84 research outputs found

    Warming threat compounds habitat degradation impacts on a tropical butterfly community in Vietnam

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    AbstractSpecies are threatened globally by multiple and often synergistic environmental changes including habitat loss, fragmentation and climate change. However, how these changes act in concert is poorly understood, especially in the tropics where the vast majority of biodiversity resides. Here, using a unique dataset covering 10~years of butterfly surveys (2003–2013) at Tam Dao National Park in northern Vietnam, we examined the combined impacts of habitat degradation (following intensive infrastructure development in 2005) and the possible threat of warming (extrapolating upon the relationship between natural climatic variation and community indices) for tropical butterfly communities. We found that both habitat degradation and warmer temperatures led to fewer narrow-range and forest-associated species comprising the sampled communities. Under projected climate change scenarios, the impact of warming was comparable to habitat degradation with respect to community change, and degraded forest communities were projected to shift towards cosmopolitan and non-forest species even more. The tropics have been heavily deforested world-wide and also suffer from heavy impacts of degradation and fragmentation, especially road construction. Warming will compound habitat degradation impacts such that the conservation of tropical biodiversity will require addressing these multiple global changes simultaneously

    Past and future decline of tropical pelagic biodiversity

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by the National Academy of Sciences in PNAS on 26/05/2020.Available online: https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/117/23/12891.full.pdfA major research question concerning global pelagic biodiversity remains unanswered: when did the apparent tropical biodiversity depression (i.e., bimodality of latitudinal diversity gradient [LDG]) begin? The bimodal LDG may be a consequence of recent ocean warming or of deep-time evolutionary speciation and extinction processes. Using rich fossil datasets of planktonic foraminifers, we show here that a unimodal (or only weakly bimodal) diversity gradient, with a plateau in the tropics, occurred during the last ice age and has since then developed into a bimodal gradient through species distribution shifts driven by postglacial ocean warming. The bimodal LDG likely emerged before the Anthropocene and industrialization, and perhaps ∼15,000 y ago, indicating a strong environmental control of tropical diversity even before the start of anthropogenic warming. However, our model projections suggest that future anthropogenic warming further diminishes tropical pelagic diversity to a level not seen in millions of years.acceptedVersio

    Increased habitat availability as revealed by LiDAR contributes to the tropicalization of a subtropical butterfly community

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    Species redistribution through climate change remains a global problem. However, factors such as habitat availability can complicate the attribution of species distribution shifts. We used habitat metrics derived from repeated airborne LiDAR surveys in 2010 to 2020 to examine the underlying causes for the establishment of new butterfly species in Hong Kong. For six species newly arrived since 2000, we built species distribution models using the Random Forest algorithm based on LiDAR data from 2020 to characterize species' preferred habitats across the region. Through hindcasting, we applied the model to LiDAR data from 2010 to observe any changes in the availability of preferred habitat. We found widespread vertical forest growth across Hong Kong and increased probability of occurrence based on increased habitat availability for all six species. The underlying habitat drivers, however, varied significantly across species; two species (Lethe chandica, Notocrypta paralysos) were associated with closed forest while two other species (Prosotas dubiosa, Prosotas nora) were associated with urbanicity. Our results highlight how changes in habitat can occur concurrently with climatic change and together drive the redistribution of biodiversity. Particularly for vertically complex tropical forests, airborne LiDAR data can be leveraged to observe changes in habitat complexity and how these relate to shifts in species distributions

    Predation and infanticide influence ideal free choice by a parrot occupying heterogeneous tropical habitats

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    The ideal free distribution (IFD) predicts that organisms will disperse to sites that maximize their fitness based on availability of resources. Habitat heterogeneity underlies resource variation and influences spatial variation in demography and the distribution of populations. We relate nest site productivity at multiple scales measured over a decade to habitat quality in a box-nesting population of Forpus passerinus (green-rumped parrotlets) in Venezuela to examine critical IFD assumptions. Variation in reproductive success at the local population and neighborhood scales had a much larger influence on productivity (fledglings per nest box per year) than nest site or female identity. Habitat features were reliable cues of nest site quality. Nest sites with less vegetative cover produced greater numbers of fledglings than sites with more cover. However, there was also a competitive cost to nesting in high-quality, low-vegetative cover nest boxes, as these sites experienced the most infanticide events. In the lowland local population, water depth and cover surrounding nest sites were related with F. passerinus productivity. Low vegetative cover and deeper water were associated with lower predation rates, suggesting that predation could be a primary factor driving habitat selection patterns. Parrotlets also demonstrated directional dispersal. Pairs that changed nest sites were more likely to disperse from poor-quality nest sites to high-quality nest sites rather than vice versa, and juveniles were more likely to disperse to, or remain in, the more productive of the two local populations. Parrotlets exhibited three characteristics fundamental to the IFD: habitat heterogeneity within and between local populations, reliable habitat cues to productivity, and active dispersal to sites of higher fitness

    Higher predation risk for insect prey at low latitudes and elevations

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    Biotic interactions underlie ecosystem structure and function, but predicting interaction outcomes is difficult. We tested the hypothesis that biotic interaction strength increases toward the equator, using a global experiment with model caterpillars to measure predation risk. Across an 11,660-kilometer latitudinal gradient spanning six continents, we found increasing predation toward the equator, with a parallel pattern of increasing predation toward lower elevations. Patterns across both latitude and elevation were driven by arthropod predators, with no systematic trend in attack rates by birds or mammals. These matching gradients at global and regional scales suggest consistent drivers of biotic interaction strength, a finding that needs to be integrated into general theories of herbivory, community organization, and life-history evolution

    Global Spore Sampling Project: A global, standardized dataset of airborne fungal DNA

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    Novel methods for sampling and characterizing biodiversity hold great promise for re-evaluating patterns of life across the planet. The sampling of airborne spores with a cyclone sampler, and the sequencing of their DNA, have been suggested as an efficient and well-calibrated tool for surveying fungal diversity across various environments. Here we present data originating from the Global Spore Sampling Project, comprising 2,768 samples collected during two years at 47 outdoor locations across the world. Each sample represents fungal DNA extracted from 24 m3 of air. We applied a conservative bioinformatics pipeline that filtered out sequences that did not show strong evidence of representing a fungal species. The pipeline yielded 27,954 species-level operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Each OTU is accompanied by a probabilistic taxonomic classification, validated through comparison with expert evaluations. To examine the potential of the data for ecological analyses, we partitioned the variation in species distributions into spatial and seasonal components, showing a strong effect of the annual mean temperature on community composition.publishedVersio