463 research outputs found

    SOCIABILIDADES FAMILIARES E LIBERDADE: relações interpessoais no pós-abolição

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    De acordo com a historiografia sobre o fim do escravismo, os vínculos sociais constituídos ainda no cativeiro foram essenciais para os libertos na construção da trajetória que levava da escravidão à liberdade. Tomando como foco o município de São Carlos, o artigo analisa as tensões presentes nas relações interpessoais tecidas entre negros, de um lado, e fazendeiros e pequenos proprietários rurais, do outro, durante o período pós-emancipação. Por meio da leitura de dois inquéritos policiais da época, percebeu-se que os códigos morais orientadores dessas sociabilidades eram (re) construídos, por parte dos afro-brasileiros, a partir da articulação de duas experiências vivenciadas: a migração interna de escravos, ocorrida durante as últimas décadas da escravidão, e o processo de redefinição de determinadas hierarquias sociais firmado no período pós-abolição. Esses códigos morais, por sua vez, acabavam por delimitar uma visão específica acerca das sociabilidades familiares. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Pós-abolição. Oeste paulista. Negros. Economia cafeeira. Relações interpessoais. FAMILIAL SOCIABILITY AND LIBERTY: postabolition interpersonal relations Rogério da Palma Oswaldo Truzzi According to the historiography about the end of slavery, the social ties constituted while still in captivity were essential to those liberated in the construction of a trajectory leading from slavery to liberty. Taking as a focus the municipality of São Carlos, this article analyzes the tensions present in the interpersonal relations woven between the Afro-Brazilian slaves, on one side, and the farmers and small, rural land-holders on the other, during the post-emancipation period. Through the close-reading of two police reports of the era, one can perceive that the moral codes which orient these sociabilities were (re)constructed, in part by the Afro-Brazillians, starting from the articulation of two lived experiences: the internal migration of slaves, which occurred during the final decades of slavery, and the process of redefinition of determined social hierarchies consolidated in the post-abolition era. These moral codes, in their turn, ended up delimiting a specific vision regarding familial sociability. KEY-WORDS: Post-abolition. West São Paulo. Blacks. Coffee economy. Interpersonal relations. SOCIABILITÉS FAMILIALES ET LIBERTÉ: les relations interpersonnelles dans la post-abolition Rogério da Palma Oswaldo Truzzi Selon l’historiographie de la fin de l’esclavage, pour ceux qui ont été libéré, les liens sociaux établis alors qu’ils étaient encore en captivité ont joué un rôle fondamental dans l’élaboration de la trajectoire allant de l’esclavage à la liberté. En se concentrant sur la municipalité de Sao Carlos, cette étude analyse les tensions existantes dans les relations interpersonnelles construites entre les Noirs, d’une part, et les grands propriétaires terriens et petits propriétaires ruraux, d’autre part, au cours de la période postémancipation. Grâce à la lecture de deux enquêtes policières de l’époque on a pu relever que les codes moraux directeurs de ces sociabilités ont été (re)construits par les Afro-brésiliens à partir de l’articulation entre deux expériences vécues, la migration interne d’esclaves qui a eu lieu au cours des dernières décennies de l’esclavage et le processus de redéfinition de certaines hiérarchies sociales établi dans la période post-abolition. Ces codes moraux, à leur tour, ont fini par délimiter une vision spécifique des sociabilités familiales. MOTS-CLÉS: Post-abolition. Ouest de Sao Paulo. Noirs. Économie du café. Relations interpersonnelles. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br Publicação Online do Caderno CRH no Scielo: http://www.scielo.br/ccr

    Insect-based aquafeeds modulate the fatty acid profile of zebrafish: a comparison on the different life stages

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    Insects are considered as an alternative and sustainable ingredient for feed production. In this study, Hermetia illucens (Hi) prepupae (fed on coffee roasted by-product added with 10% Schyzochytrium sp., a marine protist rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids) was processed into meal and included at graded levels in five experimental diets to replace dietary fish meal (0, 25, 50, 75, 100%) offered to zebrafish (Danio rerio) as experimental model. The fatty acids (FAs) profile of fish larvae (20 days), juveniles (2 months, deprived of the viscera) and adults (6 months, male and female, deprived of the viscera) specimens was investigated to evaluate the impact of dietary FM replacement with full-fat Hi prepupae meal. For the first time, the quantification of FAs in Danio rerio, performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, was computed in absolute terms (mg 100g-1 dw), identifying the real variation in the content of any single FA. In fish, quantified total FAs in larvae, juvenile, adult male and adult female were 134±2, 235±8, 266±3 and 266±8 mg g-1 dw, respectively. With respect to zebrafish fed the control diet, specimens fed diet with increasing level of Hi prepupae meal showed significantly higher content of saturated and omega6 FAs, and significantly lower content of poly-unsaturated and omega3 FAs, reflecting partially the FAs composition of the administered diets. At the same time, the docosahexaenoic/eicosapentaenoic acid ratio increased significantly. Moreover, adult female showed a higher content of PUFA with respect to adult male, which could be justified by the needs of physiological reproductive processes. The principal component analysis demonstrated that the FAs composition in Danio rerio depends on both the life stage and the diet

    A multidisciplinary approach to study the reproductive biology of wild prawns

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    This work aims to provide deeper knowledge on reproductive biology of P. kerathurus in a multidisciplinary way. Upon 789 examined females, 285 were found inseminated. The logistic equation enabled to estimate the size at first maturity at 30.7 mm CL for female. The Gono-Somatic Index (GSI) showed a pronounced seasonality, ranged from 0.80 ± 0.34 to 11.24 ± 5.72. Histological analysis highlighted five stages of ovarian development. Gonadal fatty acids analysis performed with gas chromatograph evidenced a pronounced seasonal variation; total lipids varied from 1.7% dry weight (dw) in Winter, to 7.2% dw in Summer. For the first time, a chemometric approach (Principal Component Analysis) was applied to relate GSI with total lipid content and fatty acid composition of gonads. The first two components (PC1 and PC2) showed that seasonality explained about 84% of the variability of all data set. In particular, in the period February-May, lipids were characterized by high PUFAs content, that were probably utilized during embryogenesis as energy source and as constituent of the cell membranes. During the summer season, gonads accumulated saturated FAs, that will be used during embryogenesis and early larval stages, while in the cold season total lipids decreased drastically and the gonad reached a quiescent state

    Role of neurotrophins on dermal fibroblast survival and differentiation

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    Neurotrophins (NTs) belong to a family of growth factors that play a critical role in the control of skin homeostasis. NTs act through the low-affinity receptor p75NTR and the high-affinity receptors TrkA, TrkB and TrkC. Here we show that dermal fibroblasts (DF) and myofibroblasts (DM) synthesize and secrete all NTs and express NT receptors. NTs induce differentiation of DF into DM, as shown by the expression of \u3b1-SMA protein. The Trk inhibitor K252a, TrkA/Fc, TrkB/Fc or TrkC/Fc chimera prevents DF and DM proliferation. In addition, p75NTR siRNA inhibits DF proliferation, indicating that both NT receptors mediate DF proliferation induced by endogenous NTs. Autocrine NTs also induce DF migration through p75NTR and Trk, as either silencing of p75NTR or Trk/Fc chimeras prevent this effect, in absence of exogenous NTs. Finally, NGF or BDNF statistically increase the tensile strength in a dose dependent manner, as measured in a collagen gel through the GlaSbox device. Taken together, these results indicate that NTs exert a critical role on fibroblast and could be involved in tissue remodelling and wound healin

    Label-Free Optical Sensing and Medical Grade Resins: An Advanced Approach to Investigate Cell–Material Interaction and Biocompatibility

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    : The Corning Epic® label-free (ELF) system is an innovative technology widely used in drug discovery, immunotherapy, G-protein-associated studies, and biocompatibility tests. Here, we challenge the use of ELF to further investigate the biocompatibility of resins used in manufacturing of blood filters, a category of medical devices representing life-saving therapies for the increasing number of patients with kidney failure. The biocompatibility assays were carried out by developing a cell model aimed at mimicking the clinical use of the blood filters and complementing the existing cytotoxicity assay requested by ISO10993-5. Experiments were performed by putting fibroblasts in both direct contact with two types of selected resins, and indirect contact by means of homemade customized well inserts that were precisely designed and developed for this technology. For both types of contact, fibroblasts were cultured in medium and human plasma. ELF tests confirmed the biocompatibility of both resins, highlighting a statistically significant different biological behavior of a polyaromatic resin compared to control and ion-exchanged resin, when materials were in indirect contact and soaking with plasma. Overall, the ELF test is able to mimic clinical scenarios and represents a promising approach to investigate biocompatibility, showing peculiar biological behaviors and suggesting the activation of specific intracellular pathways

    Evaluation of Growth Performance and Environmental Impact of Hermetia illucens Larvae Reared on Coffee Silverskins Enriched with Schizochytrium limacinum or Isochrysis galbana Microalgae

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    Hermetia illucens is a promising insect due to its ability to convert low-value substrates as food chain by-products into highly nutritious feed. Its feeding and nutrition are important issues. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of different substrates consisting of coffee silverskin, a by-product of the roasting process, enriched with different inclusions of microalgae (5%, 10%, 20%, and 25%), Schizochytrium limacinum, and Isochrysis galbana, combined with the assessment of environmental sustainability by LCA. In general, the addition of microalgae led to an increase in larval growth performance due to the higher content of protein and lipids, although S. limacinum showed the best results with respect to larvae fed with coffee silverskin enriched with I. galbana. A higher prepupal weight was observed in larvae fed with 10%, 20%, and 25% S. limacinum; shorter development times in larvae fed with 25% of both S. limacinum and I. galbana; and a higher growth rate in larvae fed with 25% S. limacinum. The 10% S. limacinum inclusion was only slightly different from the higher inclusions. Furthermore, 10% of S. limacinum achieved the best waste reduction index. The greater the inclusion of microalgae, the greater the environmental impact of larval production. Therefore, the addition of 10% S. limacinum appears to be the best compromise for larval rearing, especially considering that a higher inclusion of microalgae did not yield additional benefits in terms of the nutritional value of H. illucens prepupae

    Metodologia da análise seminal para pacientes azoospérmicos no Laboratório Fleury

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    ResumoA azoospermia é definida como a ausência de espermatozoide no líquido seminal ejaculado pelo homem depois de aplicada a técnica de centrifugação em pelo menos duas amostras. Dada a importância de um diagnóstico correto da análise seminal para os casais, toda amostra que não apresentar espermatozoides no exame a fresco deve seguir em avaliação laboratorial. Com isso, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os resultados de centrifugação de uma alíquota do sêmen ejaculado ou de todo o volume ejaculado de pacientes com diagnóstico de azoospermia para determinar qual o melhor método a ser empregado na análise seminal para esse grupo de pacientes.AbstractThe azoospermia is defined as the absence of sperm in the ejaculate by the seminal fluid man after centrifugation technique conducted in at least two samples. Given the importance of a correct diagnosis of the seminal analysis for couples, all sample no sperm present in fresh examination should follow in laboratory tests. Thus the present study aims to analyze the results of a spin rate of ejaculate or all of the ejaculate volume of patients with azoospermia to determine the best method to be used in semen analysis for this group of patients

    Potential Applications of Essential Oils for Environmental Sanitization and Antimicrobial Treatment of Intensive Livestock Infections

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    The extensive use of antibiotics has contributed to the current antibiotic resistance crisis. Livestock infections of Salmonella spp, Clostridium spp. and E. coli antimicrobial-resistant bacteria represent a public threat to human and animal health. To reduce the incidence of these zoonoses, essential oils (EOs) could be effective antibiotic alternatives. This study aims at identifying EOs safe for use, effective both in complementary therapy and in the environmental sanitization of intensive farming. Natural products were chemo-characterized by gas chromatography. Three S. Typhimurium, three C. perfringens and four E. coli strains isolated from poultry and swine farms were used to assess the antimicrobial properties of nine EOs and a modified GR-OLI (mGR-OLI). The toxicity of the most effective ones (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cz; Origanum vulgare, Ov) was also evaluated on porcine spermatozoa and Galleria mellonella larvae. Cz, Ov and mGR-OLI showed the strongest antimicrobial activity; their volatile components were also able to significantly inhibit the growth of tested strains. In vitro, Ov toxicity was slightly lower than Cz, while it showed no toxicity on G. mellonella larvae. In conclusion, the study confirms the importance of evaluating natural products to consolidate the idea of safe EO applications in reducing and preventing intensive livestock infections

    In-situ trace metal (Cd, Pb, Cu) speciation along the Po River plume (Northern Adriatic Sea) using submersible systems

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    Highlights • In-situ trace metal speciation in the Adriatic Sea by submersible voltammetric sensors • Metal species distribution mainly affected by Po River outflow. • Metal dynamic concentrations below legal limits • Cu dynamic concentrations toxic to sensitive phytoplankton Abstract Information on the distribution and speciation of trace metals is of critical importance for our ability to interpret the links between the bioavailability and uptake of an element, and its biogeochemical cycle in coastal environments. Within the framework of the European Project “In-situ automated Monitoring of Trace metal speciation in Estuaries and Coastal zones in relation with the biogeochemical processes (IMTEC)”, the chemical speciation of Cd, Pb and Cu was carried out along the Po River plume in the period 27 October – 2 November 2002. During the cruise, five Voltammetric In-situ Profiling systems and one Multi Physical Chemical Profiler, as well as conventional voltammetric instruments, were successfully applied in order to evaluate the distribution of Cd, Pb and Cu between different fractions (free ion, dynamic, colloidal, dissolved and particulate fractions) and to assess the evolution of these fractions during estuarine mixing and in the water column. Dynamic concentrations were 0.05–0.2 nmol L−1 Cd, 0.02–0.2 nmol L−1 Pb, and 0.15–4.0 nmol L−1Cu. Cd was mainly present as dynamic fraction (40–100% of the dissolved Cd). High proportions of Pb (~70%) and Cu (~80%) were present as colloids probably of biogenic origin. Principal components analysis reveals a strong influence of the Po River discharge on the spatial and vertical distributions of metal species. Almost all the metal fractions globally decreased following the salinity gradient. Metal concentrations are far below (at least one order of magnitude lower) the Environmental Quality Standard established by the Italian law. However, the Cu dynamic fraction showed concentrations likely to be toxic to sensitive phytoplankton community and to have negative effects on larva development of coastal macroinvertebrate species (toxicity data extracted from literature)