306 research outputs found

    Indoor radon survey in university buildings: a case study of Sapienza - University of Rome

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    The indoor radon concentration in underground workplaces pertaining to Sapienza – University of Rome have been monitored since the 90’s according to prescription of Italian Legislative Decree 230/95. In the last years, the recommendations contained in the Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom have shifted the focus to all indoor exposure situations by promoting actions to identify workplaces and dwellings with radon concentrations exceeding the reference level of 300 Bq/m3. In response to the upcoming transposition into national legislation, Sapienza has promoted the first Italian survey addressing workplaces in university buildings, regardless of the position with respect to the ground floor. The survey has interested more than three hundred workplaces, i.e. administration and professors’ offices, research and educational laboratories, conference rooms and classrooms, distributed in fifteen different buildings. Places monitored are strongly heterogeneous in terms of users’ habit, occupancy pattern and building characteristics. The influence of these parameters into seasonal variation have been addressed by organizing the survey in four quarters. The indoor radon concentration is measured by solid state nuclear track detectors, CR39. The aim of the paper is to present features, methods and intermediate results of the survey. The work, relying on the analysis of previous measurements interesting underground workplaces, focuses on methodology followed during all the preliminary and preparatory phases: active measurements by ionization chamber radon continuous monitor, radon progeny equilibrium factor estimations by radon daughters monitor, strategies for occupants’ awareness, positioning protocol and provisions to maximize representativity of results

    Adrenal responsiveness to a low-dose ACTH challenge in early and late lactating dairy cows.

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    To improve the evaluation of the chronic stress conditions, the adrenal responsiveness to low dose ACTH stimulation, in different lactation stages, was checked in 56 multiparous dairy cows from 2 herds (25-350 days in milk). Cows were retrospectively ranked in 3 stages: early (150 DIM) lactation. Herd B (vs. herd A) showed higher basal cortisol and frequency of inflammation. Early stage (vs. others) showed higher basal cortisol, bilirubin, ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin, as well as lower ones of cholesterol and lower rise of plasma cortisol during ACTH challenge (P<0.001). Cortisol peak was also correlated negatively with ceruloplasmin, bilirubin, ROM, and positively with cholesterol, vitamin A and E. Both, basal cortisol and cortisol response to ACTH, are associated to inflammation but in opposite way: basal cortisol positively and cortisol response negatively. This latter results are likely due to lower transcortin synthesis, that could be ensued in early lactating cows suffering inflammation

    Plasma cortisol variations in dairy cows after some usual or unusual manipulations

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    The increase of blood cortisol is a common consequence of the acute stress; this has generally positive effects, despite not completely understood (Sapolsky et al. 2000). However, at least in human beings under chronic stress, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system – responsible of cortisol release – is deregulated, resulting in pathophysiological changes, which may develop into various types of disorders (Tafet and Bernardini, 2003)

    Change of digesta passage rate in dairy cows after different acute stress situations

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    Six dairy cows received 3 treatments after morning meal, in a double Latin square design. Treatments were ACTH challenge (SYN), hoof trimming (TRIM) and saline (CTR). Measurements included: plasma cortisol and metabolic profile during the 24 h after treatments; the rate of digesta passage, faecal dry matter and pH. Both acute stress situations vs CTR caused a rapid and similar rise in plasma cortisol (P<0.001), while plasma glucose increased only in response to TRIM. Plasma concentrations of urea and BHB were increased for several hours after both stress situations. Most importantly, the transit time of digesta was reduced with SYN and TRIM (P<0.05). Our data demonstrate a reduced forestomach motility during acute stress and confirm a possible negative linkage between stress and gut functions, perhaps independent of diet composition. The mechanism seems linked to increased ACTH or cortisol rather than corticotrophin-releasing factor

    Autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue for the treatment of diabetic foot minor amputations: A randomized controlled single-center clinical trial (MiFrAADiF)

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    Background: The diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is one of the most prevalent complications of diabetes mellitus and often develops severe effects that can lead to amputation. A non-healing "minor" amputation often precedes a major amputation resulting in a negative impact on the function and quality of life of the patients. Stem cell-based therapies have emerged as a promising option to improve healing, and the adipose tissue is an abundant and easy to access source. The injection of autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue at the amputation stump of a diabetic population undergoing a lower limb minor amputation was evaluated and compared with the standard care. Methods: In this randomized controlled trial with two arms (parallel assignment) and no masking, 114 patients undergoing a lower limb minor amputation were randomized to standard of care or to micro-fragmented adipose tissue injection prepared using a minimal manipulation technique (Lipogems®) in a closed system. Clinical outcomes were determined monthly up to 6 months. Primary endpoint of the study was the evaluation of the healing rate and time after the minor amputation. Secondary endpoints included the assessment of safety, feasibility, technical success, relapse rate, skin tropism, and intensity of pain. Results: At 6 months, 80% of the micro-fragmented adipose tissue-treated feet healed and 20% failed as compared with the control group where 46% healed and 54% failed (p = 0.0064). No treatment-related adverse events nor relapses were documented, and technical success was achieved in all cases. The skin tropism was improved in the treatment group, and the pain scale did not differ between the two groups. Conclusion: The results of this randomized controlled trial suggest that the local injection of autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue is a safe and valid therapeutic option able to improve healing rate following minor amputations of irreversible DFU. The technique overcomes several stem cell therapy-related criticisms and its potential in wound care should be better evaluated and the therapeutic indications could be expanded. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT03276312. Date of registration: September 8, 2017 (retrospectively registered)

    Dietary Nitrate: Effects on the health of weaning pigs and Antimicrobial activity on seven probiotic Bifidobacterium spp. strains

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    The potential role of nitrite as an antimicrobial substance in the stomach may be of some importance in the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract and in host physiology. It has been shown that nitrite, under the acidic conditions of the stomach, may kill gut pathogens like Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Yersinia enterocolitica, whereas acid alone has only a bacteriostatic effect. An in vivo study was conducted in order to assess the effects of dietary nitrate on microbiota and on the health of the gut (particularly in the stomach and small intestine). 96 weaning pigs were fed a diet containing high nitrate levels (15 mg and 150 mg) and then challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium. Differences in composition of the gut microbiota were assessed by analysing samples from the pigs: To date analysis of 48 pigs has been completed.. Preliminary results demonstrated no effect on the population densities of microbial groups either from the challenge or from nitrate intake. However, increasing the time from challenge decreased either the counts of LAB in the stomach and jejunum or of clostridia in the stomach. Bifidobacteria also decreased in the stomach contents as nitrate supplementation increased. Supplementing the feedstuff with high dietary nitrate intake and then challenging with Salmonella did not affect the gastric pH or the degree of ulceration in the pigs. The synergistic bactericidal effects of pH, nitrite and thiocyanate on seven probiotic Bifidobacterium spp. strains were also investigated in an in vitro study. The results of the in vitro study demonstrated that an inhibitory effect exists on the seven probiotic bifidobacteria investigated with an exposure longer than 2 hours and pH values < 5.0. Addition of thiocyanate also increased the susceptibility of the tested strains. In this in vitro study, the most resistant strains at all conditions were B. animalis subsp. lactis Ra 18 and P32 and B. choerinum Su 877, Su 837 and Su 891

    Criterios de evaluación para el bienestar animal en planta de faena de aves

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    This paper analyzes the aspects that involve animal welfare (AW) in the entire slaughter process of poultry production in the Argentine Republic. The National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality (SENASA) is the institution responsible for the norms and actions to implement the AW in production animals. These standards must include those stipulated by the regulations of World Trade Organization, and are required and audited for the export of Argentine products. The slaughter is the stage where the cycle of poultry meat culminates and in which the effects of the application of AW in the entire production process are evaluated. The AW standards related to slaughter include the loading of birds on the farm, transport, unloading, slaughter and processing until the final product is obtained. Catching and loading birds on the farm requires the task to be done in a short time and trained personnel to avoid injury. Chickens should not be subjected to afasting period of more than twelve hours between capture and desensitization in the slaughterhouse, which also reduces the microbiological contamination of the carcasses during theevisceration process. Drinking water should not be removed until the start of charging. The waiting time at the slaughter plant varies according to the operation and the distance of the trip, it should be between 30 minutes and 3 hours. It is important to respect this minimum time for the animals to reduce the level of stress that is manifested by decreased heart rate and vocalizations. The indicators of AW in slaughter are dead birds on arrival, carcass and claw injuries, among others.El presente trabajo analiza los aspectos que involucran el bienestar animal (BA) en todo el proceso de faena de aves de producción en la República Argentina. El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA) es la institución responsable de las normas y acciones para implementar el BA en los animales de producción. Estas normas deben incluir las estipuladas por la Organización Multilateral de Comercio para productos de origen animal y son exigidas y auditadas por los mercados para la exportación de productos argentinos. La faena es la etapa donde culminael ciclo de carne aviar y en la cual se evalúan los efectos de la aplicación del BA en todo el proceso productivo. Las normas de BA vinculadas a la faena incluyen la carga de aves en la granja,  transporte, descarga, degüello y procesado hasta la obtención del producto final. La captura y carga de aves en la granja requiere que la tarea se realice en un período breve y personal capacitado que evite lesiones. Los pollos no deben ser sometidos a un período de ayuno mayor a doce horas entre la captura y la insensibilización en planta de faena, lo cual además disminuye la contaminación microbiológica de las carcasas durante el proceso de eviscerado. El agua de bebida no se debe retirar hasta el comienzo de la carga. El tiempo de espera en planta de faena varía según la operatoria y la distancia del viaje, debiendo ser entre 30 minutos y 3 horas. Es importante respetar este tiempo mínimo para que los animales reduzcan el nivel de estrés que se manifiesta por disminución de frecuencia cardíaca y vocalizaciones. Los indicadores de BA en faena son las aves muertas al arribo, las lesiones en carcaza y garras, entre otros

    Determination of Free Amino Acids in Milk, Colostrum and Plasma of Swine via Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence and UV Detection

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    Amino acids are ubiquitous components of mammalian milk and greatly contribute to its nutritional value. The compositional analysis of free amino acids is poorly reported in the literature even though their determination in the biological fluids of livestock animals is necessary to establish possible nutritional interventions. In the present study, the free amino acid profiles in mature swine milk, colostrum and plasma were assessed using a targeted metabolomics approach. In particular, 20 amino acids were identified and quantified via two alternative and complementary reversed-phase HPLC methods, involving two stationary phases based on core-shell technology, i.e., Kinetex C18 and Kinetex F5, and two detection systems, i.e., a diode array detector (DAD) and a fluorescence detector (FLD). The sample preparation involved a de-proteinization step, followed by pre-chromatographic derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethylchloroformate (FMOC-Cl). The two optimized methods were validated for specificity, linearity, sensitivity, matrix effect, accuracy and precision and the analytical performances were compared. The analytical methods proved to be suitable for free amino acid profiling in different matrices with high sensitivity and specificity. The correlations among amino acid levels in different biological fluids can be useful for the evaluation of physio-pathological status and to monitor the effects of therapeutic or nutritional interventions in humans and animals

    Critical Strain Region Evaluation of Self-Assembled Semiconductor Quantum Dots

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    A novel peak finding method to map the strain from high resolution transmission electron micrographs, known as the Peak Pairs method, has been applied to In(Ga) As/AlGaAs quantum dot (QD) samples, which present stacking faults emerging from the QD edges. Moreover, strain distribution has been simulated by the finite element method applying the elastic theory on a 3D QD model. The agreement existing between determined and simulated strain values reveals that these techniques are consistent enough to qualitatively characterize the strain distribution of nanostructured materials. The correct application of both methods allows the localization of critical strain zones in semiconductor QDs, predicting the nucleation of defects, and being a very useful tool for the design of semiconductor device