41 research outputs found

    Heterochronic faecal transplantation boosts gut germinal centres in aged mice

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    Ageing is a complex multifactorial process associated with a plethora of disorders, which contribute significantly to morbidity worldwide. One of the organs significantly affected by age is the gut. Age-dependent changes of the gut-associated microbiome have been linked to increased frailty and systemic inflammation. This change in microbial composition with age occurs in parallel with a decline in function of the gut immune system, however it is not clear if there is a causal link between the two. Here we report that the defective germinal centre reaction in Peyer’s patches of aged mice can be rescued by faecal transfers from younger adults into aged mice and by immunisations with cholera toxin, without affecting germinal centre reactions in peripheral lymph nodes. This demonstrates that the poor germinal centre reaction in aged animals is not irreversible, and that it is possible to improve this response in older individuals by providing appropriate stimuli

    Evaluation of Glycine max mRNA clusters

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    BACKGROUND: Clustering the ESTs from a large dataset representing a single species is a convenient starting point for a number of investigations into gene discovery, genome evolution, expression patterns, and alternatively spliced transcripts. Several methods have been developed to accomplish this, the most widely available being UniGene, a public domain collection of gene-oriented clusters for over 45 different species created and maintained by NCBI. The goal is for each cluster to represent a unique gene, but currently it is not known how closely the overall results represent that reality. UniGene's build procedure begins with initial mRNA clusters before joining ESTs. UniGene's results for soybean indicate a significant amount of redundancy among some sequences reported to be unique mRNAs. To establish a valid non-redundant known gene set for Glycine max we applied our algorithm to the clustering of only mRNA sequences. The mRNA dataset was run through the algorithm using two different matching stringencies. The resulting cluster compositions were compared to each other and to UniGene. Clusters exhibiting differences among the three methods were analyzed by 1) nucleotide and amino acid alignment and 2) submitting authors conclusions to determine whether members of a single cluster represented the same gene or not. RESULTS: Of the 12 clusters that were examined closely most contained examples of sequences that did not belong in the same cluster. However, neither the two stringencies of PECT nor UniGene had a significantly greater record of accuracy in placing paralogs into separate clusters. CONCLUSION: Our results reveal that, although each method produces some errors, using multiple stringencies for matching or a sequential hierarchical method of increasing stringencies can provide more reliable results and therefore allow greater confidence in the vast majority of clusters that contain only ESTs and no mRNA sequences

    Tracking family medicine graduates. Where do they go, what services do they provide and whom do they see?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are continued concerns over an adequate supply of family physicians (FPs) practicing in Canada. While most resource planning has focused on intake into postgraduate education, less information is available on what postgraduate medical training yields. We therefore undertook a study of Family Medicine (FM) graduates from the University of Toronto (U of T) to determine the type of information for physician resource planning that may come from tracking FM graduates using health administrative data. This study compared three cohorts of FM graduates over a 10 year period of time and it also compared FM graduates to all Ontario practicing FPs in 2005/06. The objectives for tracking the three cohorts of FM graduates were to: 1) describe where FM graduates practice in the province 2) examine the impact of a policy introduced to influence the distribution of new FM graduates in the province 3) describe the services provided by FM graduates and 4) compare workload measures. The objectives for the comparison of FM graduates to all practicing FPs in 2005/06 were to: 1) describe the patient population served by FM graduates, 2) compare workload of FM graduates to all practicing FPs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study cohort consisted of all U of T FM postgraduate trainees who started and completed their training between 1993 and 2003. This study was a descriptive record linkage study whereby postgraduate information for FM graduates was linked to provincial health administrative data. Comprehensiveness of care indicators and workload measures based on administrative data where determined for the study cohort.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From 1993 to 2003 there were 857 University of Toronto FM graduates. While the majority of U of T FM graduates practice in Toronto or the surrounding Greater Toronto Area, there are FM graduates from U of T practicing in every region in Ontario, Canada. The proportion of FM graduates undertaking further emergency training had doubled from 3.6% to 7.8%. From 1993 to 2003, a higher proportion of the most recent FM graduates did hospital visits, emergency room care and a lower proportion undertook home visits. Male FM graduates appear to have had higher workloads compared with female FM graduates, though the difference between them was decreasing over time. A 1997 policy initiative to discount fees paid to new FPs practicing in areas deemed over supplied did result in a decrease in the proportion of FM graduates practicing in metropolitan areas.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We were able to profile the practices of FM graduates using existing and routinely collected population-based health administrative data. Further work tracking FM graduates could be helpful for physician resource forecasting and in examining the impact of policies on family medicine practice.</p

    The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Experiment

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    We describe the design and assembly of the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment, a direct detection search for cosmic WIMP dark matter particles. The centerpiece of the experiment is a large liquid xenon time projection chamber sensitive to low energy nuclear recoils. Rejection of backgrounds is enhanced by a Xe skin veto detector and by a liquid scintillator Outer Detector loaded with gadolinium for efficient neutron capture and tagging. LZ is located in the Davis Cavern at the 4850' level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota, USA. We describe the major subsystems of the experiment and its key design features and requirements

    Identification of Radiopure Titanium for the LZ Dark Matter Experiment and Future Rare Event Searches

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    The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment will search for dark matter particle interactions with a detector containing a total of 10 tonnes of liquid xenon within a double-vessel cryostat. The large mass and proximity of the cryostat to the active detector volume demand the use of material with extremely low intrinsic radioactivity. We report on the radioassay campaign conducted to identify suitable metals, the determination of factors limiting radiopure production, and the selection of titanium for construction of the LZ cryostat and other detector components. This titanium has been measured with activities of 238^{238}Ue_{e}~<<1.6~mBq/kg, 238^{238}Ul_{l}~<<0.09~mBq/kg, 232^{232}The_{e}~=0.28±0.03=0.28\pm 0.03~mBq/kg, 232^{232}Thl_{l}~=0.25±0.02=0.25\pm 0.02~mBq/kg, 40^{40}K~<<0.54~mBq/kg, and 60^{60}Co~<<0.02~mBq/kg (68\% CL). Such low intrinsic activities, which are some of the lowest ever reported for titanium, enable its use for future dark matter and other rare event searches. Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to assess the expected background contribution from the LZ cryostat with this radioactivity. In 1,000 days of WIMP search exposure of a 5.6-tonne fiducial mass, the cryostat will contribute only a mean background of 0.160±0.0010.160\pm0.001(stat)±0.030\pm0.030(sys) counts

    LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Technical Design Report

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    In this Technical Design Report (TDR) we describe the LZ detector to be built at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF). The LZ dark matter experiment is designed to achieve sensitivity to a WIMP-nucleon spin-independent cross section of three times ten to the negative forty-eighth square centimeters

    LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Conceptual Design Report

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    The design and performance of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) detector is described as of March 2015 in this Conceptual Design Report. LZ is a second-generation dark-matter detector with the potential for unprecedented sensitivity to weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) of masses from a few GeV/c2 to hundreds of TeV/c2. With total liquid xenon mass of about 10 tonnes, LZ will be the most sensitive experiment for WIMPs in this mass region by the end of the decade. This report describes in detail the design of the LZ technical systems. Expected backgrounds are quantified and the performance of the experiment is presented. The LZ detector will be located at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota. The organization of the LZ Project and a summary of the expected cost and current schedule are given

    The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) radioactivity and cleanliness control programs

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    LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is a second-generation direct dark matter experiment with spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering sensitivity above 1.4×10−48cm2 for a WIMP mass of 40GeV/c2 and a 1000days exposure. LZ achieves this sensitivity through a combination of a large 5.6t fiducial volume, active inner and outer veto systems, and radio-pure construction using materials with inherently low radioactivity content. The LZ collaboration performed an extensive radioassay campaign over a period of six years to inform material selection for construction and provide an input to the experimental background model against which any possible signal excess may be evaluated. The campaign and its results are described in this paper. We present assays of dust and radon daughters depositing on the surface of components as well as cleanliness controls necessary to maintain background expectations through detector construction and assembly. Finally, examples from the campaign to highlight fixed contaminant radioassays for the LZ photomultiplier tubes, quality control and quality assurance procedures through fabrication, radon emanation measurements of major sub-systems, and bespoke detector systems to assay scintillator are presented

    The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) radioactivity and cleanliness control programs

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