2,797 research outputs found

    Less healthy, but more active: Opposing selection biases when recruiting older people to a physical activity study through primary care.

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    BACKGROUND: Physical activity studies in older people experience poor recruitment. We wished to assess the influence of activity levels and health status on recruitment to a physical activity study in older people. METHODS: Comparison of participants and non-participants to a physical activity study using accelerometers in patients aged > or = 65 years registered with a UK primary care centre. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR) of participants in the accelerometer study with various adjustments. Analyses were initially adjusted for age, sex and household clustering; the health variables were then adjusted for physical activity levels and vice versa to look for independent effects. RESULTS: 43%(240/560) participated in the physical activity study. Age had no effect but males were more likely to participate than females OR 1.4(1.1-1.8). 46% (76/164) of non-participants sent the questionnaire returned it. The 240 participants reported greater physical activity than the 76 non-participants on all measures, eg faster walking OR 3.2(1.4-7.7), or 10.4(3.2-33.3) after adjustment for health variables. Participants reported more health problems; this effect became statistically significant after controlling for physical activity, eg disability OR 2.4(1.1-5.1). CONCLUSION: Physical activity studies on older primary care patients may experience both a strong bias towards participants being more active and a weaker bias towards participants having more health problems and therefore primary care contact. The latter bias could be advantageous for physical activity intervention studies, where those with health problems need targeting

    Detailed quantification of cardiac ventricular myocardial architecture in the embryonic and fetal mouse heart by application of structure tensor analysis to high resolution episcopic microscopic data

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    The mammalian heart, which is one of the first organs to form and function during embryogenesis, develops from a simple tube into a complex organ able to efficiently pump blood towards the rest of the body. The progressive growth of the compact myocardium during embryonic development is accompanied by changes in its structural complexity and organisation. However, how myocardial myoarchitecture develops during embryogenesis remain poorly understood. To date, analysis of heart development has focused mainly on qualitative descriptions using selected 2D histological sections. High resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM) is a novel microscopic imaging technique that enables to obtain high-resolution three-dimensional images of the heart and perform detailed quantitative analyses of heart development. In this work, we performed a detailed characterization of the development of myocardial architecture in wildtype mice, from E14.5 to E18.5, by means of structure tensor analysis applied to HREM images of the heart. Our results shows that even at E14.5, myocytes are already aligned, showing a gradual change in their helical angle from positive angulation in the endocardium towards negative angulation in the epicardium. Moreover, there is gradual increase in the degree of myocardial organisation concomitant with myocardial growth. However, the development of the myoarchitecture is heterogeneous showing regional differences between ventricles, ventricular walls as well as between myocardial layers, with different growth patterning between the endocardium and epicardium. We also found that the percentage of circumferentially arranged myocytes within the LV significantly increases with gestational age. Finally, we found that fractional anisotropy (FA) within the LV gradually increases with gestational age, while the FA within RV remains unchanged

    Bevacizumab for newly diagnosed ovarian cancers: Best candidates among high-risk disease patients (icon-7)

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    Bevacizumab is approved as a maintenance treatment in first-line setting in advanced-stage III-IV ovarian cancers, because GOG-0218 and ICON-7 phase III trials demonstrated progression-free survival benefits. However, only the subgroup of patients with high-risk diseases (stage IV, and incompletely resected stage III) derived an overall survival (OS) gain in the ICON-7 trial (4.8 months). The modeled CA-125 elimination rate constant K (KELIM) parameter, based on the longitudinal CA- 125 kinetics during the first 100 days of chemotherapy, is a potential indicator of the tumor primary chemo-sensitivity. In the ICON-7 trial dataset, the OS of patients within the low- and high-risk disease groups was assessed according to treatment arms and KELIM. Among the patients with high-risk diseases, those with favorable standardized KELIM of at least 1.0 (n=214, 46.7%) had no survival benefit from bevacizumab, whereas those with unfavorable KELIM less than 1.0 (n=244, 53.2%) derived the highest OS benefit (absolute difference = 9.1 months, 2-sided log-rank P=.10; Cox hazard ratio = 0.78, 95% confidence interval = 0.58 to 1.04, 2-sided P=.09)

    Bevacizumab for Newly Diagnosed Ovarian Cancers: Best Candidates Among High-Risk Disease Patients (ICON-7)

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    Bevacizumab is approved as a maintenance treatment in first-line setting in advanced-stage III-IV ovarian cancers, because GOG-0218 and ICON-7 phase III trials demonstrated progression-free survival benefits. However, only the subgroup of patients with high-risk diseases (stage IV, and incompletely resected stage III) derived an overall survival (OS) gain in the ICON-7 trial (4.8 months). The modeled CA-125 elimination rate constant K (KELIM) parameter, based on the longitudinal CA-125 kinetics during the first 100 days of chemotherapy, is a potential indicator of the tumor primary chemo-sensitivity. In the ICON-7 trial dataset, the OS of patients within the low- and high-risk disease groups was assessed according to treatment arms and KELIM. Among the patients with high-risk diseases, those with favorable standardized KELIM of at least 1.0 (n = 214, 46.7%) had no survival benefit from bevacizumab, whereas those with unfavorable KELIM less than 1.0 (n = 244, 53.2%) derived the highest OS benefit (absolute difference = 9.1 months, 2-sided log-rank P = .10; Cox hazard ratio = 0.78, 95% confidence interval = 0.58 to 1.04, 2-sided P = .09)

    Revisiting the anatomy of the left ventricle in the light of knowledge of its development

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Journal of Anatomy published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Anatomical Society.Despite centuries of investigation, certain aspects of left ventricular anatomy remain either controversial or uncertain. We make no claims to have resolved these issues, but our review, based on our current knowledge of development, hopefully identifies the issues requiring further investigation. When first formed, the left ventricle had only inlet and apical components. With the expansion of the atrioventricular canal, the developing ventricle cedes part of its inlet to the right ventricle whilst retaining the larger parts of the cushions dividing the atrioventricular canal. Further remodelling of the interventricular communication provides the ventricle with its outlet, with the aortic root being transferred to the left ventricle along with the newly formed myocardium supporting its leaflets. The definitive ventricle possesses inlet, apical and outlet parts. The inlet component is guarded by the mitral valve, with its leaflets, in the normal heart, supported by papillary muscles located infero-septally and supero-laterally. There is but a solitary zone of apposition between the leaflets, which we suggest are best described as being aortic and mural. The trabeculated component extends beyond the inlet to the apex and is confluent with the outlet part, which supports the aortic root. The leaflets of the aortic valve are supported in semilunar fashion within the root, with the ventricular cavity extending to the sinutubular junction. The myocardial-arterial junction, however, stops well short of the sinutubular junction, with myocardium found only at the bases of the sinuses, giving rise to the coronary arteries. We argue that the relationships between the various components should now be described using attitudinally appropriate terms rather than describing them as if the heart is removed from the body and positioned on its apex

    Measuring Metacognition in Cancer: Validation of the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 (MCQ-30)

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    Objective The Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 assesses metacognitive beliefs and processes which are central to the metacognitive model of emotional disorder. As recent studies have begun to explore the utility of this model for understanding emotional distress after cancer diagnosis, it is important also to assess the validity of the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 for use in cancer populations. Methods 229 patients with primary breast or prostate cancer completed the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale pre-treatment and again 12 months later. The structure and validity of the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 were assessed using factor analyses and structural equation modelling. Results Confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses provided evidence supporting the validity of the previously published 5-factor structure of the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30. Specifically, both pre-treatment and 12 months later, this solution provided the best fit to the data and all items loaded on their expected factors. Structural equation modelling indicated that two dimensions of metacognition (positive and negative beliefs about worry) were significantly associated with anxiety and depression as predicted, providing further evidence of validity. Conclusions These findings provide initial evidence that the Metacognitions Questionnaire 30 is a valid measure for use in cancer populations

    A web-based simulation of a longitudinal clinic used in a 4-week ambulatory rotation: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Residency training takes place primarily on inpatient wards. In the absence of a resident continuity clinic, internal medicine residents rely on block rotations to learn about continuity of care. Alternate methods to introduce continuity of care are needed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A web-based tool, Continuity of Care Online Simulations (COCOS), was designed for use in a one-month, postgraduate clinical rotation in endocrinology. It is an interactive tool that simulates the continuing care of any patient with a chronic endocrine disease. Twenty-three residents in internal medicine participated in a study to investigate the effects of using COCOS during a clinical rotation in endocrinology on pre-post knowledge test scores and self-assessment of confidence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to residents who did the rotation alone, residents who used COCOS during the rotation had significantly higher improvements in test scores (% increase in pre-post test scores +21.6 [standard deviation, SD, 8.0] vs. +5.9 [SD 6.8]; p < .001). Test score improvements were most pronounced for less commonly seen conditions. There were no significant differences in changes in confidence. Residents rated COCOS very highly, recommending its use as a standard part of the rotation and throughout residency.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A stand-alone web-based tool can be incorporated into an existing clinical rotation to help residents learn about continuity of care. It has the most potential to teach residents about topics that are less commonly seen during a clinical rotation. The adaptable, web-based format allows the creation of cases for most chronic medical conditions.</p

    The Formation of Orthogonal Balanced Experiment Designs Based on Special Block Matrix Operations on the Example of the Mathematical Modeling of the Pneumatic Gravity Seed Separator

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    The article describes solving the task of building a mathematical model of the pneumatic gravity seed separator by organizing an effective scheme for conducting (plan) experiments with a sufficiently large number of levels of factors and, simultaneously, a small number of experiments. The construction of a planning matrix, which has specified properties, provides a fairly high level of experimental research efficiency. For this purpose, proposed an algorithm for constructing a balanced orthogonal plan of the mn experiment, optimal by the criterion of D-efficiency. The point of the algorithm is to build a special balanced matrix by performing an operation of the Kronecker product in relation to some basis matrix and the subsequent implementation of block summation matrices. Based on the proposed algorithm, was constructed a balanced matrix of an experiment plan by 55 types, consisting of 25 experiments. On the grounds of the offered algorithm, implemented the experiment and constructed a mathematical model. Based on the mathematical model, was determined the optimal values of the parameters of the pneumatic gravity seed separator. The optimal values of the parameters found on the basis of a mathematical model are confirmed experimentally

    Effects of study design and allocation on participant behaviour-ESDA: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: What study participants think about the nature of a study has been hypothesised to affect subsequent behaviour and to potentially bias study findings. In this trial we examine the impact of awareness of study design and allocation on participant drinking behaviour. Methods/Design: A three-arm parallel group randomised controlled trial design will be used. All recruitment, screening, randomisation, and follow-up will be conducted on-line among university students. Participants who indicate a hazardous level of alcohol consumption will be randomly assigned to one of three groups. Group A will be informed their drinking will be assessed at baseline and again in one month (as in a cohort study design). Group B will be told the study is an intervention trial and they are in the control group. Group C will be told the study is an intervention trial and they are in the intervention group. All will receive exactly the same brief educational material to read. After one month, alcohol intake for the past 4 weeks will be assessed. Discussion: The experimental manipulations address subtle and previously unexplored ways in which participant behaviour may be unwittingly influenced by standard practice in trials. Given the necessity of relying on self-reported outcome, it will not be possible to distinguish true behaviour change from reporting artefact. This does not matter in the present study, as any effects of awareness of study design or allocation involve bias that is not well understood. There has been little research on awareness effects, and our outcomes will provide an indication of the possible value of further studies of this type and inform hypothesis generation