15 research outputs found
Ultrasonographic examination of the carpal canal in dogs
The aim of this study was to determine the course of the median nerve and its adjacent structures in the carpal canals of 8 healthy dogs by using high-frequency transducers. Before performing ultrasonography, the transverse and posteroanterior diameters as well as the perimeter of the carpus were measured at just proximal to the side of the carpal pad. The anatomical structures were then determined at two levels of the carpal canal, which were named the proximal and distal levels, on the transverse sonograms. The cross-sectional areas, perimeters and the transverse and posteroanterior diameters of the median nerve were measured at these levels. Although all the measurements were larger at the proximal level, significant differences between the proximal and distal levels were determined for the cross-sectional area, the perimeter and the transverse diameter of the median nerve. On the transverse sonogram, the deep digital flexor tendon was seen in almost the center of the carpal canal like a comma shape and also it had a small concavity on the caudal side. The superficial digital flexor tendon was seen as an ovoid shape on the transverse sonograms and it was located nearly at the posterior side of the carpal canal. Both tendons were seen as intermediate-grade echogenic structures. The median artery was located inside of the concavity of the deep digital flexor tendon. Also, the median nerve was seen at the posteromedial side of the median artery. As a result of this study, the cross-sectional areas of the median nerve ranged between 1.01-2.68 mm2 at the proximal level and between 0.93-1.91 mm2 at the distal level
The investigation of the possible entrapment area of the median, ulnar and radial nerves with electroneurographic and anatomical techniques in dog
Bu çalışmada, köpekte nervus radialis, nervus ulnaris ve nervus medianus'un nöropati olasılığı bulunan tuzak bölgelerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla 20 adet köpekten ön bacağın farklı eklem pozisyonlarında elektronörografi ve anatomik diseksiyon gibi iki farklı yöntem ile bulgular elde edilmiş ve karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada materyal olarak köpeğin seçilme nedeni köpek ve insanda periferik sinirlerin seyrinin ve innervasyon alanının birbirine benzerlik göstermesidir. Bu benzerlik insanlarda sık gözlenen tuzak nöropatisi olgularının köpeklerde de görülebileceğini düşündürmektedir. Elektronörografi, tuzak nöropatisinin teşhisinde lezyonun anatomik yerleşimi ve derecesi hakkında önemli bulgular sunduğu için, anatomik diseksiyon ise sinirlerin seyri ve yerleşiminin belirlenebildiği bir yöntem olduğu için tercih edilmiştir. Böylece, ön bacağın farklı pozisyonlarında incelenen ilgili sinirlerin bazı elektronörografik değerlerinde değişim olup olmadığı ve olası değişikliklerin anatomik nedenleri diseksiyonda elde edilen bulgularla birlikte değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada 20 adet köpekte toplam 920 adet sinir iletimi çalışması gerçekleştirilerek elektronörografi bulguları, altı adet köpekten de diseksiyon bulguları elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgularla köpeklerde n. medianus, n. ulnaris ve n. radialis'in seyirleri sırasında tuzak nöropatisi riski taşıyan bölgeler ortaya konulmuştur. Bu bölgeler, her üç sinir için plexus brachialis'in m. scalenus altından axilla'ya geçiş düzeyi, n. medianus'un m. pronator teres altından ve canalis carpi içinden geçiş düzeyleri, n. ulnaris'in canalis carpi içerisinden geçişi ile epicondylus medialis humeri -116- ve olecranon arasından geçiş düzeyleri, n. radialis'in sulcus m. brachialis'deki seyri ve m. supinator altından geçiş düzeyleri olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca tuzak nöropatisi riskinin arttığı eklem pozisyonlanda belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak incelenen bölgelerdeki anatomik yapıların yerleşimini etkileyerek, sinir üzerinde basınç etkisi oluşturabilecek tüm patolojik durumlar sonrasında, sinir iletim çalışmalarının yapılması ve sinir iletimi çalışmalarının rutin muayene prosedürü içine alınmasının gerekliliği ortaya konulmuştur. Bununla birlikte sinir iletimi uygulamalarının eklemin hangi pozisyonunda, hangi uyarım ve kayıt noktalarından yapılmasının uygun olacağı da tanımlanarak, eklemlerin nötral pozisyonunda elde edilen latans değerlerinin referans veriler olarak kullanılabileceği kanaatine de varılmıştır. Ayrıca bu çalışmayla elde edilen bulguların Veteriner nöroloji kliniğinde henüz standart muayene yöntemi olarak kullanılmayan elektrofîzyolojik çalışmalara katkı sağlayabileceği umulmaktadır.
In this study, the determination of possible entrapment regions of radial, ulnar and median nerves in the dog was aimed. For this aim, findings were obtained with two different methods as electroneurography (ENG) and anatomic dissection, and the results were evaluated comparatively in different positions of the forelimbs of 20 dogs. The similarity in the course and innervation area of the peripheric nerves between human and dogs was the reason in preference to dog for this study. This similarity made us thought that entrapment neuropathies often seen in human could also be seen in dog. ENG technique was choosen because it supplies to us the important findings about anatomic localization and severity of lesion in diagnosis of entrapment neuropathies. Meantime, anatomic disection method was choosen because of determination of course and placement of nerves. Therefore it was evaluated the differences of the electroneurographic values relation to the forelimb position on the studied nerves. When it was found a difference, it was tired to explain the reasons of these differences by using the anatomic findings. In this study, ENG findings were obtained by 920 nerve conduction studies in 20 dogs and disection findings were obtained from 6 dogs of these 20 dogs. According to the results of this study, the entrapment neuropathy risk areas for median, ulnar and radial nerves were considered in dogs. These areas were determined for three nerves at the level of scalenus muscle that the plexus brachialis pass under this muscle to axilla, for the median nerve at the level of the pass under the pronator teres muscle and through the carpal canal, for the ulnar nerve at the level of the pass through carpal canal and between olecranon and medial humeral condyle, for the radial nerve at -118- the level of the brachial groove and pass under the supinator muscle. Furthermore, joint positions may cause to accelerate the entrapment neuropathy risk was determined. In conclusion, the electrophysiologic studies should be accepted one of routine diagnostic test, and special attention should be paid in case of the pathologic condution of some areas which were pointed out in this study. In addition suitable stimulating and recording points depending on the joint positions were describe in detail, also it is here proposed that the electrophysiologic values which obtained in neutral position should be accepted a reference value. It is hoped that all these findings can supply valuable knowledge in electrophysiologic studies of veterinary fields which have not been a standart examination protocol
The mixture of liquid foam soap, ethanol and citric acid as a new fixative-preservative solution in veterinary anatomy
KARA, Mehmet Erkut/0000-0002-5056-1688WOS: 000389730400002PubMed: 27743852The present study investigates the efficiency of liquid foam soap, ethanol, citric acid and benzalkonium chloride as a fixative-preservative solution (a soap-and ethanol-based fixing solution, or SEFS). In this study, ethanol serves as the fixative and preservative, liquid foam soap as the modifying agent, citric acid as the antioxidant and benzalkonium chloride as the disinfectant. The goat cadavers perfused with SEFS (n = 8) were evaluated over a period of one year with respect to hardness, colour and odour using objective methods. Colour and hardness were compared between one fresh cadaver and the SEFS-embalmed cadavers. Histological and Microbiological examinations were also performed in tissue samples. Additionally, the cadavers were subjectively evaluated after dissection and palpation. The SEFS provided the effectiveness expected over a 1-year embalming period for the animal cadavers. No bacteria or fungi were isolated except for some non-pathogenic Bacillus species. Visible mould was not present on either cadavers or in the surrounding environment. The cadavers maintained an appearance close to their original anatomical appearance, with muscles having good hardness and elasticity for dissection. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.Scientific and Technological Research Council of TurkeyTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [TUBITAK 114O704]; Scientific and Technological Research Council of TurkeyTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK)This study is the research numbered TUBITAK 114O704 that was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. We are grateful for the support of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Evaluation of proximal and distal motor nerve conduction using the electrical root stimulation technique in the femoral and obturator nerves
WOS: 000397364700006PubMed: 28094417Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the adaptability of the electrical root stimulation technique by achieving normative data from the obturator and femoral nerves of healthy dogs. Methods: For this purpose, two stimulations and recordings were performed on both the obturator and femoral nerves in 40 dogs (22 males and 18 females). Electrical root stimulation was applied via monopolar needle electrodes between the sixth to seventh and fifth to sixth lumbar interarcuate spaces to the obturator and femoral nerves, respectively. Muscle waves were recorded from the gracilis and sartorius muscles of the left and right pelvic limb. Results: The proximal motor nerve conduction velocity was 60.89 +/- 3.93 m/s and 59.87 +/- 4.83 m/s in the obturator and femoral nerves, respectively. Clinical significance: Our results showed that electrical root stimulation could be a useful method to test the integrity of the roots of obturator and femoral nerves and their proximal parts.Scientific and Technological Research Council of TurkeyTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [TUBITAK 1110404]; Scientific and Technological Research Council of TurkeyTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK)This study is a part of the research numbered TUBITAK 1110404 that was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. We are grateful for the support of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Psychometric tests, critical flicker frequency, and inflammatory indicators in covert hepatic encephalopathy diagnosis
Background and Aim: Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a frequent compli-cation of liver diseases. Systemic inflammation is key for HE pathogenesis. The main goal of the study was to investigate the role of psychometric tests, critical flicker frequency (CFF), and comparative evaluation of inflammato-ry indicators for the diagnosis of covert HE (CHE).Materials and Methods: The study was a prospective, nonrandomized, case-control study with a total of 76 cirrhotic patients and 30 healthy vol-unteers. The West Haven criteria were used to determine the occurrence of CHE in cirrhotic patients. Psychometric tests were applied to healthy and cirrhotic groups. CFF, venous ammonia, serum endotoxin, IL-6, IL-18, tu-mor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) levels, and hemogram parameters were evaluated for cirrhotic patients.Results: CFF values and psychometric tests were found to accurately dis-criminate CHE positives from CHE negatives (p0.05). When the control group was excluded, the digit symbol test and the number connection A test failed, unlike CFF and other psychometric tests. Using CFF, a 45 Hz cutoff value had 74% specificity and 75% sensitivity. Basal albumin levels (p=0.063), lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR) (p=0.086), and neutro-phil-to-lymphocyte ratio (p 0.052) were significant, albeit slightly, among CHE groups. Basal albumin levels had 50% sensitivity and 71% specificity when 2.8 g/dL was used as a cutoff value to determine CHE.Conclusion: Both psychometric tests and CFF can be useful in diagnosing CHE. Using cytokine and endotoxin levels seems to be inadequate to diag-nose CHE. Using LMR and albumin levels instead of psychometric tests for diagnosing CHE can be promising.This study was supported by the Turkish Association for the Study of Liver.Turkish Associatio
The Effects Of Minocycline On The Hippocampus In Lithium-Pilocarpine Induced Status Epilepticus In Rat: Relations With Microglial/Astrocytic Activation And Serum Mob Level
AIM: To investigate possible correlations between serum S100B levels and microglial/astrocytic activation in status epilepticus (SE) in lithium-pilocarpine-exposed rat hippocampi and whether serum S100B levels linearly reflect neuroinflammation. Additionally, to assess the effects of minocycline (M), an inhibitor of neuroinflammation. MATERIAL and METHODS: Rats were divided into 4 groups (6/group), namely, control (C), sham, SE, and SE+M. Animals were exposed to lithium-pilocarpine to induce SE in the SE and SE+M groups. Cardiac blood was collected to measure S100B levels, and coronal brain sections including the hippocampus were prepared to examine microglial/astrocytic activation and to evaluate neuroinflammation at day 7 of SE. RESULTS: Serum S100B levels, OX42 (+) microglia in CA1, and GFAP (+) astrocytes in both CA1 and dentate gyrus (DG) were higher in the SE+M group than in the C group. Most importantly, highly positive correlations were found between S100B levels and microglial activation in CA1, apart from astrocytic activation in CA1 and DG. Unexpectedly, microglial activation in CA1 and astrocytic activation in DG were also enhanced in the SE+M group compared with the C group. Moreover, M administration reversed the neuronal loss observed in DG during SE. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that serum S100B is a candidate biomarker for monitoring neuroinflammation and that it may also help predict diagnosis and prognosis.WoSScopu