413 research outputs found

    Visserij in cijfers 2008

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    Deze jaarlijkse rapportage over de Nederlandse visserij bevat gegevens over de bedrijfsresultaten en financiële positie van de kottervisserij in 2007 met ramingen voor 2008, en met vergelijkende cijfers van voorgaande jaren. Naast de bedrijfseconomische gegevens van de kottervisserij, wordt ook ingegaan op re-sultaten van de grote zeevisserij, de mosselcultuur, de oestersector en daar-naast ook ontwikkelingen in de handel in visproducten met het buitenland. Over de visteeltsector wordt niet gerapporteerd vanwege gebrek aan actuele gege-vens. This annual report on Dutch fisheries contains data on the business results and the financial position of cutter fishing in 2007 and an outlook for 2008, with comparative figures from previous years. Alongside the economic data of cutter fishing, results of large-scale high sea fishing, mollusc culture, oyster culture and developments in foreign trade of fishery products are also examined. The aquaculture sector is not examined due to lack of information about the sector

    Visserij in cijfers 2009

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    Deze jaarlijkse rapportage over de Nederlandse visserij bevat gegevens over de bedrijfsresultaten en financiële positie van de kottervisserij in 2008 met ramingen voor 2009, en met vergelijkende cijfers van voorgaande jaren. Naast de bedrijfseconomische gegevens van de kottervisserij wordt ook ingegaan op uitkomsten van de overige kleine zeevisserijvloot, op resultaten van de grote zeevisserij, de mosselcultuur en de oestersector en daarnaast ook op ontwikkelingen in de handel in visproducten met het buitenland. Over de visteeltsector wordt niet gerapporteerd vanwege gebrek aan actuele gegevens. This annual report about Dutch fisheries contains data about the business results and financial position of cutter fisheries in 2008, with estimates for 2009 and comparative figures from previous years. Besides economic data relating to cutter fisheries, the report also studies the net results of the other small high seas fishing fleet, the results of large high seas fisheries, mussel farming and the oyster sector, as well as developments in international trade in fish products. The report does not address the fish farming sector due to lack of current data

    Calendar 2001

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    The annual University publication which provides general and historical information about the University of Sydney, the statutes and regulations under which it operates and the Senate resolutions relating to constitutions and courses in each faculty

    Noordzeevissers verkopen hun vis zelf via internet : VersvandeVisser.nl

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    Vissers kunnen via internet, met een eigen ‘webmarket’, een aanzienlijk hogere omzet en een hogere marge per kilogram vis realiseren in vergelijking met de bestaande verkoopmethode via de visafslag. Met deze nieuwe afzetmogelijkheid in de keten voeren de vissers zelf de regie. De directe relatie met de klant die zo wordt gecreëerd, stelt de visser in staat om meer klantgericht te gaan opereren. De in dit rapport kort uitgewerkte businesscase, webmarket “VersvandeVisser.nl”, verschaft Nederlandse Noordzeevissers inzicht 2 in de rollen, kosten en opbrengsten per ketenschakel. Hiermee is inzichtelijk gemaakt waar mogelijkheden voor vissers liggen om zelf binnen de keten een grotere rol te spelen in het vermarkten van duurzaam gevangen vis, waardoor betere opbrengsten kunnen worden gerealiseerd. Door aan te sluiten op een al opgezette webmarkettool, ’VersvandeKweker.nl’, zou in samenwerking met de visafslag in Scheveningen (UFA, United Fish Auctions) en andere partijen, een pilot moeten worden gestart om rechtstreeks (via internet) verse vis en garnalen aan consumenten en zakelijke klanten te verkopen

    The impact of capital structure on the decision to outsource with long term contracts

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    This paper analyzes how capital structure affects the firms’ strategic choice between outsourcing with long term contracts and outsourcing to the spot market. When outsourcing to the spot market firms are exposed to price uncertainty, whereas a long term contract allows them to set in advance the outsourcing price. We show that, to the extent that leverage and uncertainty can lead to financial distress costs in bad states of nature, firms may use long term contracts as a risk management device to hedge input price uncertainty.N/

    Impact of Rheumatic Musculoskeletal Disease on Psychological Development in Adolescents and Young Adults

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    Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) undergo significant physiological and psychological transformations. When developmental milestones are combined with additional challenges of growing up with a chronic rheumatic musculoskeletal disease (RMD), it can increase AYA's susceptibility to psychological problems. Emotional issues in adolescence can often persist into adulthood and negatively impact future health, social, and work outcomes. This chapter summarises psychological challenges for AYAs and recommends ways for healthcare professionals (HCPs) to promote mental wellbeing in AYAs with RMD

    Validation of PROMIS Profile-29 in adults with hemophilia in the Netherlands

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    Background The Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Profile-29 questionnaire is widely used worldwide, but it has not yet been validated in the Netherlands, nor in persons with hemophilia. Objective To validate the Dutch-Flemish version of the PROMIS-29 Profile v2.01 in adults with hemophilia. Methods Dutch males with hemophilia (all severities) completed questionnaires that contained sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, the PROMIS-29, RAND-36, and the Hemophilia Activities List (HAL). Structural validity of each subscale was assessed with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Internal consistency was calculated for each subscale with sufficient model fit in CFA. Construct validity was assessed by testing hypotheses about (1) correlations of each PROMIS-29 subscale with corresponding scales of RAND-36 and domains of HAL, and (2) mean differences in T-scores between subgroups with different hemophilia severities, self-reported joint impairment, and HIV infection status. We considered &gt;= 75% of data in accordance with the hypotheses evidence for construct validity. Results In total, 770 persons with hemophilia participated in this cross-sectional study. CFA revealed sufficient structural validity for five subscales: Physical Function, Depression, Sleep Disturbance, Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities, and Pain Interference. Internal consistency was high and Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.79 for Sleep Disturbance to 0.96 for Pain Interference. Differences between clinical subgroups were in the expected direction. Construct validity was confirmed for Physical Function, Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, Sleep Disturbance, and Pain Intensity. Conclusion This study revealed sufficient evidence for structural validity, internal consistency, and construct validity for most PROMIS Profile-29 subscales among people with hemophilia in the Netherlands.</p

    Prognostic value and kinetics of circulating endothelial cells in patients with recurrent glioblastoma randomised to bevacizumab plus lomustine, bevacizumab single agent or lomustine single agent. A report from the Dutch Neuro-Oncology Group BELOB trial

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    Background:Angiogenesis is crucial for glioblastoma growth, and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents are widely used in recurrent glioblastoma patients. The number of circulating endothelial cells (CECs) is a surrogate marker for endothelial damage. We assessed their kinetics and explored their prognostic value in patients with recurrent glioblastoma.Methods:In this side study of the BELOB trial, 141 patients with recurrent glioblastoma were randomised to receive single-agent bevacizumab or lomustine, or bevacizumab plus lomustine. Before treatment, after 4 weeks and after 6 weeks of treatment, CECs were enumerated.Results:The number of CECs increased during treatment with bevacizumab plus lomustine, but not during treatment in the single-agent arms. In patients treated with lomustine single agent, higher absolute CEC numbers after 4 weeks (log 10 CEC hazard ratio (HR) 0.41, 95% CI 0.18-0.91) and 6 weeks (log 10 CEC HR 0.16, 95% CI 0.05-0.56) of treatment were associated with improved overall survival (OS). Absolute CEC numbers in patients receiving bevacizumab plus lomustine or bevacizumab single agent were not associated wit