9 research outputs found

    Examination of an in-vitro methodology to evaluate the biomechanical performance of nucleus augmentation in axial compression

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    Intervertebral disc degeneration is one of the leading causes of back pain, but treatment options remain limited. Recently, there have been advances in the development of biomaterials for nucleus augmentation; however, the testing of such materials preclinically has proved challenging. The aim of this study was to develop methods for fabricating and testing bone-disc-bone specimens in vitro for examining the performance of nucleus augmentation procedures. Control, nucleotomy and treated intervertebral disc specimens were fabricated and tested under static load. The nucleus was removed from nucleotomy specimens using a trans-endplate approach with a bone plug used to restore bony integrity. Specimen-specific finite element models were developed to elucidate the reasons for the variations observed between control specimens. Although the computational models predicted a statistically significant difference between the healthy and nucleotomy groups, the differences found experimentally were not significantly different. This is likely due to variations in the material properties, hydration and level of annular collapse. The deformation of the bone was also found to be non-negligible. The study provides a framework for the development of testing protocols for nucleus augmentation materials and highlights the need to control disc hydration and the length of bone retained to reduce inter-specimen variability

    Subject-specific multi-validation of a Finite Element model of ovine cervical functional spinal units

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    The complex motion and geometry of the spine in the cervical region makes it difficult to determine how loads are distributed through adjacent vertebrae or between the zygapophysial (facet) joints and the intervertebral disc. Validated finite element modes can give insight on this distribution. The aim of this contribution was to produce direct validation of subject-specific finite element models of Functional Spinal Units (FSU’s) of the cervical spine and to evaluate the importance of including fibre directionality in the mechanical description of the annulus fibrosus. Eight specimens of cervical FSU’s were prepared from five ovine spines and mechanically tested in axial compression monitoring overall load and displacements as well as local facet joints pressure and displacement. Subject-specific finite element models were produced from microCT image data reproducing the experimental setup and measuring global axial force and displacement as well as local facet joints displacement and contact forces. Material models and parameters were taken from the literature, testing isotropic and anisotropic materials for the annulus fibrosus. The validated models showed that adding the direction of the fibres to their non-linear behaviour in the description of the annulus fibrosus improves the predictions at large strain values but not at low strain values. The load transferred through the facet joints was always accurate, irrespective of the annulus material model, while the predicted facet displacement was larger than the measured one but not significantly. This is, to the authors’ knowledge, the first subject-specific direct validation study on a group of specimens, accounting for inter-subject variability

    Development of calcium phosphate cement for the augmentation of traumatically fractured porcine specimens using vertebroplasty

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    AbstractThe study aim was to develop and apply an experimental technique to determine the biomechanical effect of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and calcium phosphate (CaP) cement on the stiffness and strength of augmented vertebrae following traumatic fracture. Twelve burst type fractures were generated in porcine three-vertebra segments. The specimens were randomly split into two groups (n=6), imaged using microCT and tested under axial loading. The two groups of fractured specimens underwent a vertebroplasty procedure, one group was augmented with CaP cement designed and developed at Queen's University Belfast. The other group was augmented with PMMA cement (WHW Plastics, Hull, UK). The specimens were imaged and re-tested . An intact single vertebra specimen group (n=12) was also imaged and tested under axial loading. A significant decrease (p<0.01) was found between the stiffness of the fractured and intact groups, demonstrating that the fractures generated were sufficiently severe, to adversely affect mechanical behaviour. Significant increase (p<0.01) in failure load was found for the specimen group augmented with the PMMA cement compared to the pre-augmentation group, conversely, no significant increase (p<0.01) was found in the failure load of the specimens augmented with CaP cement, this is attributed to the significantly (p<0.05) lower volume of CaP cement that was successfully injected into the fracture, compared to the PMMA cement. The effect of the percentage of cement fracture fill, cement modulus on the specimen stiffness and ultimate failure load could be investigated further by using the methods developed within this study to test a more injectable CaP cement

    Deconstructing and reconstructing nature: testing positive biodiversity effects as found in experiments, in controlled as well as restoration-relevant settings

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    The aim of the study was to use a computational and experimental approach to evaluate, compare and predict the ability of calcium phosphate (CaP) and poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) augmentation cements to restore mechanical stability to traumatically fractured vertebrae, following a vertebroplasty procedure. Traumatic fractures (n = 17) were generated in a series of porcine vertebrae using a drop-weight method. The fractured vertebrae were imaged using μCT and tested under axial compression. Twelve of the fractured vertebrae were randomly selected to undergo a vertebroplasty procedure using either a PMMA (n = 6) or a CaP cement variation (n = 6). The specimens were imaged using μCT and re-tested. Finite element models of the fractured and augmented vertebrae were generated from the μCT data and used to compare the effect of fracture void fill with augmented specimen stiffness. Significant increases (p < 0.05) in failure load were found for both of the augmented specimen groups compared to the fractured group. The experimental and computational results indicated that neither the CaP cement nor PMMA cement could completely restore the vertebral mechanical behavior to the intact level. The effectiveness of the procedure appeared to be more influenced by the volume of fracture filled rather than by the mechanical properties of the cement itself

    Development of calcium phosphate cement for the augmentation of traumatically fractured porcine specimens using vertebroplasty

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    The study aim was to develop and apply an experimental technique to determine the biomechanical effect of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and calcium phosphate (CaP) cement on the stiffness and strength of augmented vertebrae following traumatic fracture. Twelve burst type fractures were generated in porcine three-vertebra segments. The specimens were randomly split into two groups (n=6), imaged using microCT and tested under axial loading. The two groups of fractured specimens underwent a vertebroplasty procedure, one group was augmented with CaP cement designed and developed at Queen's University Belfast. The other group was augmented with PMMA cement (WHW Plastics, Hull, UK). The specimens were imaged and re-tested . An intact single vertebra specimen group (n=12) was also imaged and tested under axial loading. A significant decrease (p&lt;0.01) was found between the stiffness of the fractured and intact groups, demonstrating that the fractures generated were sufficiently severe, to adversely affect mechanical behaviour. Significant increase (p&lt;0.01) in failure load was found for the specimen group augmented with the PMMA cement compared to the pre-augmentation group, conversely, no significant increase (p&lt;0.01) was found in the failure load of the specimens augmented with CaP cement, this is attributed to the significantly (p&lt;0.05) lower volume of CaP cement that was successfully injected into the fracture, compared to the PMMA cement. The effect of the percentage of cement fracture fill, cement modulus on the specimen stiffness and ultimate failure load could be investigated further by using the methods developed within this study to test a more injectable CaP cement.<br/

    Dynamics of interpedicular widening in spinal burst fractures: an in vitro investigation.

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    BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Spinal burst fractures are a significant cause of spinal instability and neurologic impairment. Although evidence suggests that the neurologic trauma arises during the dynamic phase of fracture, the biomechanics underpinning the phenomenon has yet to be fully explained. Interpedicular widening (IPW) is a distinctive feature of the fracture but, despite the association with the occurrence of neurologic deficit, little is known about its biomechanics. PURPOSE: To provide a comprehensive in vitro study on spinal burst fracture, with special attention on the dynamics of IPW. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental measurements in combination with computed tomography scanning were used to quantitatively investigate the biomechanics of burst fracture in a cadaveric model. METHODS: Twelve human three-adjacent-vertebra segments were tested to induce burst fracture. Impact was delivered through a drop-weight tower, whereas IPW was continuously recorded by two displacement transducers. Computed tomography scanning aided quantifying canal occlusion (CO) and evaluating sample anatomy and fracture appearance. Two levels of energy were delivered to two groups: high energy (HE) and low energy (LE). RESULTS: No difference was found between HE and LE in terms of the residual IPW (ie, post-fracture), maximum IPW, or CO (median 20.2%). Whereas IPW was not found to be correlated with CO, a moderate correlation was found between the maximum and the residual IPW. At the fracture onset, IPW reached a maximum median value of 15.8% in approximately 20 to 25 milliseconds. After the transient phase, the pedicles were recoiled to a median residual IPW of 4.9%. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides for the first time insight on how IPW actually evolves during the fracture onset. In addition, our results may help shedding more light on the mechanical initiation of the fracture