330 research outputs found

    Regulasi Emosi Pada Ibu Single Parent

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of emotion regulation performed single parent mothers and the factors that influence the use of emotion regulation as a result of events that cause emotions. In this study, using qualitative methods with phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques in this study is to use the method of observation and interviews conducted by the subject and significant person. Research subjects: two single parent mothers aged 45 years and 48 years . Emotions experienced by single parent mothers emotions including sadness, anxiety, anger, longing, and hope to receive almost entirely perceived by the subject. Emotion regulation processes used by subjects include the election situation, change the situation, deployment of attention, cognitive changes, changes in the response. The results showed single parent mothers experiencing emotions such as negative emotions such as depression, stress, withdrawal, crying, sad, angry repressed, positive emotions such as patience, sincerity, receive, surrender, happy to see the kids happy. Factors affecting the use of emotion regulation include individual differences, cognitive, stressors, circumstances before the husband died, the social and family environment, religiosity. The conclusion of this study is the ability of each individual emotion regulation vary influenced by individual differences, cognitive, stressors, circumstances before the husband died, the social and family environment, religiosity. Keywords: emotion regulation , single paren

    Konsep Taman Sensori sebagai Healing Environment pada Pusat Layanan Autis Kota Malang

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    Autisme merupakan merupakan bagian dari Kelainan Spektrum Autisme atau Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Berdasarkan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) jumlah penyandang autisme pada tahun 2010 diperkirakan sebanyak 2,4 juta jiwa (Tempo,2012). Terus meningkatnya jumlah anak penyandang autisme perlu didukung dengan fasilitas dan pelayanan untuk anak penyandang autisme. Pada tahun 2012, pemerintah mulai membangun 26 Pusat Layanan Autis di berbagai kota termasuk diantaranya ialah Pusat Layanan Autis Kota Malang sebagai PLA pertama yang didirikan di Indonesia. Ruang luar khususnya taman sensori sebagai healing environment yaitu suatu desain lingkungan terapi yang memadukan antara unsur alam,indera, dan psikologis. Taman sensori merupakan taman yang memiliki fungsi untuk merangsang kelima panca indera manusia agar dapat bekerja lebih peka (Sensory Trust, 2013 dan Worden & Moore, 2013). Untuk mencapai hasil berupa konsep taman sensori, telah dilakukan riset mengenai pola perilaku anak hipersensitif dan hiposensitif di ruang luar pada PLA Kota Malang

    Growth, yield and phenology of 2 hybrid papayas (Carica papaya L.) as influenced by method of water application

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    Highly variable, outcrossed papaya lines irrigated with overhead sprinklers were grown at Yarwun (151.3˚E, 23.75˚S) in Queensland, Australia. The inherent variability made scientifically based comparative studies impractical. The advent of uniform hybrid papaya lines allowed the testing of 2 of these hybrids under 3 irrigation methods, 2 of which had the potential to greatly reduce water use compared with overhead sprinklers. Yields of 92 t/ha.year were achieved by both papaya Hybrids 29 and 1E. Water application method did not influence yield. About 26% of plants were lost due to the phytoplasma diseases dieback, yellow crinkle and mosaic over the life of the trial. Downward yield fluctuations were related to poor fruit set in winter when pollinators (Family Sphingidae) were not present and growth was slow due to hot dry periods affecting fruit set. The resultant fruit (about 6 months later) were small and reduced in number. Irrigation with overhead sprinklers using saline water (1400–4000 S/cm) damaged leaves and reduced growth of plants. Winter spot was most severe in July, August and September, in Hybrid 29 with overhead irrigation. Height of plants 13 weeks after planting was greater under trickle irrigation due to less damage from the saline water supply than in the overhead sprinkler treatment. Hybrid 29 set fruit at 94.3 cm above ground compared with 117.6 cm for Hybrid 1E

    Penerapan Project Based Learning (Pjbl) untuk Menigkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Vii4 SMP Babussalam Pekanbaru

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    This research is a class action research that aims to improve the learning process and to increase the student's mathematics learning outcomes by applying Project Based Learning (PjBL). The subjects of this research are the student of class VII4 SMP Babussalam Pekanbaru at second semester of academic years 2014/2015, which amounts to 19 students. This research consists of two cycles, each cycle consists of four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collected through observation and learning outcomes test. Data analysis is done by observation data analysis and student's mathematics learning outcomes data analysis. The action is successful if the scores of teacher's activities and student's activities increase in every meeting and the number of students who reach Minimum Mastery Criteria increases in every cycle. Scores of teacher's activities from the first to the sixth meeting are 93.55, 94.45, 100, 100, 100, and 100. While the scores of student's activities from the first to the sixth meeting are 93.33, 95.24, 100, 100, 100, and 100. Percentage students that reach knowledge Minimum Mastery Criteria in base score is 42.11% increase to 57.89% at the first cycle and 68.42% at the second cycle. The result of this research showed that Project Based Learning improve the learning process and increase the mathematics learning outcomes the students of class VII4 SMP Babussalam Pekanbaru at second semester of academic years 2014/2015

    Adaptive solution of truss layout optimization problems with global stability constraints

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    Truss layout optimization problems with global stability constraints are nonlinear and nonconvex and hence very challenging to solve, particularly when problems become large. In this paper, a relaxation of the nonlinear problem is modelled as a (linear) semidefinite programming problem for which we describe an efficient primal-dual interior point method capable of solving problems of a scale that would be prohibitively expensive to solve using standard methods. The proposed method exploits the sparse structure and low-rank property of the stiffness matrices involved, greatly reducing the computational effort required to process the associated linear systems. Moreover, an adaptive ‘member adding’ technique is employed which involves solving a sequence of much smaller problems, with the process ultimately converging on the solution for the original problem. Finally, a warm-start strategy is used when successive problems display sufficient similarity, leading to fewer interior point iterations being required. We perform several numerical experiments to show the efficiency of the method and discuss the status of the solutions obtained

    Analisa Tegangan Dan Regangan Pada Perkerasan Porus Dengan Skala Semi Lapangan Dan Software Ansys

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    Perkerasan porus merupakan perkerasan yang mengijinkan air masuk kedalam lapisan perkerasan untuk dialirkan kedalam tanah karena memiliki porositas dan permeabilitas yang tinggi. Namun, hal ini menyebabkan ikatan agregat perkerasan lebih lemah sehingga kekuatannya pun berkurang. Maka, perlu dilakukan penelitian terkait perilaku perkerasan porus yaitu tegangan dan regangan aspal porus dalam menerima beban. Untuk itu, penulis mengadakan penelitian dengan tujuan mengukur regangan pada struktur perkerasan porus skala semi lapangan yang diberi beban dinamis dan beban statis, mengukur tegangan dan regangan struktur perkerasan porus dengan ANSYS dan membandingkan hasil regangan antara pengukuran skala semi lapangan dengan pengukuran menggunakan software ANSYS. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan kriteria perkerasan yang menyerupai kondisi sesungguhnya baik pada beban, material, maupun ketebalannya. Beban yang digunakan merupakan beban satu roda sebesar 17 kg/cm2. Material subbase berupa batu pecah dengan gradasi kelas B, base berupa batu pecah gradasi kelas A, dan surface berupa aspal porus dengan tambahan 8% additive gilsonite. Metodologi penelitian pada pengukuran regangan perkerasan porus skala semi lapangan yaitu regangan dan tegangan yang diukur hanya pada bagian bawah aspal porus. Pertama, perkerasan porus diberikan beban dinamis lalu nilai regangan dibaca setiap 50 kali lintasan hingga 1000 lintasan. Selanjutnya, regangan juga diukur menggunakan beban statis. Sedangkan untuk Finite Element Method dilakukan pengukuran tegangan dan regangan dengan beban statis. Regangan dari pengukuran dengan skala semi lapangan menggunakan beban dinamis, pengukuran dengan skala semi lapangan menggunakan beban statis, dan regangan dari ANSYS dibandingkan satu sama lain. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa regangan yang terjadi pada bagian bawah aspal adalah regangan tarik. Namun, pemberian beban dinamis dan beban statis menyebabkan nilai regangan yang berbeda. Pada analisis ANSYS, tegangan berupa tarik dimana nilai maksimum berada tepat dibawah roda dan akan semakin berkurang seiring dengan jaraknya terhadap beban roda. Regangan dari analisis ANSYS dengan beban statis mendapat nilai yang berbeda dengan hasil regangan dari pengukuran skala semi lapangan yang diberi beban statis dan beban dinamis karena pengaruh perlakuan beban dan karakteristik material.

    Adaptasi Tanaman Kedelai terhadap Intensitas Cahaya Rendah : Karakter Daun untuk Efisiensi Penangkapan Cahaya

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    This research was conducted to identify some leaf characters related to light capture efficiency. It used split plot design with sub plot nested at the main plot. The main plot was light intensity consisted of two levels: I100 = light intensity 100% and I50 = light intensity 50%, while the sub plot was soybean genotype consisted of G1 = Pangrango, G2 = Ceneng, G3 = Godek, and G4 = Slamet. Leaf characters measured were : leaf total area, specific leaf area, trifoliate leaf area, leaf hairs (trichome) density, leaf thickness, length of palisade, chlorophylls content (chlorophyll a, b, and ratio a/b), and the greenness intensity. The result of research indicated that Ceneng has lower total leaf area, higher specific and trifoliate leaf area, less leaf hair density, thinner leaf, shorter palisade, higher greenness intensity, higher chlorophyll content (a and b), and also lower ratio chlorophyll a/b

    Kajian Pola Tatanan Massa pada Kampung Ciboleger, Baduy

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    Arsitektur vernakular (disebut juga arsitektur tanpa arsitek) merupakan sebuah seni arsitektur yang terbentuk berdasarkan adat istiadat para leluhur. Perkembangan kampung adat tidak terlepas dari adat istiadat serta filosofi yang berlaku disekitarnya. Perkampungan adat di Indonesia, khususnya Baduy, masih berpegang teguh terhadap adat istiadat dalam menata kawasan maupun bentuk bangunannya. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kaitan antara pola tatanan massa kampung Ciboleger, Baduy, terhadap filosofi dan karakteristik arsitektur vernakular yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data, studi literatur dan survey ke lapangan. Penelitian yang dikaji adalah pola tatanan massa bangunan terhadap filosofi masyarakat perkampungan Sunda, pembagian zona pada perkampungan, orientasi massa, drainase serta sirkulasi pada Kampung Ciboleger. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah, bahwa pola tatanan massa pada kampung Ciboleger memiliki konsep filosofi masyarakat sunda seperti konsep kaca – kaca, luhur handap, wadah eusi, lemah cai yang diterapkan pada pola tatanan massa di Kampung Ciboleger. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat berguna bagi masyarakat umum sehingga dapat diterapkan pada pola penataan massa tanpa merusak lingkungan. Kata kunci: vernakular, Kampung Ciboleger, Baduy, pola tatanan massa ABTRACT Vernacular architecture (also called architecture without architect) is an architectural form based on the ancestors. The development comes from the traditional village customs and prevailing philosopy around it. The traditional village in Indonesia, especially Baduy tribe, still clings to the tradition of their ancestors in managing the pattern and the ordering principles of the buildings. This study aimed to research about the association between the pattern of mass order Ciboleger village, based on the Sundanese village philosophy. This research uses qualitative analysis with data - collecting techniques, literatures and field studies. The research examined the pattern of mass order based on Sundanese village philosopy, the zoning in village, mass orientation, drainage and circulation pattern in Ciboleger village, Baduy. The result from this research is to reveal that pattern and mass - ordering in Ciboleger village follow the concept of vernacular architecture. This study is expected to be useful for the public so that it can be applied to design the pattern and mass - ordering without damaging the environment
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