
Regulasi Emosi Pada Ibu Single Parent


The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of emotion regulation performed single parent mothers and the factors that influence the use of emotion regulation as a result of events that cause emotions. In this study, using qualitative methods with phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques in this study is to use the method of observation and interviews conducted by the subject and significant person. Research subjects: two single parent mothers aged 45 years and 48 years . Emotions experienced by single parent mothers emotions including sadness, anxiety, anger, longing, and hope to receive almost entirely perceived by the subject. Emotion regulation processes used by subjects include the election situation, change the situation, deployment of attention, cognitive changes, changes in the response. The results showed single parent mothers experiencing emotions such as negative emotions such as depression, stress, withdrawal, crying, sad, angry repressed, positive emotions such as patience, sincerity, receive, surrender, happy to see the kids happy. Factors affecting the use of emotion regulation include individual differences, cognitive, stressors, circumstances before the husband died, the social and family environment, religiosity. The conclusion of this study is the ability of each individual emotion regulation vary influenced by individual differences, cognitive, stressors, circumstances before the husband died, the social and family environment, religiosity. Keywords: emotion regulation , single paren

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