48 research outputs found

    Estonian English language teachers' attitudes towards the use of information and communication technology in secondary school

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) is being actively incorporated into education both in Estonia and abroad. It brings about rapid changes that affect both pupils and school staff, as they need to adapt to the new environment. Often teachers’ opinions in the matter are left aside in favor of keeping up with the regulations in the national curriculum. This study focuses on the attitudes and experiences of language teachers of Estonian secondary schools to highlight the strengths and shortcomings of the current system.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4678029*es


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of work interest affect the job satisfaction of counselors at Grahita Indonesia LPT in Banten. This research is a quantitative research. The subjects of this study were 50 employees of Grahita Indonesia LPT in Banten. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the variable work interest had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of counselors at Grahita Indonesia LPT in BantenConversely the lower the professionalism of the counselor the job satisfaction of counselors is also lower. Variables of work interest and professionalism simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of counselors at Grahita Indonesia LPT in Banten. 84.10% of variations in job satisfaction can be explained by variables of work interest and professionalism, while the remaining 15.90% are explained by other factors, such as compensation and work environment variables. Keywords: Work Interest, Counselor Professionalism, Job Satisfac

    Rahvusi ja rassi kujutavate reklaamide vastuvõtt Eestis

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    This research focuses on the advertisements with ethnical and racial references and the reception of such advertisements. It is important to study advertising in today's integrating society because it is one of the most important mediums that has the power to change and shape people's opinions and identity in modern consumer society. To have a deeper understanding about the associations that the interviewees had with different elements of the advertisements, I conducted content analysis on the selected advertisements. Regardless to that, I still could not predict all the possible interpretations and as I used in-depth interview as a second method, I obtained some new and interesting interpretations of the advertisement texts. The research-questions were: What kind of signs were used to represent different nationalities in advertisements? What were the co-meanings of the texts and signs used in advertisements? How do different target groups interpret the advertisements? The research shows that the interviewees think that there are seldom advertisements with references to other nationalities in Estonian media and that such advertisements where are negative portrays of other nationalities, are mostly deprecated. Although we do not have many people of other races living in Estonia, the danger of racism is sensed and advertisements with black people in them are regarded with great caution. The study also showed that most references to other races or nationalities in Estonian advertisements are indirect. The co-meanings of signs and texts used in advertisements derive mostly from stereotypes spread in Estonian society. It emerged from the interviews that Estonians and Russians are different when it concerns the reception of advertisements – when Estonians did not deplore the use of ethnic or racial stereotypes in advertisements, Russian interviewees deplored all signs of negative attitude towards other nationalities and races, and they also had much higher expectations and were more conservative towards advertising

    Minat Kerja, Profesionalisme Konsel dan Kepuasan Kerja Konselor di LPT Grahita Indonesia di Banten

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan ataupun korelasi antara minat kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja konselor serta untuk mengetahui hubungan profesionalisme terhadap kepuasan kerja konselor di LPT Grahita Indonesia di Banten. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah konselor LPT Grahita Indonesia di Banten yang berjumlah 50 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah korelasi pearson. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa variabel minat kerja memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja konselor di LPT Grahita Indonesia di Banten, begitu pula dengan variabel profesionalisme yang juga memiliki korelasi terhadap kepuasan kerja konselor di LPT Grahita Indonesia di Banten.  Bila minat kerja semakin tinggi maka kepuasan kerja konselor juga semakin tinggi. Begitu juga dengan variabel profesionalisme, dimana semakin tinggi profesionalisme maka akan semakin tinggi pula kepuasan kerja konselor. Berdasarkan perbandingan mean empirik dan mean hipotetik, diketahui bahwa minat kerja dan profesionalisme konselor berada dalam kategori sedang sehingga kepuasan kerja konselor pun berada di kategori sedang

    Bilingüismo en las familias estonias en España : habilidades lingüísticas de los niños en un ambiente extranjero y actitudes de los padres

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    La tesina se puede dividir en dos partes. La primera parte es teórica, en ella se introduce primero el enfoque psicolingüístico. También proporciona información estadística sobre los dos idiomas. La parte teórica también se centra en los resultados de otras investigaciones que han analizado el problema del aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua. La parte práctica de este trabajo expone los resultados obtenidos en dos encuestas llevadas a cabo entre los padres estonios de los niños que aprenden español, los analiza y da recomendaciones.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5372314*es


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    Abstrak: Skripsi ini berjudul “Peranan Shirin Ebadi Dalam Permasalahan Hak-Hak Perempuan di Iran (Tinjauan Aspek Sosial Tahun 1990-2003)”. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat di dalam skripsi adalah : Bagaimana perjuangan yang dilakukan oleh Shirin Ebadi dalam mengatasi masalah HAM terhadap perempuan di Iran. Agar penelitian dapat terfokuskan penulis membuat tiga buah pertanyaan. Pertama, Bagaimana latar belakang kehidupan Shirin Ebadi. Kedua, Bagaimana Perjuangan Shirin Ebadi dalam mengatasi masalah HAM terhadap perempuan di Iran (1990-2003). Ketiga, Bagaimana dampakperjuangan yang dilakukan oleh Shirin Ebadi terhadap perempuan di Iran. Dalam penelitian ini pun peneliti mengunakan metode historis. Metode yang digunakan adalah yaitu meliputi pengumpulan sumber, kritik sumber, interprestasi, dan historiografi. Untuk lebih memahami permaslahan yang dikaji maka penulis mengunakan konsep-konsep teori yang relevan yang dapat memperdalam analisis fakta dari penelitian ini, adapun konsep teori yang digunakan terbagi dalam tiga bagian yaitu, pertama teori ketidakadilan gender. Kedua, teori gerakan sosial. Ketiga, teori kepemimpinan. Di dalamnya penulis melakukan analisis teori dan menyesuaikan dengan keadaan Iran pada priode yang diangkat didalam skripsi ini. Terlahir dalam keadaan yang mutlak atas legitimasi negara terhadap penindasan kaum perempuan, Shirin Ebadi tumbuh menjadi sosok yang sangat berpengaruh dalam perjuangan para perempuan di Iran. Pergantian rezim seolah tidak pernah menjadi tonggak awal untuk penghapusan kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Iran. Gagasan untuk membentuk Defend of Human Right Center menjadi sebuah hal yang sangat penting bagi Shirin sebagai wadah untuk para perempuan ataupun anak-anak yang menjadi korban ketidakadilan HAM di Iran. Abstract : This study aimed entitled "The Role of Shirin Ebadi in the Issue of Women's Rights in Iran (Review of Social Aspects of 1990-2003)". The problems raised in this thesis are: How is the struggle carried out by Shirin Ebadi in overcoming the problem of human rights against women in Iran. In order for the research to be focused, the writer made three questions. First, the background of Shirin Ebadi's life. Second, how Shirin Ebadi's struggle in overcoming the problem of human rights against women in Iran (1990-2003). Third, what is impact of the struggle waged by Shirin Ebadi on women in Iran. In this research, researchers also use historical methods. The methods used include collecting sources, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. To better understand the problems studied, the authors use relevant theoretical concepts that can deepen the analysis of the facts of this research, while the theoretical concepts used are divided into three parts, namely, the first is the theory of gender injustice. Second, social movement theory. Third, leadership theory. In it, the writer performs theoretical analysis and adjusts to the Iranian situation in the period raised in this thesis. Born in an absolute state of legitimacy against the oppression of women, Shirin Ebadi grew to become a very influential figure in the struggle of women in Iran. It seems that regime change has never been the first milestone for the elimination of violence against women in Iran. The idea of ​​establishing a Defend of Human Rights Center is very important for Shirin as a forum for women or children who are victims of human rights injustice in Iran

    The effect of entomopathogenic insecticide on honey bees Apis mellifera L.

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    Bakalaureusetöö Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekavalMeemesilased mängivad maailma ökosüsteemis üsnagi olulist rolli. Nõudlus meemesilaste pakutava tolmeldamise järgi on Euroopas 2005-2010 aastatel kasvanud 4,9 korda kiiremini kui meemesilaste arvukus ise. Sünteetilistele insektitsiididele alternatiivseks ja keskkonda vähem mõjutavaks vahendiks on bioinsektitsiidid. Töö eesmärgiks on uurida kas entomopatogeenset seent Beauveria bassiana sisaldav preparaat BotaniGard 22 WP mõjutab meemesilasi, kui need puutuvad kokku töödeldud pinnaga laboris või pritsitud õitega põllul. Katses kasutati vees lahustuvat mükoinsektitsiidi BotaniGard 22. Kulunormiga 5 g 10 l–1 vee kohta. Segu pritsiti põllule arvestusega 200 l ha-l. Mõlema katse tulemusel meemesilaste suremusel statistiliselt olulist erinevust ei olnud ning töötluse mõju ühelgi päeval ei ilmnenud. Sarnaste katsete tulemused on olnud väga erinevad. Mõned katsed on näidanud meemesilaste suurt suremust, mis võib olla tingitud kõrgemast doosist. Kuid on ka tulemused, mis näitavad et entomopatogeensed preparaadid ei mõjuta meemesilaste suremust. Kuna erinevad uurimistööd on andnud vastukäivaid tulemusi, siis tuleks iga uue pestitsiidi kasutusele võtmisel kindlasti läbi viia ka testid kontrollimaks nende mõju kasulikele putukatele.Honey bees play a very important role in ecosystems. The demand for pollination provided by honey bees has increased 4,9 times faster than the numbers of honey bees themselves in Europe in 2005-2010. Bioinsecticides are an alternative and more environmentally friendly tool instead of synthetic insecticides. The aim of the thesis is to investigate whether BotaniGard 22 WP, which contains the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana, affects honey bees when they come into contact with a treated surface in laboratory or sprayed flowers of oilseed rape in the field. Water-soluble mycoinsecticide BotaniGard 22 WP was used in the experiment with a spraying rate of 5g per 10 l–1 water. The mixture was sprayed onto the field at a rate of 200 litres per hectare. As a result of both experiments, there was no statistically significant difference in the mortality rate of honey bees and the effect of the treatment did not appear in none of observation days. The results of other similar experiments have been very different. Some tests have shown a high mortality rate among honey bees, which may be due to higher doses. But there are also results that indicate that entomopathogenic preparations do not affect honey bee mortality. Since various researches have given contradictory results, it should be ensured that every new pesticide formulation is used to test their effects on beneficial insects

    Customer satisfaction and customer feedback system on the example of Jaagumäe Kaubanduse OÜ

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    Magistritöö Majandusarvestus ja finantsjuhtimine õppekavalTänapäeva tihedas konkurentsis on igale ettevõttele oluline omada rahulolevaid kliente. Klientide rahulolu peetakse organisatsioonides oluliseks kvaliteedinäitajaks. Magistritöö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada Jaagumäe Kaubandus OÜ klientide rahulolu ning töötada ettevõttele välja klientide tagasisidesüsteem. Ettevõttes pole varem läbi viidud kliendirahulolu uuringut. Antud lõputöös kasutatakse esmaste andmete kogumiseks SERVQUAL teenuse kvaliteedi hindamismudelit ja NPS soovitusindeksi mudelit. Intervjuu eesmärgiks oli selgitada välja, mil määral toimib ettevõttes tagasisidesüsteem täna ning milline on formuleeritud süsteemile püstitatud ootused ettevõtte juhil. Esmased andmed pärinevad Jaagumäe Kaubanduse OÜ klientidele suunatud elektroonilisel kujul esitatud ankeetküsimustikust. Soovitusindeksi abil mõõdeti kliendi lojaalsust ettevõttele ja SERVQUAL mudeli abil saadi teada, millised on klientide ootused ettevõttele ning mida oleks vaja parendada, et kliendi rahulolu tõsta. Jaagumäe Kaubanduse OÜ kliendirahulolu uuringu tulemused olid positiivsed ning ettevõttel ei ole vaja olulisi suuri muudatusi kliendirahulolu tõstmiseks läbi viia. Lisaks koostati ettevõttele klientide tagsisidesüsteem, mille abil on võimalik hoida ettevõtet pidevas parenduses. Magistritöös tehtud parendusettepanekute ja koostatud tagasisidesüsteemi rakendamisel on võimalik tõsta kliendirahulolu taset.In today's tight competition, it's important for each company to have a satisfied customer. Customer satisfaction is considered an important quality indicator in organizations. The aim of the master's thesis is to find out the customer satisfaction about the Jaagumäe Kaubandus OÜ and to develop a customer feedback system for the company. The company has not previously conducted a customer satisfaction survey. About this dissertation, the SERVQUAL service quality assessment model and the NPS recommendation index model are used to collect primary data. The purpose of the interview was to find out to what extent the feedback system works in the company today and what are the expectations of the company's manager formulated for the system. The primary data was conducted the questionnaire submitted in electronic form among the customers of Jaagumäe Kaubanduse OÜ. The recommendation index was used to measure customer loyalty to the company, and the SERVQUAL model was used to find out what customers' expectations are for the company and what needed to be improved in order to increase customer satisfaction. The results of the customer satisfaction survey of Jaagumäe Kaubanduse OÜ were positive and the company does not need to make significant changes to increase customer satisfaction. In addition, a customer feedback system was set up for the company, which can be used to keep the company in constant improvement. It is possible to increase the level of customer satisfaction by implementing the improvement proposals made in the master's thesis and the prepared feedback system

    Lõuna-Eesti koolide klassiõpetajate tööga rahulolu ning ametikohale jäämise kavatsused

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    “Scelte per il futuro” terzo incontro mondiale sui paesaggi terrazzati: Italia, 6-15 ottobre 2016

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    Il Terzo Incontro Mondiale è stato preparato per diversi anni dalla Sezione italiana dell’ITLA con il supporto del Comitato internazionale. Sono stati selezionati e visitati i luoghi che avrebbero ospitato i diversi incontri tematiche, individuate le persone e le organizzazioni di riferimento locale che in seguito sarebbero state documentate in brevi videoclip. I protagonisti locali (amministrazioni locali, associazioni culturali, sezioni del Club Alpino Italiano, presidi Slowfood, produttori di vino e cooperative …) hanno preparato con grande impegno le loro visite sul luogo organizzate per presentare al meglio sia la situazione attuale che i loro progetti di futuro. Il comitato organizzativo ha dato a ciascun sito uno tema specifico che sarebbe stato sviluppato durante il viaggio di studio. In ogni sito i partecipanti hanno presentato la loro esperienza sull’argomento specifico condividendola con gli attori locali. Questa tipologia organizzativa ha permesso il coinvolgimento attivo dei partecipanti e ha favorito la preparazione di un contributo concreto al dialogo e alla ricerca di opzioni future per i paesaggi terrazzati