cultivate sporting talent

    A REST-based framework to support non-invasive and early coeliac disease diagnosis

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    The health sector has traditionally been one of the early adopters of databases, from the most simple Electronic Health Record (formerly Computer-Based Patient Record) systems in use in general practice, hospitals and intensive care units to big data, multidata based systems used to support diagnosis and care decisions. In this paper we present a framework to support non-invasive and early diagnosis of coeliac disease. The proposed framework makes use of well-known technologies and techniques, both hardware and software, put together in a novel way. The main goals of our framework are: (1) providing users with a reliable and fast repository of a large amount of data; (2) to make such repository accessible by means of a suitable API in multiple modes, such as intuitive web-based or mobile visual interfaces; (3) to allow for data processing and analysis, as a basis for decision support systems

    Effects of sintering temperature on microstructure and properties of sanitaryware ceramic produced with waste material

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    Abstract This paper aims at exploring the possibility of using a great percentage of recycled materials into vitreous china (VC), thus, contributing to urban waste decrease while lowering the industry's buying costs, previously optimized, for the sanitaryware production. The recycled blend was introduced in the ceramic slip, Sanitser VC, and used in three sanitaryware production plants. This slip let to improve the environmental performances of the overall ceramic production through energy-saving and a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, the firing temperature is 80-100 °C lower than traditional production. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to evaluate the firing behavior, technological properties, and microstructure of a typical industrial vitreous china body in comparison with Sanitser VC. The analytical results confirmed the force of this idea and highlighted the advantages of the choice made

    Percentile values of the standing broad jump in children and adolescents aged 6-18 years old

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    The standing broad jump (SBJ) is a valid, reliable and feasible field-based test, which can evaluate explosive strength of the lower limbs and physical fitness. This study aimed to provide normative data for the SBJ for male and female children and adolescents and describe differences in performance between age groups and genders. A total number of 2140 children and adolescents, sampled in seven European nations have been included for analysis. The SBJ was performed to derive percentile values for gender and each age group. In general, males have greater jumping performance compared to females. Data demonstrate a linear increase in the jumping distance for both males and females until adolescence. However, such increase is evident in males up to 16-17 years old, whereas in females a plateau value is met at 12-13 years old, with a subsequent decrease in the jumping performance. No differences were present in jumping performance between male and female children, however differences between male and female adolescents were evinced. The study has provided percentile values useful to monitor the physical fitness status of children and adolescents

    Growth of NiO thin films in the presence of water vapor: insights from experiments and theory

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    NiO-based thin films and nanomaterials are promising candidates for a variety of end-uses, encompassing photo- and electrocatalysts, solar cells, displays, and sensors. This widespread attention has strongly fueled the interest in the fabrication of tailored systems featuring modular chemico-physical properties as a function of the required application. In this study, a single-step chemical vapor deposition (CVD) route for the preparation of pure and fluorine-doped NiO films is presented. Growth experiments were performed under water vapor-containing oxygen atmospheres from a series of Ni(II) β-diketonate–diamine molecular precursors featuring a different fluorination degree of the ligand side chain. A comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigation yielded valuable insights into the growth mechanism, with particular regard to the dependence of the system electronic properties on fluorine doping and content, and to the role exerted by water vapor in the reaction atmosphere. In fact, the interactions of water with the diketonate ligands contribute to weaken Ni–O bonds, favoring precursor activation. The obtainment of F-doped NiO systems from fluorinated derivatives and the simplicity of our process make the adopted strategy a valuable tool to control the system characteristics for a variety of eventual functional applications

    Light interception principally drives the understory response to boxelder invasion in riparian forests

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    Since several decades, American boxelder (Acer negundo) is replacing white willow (Salix alba) riparian forests along southern European rivers. This study aims to evaluate the consequences of boxelder invasion on understory community in riparian areas. We determined the understory species richness, composition and biomass in boxelder and white willow stands located in three riparian forests, representative of three rivers with distinct hydrological regimes. We investigated correlation of these variables to soil moisture and particle size, main soil nutrient stocks, potential nitrification and denitrification, tree canopy cover and photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) at the ground level. A greenhouse experiment was then conducted to identify the causal factors responsible for changes in the understory. The effect of soil type, PAR level and water level on the growth and the biomass production of Urtica dioica were examined. A lower plant species richness and biomass, and a modification of community composition were observed for boxelder understory in all sites, regardless of their environmental characteristics. The strongest modification that follows boxelder invasion was the decline in U. dioica, the dominant species of the white willow forest understory. These differences were mainly correlated with a lower incident PAR under boxelder canopy. The greenhouse experiment identified PAR level as the main factor responsible for the changes in U. dioica stem number and biomass. Our results indicate that adult boxelder acts as an ecosystem engineer that decreases light availability. The opportunistic invasion by boxelder leads to important understory changes, which could alter riparian ecosystem functioning

    Methodological framework for radiomics applications in Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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    Background: According to published data, radiomics features differ between lesions of refractory/relapsing HL patients from those of long-term responders. However, several methodological aspects have not been elucidated yet. Purpose: The study aimed at setting up a methodological framework in radiomics applications in Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL), especially at (a) developing a novel feature selection approach, (b) evaluating radiomic intra-patient lesions’ similarity, and (c) classifying relapsing refractory (R/R) vs non-(R/R) patients. Methods: We retrospectively included 85 patients (male:female = 52:33; median age 35 years, range 19–74). LIFEx (www.lifexsoft.org) was used for [18F]FDG-PET/CT segmentation and feature extraction. Features were a-priori selected if they were highly correlated or uncorrelated to the volume. Principal component analysis-transformed features were used to build the fingerprints that were tested to assess lesions’ similarity, using the silhouette. For intra-patient similarity analysis, we used patients having multiple lesions only. To classify patients as non-R/R and R/R, the fingerprint considering one single lesion (fingerprint_One) and all lesions (fingerprint_All) was tested using Random Undersampling Boosting of Tree Ensemble (RUBTE). Results: HL fingerprints included up to 15 features. Intra-patient lesion similarity analysis resulted in mean/median silhouette values below 0.5 (low similarity especially in the non-R/R group). In the test set, the fingerprint_One classification accuracy was 62% (78% sensitivity and 53% specificity); the classification by RUBTE using fingerprint_All resulted in 82% accuracy (70% sensitivity and 88% specificity). Conclusions: Lesion similarity analysis was developed, and it allowed to demonstrate that HL lesions were not homogeneous within patients in terms of radiomics signature. Therefore, a random target lesion selection should not be adopted for radiomics applications. Moreover, the classifier to predict R/R vs non-R/R performed the best when all the lesions were used

    Methodological framework for radiomics applications in Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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    According to published data, radiomics features differ between lesions of refractory/relapsing HL patients from those of long-term responders. However, several methodological aspects have not been elucidated yet. The study aimed at setting up a methodological framework in radiomics applications in Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL), especially at (a) developing a novel feature selection approach, (b) evaluating radiomic intra-patient lesions’ similarity, and (c) classifying relapsing refractory (R/R) vs non-(R/R) patients. We retrospectively included 85 patients (male:female = 52:33; median age 35 years, range 19–74). LIFEx (www.lifexsoft.org) was used for [18F]FDG-PET/CT segmentation and feature extraction. Features were a-priori selected if they were highly correlated or uncorrelated to the volume. Principal component analysis transformed features were used to build the fingerprints that were tested to assess lesions’ similarity, using the silhouette. For intra-patient similarity analysis, we used patients having multiple lesions only. To classify patients as non-R/R and R/R, the fingerprint considering one single lesion (fingerprint_One) and all lesions (fingerprint_All) was tested using Random Undersampling Boosting of Tree Ensemble (RUBTE). HL fingerprints included up to 15 features. Intra-patient lesion similarity analysis resulted in mean/median silhouette values below 0.5 (low similarity especially in the non-R/R group). In the test set, the fingerprint_One classification accuracy was 62% (78% sensitivity and 53% specificity); the classification by RUBTE using fingerprint_All resulted in 82% accuracy (70% sensitivity and 88% specificity). Lesion similarity analysis was developed, and it allowed to demonstrate that HL lesions were not homogeneous within patients in terms of radiomics signature. Therefore, a random target lesion selection should not be adopted for radiomics applications. Moreover, the classifier to predict R/R vs non-R/R performed the best when all the lesions were used
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