1,766 research outputs found

    Peat properties, dominant vegetation type and microbial community structure in a tropical peatland

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    Tropical peatlands are an important carbon store and source of greenhouse gases, but the microbial component, particularly community structure, remains poorly understood. While microbial communities vary between tropical peatland land uses, and with biogeochemical gradients, it is unclear if their structure varies at smaller spatial scales as has been established for a variety of peat properties. We assessed the abundances of PLFAs and GDGTs, two membrane spanning lipid biomarkers in bacteria and fungi, and bacteria and archaea, respectively, to characterise peat microbial communities under two dominant and contrasting plant species, Campnosperma panamensis (a broadleaved evergreen tree), and Raphia taedigera (a canopy palm), in a Panamanian tropical peatland. The plant communities supported similar microbial communities dominated by Gram negative bacteria (38.9–39.8%), with smaller but significant fungal and archaeal communities. The abundance of specific microbial groups, as well as the ratio of caldarchaeol:crenarchaeol, isoGDGT: brGDGTs and fungi:bacteria were linearly related to gravimetric moisture content, redox potential, pH and organic matter content indicating their role in regulating microbial community structure. These results suggest that tropical peatlands can exhibit significant variability in microbial community abundance even at small spatial scales, driven by both peat botanical origin and localised differences in specific peat properties

    Model- and calibration-independent test of cosmic acceleration

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    We present a calibration-independent test of the accelerated expansion of the universe using supernova type Ia data. The test is also model-independent in the sense that no assumptions about the content of the universe or about the parameterization of the deceleration parameter are made and that it does not assume any dynamical equations of motion. Yet, the test assumes the universe and the distribution of supernovae to be statistically homogeneous and isotropic. A significant reduction of systematic effects, as compared to our previous, calibration-dependent test, is achieved. Accelerated expansion is detected at significant level (4.3 sigma in the 2007 Gold sample, 7.2 sigma in the 2008 Union sample) if the universe is spatially flat. This result depends, however, crucially on supernovae with a redshift smaller than 0.1, for which the assumption of statistical isotropy and homogeneity is less well established.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, major change

    New Upper Limits on the Tau Neutrino Mass from Primordial Helium Considerations

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    In this paper we reconsider recently derived bounds on MeVMeV tau neutrinos, taking into account previously unaccounted for effects. We find that, assuming that the neutrino life-time is longer than O(100 sec)O(100~sec), the constraint Neff<3.6N_{eff}<3.6 rules out ντ\nu_{\tau} masses in the range 0.5 (MeV)<mντ<35 (MeV)0.5~(MeV)<m_{\nu_\tau}<35~(MeV) for Majorana neutrinos and 0.74 (MeV)<mντ<35 (MeV)0.74~(MeV)<m_{\nu_\tau}<35~(MeV) for Dirac neutrinos. Given that the present laboratory bound is 35 MeV, our results lower the present bound to 0.50.5 and 0.740.74 for Majorana and Dirac neutrinos respectively.Comment: 9 pages (2 figures available upon request), UM-AC-93-0

    Axion Radiation from Strings

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    This paper revisits the problem of the string decay contribution to the axion cosmological energy density. We show that this contribution is proportional to the average relative increase when axion strings decay of a certain quantity NaxN_{\rm ax} which we define. We carry out numerical simulations of the evolution and decay of circular and non-circular string loops, of bent strings with ends held fixed, and of vortex-antivortex pairs in two dimensions. In the case of string loops and of vortex-antivortex pairs, NaxN_{\rm ax} decreases by approximately 20%. In the case of bent strings, NaxN_{\rm ax} remains constant or increases slightly. Our results imply that the string decay contribution to the axion energy density is of the same order of magnitude as the well-understood contribution from vacuum realignment.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    A comparison of CMB- and HLA-based approaches to type I interoperability reference model problems for COTS-based distributed simulation

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    Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) simulation packages (CSPs) are software used by many simulation modellers to build and experiment with models of various systems in domains such as manufacturing, health, logistics and commerce. COTS distributed simulation deals with the interoperation of CSPs and their models. Such interoperability has been classified into six interoperability reference models. As part of an on-going standardisation effort, this paper introduces the COTS Simulation Package Emulator, a proposed benchmark that can be used to investigate Type I interoperability problems in COTS distributed simulation. To demonstrate its use, two approaches to this form of interoperability are discussed, an implementation of the CMB conservative algorithm, an example of a so-called “light” approach, and an implementation of the HLA TAR algorithm, an example of a so-called “heavy” approach. Results from experimentation over four federation topologies are presented and it is shown the HLA approach out performs the CMB approach in almost all cases. The paper concludes that the CSPE benchmark is a valid basis from which the most efficient approach to Type I interoperability problems for COTS distributed simulation can be discovered

    Bayesian Analysis and Constraints on Kinematic Models from Union SNIa

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    The kinematic expansion history of the universe is investigated by using the 307 supernovae type Ia from the Union Compilation set. Three simple model parameterizations for the deceleration parameter (constant, linear and abrupt transition) and two different models that are explicitly parametrized by the cosmic jerk parameter (constant and variable) are considered. Likelihood and Bayesian analyses are employed to find best fit parameters and compare models among themselves and with the flat Λ\LambdaCDM model. Analytical expressions and estimates for the deceleration and cosmic jerk parameters today (q0q_0 and j0j_0) and for the transition redshift (ztz_t) between a past phase of cosmic deceleration to a current phase of acceleration are given. All models characterize an accelerated expansion for the universe today and largely indicate that it was decelerating in the past, having a transition redshift around 0.5. The cosmic jerk is not strongly constrained by the present supernovae data. For the most realistic kinematic models the 1σ1\sigma confidence limits imply the following ranges of values: q0[0.96,0.46]q_0\in[-0.96,-0.46], j0[3.2,0.3]j_0\in[-3.2,-0.3] and zt[0.36,0.84]z_t\in[0.36,0.84], which are compatible with the Λ\LambdaCDM predictions, q0=0.57±0.04q_0=-0.57\pm0.04, j0=1j_0=-1 and zt=0.71±0.08z_t=0.71\pm0.08. We find that even very simple kinematic models are equally good to describe the data compared to the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM model, and that the current observations are not powerful enough to discriminate among all of them.Comment: 13 pages. Matches published versio

    Observational Constraints on Chaplygin Quartessence: Background Results

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    We derive the constraints set by several experiments on the quartessence Chaplygin model (QCM). In this scenario, a single fluid component drives the Universe from a nonrelativistic matter-dominated phase to an accelerated expansion phase behaving, first, like dark matter and in a more recent epoch like dark energy. We consider current data from SNIa experiments, statistics of gravitational lensing, FR IIb radio galaxies, and x-ray gas mass fraction in galaxy clusters. We investigate the constraints from this data set on flat Chaplygin quartessence cosmologies. The observables considered here are dependent essentially on the background geometry, and not on the specific form of the QCM fluctuations. We obtain the confidence region on the two parameters of the model from a combined analysis of all the above tests. We find that the best-fit occurs close to the Λ\LambdaCDM limit (α=0\alpha=0). The standard Chaplygin quartessence (α=1\alpha=1) is also allowed by the data, but only at the 2σ\sim2\sigma level.Comment: Replaced to match the published version, references update

    Bianchi Type III Anisotropic Dark Energy Models with Constant Deceleration Parameter

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    The Bianchi type III dark energy models with constant deceleration parameter are investigated. The equation of state parameter ω\omega is found to be time dependent and its existing range for this model is consistent with the recent observations of SN Ia data, SN Ia data (with CMBR anisotropy) and galaxy clustering statistics. The physical aspect of the dark energy models are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, Accepted version of IJT