584 research outputs found

    Affect and Gender in Cormac McCarthy’s Outer Dark

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    Cormac McCarthy’s 1968 novel, Outer Dark, is arguably his only text that contains a true female protagonist. Rinthy Holme is a significant character in her own right, in part because almost half the storyline is dedicated to her, but also because she seems to generate what scholars have referred to as a sense of forcefulness or meaningfulness that is sometimes at odds with otherwise more problematic elements of her characterization. By focusing on a small excerpt of Outer Dark, I argue that Rinthy feels meaningful because of the affective resonances that the text that describes her seems to emanate, rather than solely as a result of any diegetic aspect of her characterization. I draw on Brian Massumi’s account of affect to illuminate the apparent disconnect between the content of the text about Rinthy and its actual physical effects on readers, as well as the textual operations that might cause these effects. I also investigate, however, whether Rinthy’s affective power is truly able to combat other more problematic elements of her characterization, such as her apparently essentialized maternal instinct and empathy. I conclude by arguing that although the excerpt analyzed demonstrates a powerful instance of McCarthy’s interest in the centrality of the material in the process of meaning-making, and also perhaps suggests that McCarthy gestures towards the ways in which women might engage in the world as independent, embodied agents, McCarthy ultimately cannot escape an essentialized male/female binary

    Treatment of pediatric pulmonary hypertension

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    Pulmonary hypertension was once thought to be a rare condition and only managed in specialized centers. Now however, with the advent of echocardiography, it is found in many clinical scenarios, in the neonate with chronic lung disease, in the acute setting in the intensive care unit, in connective tissue disease and in cardiology pre- and postoperatively. We have a better understanding of the pathological process and have a range of medication which is starting to be able to palliate this previously fatal condition. This review describes the areas that are known in this condition and those that are less familiar. The basic physiology behind pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary vascular disease is explained. The histopathologic process and the various diagnostic tools are described and are followed by the current and future therapy at our disposal

    The Elements of Decision Alignment

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    When one object makes a request of another, why do we expect that the second object\u27s behavior correctly satisfies the first object\u27s wishes? The need to cope with such principal-agent problems shapes programming practice as much as it shapes human organizations and economies. However, the literature about such plan coordination issues among humans is almost disjoint from the literature about these issues among objects. Even the terms used are unrelated. These fields have much to learn from each other---both from their similarities and from the causes of their differences. We propose a framework for thinking about decision alignment as a bridge between these disciplines

    Analysis Study Of The Effect In Selecting Combination Of Fracturing Fluid Types And Proppant Sizes On Folds Of Increase (FOI) To Improve Well Productivity

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    As fracturing materials, fracturing fluid and proppant are two very important parameters in doing hydraulic fracturing design. The combination of fractuirng fluid and proppant selection is the main focus and determinant of success in the hydraulic fracturing process. The high viscosity of the fracturing fluid will make it easier for the proppant to enter to fill the fractured parts, so that the conductivity of the fractured well will be better and can increase the folds of increase (FOI) compared to fracturing fluid with lower viscosity (Economides, 2000). This research was conducted by using the sensitivity test method on the selection of fracturing fluid combinations carried out at the TX-01 well with various sizes of proppants (namely; 12/18, 16/20, and 20/40 mesh) with the proppant selected being ceramic proppant type carbolite performed using the FracCADE simulator. Fracturing fluid was selected based on its viscosity, namely YF240OD and PrimeFRAC20 fluids with viscosity value of 4.123 cp and 171.1 cp, with a fixed pump rate of 14 bpm. The results showed that the combination of high-viscosity fluids (PrimeFRAC20) and 16/20 mesh proppant size resulted in a greater incremental fold (FOI) between the choice of another combination fracturing fluids and proppant sizes, namely 6.25

    Analisis Performansi Agregasi Link dengan Lacp pada SDN menggunakan RYU sebagai Controller

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    As time goes by, the world of communication has flourished quickly, especially in network. One of the network technologies by now called SDN (Software Defined Network), is a new paradigm in network technology that is able to virtualize network device by taking the function of control plane, that is usually taken by controller, and separate between control plane and data plane into a network device. Besides the coming of that new paradigm, the need of bandwidth consumption on data communication by this time has increased. Link aggregation is a method that combines several physical links into a logical link in the form of multiplying the bandwidth capacity. Link aggregation can be implemented in SDN network, that makes bandwidth consumption in network has good effect on service quality. In this research, the writer will show the comparison analysis between link aggregation and not using link aggregation in SDN network. This comparison analysis is done by analyzing some parameters, like throughput, packetloss, jitter and fault tolerance from the service in network, called video streaming.Keywords : SDN, Link aggregation, LACP, Redundansi, Bandwith.AbstrakDunia telekomunikasi saat ini berkembang dengan sangat pesat terutama dalam dunia jaringan. Salah satu teknologi jaringan masa kini adalah SDN (Software Defined Network) yaitu sebuah paradigma baru dalam teknologi jaringan yang dapat memvirtualisasi perangkat jaringan dengan mengambil fungsi control plane oleh controller dan memisahkan antara control plane dengan data plane dalam sebuah perangkat jaringan. Selain adanya paradigma baru tersebut, kebutuhan akan konsumsi bandwidth dalam komunikasi data saat ini juga meningkat. Link aggregation merupakan metode penggabungan link fisik menjadi satu link logis guna meningkatkan kapasitas bandwidth. Link aggregation dapat di implementasikan dalam jaringan SDN, hal ini membuat konsumsi sejumlah bandwidth pada jaringan berdampak baik terhadap kualitas layanan pada jaringan. Dalam penelitian ini, ditunjukkan analisis perbandingan terhadap jaringan SDN yang menggunakan metode link aggregation dengan jaringan SDN yang tanpa metode link aggregation. Analisis ini memperhatikan hasil pengukuran throughput, packet loss, jitter dan fault tolerant dari layanan video streaming pada jaringan.Kata Kunci : SDN, Link aggregation, LACP, Redundansi, Bandwith

    Analisis Simulasi Penerapan Algoritma OSPF Menggunakan RouteFlow Pada Jaringan Software Defined Network (SDN)

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    Pada jaringan konvensional, konfigurasi protocol routing sangat tidak fleksibel, tidak efisien dan konfigurasi dilakukan pada tiap perangkat. Hal ini tentu saja tidak dapat memenuhi tuntutan operasional saat ini yang rata-rata memiliki jaringan yang besar dan perangkat jaringan yang memiliki spesifikasi berbeda. Software Defined Network (SDN) muncul sebagai harapan untuk permasalahan kompleksitas jaringan konvensional. Paradigma baru SDN melakukan pemisahan antara control plane dan forwarding plane. RouteFlow merupakan salah satu komponen berbasis software yang dapat mengaplikasikan protocol routing konvensional pada jaringan SDN. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) merupakan sebuah protokol routing konvensional yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mendeteksi Perubahan topologi jaringan dengan cepat dalam sebuah jaringan yang besar. Protokol routing OSPF diterapkan pada teknologi SDN menggunakan RouteFlow dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah dalam mengontrol jaringan dengan sistem terpusat. Convergence time dan parameter Quality of Service (Throughput, Delay, Jitter dan Packet Loss) diukur dengan skenario pemutusan link, penambahan jumlah switch dan background traffic.  Hasil pengukuran convergence time menunjukan bahwa penambahan jumlah switch mempengaruhi pertambahan waktu konvergensi, sedangkan untuk parameter Quality of Service (QoS) pada peningkatan topologi switch didapatkan hasil yang masih sesuai dengan standar ITU-T G.1010 namun apabila ditambahkan background traffic yang memenuhi 50% bandwidth jaringan maka QoS memburuk

    Rancang Ulang dan Realisasi Kunci Elektronik Berbasis Data

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    ABSTRAKSI: Kita sering dihadapkan pada masalah keamanan. Khususnya yang menyangkut sistem keamanan suatu bangunan seperti rumah, kantor atau yang semacamnya. Tingkat keamanan yang dirancang disesuaikan dengan keadaan yang ada, seperti dimana sistem keamanan itu digunakan, seberapa penting barang-barang atau data yang harus diamankan, siapa saja yang akan mengakses sistem tersebut dll.Perangkat seperti ini sudah pernah direalisasikan oleh penulis sendiri pada Proyek akhir berjudul Perancangan dan Realisasi Kunci Elektronik Disertai Pengolahan Basis Data pada Program studi D3 Teknik Elektro. Meskipun pada waktu itu alat ini berjalan dengan baik, namun belum dapat diimplementasikan secara langsung, karena adanya beberapa kekurangan diantaranya : Bentuknya yang kurang praktis, belum adanya sistem catu daya, dan backup apabila listrik padam, data-data user yang tersimpan pada mikrokontroler bersifat sementara, sehingga apabila listrik padam maka data2 tersebut akan terhapus, jumlah user yang terbatas dikarenakan hanya menggunakan memori internal dari mikrokontroler itu sendiri, solenoid sebagai penggerak kunci memiliki ukuran yang kecil sehingga kurang kuat untuk menahan pintu dan cepat panas.Untuk mengatasi kekurangan-kekurangan tersebut, maka pada Tugas akhir ini dilakukan rancang ulang untuk melengkapi sistem dengan perangkat penunjang agar perangkat ini menjadi siap pakai.Alat ini berbasiskan Mikrokontroler AT89S52. Sistem ini dibangun dari bagian-bagian perangkat yaitu sebuah Keypad yang berfungsi untuk memberikan masukan (berupa password dan perintah lainnya), password merupakan kata kunci untuk dapat mengakses ruangan tersebut, Mikrokontroller dengan memori eksternal merupakan perangkat yang akan memproses segala sesuatu yang telah diprogramkan pada alat tersebut, dan LCD yang akan berfungsi sebagai tampilan. Sistem keamanan ini juga akan dilengkapi dengan komputer yang di dalamnya terdapat perangkat lunak yang berfungsi sebagai pengolah data dari setiap orang yang mengakses kunci tersebut, sehingga pengakses kunci yang sifatnya multi user dapat dipantau setiap saat.Kata Kunci : Kata Kunci : Keamanan, Mikrokontroler, Basis data, PasswordABSTRACT: We usually have a problem about the security, On this case security is concerning to the security system an building, office, or which a kind of. The level of security system designed is based from the existing circumstance like where this system will be applied, how important the object that will be secure, or whosoever will be uses that system etc.This tools have been realized by writer at Final Project with the title The Design and Realization Electronic Key With Database Processing at D3 Electrical Engineering Study Program. Though by then this appliance walk better, but not yet earned the implementation directly, caused by some insuffience among other things for example : Its for which less be practical, there is no existence of electric energy system, and back up from that electric energy system, the temporary data user in microcontroller will be erased if electrical energy down, limited user because the limited internal memory from the microcontroller and solenoid as key activator have the small size so that less be strong to moving the door and hot quickly.Based from that case, so in this Final Project the writer trying to redesign the system to completed the system before with supported tools and become ready to use.Scheme of this appliance have based Microcontroller AT89S52. At this Final Project of the system above woke up from parts of peripheral that is a functioning keypad to give an input ( in the form of other command and password ) password represent keyword to be able to access the room, Microcontroller represent peripheral to process everything which have been programmed at appliance, and LCD to function as appearance. This system will be completed with computer to process the data from each person who use this key, with the result that we can monitored the user every time.Keyword: Keyword : Security, Microcontroller, Database, Passwor

    Analysis of Results of Emergency Training Proficiency For High School Physical Education Teacher in East Java

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    Even though you have tried to prevent it, accidents in learning sports can still happen. Physical education teachers are certainly required to be responsive and capable of handling it. What are the emergency training needs faced by high school physical education teachers and analysis of the results of emergency training for high school physical education teachers. In this study using models and theoretical concepts with an andragogical perspective using the Training Need Assessment as well as the theory of needs and gaps. This correlation descriptive study examines the analysis of the results of emergency training for high school physical education teachers. Data were collected by means of an online questionnaire. The results of the study concluded: 1) Various sports emergency events, namely leg muscle cramps, blisters on the skin, fainting due to heat, hand muscle cramps, stomach muscle cramps, bruises on the skin, tears in the skin, respiratory failure, drowning in swimming pools, sprains, nosebleeds, and bone dislocations. 2) Ten sports emergency incidents which are needs for sports emergency training, one unfulfilled need/real needs and nine felt needs. 3). There is a significant relationship between events and proficiency levels and between proficiency levels and the readiness of high school physical education teachers

    Pengaruh Low Salinity Waterflooding dalam Meningkatkan Perolehan Minyak pada Reservoir Batupasir dan Karbonat

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    Low Salinity Waterflooding (LSW) merupakan salah satu metode Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), merupakan pengembangan dari waterflooding konvensional. LSW bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perolehan minyak di reservoir dengan cara menurunkan salinitas pada air injeksi. Pada batuan karbonat, recovery didapat lebih banyak pada penginjeksian air laut. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak seperti batupasir dengan kandungan clay tinggi, air salinitas rendah tidak mampu bekerja dengan baik pada reservoir karbonat karena kandungan clay nya sedikit dan mengandung mineral muatan positif. Β Pada batupasir terdapat beberapa mekanisme yang dapat terjadi, yaitu Fine Migration, yang mengakibatkan permeabilitas reservoir lebih seragam karena terjadinya swelling, kemudian Multicomponent Ion Exchange yang akan menyebabkan perubahan wettabilitas batuan, selain itu terjadi juga Ligand Bridging yang hampir sama dengan MIE, dan terakhir adalah Wettability Alteration yang menyebabkan perubahan wettabilitas batuan. Untuk LSW pada batuan karbonat terdapat dua mekanisme yang dapat terjadi, yaitu multi-component ion exchange yang mengakibatkan perubahan wetabilitas batuan, serta penurunan tegangan permukaan (interfacial tension/IFT). Kondisi terjadinya kedua mekanisme tersebut dipengaruhi oleh temperatur dan konsentrasi garam pada air injeksi, dimana multi-component ion exchange terjadi saat temperatur tinggi dan konsentrasi garam pada air injeksi tinggi, adapun penurunan IFT terjadi saat suhu rendah dan konsentrasi garam dalam air injeksi rendah
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