385 research outputs found

    TGF-b2 induction regulates invasiveness of theileria-transformed leukocytes and disease susceptibility

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    Theileria parasites invade and transform bovine leukocytes causing either East Coast fever (T. parva), or tropical theileriosis (T. annulata). Susceptible animals usually die within weeks of infection, but indigenous infected cattle show markedly reduced pathology, suggesting that host genetic factors may cause disease susceptibility. Attenuated live vaccines are widely used to control tropical theileriosis and attenuation is associated with reduced invasiveness of infected macrophages in vitro. Disease pathogenesis is therefore linked to aggressive invasiveness, rather than uncontrolled proliferation of Theileria-infected leukocytes. We show that the invasive potential of Theileria-transformed leukocytes involves TGF-b signalling. Attenuated live vaccine lines express reduced TGF-b2 and their invasiveness can be rescued with exogenous TGF-b. Importantly, infected macrophages from disease susceptible Holstein-Friesian (HF) cows express more TGF-b2 and traverse Matrigel with great efficiency compared to those from disease-resistant Sahiwal cattle. Thus, TGF-b2 levels correlate with disease susceptibility. Using fluorescence and time-lapse video microscopy we show that Theileria-infected, disease-susceptible HF macrophages exhibit increased actin dynamics in their lamellipodia and podosomal adhesion structures and develop more membrane blebs. TGF-b2-associated invasiveness in HF macrophages has a transcription-independent element that relies on cytoskeleton remodelling via activation of Rho kinase (ROCK). We propose that a TGF-b autocrine loop confers an amoeboid-like motility on Theileria-infected leukocytes, which combines with MMP-dependent motility to drive invasiveness and virulence

    Plasmonically Enhanced Reflectance of Heat Radiation from Low-Bandgap Semiconductor Microinclusions

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    Increased reflectance from the inclusion of highly scattering particles at low volume fractions in an insulating dielectric offers a promising way to reduce radiative thermal losses at high temperatures. Here, we investigate plasmonic resonance driven enhanced scattering from microinclusions of low-bandgap semiconductors (InP, Si, Ge, PbS, InAs and Te) in an insulating composite to tailor its infrared reflectance for minimizing thermal losses from radiative transfer. To this end, we compute the spectral properties of the microcomposites using Monte Carlo modeling and compare them with results from Fresnel equations. The role of particle size-dependent Mie scattering and absorption efficiencies, and, scattering anisotropy are studied to identify the optimal microinclusion size and material parameters for maximizing the reflectance of the thermal radiation. For composites with Si and Ge microinclusions we obtain reflectance efficiencies of 57 - 65% for the incident blackbody radiation from sources at temperatures in the range 400 - 1600 {\deg}C. Furthermore, we observe a broadbanding of the reflectance spectra from the plasmonic resonances due to charge carriers generated from defect states within the semiconductor bandgap. Our results thus open up the possibility of developing efficient high-temperature thermal insulators through use of the low-bandgap semiconductor microinclusions in insulating dielectrics.Comment: Main article (8 Figures and 2 Tables) + Supporting Information (8 Figures

    Withdrawal rates as a consequence of disclosure of risk associated with manipulation of the cervical spine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The risk associated with cervical manipulation is controversial. Research in this area is widely variable but as yet the risk is not easily quantifiable. This presents a problem when informing the patient of risks when seeking consent and information may be withheld due to the fear of patient withdrawal from care. As yet, there is a lack of research into the frequency of risk disclosure and consequent withdrawal from manipulative treatment as a result. This study seeks to investigate the reality of this and to obtain insight into the attitudes of chiropractors towards informed consent and disclosure.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Questionnaires were posted to 200 UK chiropractors randomly selected from the register of the General Chiropractic Council.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A response rate of 46% (n = 92) was achieved. Thirty-three per cent (n = 30) respondents were female and the mean number of years in practice was 10. Eighty-eight per cent considered explanation of the risks associated with any recommended treatment important when obtaining informed consent. However, only 45% indicated they always discuss this with patients in need of cervical manipulation. When asked whether they believed discussing the possibility of a serious adverse reaction to cervical manipulation could increase patient anxiety to the extent there was a strong possibility the patient would refuse treatment, 46% said they believed this could happen. Nonetheless, 80% said they believed they had a moral/ethical obligation to disclose risk associated with cervical manipulation despite these concerns. The estimated number of withdrawals throughout respondents' time in practice was estimated at 1 patient withdrawal for every 2 years in practice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The withdrawal rate from cervical manipulation as a direct consequence of the disclosure of associated serious risks appears unfounded. However, notwithstanding legal obligations, reluctance to disclose risk due to fear of increasing patient anxiety still remains, despite acknowledgement of moral and ethical responsibility.</p

    Capacitative calcium influx and proliferation of human osteoblastic-like MG-63 cells

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    Adult bone tissue is continuously being remodelled and bone mass is maintained by a balance between osteoclastic bone resorption and osteoblastic bone formation. Alteration of osteoblastic cell proliferation may account in part for lack of balance between these two processes in bone loss of osteoporosis. There is calcium (Ca2+) control in numerous cellular functions; however, involvement of capacitative Ca2+ entry (CCE) in proliferation of bone cells is less well investigated. OBJECTIVES: The study described here was aimed to investigate roles of CCE in the proliferation of osteoblast-like MG-63 cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pharmacological characterizations of CCE were undertaken in parallel, with evaluation of the expression of transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels and of cell proliferation. RESULTS: Intracellular Ca2+ store depletion by thapsigargin induced CCE in MG-63 cells; this was characterized by a rapid transient increase of intracellular Ca2+ followed by significant CCE, induced by conditions that stimulated cell proliferation, namely serum and platelet-derived growth factor. Inhibitors of store-operated Ca2+ channels (2-APB and SKF-96365) prevented CCE, while voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel blockers had no effect. Expression of various TRPC channels was shown in the cells, some having been shown to be responsible for CCE. Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel blockers had no effect on osteoblast proliferation while thapsigargin, 2-APB and SKF-96395, inhibited it. Cell cycle analysis showed that 2-APB and SKF-96395 lengthen the S and G2/M phases, which would account for the reduction in cell proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that CCE, likely attributed to the activation of TRPCs, might be the main route for Ca2+ influx involved in osteoblast proliferation

    Deciphering the Catalytic Machinery in 30S Ribosome Assembly GTPase YqeH

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    YqeH, a circularly permuted GTPase (cpGTPase), which is conserved across bacteria and eukaryotes including humans is important for the maturation of small (30S) ribosomal subunit in Bacillus subtilis. Recently, we have shown that it binds 30S in a GTP/GDP dependent fashion. However, the catalytic machinery employed to hydrolyze GTP is not recognized for any of the cpGTPases, including YqeH. This is because they possess a hydrophobic substitution in place of a catalytic glutamine (present in Ras-like GTPases). Such GTPases were categorized as HAS-GTPases and were proposed to follow a catalytic mechanism, different from the Ras-like proteins.MnmE, another HAS-GTPase, but not circularly permuted, utilizes a potassium ion and water mediated interactions to drive GTP hydrolysis. Though the G-domain of MnmE and YqeH share only approximately 25% sequence identity, the conservation of characteristic sequence motifs between them prompted us to probe GTP hydrolysis machinery in YqeH, by employing homology modeling in conjunction with biochemical experiments. Here, we show that YqeH too, uses a potassium ion to drive GTP hydrolysis and stabilize the transition state. However, unlike MnmE, it does not dimerize in the transition state, suggesting alternative ways to stabilize switches I and II. Furthermore, we identify a potential catalytic residue in Asp-57, whose recognition, in the absence of structural information, was non-trivial due to the circular permutation in YqeH. Interestingly, when compared with MnmE, helix alpha2 that presents Asp-57 is relocated towards the N-terminus in YqeH. An analysis of the YqeH homology model, suggests that despite such relocation, Asp-57 may facilitate water mediated catalysis, similarly as the catalytic Glu-282 of MnmE. Indeed, an abolished catalysis by D57I mutant supports this inference.An uncommon means to achieve GTP hydrolysis utilizing a K(+) ion has so far been demonstrated only for MnmE. Here, we show that YqeH also utilizes a similar mechanism. While the catalytic machinery is similar in both, mechanistic differences may arise based on the way they are deployed. It appears that K(+) driven mechanism emerges as an alternative theme to stabilize the transition state and hydrolyze GTP in a subset of GTPases, such as the HAS-GTPases

    Search for supersymmetric particles in scenarios with a gravitino LSP and stau NLSP

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    Sleptons, neutralinos and charginos were searched for in the context of scenarios where the lightest supersymmetric particle is the gravitino. It was assumed that the stau is the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle. Data collected with the DELPHI detector at a centre-of-mass energy near 189 GeV were analysed combining the methods developed in previous searches at lower energies. No evidence for the production of these supersymmetric particles was found. Hence, limits were derived at 95% confidence level.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Nutritional upgrading for omnivorous carpenter ants by the endosymbiont Blochmannia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Carpenter ants (genus <it>Camponotus</it>) are considered to be omnivores. Nonetheless, the genome sequence of <it>Blochmannia floridanus</it>, the obligate intracellular endosymbiont of <it>Camponotus floridanus</it>, suggests a function in nutritional upgrading of host resources by the bacterium. Thus, the strongly reduced genome of the endosymbiont retains genes for all subunits of a functional urease, as well as those for biosynthetic pathways for all but one (arginine) of the amino acids essential to the host.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nutritional upgrading by <it>Blochmannia </it>was tested in 90-day feeding experiments with brood-raising in worker-groups on chemically defined diets with and without essential amino acids and treated or not with antibiotics. Control groups were fed with cockroaches, honey water and Bhatkar agar. Worker-groups were provided with brood collected from the queenright mother-colonies (45 eggs and 45 first instar larvae each). Brood production did not differ significantly between groups of symbiotic workers on diets with and without essential amino acids. However, aposymbiotic worker groups raised significantly less brood on a diet lacking essential amino acids. Reduced brood production by aposymbiotic workers was compensated when those groups were provided with essential amino acids in their diet. Decrease of endosymbionts due to treatment with antibiotic was monitored by qRT-PCR and FISH after the 90-day experimental period. Urease function was confirmed by feeding experiments using <sup>15</sup>N-labelled urea. GC-MS analysis of <sup>15</sup>N-enrichment of free amino acids in workers revealed significant labelling of the non-essential amino acids alanine, glycine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid, as well as of the essential amino acids methionine and phenylalanine.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show that endosymbiotic <it>Blochmannia </it>nutritionally upgrade the diet of <it>C. floridanus </it>hosts to provide essential amino acids, and that it may also play a role in nitrogen recycling via its functional urease. <it>Blochmannia </it>may confer a significant fitness advantage via nutritional upgrading by enhancing competitive ability of <it>Camponotus </it>with other ant species lacking such an endosymbiont. Domestication of the endosymbiont may have facilitated the evolutionary success of the genus <it>Camponotus</it>.</p

    Autocrine Activation of the MET Receptor Tyrosine Kinase in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Although the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has improved significantly, more than half of all patients develop disease that is refractory to intensive chemotherapy. Functional genomics approaches offer a means to discover specific molecules mediating aberrant growth and survival of cancer cells. Thus, using a loss-of-function RNA interference genomic screen, we identified aberrant expression of the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) as a critical factor in AML pathogenesis. We found HGF expression leading to autocrine activation of its receptor tyrosine kinase, MET, in nearly half of the AML cell lines and clinical samples studied. Genetic depletion of HGF or MET potently inhibited the growth and survival of HGF-expressing AML cells. However, leukemic cells treated with the specific MET kinase inhibitor crizotinib developed resistance due to compensatory upregulation of HGF expression, leading to restoration of MET signaling. In cases of AML where MET is coactivated with other tyrosine kinases, such as fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1), concomitant inhibition of FGFR1 and MET blocked compensatory HGF upregulation, resulting in sustained logarithmic cell kill both in vitro and in xenograft models in vivo. Our results demonstrate widespread dependence of AML cells on autocrine activation of MET, as well as the importance of compensatory upregulation of HGF expression in maintaining leukemogenic signaling by this receptor. We anticipate that these findings will lead to the design of additional strategies to block adaptive cellular responses that drive compensatory ligand expression as an essential component of the targeted inhibition of oncogenic receptors in human cancers

    Extensive DNA End Processing by Exo1 and Sgs1 Inhibits Break-Induced Replication

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    Homology-dependent repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by gene conversion involves short tracts of DNA synthesis and limited loss of heterozygosity (LOH). For DSBs that present only one end, repair occurs by invasion into a homologous sequence followed by replication to the end of the chromosome resulting in extensive LOH, a process called break-induced replication (BIR). We developed a BIR assay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae consisting of a plasmid with a telomere seeding sequence separated from sequence homologous to chromosome III by an I-SceI endonuclease recognition site. Following cleavage of the plasmid by I-SceI in vivo, de novo telomere synthesis occurs at one end of the vector, and the other end invades at the homologous sequence on chromosome III and initiates replication to the end of the chromosome to generate a stable chromosome fragment (CF). BIR was infrequent in wild-type cells due to degradation of the linearized vector. However, in the exo1Δ sgs1Δ mutant, which is defective in the 5′-3′ resection of DSBs, the frequency of BIR was increased by 39-fold. Extension of the invading end of the plasmid was detected by physical analysis two hours after induction of the I-SceI endonuclease in the wild-type exo1Δ, sgs1Δ, and exo1Δ sgs1Δ mutants, but fully repaired products were only visible in the exo1Δ sgs1Δ mutant. The inhibitory effect of resection was less in a plasmid-chromosome gene conversion assay, compared to BIR, and products were detected by physical assay in the wild-type strain. The rare chromosome rearrangements due to BIR template switching at repeated sequences were increased in the exo1Δ sgs1Δ mutant, suggesting that reduced resection can decrease the fidelity of homologous recombination