177 research outputs found

    Particularidades del desarrollo psíquico de los niños de la infancia preescolar en el sector rural/The particularities of the psychic processes of preschool children with special educational needs in the rural sector

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    En el artículo se ofrece una caracterización de las particularidades de los niños de la infancia preescolar del municipio Bolivia procedentes del sector rural que, al no ser atendidos por una vía institucional o no institucional, presentan pobre estimulación de los procesos de la actividad psíquica; se aborda la importancia de la estimulación temprana y la orientación adecuada a los agentes educativos (familias, profesionales y especialistas que intervienen en el proceso educativo en las edades de tres a seis años). El objetivo es determinar las particularidades de los procesos de la actividad psíquica de los niños de la infancia preescolar cuando existe pobre estimulación para facilitar la consecutividad de los logros de su desarrollo

    Specific discrimination between Taenia saginata and Taenia solium by one step PCR assay and duplex-PCR

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo a padronização de protocolos e a seleção de novos primers para a identificação espécie-específica de Taenia saginata e Taenia solium através da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e duplex-PCR. Inicialmente, foram recuperadas seqüências depositadas no GenBank (acesso n° AB020399 para T. saginata e n° AB020395 para T. solium) referentes ao gene da subunidade maior do ribossomo (LSU RNAr) de tenídeos. A partir do alinhamento das seqüências, um primer genérico denominado TBR-3 (5’- ggcttgtttgaatggtttgacg- 3’) foi selecionado de região conservada e, de diferentes regiões semi-conservadas, os primers específicos TBR-4 para T. saginata (5’-cgactcatgaagataaacaaggt-3’) e TBR- 5 (5’-cggtcgaacagaccataaatct-3’) e TBR-6 (5’- gctactacacctaaattctaacc- 3’) para T. solium. Os primers foram avaliados quanto à especificidade através da PCR empregandose DNA total (DNAt) de amostras de cisticercos e proglotes dos parasitos, previamente identificadas por critérios morfológicos. O par de primers TBR-3/TBR-4 permitiu a amplificação específica do fragmento esperado de 328 pb a partir do DNAt de T. saginata. Os pares TBR-3/TBR-5 e TBR-3/TBR-6 permitiram a amplificação, respectivamente, dos fragmentos específicos de 310pb e 286pb a partir do DNAt de T. solium. A identidade dos produtos de PCR foi comprovada comparando-se a seqüência dos amplicons obtidos às seqüências de referência do gene LSU RNAr registrado no GenBank (n° AB020399 e n° AB020395). As reações apresentaram sensibilidade para detecção de até 1fg do DNAt de T. solium e 0,2fg do DNAt de T. saginata. A combinação dos primers TBR-3/TBR-4 e TBR3/TBR-6 e o tamanho dos fragmentos gênicos obtidos permitiram o estabelecimento de ensaios de duplex-PCR, eficaz na detecção simultânea do DNA de T. saginata e T. solium em sistema único de reação. Os primers utilizados não geraram qualquer produto de amplificação cruzada quando testados com DNAt de Taenia hydatigena, Taenia taeniaeformis, Hymenolepis diminuta, Anoplocephala magna, Paranoplocephala mamillana e Moniezia expansa, nem frente ao DNAt dos hospedeiros Homo sapiens, Bos taurus e Sus scrofa.This study was conducted to evaluate a protocol and to select novel primers for the species-specific identification of Taenia saginata and Taenia solium by PCR and duplex- PCR assays. Sequences of the LSU rRNA gene of taenids were obtained from the GenBank (T. saginata access n° AB020399 and T. solium access n° AB020395). The sequences were aligned and then used for primer design. The generic primer TBR3 (5’- ggcttgtttgaatggtttgacg- 3’) was selected from a conserved region. The T. saginata specific primer TBR-4 (5’- cgactcatgaagataaacaaggt-3’) as well as T. solium specific primers TBR-5 (5’-cggtcgaacagaccataaatct-3’) and TBR-6 (5’- gctactacacctaaattctaacc- 3’) were selected from different semiconserved regions. The selected sequences were examined in for similarities with other organisms through the GenBank Blast procedure and experimentally by PCR using total DNA (tDNA)extracted from cysticerci and proglottids from both parasites. The primer pair TBR-3/TBR-4 amplified specific fragments of 328 bp from T. saginata tDNA. The pairs TBR-3/TBR5 and TBR-3/TBR-6 amplified, respectively, the expected and specific fragments of 310bp and 286bp from the T. solium tDNA. Sequencing of the amplicons followed by comparison to GenBank reference sequences confirmed the identities of the PCR products. The detection sensitivity was equivalent to 1fg of T. solium tDNA and 0,2fg of T. saginata tDNA. The combination of primers TBR-3/TBR-4 and TBR3/TBR-6 and the size of amplicons allowed the establishment of a duplex-PCR assay to detect T. saginata and T. solium DNA. No cross reaction was observed with any combination of primers in reactions with tDNA of the parasites Taenia hydatigena, Taenia taeniaeformis, Hymenolepis diminuta, Anoplocephala magna, Paranoplocephala mamillana and Moniezia expansa, nether from the hosts tDNA Homo sapiens, Bos taurus nor Sus scrofa

    Zinco sérico e perfil hormonal de pacientes do sexo masculino submetidos à hemodiálise em uso de eritropoetina humana recombinante

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise crônica (HD), o tratamento com eritropoetina humana recombinante (rHuEpo) está associado a melhora no bem-estar geral e na qualidade de vida. OBJETIVOS: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os níveis dos hormônios sexuais e do zinco em pacientes sob HD e em uso de rHuEpo em comparação com pacientes sem tratamento com essa droga. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Dois grupos de doze pacientes do sexo masculino cada um, submetidos à HD, sendo um deles sem uso de rHuEpo (grupo 1) e o outro utilizando a droga (grupo 2), foram selecionados para um estudo transversal, comparando-se os níveis séricos do zinco, da albumina, dos hormônios FSH, LH, prolactina, testosterona e do hematócrito. RESULTADOS: No grupo 2, os valores de testosterona (4,65 vs. 3,5ng/ml), hematócrito (30,5 vs. 22%), albumina (3,9 vs. 3,7g/dl) e zinco (62,5 vs. 50,5microg/dl) foram significativamente maiores do que no grupo 1 (p < 0,05). DISCUSSÃO: Sugere-se que, em pacientes recipientes da rHuEpo, os níveis mais altos de hematócrito, zinco, albumina e testosterona possam ser fatores que contribuam para melhorar a disfunção sexual e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes hemodialisados. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes em HD em uso da rHuEpo apresentaram níveis mais elevados de testosterona, zinco e hematócrito quando comparados com os pacientes sem a terapia hormonal. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION: Treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) is associated with an improvement in well-being and quality of life in patients submitted to maintenance hemodialysis (HD). OBJECTIVES: The goal of this work was to evaluate the levels of sex hormones, hematocrit, albumin and zinc in HD patients with rHuEpo therapy and compare them with those observed in patients without rHuEpo treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two groups of twelve male HD patients each were selected for a transversal study; one did not receive rHuEpo (group 1) whereas the other one did (group 2). Levels of hematocrit, albumin, zinc, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, and testosterone were determined. RESULTS: Group 2 patients showed significantly higher medians (p < 0.05) of testosterone (4.65 vs. 3.5ng/mL), hematocrit (30.5 vs. 22%), albumin (3,9 vs. 3,7g/dL) and zinc (62.5 vs. 50.5microg/dL) than group 1 patients. DISCUSSION: In this study rHuEpo treatment resulted in higher hematocrit, testosterone, zinc and albumin. It is suggested that, in patients recipients of rHuEpo, higher levels of zinc and testosterone may be factors that contribute to relieve sexual dysfunction and improve quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: In HD patients, hematocrit, albumin, serum zinc and testosterone levels were higher in rHuEpo recipients when compared with patients not receiving this hormone therapy

    InterMiG: international differences in the therapeutic approach to migraine patients in specialized headache centers

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    Antidepressiu; Migranya; Tractament preventiuAntidepresivo; Migraña; Tratamiento preventivoAntidepressant; Migraine; Preventive treatmentBackground There is currently a wide therapeutic arsenal for migraine patients, without a single first-line preventive drug and we choose the different available alternatives taking into account comorbidities, national guidelines, previous treatments and personal experiences. Our objective was to evaluate the differences in the use of migraine treatments between neurologists from different countries. Methods This is a multi-centre observational study carried out by neurologists from specialized headache units in seven countries, retrospective with consecutive inclusion of all patients presenting with a migraine diagnosis, over a period of three months. Results A total of 734 patients were recruited but only 600 were considered in the analysis in order to homogenize the patient cohorts from countries: 200 Spain (ES), 100 Italy (IT), 85 Russia (RUS), 80 Germany (DE), 60 Portugal (PT), 45 Poland (PL) and 30 Australia (AU). 85.4 % of patients were women with a mean age of 42.6 ± 11.8 years. Considering previous and current preventive treatment, the order of use was: antidepressants (69.3 %), antiepileptic drugs (54.7 %), beta-blockers and antihypertensive drugs (49.7 %), OnabotulinumtoxinA (44.0 %) and others (36.2 %). Statistically significant differences were found between all pharmacological classes: antidepressants were commonly used in all countries, with the exception of Poland (AU: 76.7 %, IT: 71.0 %, DE: 60.0 %, PL: 31.1 %, PT: 71.7 %, RUS: 70.6 %, ES: 78.5 %; p < 0.0001); antiepileptic drugs were more frequently prescribed in Portugal, Australia and Spain (AU: 73.3 %, IT: 40.0 %, DE: 37.5 %, PL: 48.9 %, PT: 85.0 %, RUS: 29.4 % and ES: 69.0 %; p < 0.0001); beta-blockers and antihypertensive drugs were frequently used in all countries except Italy (AU: 60.0 %, IT: 14.0 %, DE: 53.8 %, PL: 48.9 %, PT: 68.3 %, RUS: 49.4 % and ES: 59.0 %; p < 0.0001); BTX-A were predominately used in Spain, Italy and Australia (AU:56.7 %, IT:58.0 %, DE:20.0 %, PL: 42.2 %, PT: 26.7 %, RUS: 24.7 % and ES: 58.5 %; p < 0.0001) and others were most frequently used in Poland (AU: 0.0 %, IT: 19.0 %, DE: 42.5 %, PL: 95.6 %, PT: 31.7 %, RUS: 3.5 % and ES: 49.5 %; p < 0.0001). If only patients without comorbidities are considered (200/600), statistically differences between countries persist in all preventive treatments. Conclusions There is heterogeneity in the choice of preventive treatment between different countries. Prospective comparative studies of the different oral and subcutaneous alternatives would help to create a global therapeutic algorithm that would guarantee the best option for our patients.This work did not receive any funds

    Padrão de distribuição espacial e estrutura diamétrica de Protium Burm. F. na reserva de desenvolvimento sustentável do rio iratapuru, Amapá, Brasil

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    The present work aims to determine the spatial distribution pattern of Protium Burm. f and the diametric structure of these species in a dense tropical submontane rainforest along the Sustainable Development Reserve (SDR) of the Iratapuru river. The area of study was divided into three plateau compartments called Mane Preto Sierra, Banco Grande Sierra and Alaska Sierra. In each plateau compartment it was settled a single area transect with 1,000 x 20 m, where DAP ≥ 10 cm of the entire Protium population within the transects was measured. The data was processed in the specific software Mata Nativa 2. There were inventoried Protium tenuifolium, Protium altsoni, Protium polybotryum subsp. blackii and Protium paniculatum var. riedelianum. Most individuals concentrated in smaller diametric classes, decreasing progressively to a lesser extent in larger classes. It can be concluded that the population has medium size and its vertical structure is characterized by the presence of three strata, however, its phytocenoses is defined by two clear constants: the first groups individuals of up to 15 m of height and forms the uniform and dominant stratum; the second is composed by emerging up to 35 m high and whose diameter structure shows a population in dynamic balance. © 2018, Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringa. All rights reserved

    Cystatin C, CRP, log TG / HDLc and metabolic syndrome are associated with microalbuminuria in hypertension

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    Fundamento: Em pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica, a microalbuminúria é um marcador de lesão endotelial e está associada a um risco aumentado de doença cardiovascular. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar os fatores que influenciam a ocorrência de microalbumiúria em pacientes hipertensos com creatinina sérica menor que 1,5 mg/dL. Métodos: Foram incluídos no estudo 133 pacientes brasileiros atendidos em um ambulatório multidisciplinar para hipertensos. Pacientes com creatinina sérica maior do que 1,5 mg/dL e aqueles com diabete mellitus foram excluídos do estudo. A pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica foi aferida. O índice de massa corporal (IMC) e a taxa de filtração glomerular estimada pela fórmula CKD-EPI foram calculados. Em um estudo transversal, creatinina, cistatina C, colesterol total, HDL colesterol, LDL colesterol, triglicerídeos, proteína C-reativa (PCR) e glicose foram mensurados em amostra de sangue. A microalbuminúria foi determinada na urina colhida em 24 horas. Os hipertensos foram classificados pela presença de um ou mais critérios para síndrome metabólica. Resultados: Em análise de regressão múltipla, os níveis séricos de cistatina C, PCR, o índice aterogênico log TG/HDLc e a presença de três ou mais critérios para síndrome metabólica foram positivamente correlacionados com a microalbuminuria (r2: 0,277; p < 0,05). Conclusão: Cistatina C, PCR, log TG/HDLc e presença de três ou mais critérios para síndrome metabólica, independentemente da creatinina sérica, foram associados com a microalbuminúria, um marcador precoce de lesão renal e de risco cardiovascular em pacientes com hipertensão arterial essencial.Background: In patients with systemic hypertension, microalbuminuria is a marker of endothelial damage and is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Objective: To determine the factors that may lead to the occurrence of microalbuminuria in hypertensive patients with serum creatinine lower than 1.5 mg/dL. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 133 Brazilians with essential hypertension followed up at a hypertension outpatient clinic. Those with serum creatinine higher than 1.5 mg/dL, as well as those with diabetes mellitus, were excluded. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were measured, and body mass index (BMI) and GFR estimated by using the CKD-EPI formula were calculated. The serum levels of the following were assessed: CysC, creatinine, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, C-reactive protein (CRP) and fasting glucose. Microalbuminuria was determined in 24-hour urine. Hypertensive patients were classified according to the presence of one or more criteria for metabolic syndrome. Results: In a multiple regression analysis, the serum levels of CysC and CRP, the atherogenic index log TG/HDLc and the presence of three or more criteria for metabolic syndrome were positively correlated with microalbuminuria (r2: 0.277, p < 0.05). Conclusion: CysC, CRP, log TG/HDLc, and the presence of three or more criteria for metabolic syndrome, regardless of serum creatinine, were associated with microalbuminuria, an early marker of kidney damage and cardiovascular risk in patients with essential hypertension

    Risks to carbon storage from land-use change revealed by peat thickness maps of Peru

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    This work was funded by NERC (grant ref. NE/R000751/1) to I.T.L., A.H., K.H.R., E.T.A.M., C.M.A., T.R.B., G.D. and E.C.D.G.; Leverhulme Trust (grant ref. RPG-2018-306) to K.H.R., L.E.S.C. and C.E.W.; Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (grant no. 5439, MonANPeru network) to T.R.B., E.N.H.C. and G.F.; Wildlife Conservation Society to E.N.H.C.; Concytec/British Council/Embajada Británica Lima/Newton Fund (grant ref. 220–2018) to E.N.H.C. and J.D.; Concytec/NERC/Embajada Británica Lima/Newton Fund (grant ref. 001–2019) to E.N.H.C. and N.D.; the governments of the United States (grant no. MTO-069018) and Norway (grant agreement no. QZA-12/0882) to K.H.; and NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellowship (grant ref no. NE/V018760/1) to E.N.H.C.Tropical peatlands are among the most carbon-dense ecosystems but land-use change has led to the loss of large peatland areas, associated with substantial greenhouse gas emissions. To design effective conservation and restoration policies, maps of the location and carbon storage of tropical peatlands are vital. This is especially so in countries such as Peru where the distribution of its large, hydrologically intact peatlands is poorly known. Here field and remote sensing data support the model development of peatland extent and thickness for lowland Peruvian Amazonia. We estimate a peatland area of 62,714 km2 (5th and 95th confidence interval percentiles of 58,325 and 67,102 km2, respectively) and carbon stock of 5.4 (2.6–10.6) PgC, a value approaching the entire above-ground carbon stock of Peru but contained within just 5% of its land area. Combining the map of peatland extent with national land-cover data we reveal small but growing areas of deforestation and associated CO2 emissions from peat decomposition due to conversion to mining, urban areas and agriculture. The emissions from peatland areas classified as forest in 2000 represent 1–4% of Peruvian CO2 forest emissions between 2000 and 2016. We suggest that bespoke monitoring, protection and sustainable management of tropical peatlands are required to avoid further degradation and CO2 emissions.PostprintPeer reviewe