65 research outputs found

    Northeastern Atlantic cold-water coral reefs and climate

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    U-series age patterns obtained on reef framework-forming cold-water corals collected over a nearly 6,000 km long continental margin sector, extending from off Mauritania to the south-western Barents Sea reveal strong climate influences on the geographical distribution and sustained development of these ecosystems. During glacial times densely populated cold-water coral reefs flourished in the temperate east Atlantic, where at present only scarce live coral occurrences exist. In contrast, climate warming induces a rapid northward colonization of cold-water coral reefs with the biogeographic limit advancing from ~45°N to ~70°N. Thus, we invoke here that north-south oscillations of the polar front during the past glacial-interglacial cycles and the consequent displacement of cold nutrient-rich intermediate waters and productivity drives the decline and expansion of cold-water coral ecosystems and its biogeographic limits in the northeast Atlantic

    Integrated research on the Pen Duick cold-water coral mounds: the MiCROSYSTEMS approach

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    The ESF EuroDIVERSITY MiCROSYSTEMS project aimed to turn the cold-water coral (CWC) mounds on the Pen Duick Escarpment (PDE) in the Gulf of Cadiz into a natural laboratory, exploring this highly complex biotope and to characterize its biodiversity. A common point of discussion with all other CWC mound provinces, surpassing its broad range of regional and morphological variability, concerns the driving forces regarding the initiation of these complex deep-water systems. Both oceanographic and geological processes have been proposed to play a significant role in the mound nucleation, growth and decline. During IODP Expedition 307, the importance of biogeochemical processes was already elucidated. Here, we present the preliminary results of the MD169 campaign as an integrated case study of three PDE CWC mounds: Alpha, Beta and Gamma mounds.Although cold-water corals are a common feature on the adjacent cliffs, mud volcanoes and seafloor, no actual living reef has been observed during the many ROV surveys. This multidisciplinary study aims to present a comprehensive and holistic view on the local dynamic geological and oceanographic environment. Coring data suggests (past or present) methane seepage near the Pen Duick Escarpment. Several sources and pathways are proposed, among which a stratigraphic migration through uplifted Miocene series underneath PDE. Its dominant morphology has influenced the local hydrodynamics within the course of the Pliocene, as documented by the emplacement of a sediment drift. Predominantly during post-Middle Pleistocene glacial episodes, favourable conditions were present for mound growth. An additional advantage for CWC mound nucleation near the top of PDE is offered through seepage-related carbonate crusts which might offer elevated colonization positions. Present-day seabed observations also suggested a possible important role of open coral rubble frameworks in the mound building process. These graveyards not only act as sediment trap but also as micro-habitat for a wide range of organisms. The presence of a fluctuating Sulphate-Methane Transition Zone is responsible for diagenesis, affecting both geochemical as physical characteristics, transforming the buried reef into a solid mound. Nevertheless, these seepage fluxes seem to be locally variable. As such, the origin and evolution of the PDE CWC mounds is, probably more than any other NE Atlantic cold-water coral mound province, located on the crossroads of environmental (hydrodynamic) and geological (seepage) pathways

    Application of medical X-ray computed tomography in the study of cold-water carbonate mounds

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    During the R/V Marion Dufresne 169 ‘MiCROSYSTEMS’ cruise (July 2008) to the El Arraiche mud volcano field in the Gulf of Cadiz cold-water coral mounds were targeted. Four on-mound gravity cores, with a total length of 17.5 m, were obtained for sedimentological and palaeoceanographic analyses in order to unveil the history of the uppermost meters of these cold-water coral build-ups. In parallel, four on-mound cores were taken on approximately the same location for microbiological and biogeochemical analyses. By comparing and correlating both results, more information can be revealed about the processes acting in the dead coral rubble fields which cover these mounds.Computed X-ray tomography (CT) was used for the identification and quantification of the corals inside the gravity cores. Furthermore, this technique is also useful for the investigation of sedimentological features, i.e. bioturbation, porosity, laminations... In this study, cores were scanned using a medical CT scanner on a relative high resolution which allows the three-dimensional visualization of the corals and sedimentological features. Slices were taken every 3 mm with an overlap of 1 mm.Based on these data it was possible to delineate different “CT” facies within the cores. On one hand there are intervals with a high amount of corals and on the other hand zones with a very low amount of corals or even no corals at all. In the first case two different facies can be distinguished: one facies with clearly recognizable, well preserved corals, and the second facies with crushed coral fragments. In both facies the corals are embedded in a homogenous matrix. Different facies could also be defined in the intervals containing little or no corals. For example, a homogenous facies with bioturbations and/or cracks. Also an important observation is the resence of pyrite which appears in all cores at a certain depth. Sometimes the pyrite could be observed in bioturbations or inside the corals.Besides that also the percentage of corals in these gravity cores were quantified using the “Morpho+” software, which was developed at the UGCT (Centre for X-ray Tomography, Ghent University, Belgium). Based on these results, a clear difference can be noticed between the four mounds. On Conger cliff, corals were only observed in the upper 34 cm while in the other locations corals can be found throughout the entire core with significant variations in the amount of corals.Finally, it was possible to identify different species of cold-water corals, namely Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata, Desmophyllum cristagalli and Dendrophyllia. In conjunction with dating and palaeoenvironmental analyses of the corals and the sediment matrix, this can yield valuable information about the build-up of these cold-water coral mounds in the El Arraiche mud volcano field and the palaeoenvironmental characteristics at the time the corals were living

    A computational procedure for functional characterization of potential marker genes from molecular data: Alzheimer's as a case study

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    Abstract Background A molecular characterization of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the key to the identification of altered gene sets that lead to AD progression. We rely on the assumption that candidate marker genes for a given disease belong to specific pathogenic pathways, and we aim at unveiling those pathways stable across tissues, treatments and measurement systems. In this context, we analyzed three heterogeneous datasets, two microarray gene expression sets and one protein abundance set, applying a recently proposed feature selection method based on regularization. Results For each dataset we identified a signature that was successively evaluated both from the computational and functional characterization viewpoints, estimating the classification error and retrieving the most relevant biological knowledge from different repositories. Each signature includes genes already known to be related to AD and genes that are likely to be involved in the pathogenesis or in the disease progression. The integrated analysis revealed a meaningful overlap at the functional level. Conclusions The identification of three gene signatures showing a relevant overlap of pathways and ontologies, increases the likelihood of finding potential marker genes for AD.</p

    Debating the Desirability of New Biomedical Technologies: Lessons from the Introduction of Breast Cancer Screening in the Netherlands

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    Health technology assessment (HTA) was developed in the 1970s and 1980s to facilitate decision making on the desirability of new biomedical technologies. Since then, many of the standard tools and methods of HTA have been criticized for their implicit normativity. At the same time research into the character of technology in practice has motivated philosophers, sociologists and anthropologists to criticize the traditional view of technology as a neutral instrument designed to perform a specific function. Such research suggests that the tools and methods of more traditional forms of HTA are often inspired by an ‘instrumentalist’ conception of technology that does not fit the way technology actually works. This paper explores this hypothesis for a specific case: the assessments and deliberations leading to the introduction of breast cancer screening in the Netherlands. After reconstructing this history of HTA ‘in the making’ the stepwise model of HTA that emerged during the process is discussed. This model was rooted indeed in an instrumentalist conception of technology. However, a more detailed reconstruction of several episodes from this history reveals how the actors already experienced the inadequacy of some of the instrumentalist presuppositions. The historical case thus shows how an instrumentalist conception of technology may result in implicit normative effects. The paper concludes that an instrumentalist view of technology is not a good starting point for HTA and briefly suggests how the fit between HTA methods and the actual character of technology in practice might be improved

    "This does my head in". Ethnographic study of self-management by people with diabetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Self-management is rarely studied 'in the wild'. We sought to produce a richer understanding of how people live with diabetes and why self-management is challenging for some.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Ethnographic study supplemented with background documents on social context. We studied a socio-economically and ethnically diverse UK population. We sampled 30 people with diabetes (15 type 1, 15 type 2) by snowballing from patient groups, community contacts and NHS clinics. Participants (aged 5-88, from a range of ethnic and socio-economic groups) were shadowed at home and in the community for 2-4 periods of several hours (total 88 visits, 230 hours); interviewed (sometimes with a family member or carer) about their self-management efforts and support needs; and taken out for a meal. Detailed field notes were made and annotated. Data analysis was informed by structuration theory, which assumes that individuals' actions and choices depend on their dispositions and capabilities, which in turn are shaped and constrained (though not entirely determined) by wider social structures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Self-management comprised both practical and cognitive tasks (e.g. self-monitoring, menu planning, medication adjustment) and socio-emotional ones (e.g. coping with illness, managing relatives' input, negotiating access to services or resources). Self-management was hard work, and was enabled or constrained by economic, material and socio-cultural conditions within the family, workplace and community. Some people managed their diabetes skilfully and flexibly, drawing on personal capabilities, family and social networks and the healthcare system. For others, capacity to self-manage (including overcoming economic and socio-cultural constraints) was limited by co-morbidity, cognitive ability, psychological factors (e.g. under-confidence, denial) and social capital. The consequences of self-management efforts strongly influenced people's capacity and motivation to continue them.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Self-management of diabetes is physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially demanding. Non-engagement with self-management may make sense in the context of low personal resources (e.g. health literacy, resilience) and overwhelming personal, family and social circumstances. Success of self-management as a policy solution will be affected by interacting influences at three levels: [a] at micro level by individuals' dispositions and capabilities; [b] at meso level by roles, relationships and material conditions within the family and in the workplace, school and healthcare organisation; and [c] at macro level by prevailing economic conditions, cultural norms and expectations, and the underpinning logic of the healthcare system. We propose that the research agenda on living with diabetes be extended and the political economy of self-management systematically studied.</p